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primus ordinis and roman enforcer?

primus ordinis and roman enforcer?

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7 июнь 2018, 12:4207.06.18

So summarizing a little what I read, this is similar to jerjes, a test of faith, it may be that those who accompany the champion or not die. Everything will depend on Mr. Plarium ......

7 июнь 2018, 12:5707.06.18

yep, useful in certain occasions, for certain kind of attacks for those that could afford all that  .... 

for the 95% of the players, does not look very optimal, price = gain/reward are not compensated as we see...

cheaper to revive that buying this units... or buuy more peonios/iberos
7 июнь 2018, 17:5907.06.18

the Iberians died very well and with grace, we will see these as they fall that I like to do tests lol

7 июнь 2018, 19:4107.06.18

Dimitri Molchanov said:

Got an update from Devs! Looks like the new Champions do indeed have lower priority in this case, this was done because they support 3 Unit Types that can be taken into their group, which is the highest among others. 

dimitri, we have a doubt, maybe you can confirm it...

if we go with a primus and 30 agemas and all die, has the dead champion its active ability so we get 30 free promachos?

thanks in advance

8 июнь 2018, 10:5808.06.18
Fortuna said:

dimitri, we have a doubt, maybe you can confirm it...

if we go with a primus and 30 agemas and all die, has the dead champion its active ability so we get 30 free promachos?

thanks in advance

I believe that you will still get the extra Units, yes.
8 июнь 2018, 11:5308.06.18

Dimitri Molchanov said:

Fortuna said:

dimitri, we have a doubt, maybe you can confirm it...

if we go with a primus and 30 agemas and all die, has the dead champion its active ability so we get 30 free promachos?

thanks in advance

I believe that you will still get the extra Units, yes.

If i sent to battle one Primus  and 30 Agemas and 29 Agemas die will Primus Units Survive ?

When these units die ?

What devs believe ?

Can we use them at Positions or only for PvP ?

How is the cost of each unit in drachmas ?

Can we buy them in future at the Market using drachmas or only in Packet Offers with Real Money ?

8 июнь 2018, 15:1608.06.18
8 июнь 2018, 16:42(отредактировано)

weird, I sent 1000 agemas and 1 primus at a persian position, I clear the position and lost 8 agemas in the attack.  I check the infirmary and I got no free units.  Is the new champion work as intended here?  Do they even work with persian position?

Edit: Ok It work with persians, and after testing bigger amount of units and suffer greater lost, I get back some low tier units for free. From observations, it seem these champion units take less precedence over other champions and the free units in the infirmary is  a ratio of lost compare to overall.  The ratio will probably get bigger if you sent more primus but you also risk losing them to position unless you do precise math to force no lost on champions.
8 июнь 2018, 17:0908.06.18

lancelot2141980 said:

weird, I sent 1000 agemas and 1 primus at a persian position, I clear the position and lost 28 agemas in the attack.  I check the infirmary and I got no free units.  Is the new champion work as intended here?  Do they even work with persian position?

the answer :

1 primus benefits and benefits from only 30 of those 1000 horses, surely the fallen ones are from the group of 970 without bonuses that are weaker and therefore do not benefit from resurrection.

The tests have to be done with the right troop, 30 soldiers for each Primus.

11 июнь 2018, 10:5911.06.18


If i sent to battle one Primus  and 30 Agemas and 29 Agemas die will Primus Units Survive ?

When these units die ?

What devs believe ?

Can we use them at Positions or only for PvP ?

How is the cost of each unit in drachmas ?

Can we buy them in future at the Market using drachmas or only in Packet Offers with Real Money ?


1) Depends on the battle, if the enemy is powerful enough Primus may fall as well, or he may survive.

2) You can use them for Positions as well.

3) I am not aware about the cost in Drachmas that will be put in place if they become available on the Market Directly.

4) For now they will be available through Tournament rewards and Special Offers.
22 июнь 2018, 08:1822.06.18
22 июнь 2018, 14:31(отредактировано)

These champions are expencive to revive. Got to be careful when we use them. 2920 drachmas at regular price, 1460 if 75% revival would be on.

My advice: use them only when you are sure of your win, when you are sure you'll loose less than 33% of units in battle to be sure these champions won't die.

22 июнь 2018, 09:3622.06.18
misotisa said:

These champions are expencive to revive. Got to be careful when we use them. 2920 drachmas at regular price, 1460 if 75% revival would be n.

My advice: use them only when you are sure of your win, when you are sure you'll loose less than 33% of units in battle to be sure these champions won't die.

Thanks a lot for posting this recommendation 
26 июнь 2018, 08:3126.06.18

Example of how Primus Ordinis works on Persian Position: