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Patch Notes (05.01.23) Update 6.40.0

Patch Notes (05.01.23) Update 6.40.0

Plarium Points Program, Champion rebalance, and more!

We’ve got some awesome new ways for you to get cool rewards with the Plarium Points Program and new Chests, as well as Champion balance changes and some other updates and fixes. Let’s dive into everything coming to Raid with version 6.40.0:

Plarium Points Program

The Plarium Points Program is a feature where you can earn Plarium Points and unlock great rewards. The more Points you have, the more rewards you can get.

The Program consists of 3 Cards at a time. Each of these Cards contains slots, and each slot has a reward which you get once you have earned a certain number of Plarium Points, similar to rewards earned by gaining Campaign Stars.

Among the rewards are Searsha the Charred, a Legendary Sylvan Watchers Champion, as well as Artifacts & Accessories for her, Perfect and Split Souls to Awaken her, Artifact Ascension Oils, Awakening items, XP & Rank Up items, and other useful goodies.

Searsha the Charred

Rarity: Legendary

Type: Support

Affinity: Force

Faction: Sylvan Watchers

Note: you can only get Searsha the Charred via the Plarium Points Program, you will not be able to summon her from Shards.

You can earn Plarium Points by:

- taking part in or completing select in-game activities (like different Events and Tournaments)

- claiming Playtime Rewards

- completing Advanced Quests

- purchasing select offers

New type of reward

We’re adding 5 tiers of Chests to the game:

- Bronze Chest

- Silver Chest

- Gold Chest

- Platinum Chest

- Diamond Chest

You can earn them in various Events and Tournaments. Each of them can drop one kind of item, randomly chosen from a predetermined reward pool. The higher the tier of a Chest, the better the reward in it. You can earn Silver, Gems, Shards, Skill Tomes, and more from different tiers of Chests, so keep an eye out for them!

Change the order of the teams on Tag Team Arena

We are adding the ability to change the order of the teams in Tag Team Arena by hitting the arrow buttons. Also you can clear all the Champion slots by tapping the trash button.

Added the Stop Multi-Battle button to the Pause window

We have introduced the ability to stop a Multi-Battle sequence without immediately ending the current battle. You can now stop your Multi-Battle sequence after the current battle finishes by hitting the “Stop Multi-Battle” button in the Pause window. Alternatively, you can still hit the “Turn Off Multi-Battle” button on the results screen to finish a Multi-Battle sequence, or select the “End Current Battle” button in the Pause window to immediately end a Battle.

Champion Rebalance

Cillian the Lucky

[Skill 2 – Inflict Misfortune]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has an 85% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 4 turns. Also has a 35% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff on all other enemies for 1 turn.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Has an 85% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns.

- Damage multiplier decreased.

- Cooldown changed: Cooldown increased from 3 to 4 turns.

[Skill 3 – Head Ringer]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. Has a 25% chance of placing the [Stun] debuff for 2 turns instead and stealing 50% of the target's current Turn Meter. Resets the cooldown of this Skill if the target is killed.

New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 2 turns and stealing 50% of the target's current Turn Meter. Resets the cooldown of this Skill if the target is killed.

[Skill 4 – Charmed Life [P]]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Places one of the following buffs on this Champion for 2 turns at the start of each turn: a 50% [Increase ATK] buff, a 30% [Increase C. DMG] buff, a 30% [Increase C. RATE] buff, a 25% [Strengthen] buff, or a [Block Damage] buff.

New version: Places two of the following buffs on this Champion for 2 turns at the start of each turn: a 50% [Increase ATK] buff, a 30% [Increase C. DMG] buff, a 30% [Increase C. RATE] buff, a 25% [Strengthen] buff, a [Block Damage] buff, or a 50% [Increase ACC] buff.


[Skill 2 – Honored Ancient]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Removes all [Provoke] debuffs and 1 random debuff from all allies. Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff for 2 turns on allies who have debuffs removed. Also places a [Shield] buff on all allies equal to 20% of this Champion's MAX HP for 2 turns.

New version: Removes all [Provoke] debuffs and 1 random debuff from all allies. Places a 60% [Increase DEF] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Also places a [Shield] buff on all allies for 2 turns equal to 20% of this Champion's MAX HP.

[Skill 3 – Crushing Trample]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks all enemies. Removes 1 random buff from each enemy. Has a 75% chance of removing 2 random buffs from each enemy. Places a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 3 turns on enemies who have 1 or more buffs removed. Also places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns on enemies who have 2 buffs removed.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Removes 1 random buff from each enemy. Has a 75% chance of removing 2 random buffs from each enemy. Also has a 75% chance of placing a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff and a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.

- Skill Tome upgrades changed.

Old version:

Lvl. 2 Damage +5%

Lvl. 3 Damage +5%

Lvl. 4 Damage +10%

Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1

Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1

New version:

Lvl. 2 Damage +20%

Lvl. 3 Effect chance +10%

Lvl. 4 Effect chance +15%

Lvl. 5 Cooldown -1

Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1

Teela Goremane

[Skill 2 – Pyre Strike]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

- Skill Tome upgrades changed.

Old version:

Level 2: Damage +5%

Level 3: Damage +5%

Level 4: Damage +10%

Level 5: Damage +10%

New version:

Level 2: Damage +10%

Level 3: Damage +20%

Level 4: Effect chance +10%

Level 5: Effect chance +15%

- Damage multiplier decreased.

[Ascended skill 2 - Pyre Strike]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

Also places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.

Also places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

- Skill Tome upgrades changed.

Old version:

Level 2: Damage +5%

Level 3: Damage +5%

Level 4: Damage +10%

Level 5: Damage +10%

New version:

Level 2: Damage +10%

Level 3: Damage +20%

Level 4: Effect chance +10%

Level 5: Effect chance +15%

- Damage multiplier decreased.

[Skill 3 – Life Worm]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has an 85% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff and a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Has an 85% chance of increasing the duration of all [HP Burn] debuffs on all enemies by 1 turn.

Also has an 85% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff and a [Hex] debuff for 2 turns.

Other changes and battle fixes

  1. Fixed a visual bug that caused the icon of Arena Tiers in the Battle result window to display incorrectly.
  2. Fixed a visual bug that caused the Lightning Cage Blessing to show more stacks than is possible for this Blessing. The bug also did not display Lightning Orbs around Champions.
  3. Fixed a bug that caused the Iron Twins’ Retaliatory Launch skill to trigger when Duchess Lilitu used her Abyssal Invocation skill, while Underpriest Brogni has already used his Resilient Glow skill.
  4. Fixed a bug that allowed players to add the same Champion twice to a Saved Team Preset.
  5. Fixed a bug that resulted in Mirror Copies of all enemies going first when the Intimidating Presence Blessing was activated during battles with Astranyx the Dark Fae.
  6. Fixed a visual bug that caused a Hydra-related notification to appear in the Champion Selection menu in Faction Wars, after removing a Champion from the Sparring Pit following them fighting the Hydra.
  7. Fixed a bug that caused a notification that you had earned Hero Coins to not appear when upgrading a Champion’s Rank.
  8. Added a red indicator to the Avatar in the Profile tab in the Settings window, when there is a new Avatar available.
  9. Added lock icons to unavailable Pass Avatars in the Profile tab in the Settings window when the Forge Pass is live.
  10. Fixed a visual bug that incorrectly displayed the effects of [Veil] and [Perfect Veil] buffs.
  11. Fixed a bug that caused Arena and Clan Boss battles to start on Auto after unchecking the “Start on Auto” box when choosing a Saved Team Preset.
  12. Fixed a visual bug that caused the [Perfect Veil] buff appearance to remain on Champions after the buff’s effect has ended.
  13. Fixed a bug that caused a notification about playing Auto-Battles in Manual to appear at the beginning of every Multi-Battle in the Doom Tower, when a Multi-Battle sequence was started on a Boss Floor.
  14. Fixed a bug that caused AI-Naemeh’s immunity to [Sleep] debuffs to trigger when Conellia placed on herself a [Sleep] debuff with her Revitalizing Rest skill.
  15. Fixed a bug that meant Al-Naemeh didn’t use his Dune Tempest and Feasting Swarm skills after an enemy fully depleted his Turn Meter and Al-Naemeh destroyed an enemy’s MAX HP by the same percentage.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! Don’t forget to let us know what you think of these changes.

5 янв. 2023, 13:4405.01.23
5 янв. 2023, 21:1905.01.23

So I paid for premium and bought a tablet to make it run better and now you decide that mobile customers are less important .well I can still take back the tablet, can take back premium. I only started playing for something to do with  my downtime, but I'm not buying a PC for a free game, there are plenty of them out there very similar and they can be run on a phone. I think this will lose a lot of players , but what would I know. Guess I'm not purchasing anything else, just going to find a  new game that won't discriminate be I don't have a PC. So going to finish out my premium as I look for a new 

5 янв. 2023, 23:1405.01.23

Love it best game out there 

6 янв. 2023, 01:4606.01.23

Waiting rewards plus the new code doesnt work :(

6 янв. 2023, 05:5106.01.23
6 янв. 2023, 05:56(отредактировано)

I honestly don't know why I'm spending the time to say this because it's obvious your Community Managers never directly address any of the concerns or criticisms your own community share with you... but this new currency could not be more of a slap in the face given the timing. You literally just released an article in which you boasted Raid generating over one BILLION in revenue, and your response to vocalizing that is to release another cash grab to suck money out of the community that made that accomplishment possible?

You could do something like simply balancing the out of date and excessively expensive energy and silver costs but why do that when you can force more packs down our throats? Plarium continues to prove that it is its own worst enemy in every way. This game could be so much larger and so much better if it was being ran by a company that expressed any interest in providing the community that has been loyal to them with genuinely impactful QOL upgrades to show that you care about making the game an enjoyable experience for all. 

Raid has obviously taken MANY ideas from Summoners War over the years, take a couple more, make it to where the economy and energy are abundant and people can actively play more, and make it to where all someone has to do to complete an event is just play the game and be active... stop trying to take every cent we have otherwise your brand will be ruined and your player base will abandon you. Any time I speak with another Raid player it is agreed that Raid's biggest issue is Plarium, which means eventually all a company has to do is provide a game that is 75% of the quality gameplay with 25% more QOL and you'll lose everything you have built up. 

6 янв. 2023, 09:1606.01.23

Bien batallando

6 янв. 2023, 10:1706.01.23

Ah yes the Events and Tournaments that never for the life of me get one of the prize positions 😴 (not that I bother too much with them recently) 

The Champion rebalances are nice, but could you PLEASE do something about Vrask's A2? It's legit worst ability in the game period; even Commons have better skills with more utility! You can turn it off permanently and don't miss out much if anything. It even makes you hesitant to use tomes on him out of fear they'll go there...

6 янв. 2023, 10:2006.01.23
6 янв. 2023, 10:21(отредактировано)

it says you can earn plarium points doing certain events etc,but all i see is points for spending money which by the way is stingy for the amounts you charge.and is there a time limit to get the points?i play raid for upto 10hrs a day on pc,i dont believe in playing games on a small screen like mobile phone that way the sound and graphics are much better.yours faithfully from a gamer of 40yrs

6 янв. 2023, 11:0706.01.23
fireball xl5

it says you can earn plarium points doing certain events etc,but all i see is points for spending money which by the way is stingy for the amounts you charge.and is there a time limit to get the points?i play raid for upto 10hrs a day on pc,i dont believe in playing games on a small screen like mobile phone that way the sound and graphics are much better.yours faithfully from a gamer of 40yrs

The advanced quests offer 3 pts daily . Although this  may only be available to Plarium play users....not sure , I however  use plarium play and  its on my advanced  daily quests along with  6 pts thru the daily time (login) in lower right  of screen. so 9 pts daily are the  ones I know about

6 янв. 2023, 13:2206.01.23


7 янв. 2023, 07:3107.01.23
Grabthars Hammer

I've worked out that it will take 22yrs to receive Searsha The Charred for non-pc owners using Plarium Points at 3pts per day and that's if we log into RAID every day throughout. I am currently 60 years old, so I feel the need to apologise in advance should I not be around to collect her

Nvm, this game will closing the door sooner before 22 years. So no matter how you want to try grab this "free" champ from daily playtime rewards, dead or alive . :D

7 янв. 2023, 14:5407.01.23

Will Ultimate Death Knight come back as a promo?

i missed him by 3 weeks and he's in almost every arena team

8 янв. 2023, 11:0308.01.23
8 янв. 2023, 11:42(отредактировано)

So my suggestions to make things better and more interesting :

- downsize the amount of energy needed to play the campaign battles 

- make swapping gear sets free or much cheaper 

- allow to earn experience points in Arena 

- allow uncommon champs to evolve to legendary, what's the point of having uncommons at lvl 4 or higher when they can't grow / learn new skills? 

- stop creating new valuta. Besides silver, energy, gems, soulstones, arena gold, artifact ascension now we also have to earn Plarium points. This is way too much over the top and makes for even more grinding and dull gaming experience. LESS IS ALWAYS MORE. 

- stop spamming over expensive deals 

- when leaving the Arena after another unfinished grind battle of plus 20min, one is so called defeated and loses points. This is unfair. It is a tie, and points should be rewarded evenly or no points lost when the battle went on for, let's say, 15min (preferably 10 or 12)

- fix this bug : in Arena, I encountered a top grind UDK with my own grind built UDK and my powerful Sigrid (Banner Lord) with "destroy" gear set. After half an hour of chewing up the opponent's hp, I noticed that his UDK defence bar was overlapping the red area of the HP bar. Which initially meant that this UDK was indestructible, even though Sigrid had eaten halfway through the HP bar. It just stalled. 

9 янв. 2023, 19:0909.01.23

Great game, good fun.

9 янв. 2023, 19:2209.01.23


9 янв. 2023, 23:2609.01.23

Created an account on this forum JUST to make sure devs understand how horrible this Points garbage is. Already bad enough with all the popups and useless ascending/souls BS, now this?!?! 

I'm now, never going to NEVER make another in game purchase, because to do so would mean it rewards this avarice and greed.

So you find the concept of getting small rewards back for your purchases so appalling you are going to quit making purchases? You'd rather keep getting nothing back for your purchases? Okay, cool. Makes good sense.  

9 янв. 2023, 23:3509.01.23

So you find the concept of getting small rewards back for your purchases so appalling you are going to quit making purchases? You'd rather keep getting nothing back for your purchases? Okay, cool. Makes good sense.  

bit dramatic, innit? 

"added value is bad" is certainly a take. 

10 янв. 2023, 00:1210.01.23

bit dramatic, innit? 

"added value is bad" is certainly a take. 

It's not just "added value is bad", it's that being able to earn "cash back" for spending is so terrible that someone wants to quit over it.

Even more so, you don't even have to make a purchase to get some of the "cash back rewards". You just get it from being a visitor to the game.... don't even have to be a customer. How is this not a benefit?

11 янв. 2023, 18:1911.01.23

Reading the comments and (for the most part) agree.  Too many types of currencies with no exchange system.  a pull down for one type and a second to exchange for another. Like L2p or other F2P I do not mind the grind, however, I feel there is too many directions to go in.  Devs: if plarium were to look at my clocked time you will see every day for 20+ hours a day I stay logged on (no life here).  I grind, Sqave and do the Frag events.  Help us out a little, stream line curriencies or create an exchange.

Btw, space out fusion /frag events 80% of the world dosent spend like the content creators do.

11 янв. 2023, 21:0711.01.23
11 янв. 2023, 21:30(отредактировано)

Side note on flash deals, make them too good to pass up.  10 blues for $5 (USD) or 1 Yellow rock for $5.  Market them so husbands can say "I may get in trouble, but this is TOO00oo good to pass up." Make Intellectual property  cheap for us consumers/players to purchase and you will see more revenue. Supply/demand...but your supply is limitless.  So, bring the costdown.

12 янв. 2023, 02:1612.01.23

So you find the concept of getting small rewards back for your purchases so appalling you are going to quit making purchases? You'd rather keep getting nothing back for your purchases? Okay, cool. Makes good sense.  

The points rewards are not worth it. Hence I am going to pay nothing to get the worthless points. Have fun wasting your money on it tho kiddo!