when you are fighting someone and you propose for peace if he denies ,,,it means keep fighting??i guess.. i cannot understand when is the wrong here,,we two fighting if i tell you want peace or we keep fighting where is the huge mistake and bully or whatever??he did the first step and came to ask you and you grabbed the word fighting to drop down the proposal ...am i wrong or i don t understand well?CU MrGreeDy said:
Time is Ticking said:
Ok since you want facts i will give you facts.CU MrGreeDy said:
xmmm i like that you say corner club ...hobs have started to attack with all the family non stop the ao pantheons ..ao was in the corner club back then ,,titans ao nords cu ,,and for a small period parabbelluum also ...so all these attack hobs,,but you are all united now towards cu? :D :D ..REmind me please the damage that did nords to hob and cu to hob ...i am playing 5 years this game and i know his full history ,,,also i am not jumping from coa to coa ,,,it s something they call loualy ..i have been in cu and ao ...continue please to remind me the crimes of cu and gemix,,i am all ears,,BY the way when this aggreement wa done,,,was rotterdam leader of hob or alaric?? ....you bring back rott and you start hitting everything and you expected that noone will touch you ..Then you speak for bulliesYes its true Gemix offers truce and peace with Titans300 but is that all you know? Is that all Gemix tells all his leaders? Titans300 did not accept the peace/truce offer of Gemix because thats not his true intention.
guys if you wanna talk ..talk directly and with facts..don t throw words in the air ...when gem asked for peace cause it was a desicion in ldr chat we all together said to stop the war ,,there was none intention behind,,but i would like to hear your theory
This is Gemix opening statement when we met in a meeting. if he is true with the intention for peace why he offers fighting first before peace. it is not how it should be for me when you are asking for peace. Theres a saying, Dont bring a gasoline when putting out the fire.on histhen when i commented on his opening remarks, he is accussing me for turning whatsoever. Am I?its because of his bad english, it was my fault not to understand what he said. It is very clear he offers fighting first before he offers peace.