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primus ordinis and roman enforcer?

primus ordinis and roman enforcer?

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1 июнь 2018, 12:3701.06.18

primus ordinis and roman enforcer?

what are primus ordinis and the roman enforcers? 

i am in glorius valley of plarium.com 

2 июнь 2018, 15:2202.06.18

thanks for the answer :) lets see if someone know this units

2 июнь 2018, 17:2002.06.18

I think the answer will be known to all of us at the same time, as we connect.

There is no advance of type or characteristics

3 июнь 2018, 22:0103.06.18
stab in the dark......... only available on facebook ????
4 июнь 2018, 09:2104.06.18
These will be the new Units released in honour of the anniversary  They should be available across all our platforms.
4 июнь 2018, 19:3904.06.18
can we ask if they are only units to buy with dracmas, or euros/dollars?  because i guess they will not be with resources or denarios.... correct me if i am wrong, but all new units lately are "money units", i would love to be wrong and plarium is finally doing something for normal players :)
5 июнь 2018, 09:0105.06.18
Can't reveal too many specific details yet, but from what I know, these will be Champion Units and thus will not be available for Recruitment along with the common Troops.
6 июнь 2018, 19:0206.06.18
now we got ONE unit for free... can you give more details of what they actually do in infirmary?
6 июнь 2018, 21:5106.06.18
6 июнь 2018, 21:52(отредактировано)

A unit that does something in the infirmary ???? What ???

7 июнь 2018, 08:1807.06.18

ricardo the new champions apart of being champs they have special abitity in infirmary, but the info in game is quite general and not very clear, that why i asked for specifics if they can help, so people do not misunderstood the new unit thinking that they will get free units everytime they use it...

the more clear info we have to understand the unit, the less people will come to forum to complain if at the end the unit does not do what we think it does...

ricardo, no siempre añade unidades a enfermeria como dice, por eso pregunto que expliquen en que casos se dan estas circunstancias, asi se evitan malentendidos en su uso :)
7 июнь 2018, 08:3407.06.18

It's simple enough. When you lose a specific type of Units that have been in the Champion's "support group" (outside your City), the Units that you lost go into the Infirmary as usual. BUT. In addition to that you also get the same number of Units of a lower class in the free Infirmary - you can see which Units you get on the picture.

So let's say you had your Roman Enforcer and 10 Cretan Archers somewhere on a Pantheon. It gets attacked, you lose all Units. The Roman Enforces and 7 Cretan Archers go to the Infirmary (for Drachma) as usual, but in addition to that, you get 10 Numidian Archers in your free Infirmary at the same time.

7 июнь 2018, 08:3707.06.18
7 июнь 2018, 08:51(отредактировано)

are you sure? because our tests indicates that is not that simple and if there are other champions involve it does nto work that way, thats why i asked clarification as with the info of the game (what you just said) its incomplate or not working that way

could you please clarify with developers that is exactily as  you say? if so, its not working properly

also, how do you make sure which units are in the support group if other champs are involve? 

 hope you understand that all this questions and doubts are to improve the game, the more info we have the better we can enjoy the game, knowing the rules :)

7 июнь 2018, 10:0207.06.18
Enforcer and Primus should take precedence over other Champions as they are more powerful than the rest. As with other Champions, their icons will light up with an "aura" (check in the War Council tab) when they have a Support Group with them. Remember that only 30 Units can enter the Champion's Support Group and if none of them die, you will not receive their replacement in the free Infirmary. I've run a number of tests and everything appears to be working well for me.
7 июнь 2018, 10:1707.06.18
ok, its good to know they take preference, but in that case they are giving trouble as in some tests are not working as you said.
7 июнь 2018, 10:3907.06.18
Let's say you send a Primus and a 100 Agema Horsemen. Out of those 100, there will be 30 that go directly with Primus. The battle is done, and you lose, say, 25 Agema from the main bulk of 70 and 6 from the group of 30 that went into Primus' Support Group. You will only get 6 free Units in the Infirmary because only 6 Units of the Support group died. The 25 Agema that were not attached to the Primus will be subject to the usual rules.
7 июнь 2018, 10:4807.06.18
7 июнь 2018, 10:50(отредактировано)

first of all, as you can see in te photo it does not take priority

please, i would not ask or say it does not work as you say, if i had not tested previously, not only myself, my team. my team allways tests  all so we give right info to our players.
7 июнь 2018, 11:2507.06.18
Curious. I'll double-check if this is intentional or a bug.
7 июнь 2018, 11:3007.06.18
7 июнь 2018, 12:01(отредактировано)

thanks, if you need any tests i can pass you my skype to make it more fluid the commmunications, we are ehre to help eachother :)

if it does not prioritise, you can loose units as you have no control making the champ not that useful unit.

if it does not have the control of the free units, reviving + another champ ccould be cheaper or more optimal ... 
7 июнь 2018, 12:0207.06.18
Got an update from Devs! Looks like the new Champions do indeed have lower priority in this case, this was done because they support 3 Unit Types that can be taken into their group, which is the highest among others. 
7 июнь 2018, 12:1007.06.18

i imagened as this way you revive less units and less value ones... plarium is not silly lol  but in that case it not that good unit.

only in very determinate occasions is worth its posible value.

a pitty :(

7 июнь 2018, 12:3207.06.18
These new champions' armour is so shiny I need to wear two pairs of sunglasses to look at them