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Chronos quests

Chronos quests

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7 июнь 2018, 09:4307.06.18

Chronos quests

Well you have **** in your own nest Plarium.

Coming into today I had busted a gut and was on 22 of the required 25 daily quests and feeling confident I could get 3 quests done today.

That was before you changed the gameplay - i only got 2 quests to do today - in the 2 or 3 months that we have been getting chronos quests, this was the only time I have seen only 2 quests as a target.

We are all sick of the profit motive evident by the endless bombardment of offers, expensive new items and incitements to recruit new players but this was a completely un-necessary change.

The end result you have achieved with this move - is that none of my cities will EVER spend another cent on your games ever again - which probably means within a few weeks or months I will join the growing exodus of players voting with their feet and leaving.

8 июнь 2018, 05:1208.06.18

Several of my coalition members tell me they had only received one daily chronos quest

I am included in this group. Only one today.

Why give us missions that we can not finish.  I am expected to do 30 in a week.

when you fail on the week long ones - you will probably fail on monthly one

8 июнь 2018, 06:1708.06.18
8 июнь 2018, 14:53(отредактировано)
My players had the same problem and we were discussing the same thing, many will not be able to do the weekely or monthly.
8 июнь 2018, 07:4808.06.18

Yep - only 1 daily chronos quest for me and others in the coalition.

I agree with Agesofman - it's a bit of 'death by a thousand cuts' with these issues. Individually, they might not seem like much but collectively they erode the desire to play.

And yes - no more $$ from me. 
9 июнь 2018, 08:3009.06.18

this has been posted on facebook by Dimitri, I have copied and pasted here for you 

"Archons, we have an update for you regarding Chronos Quests.

Many of you received only 3 Quests instead of 5-6 you are used to. And here is why.

As you may know, we have several different packs of Quests available to players of different Levels. Some of the Quests in these packs can't be completed by players because of different factors. For example, you can't complete the Quest to Sign/Upgrade Agreements if you have already upgraded all of them.

Now this factor is taken into account and when you receive a pack that contains Quests that you can't complete, these Quests won't be displayed in the list.

Unfortunately, this makes it harder to complete Weekly/Monthly Quests where the number of Daily Quests that you have to complete wasn't changed. We forwarded this to the Devs and will post an update on the matter once we have it."

9 июнь 2018, 16:2009.06.18
Drag-Theseus said:

,,Activate dominion'' questfor example too, if your Dominion is off, thenn you will get this quest, if Dominion is activated, then you will not get this quest and there is no replacement. 

10 июнь 2018, 02:5010.06.18
if your dominion is on already, this quest should be automatically filled......to discount it and not show it is pretty silly
10 июнь 2018, 05:3510.06.18

morteeee said:

this has been posted on facebook by Dimitri, I have copied and pasted here for you 

"Archons, we have an update for you regarding Chronos Quests.

Many of you received only 3 Quests instead of 5-6 you are used to. And here is why.

As you may know, we have several different packs of Quests available to players of different Levels. Some of the Quests in these packs can't be completed by players because of different factors. For example, you can't complete the Quest to Sign/Upgrade Agreements if you have already upgraded all of them.

Now this factor is taken into account and when you receive a pack that contains Quests that you can't complete, these Quests won't be displayed in the list.

Unfortunately, this makes it harder to complete Weekly/Monthly Quests where the number of Daily Quests that you have to complete wasn't changed. We forwarded this to the Devs and will post an update on the matter once we have it."

thanks morteeee

I wonder if he knows that we are getting one quest here in the pc servers - not 3

Now that they dropped the "Online Chat"  I feel that we can not contact Dimitri anymore

Most threads do not seem to be read on a regular basis

(at least they are not responded to at all)

10 июнь 2018, 08:2110.06.18
just one question: how can a player complete 30 daily daily chrono quests as required in the weekly chrono quests, when he or she is only receiving  4 daily chrono quest to complete....do the math people.... 
10 июнь 2018, 09:2110.06.18
10 июнь 2018, 09:25(отредактировано)

i have the feeling that math is not the strongest of the person that desings all this... or i wonder if they know the game or have ever play it...

complete 30 quests in a week.... ok lets do the maths .... we need minimum 4 obligatory so they are 7x4 =28 and at leat 2 days 5 ... so we can get the 30 if we do all of them

now explain to us how do we get them if we get 3 or 1...

sometimes visuals help to understand the problem if language is a barrier...

10 июнь 2018, 10:5210.06.18
not just math, but a basic desire to not stiff the user...its time they made decisions in favor of the players not the other way...stop acting like we are stealing your pennies
10 июнь 2018, 13:2810.06.18
Drag-Theseus said:

Hellion6 said:

if your dominion is on already, this quest should be automatically filled......to discount it and not show it is pretty silly
Key word is ,,Should'' , but it's not..
Yes key word is should, and it should be so...to have it not is just another insult,,,,and having to do 30 quests now is totally absurd....who ever is making these decisions is in another world
11 июнь 2018, 00:1911.06.18

A second day this week with one chronos quest.

Others get 5 or 6

i suspect palarium is truly trying to make the game dis balanced for some people.

Some get moved to the new server - where lag is so bad you can not acropolis your troops or use the galley tricks when raiding

Some get vip status

Some get better drachma packs

Some get one chronos quest while others get 6

What did i do to get on Palariums kill list?

I spend money of this stupid game.

11 июнь 2018, 03:5411.06.18

I have a similar trouble.

I used to get 5 on even days, 4 on odd days.

It looks like every other day will be a single quest now.

11 июнь 2018, 11:1311.06.18
Just as an update, I am passing a reminder about this issue to the Devs today in the regular report. Given the situation, I and other Community Managers will be pushing for an appropriate adjustment to be made ASAP. Once there is more information there will be either a post in the News section or in one of the appropriate threads.
12 июнь 2018, 12:0712.06.18
As of this update: Weekly Chronos Quests will be decreased from 30 to 25, but be advised that the change will take effect when the Quests reset next time, so approximately in two days. Monthly Chronos Quest requirements will be dropped from 120 to 100.
12 июнь 2018, 13:2412.06.18
12 июнь 2018, 17:27(отредактировано)

still dificult to get 25 week chronos quests if you get in seven days a couple of one quest per day.... add the numbers and you will see how it does nto work

the same with the monthly.... 
12 июнь 2018, 15:4012.06.18

20 ?

i always get 30 ... and i seem to get a single chronos quest every other day

and 5 is the best i have ever got - i envy the people that claim they get 6

(not sure if they are for real or just fibbing)
12 июнь 2018, 15:4912.06.18

Friends solved, the last update has corrected the problem and now it will be mathematically possible to fulfill the mission of weekly cronos. For questions that the week has already begun this will be possible in the next week

12 июнь 2018, 17:2612.06.18

elias, if you get only one quest or 3 quests instead of 4-5  .... there is no way you get it done... 

unless they do a normal frecuency of quests (4-5 daily) .... problem is not solved

12 июнь 2018, 17:2812.06.18

johnny730 said:

20 ?

i always get 30 ... and i seem to get a single chronos quest every other day

and 5 is the best i have ever got - i envy the people that claim they get 6

(not sure if they are for real or just fibbing)

my mistake they said they downed to 25, my fat fingers wrote 20 ;-)

yes we all used to get 30 :)