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Update 6.40 Highlights

Update 6.40 Highlights

Greetings from Plarium!

Update 6.40 is all but ready for release, and we’re here once more to highlight its most important features. You will get to enjoy the 4th Anniversary Titan Event - merely an appetizer for Raid’s 4th Anniversary, but it will be huge in its own right! - and try the brand-new Plarium Program with its rewards and benefits. Furthermore, we’ll introduce a new type of Reward Chest, a couple of QoL adjustments, a cohort of new Champions, and some balance changes to the old ones. All in all, there’s no lack of things to enjoy this January! 

And if you want to find out more, you just have to keep reading.

4th Anniversary Titan Event

This time, we will do everything in our power to celebrate Raid Anniversary on time, and we’ve even prepared a vast 4th Anniversary Titan Event to give you a taste of what’s to come. It will encompass several elements: Hero’s Path Events, Tournaments, and a few of your garden variety game Events to boot. Participating in these activities will earn you Anniversary Points, though their overall number is limited and you’ll need to keep an eye out to see exactly when and how you can increase your score! In turn, those Points will let you claim rewards from the Titan Event interface, thus giving you more shiny stuff for doing the same amount of heroic legwork in Raid. 

Those rewards include various resources, Random Chests (we’ll discuss that in a separate subsection below), new and unique Player Avatars, and even resources you’ll need for Champion Awakening. It should be a fairly straightforward experience, but we’ll add a dedicated Titan Event guide in its info tab when the first Event goes live - check it out for additional details!

Random Chest

This new type of Reward will be featured in the 4th Anniversary Titan Event and elsewhere (some existing Events and Tournaments, for example). The Chest itself will contain an item or resource randomly chosen from the predetermined reward pool. Random Chest comes in 5 tiers:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond

Naturally, Random Chests of higher tiers will provide greater rewards. Everything else is simple - you win the Chest, open it, and claim your prize. Done!

Plarium Points Program

This new feature will be available across all platforms, but it will be especially useful to Raiders who favor Plarium Play. By earning a new type of resource called Plarium Points in various game activities (Hero’s Path Events, Deck of Fate Events, Tournaments, and more besides), claiming them from Playtime Rewards and Advanced Quests, or getting them along with in-game purchases, you’ll get access to additional rewards. 

To access the Plarium Points Program tab, you’ll just have to open the menu on the lefthand side of your Bastion screen and tap the icon. That will take you to a new tab, where all your hard-earned Plarium Points unlock various goodies. First you’ll see Special Cards - the most important rewards of the Plarium Points Program. These include a powerful Champion, Artifacts and Accessories most suitable for them, and resources to Awaken that Champion. On top of that, you can get a unique avatar, Legendary Champion Fragments, Split Souls, and extra Artifacts or Accessories.

Furthermore, a progress bar with multiple reward slots will be active, and it will yield additional rewards as you earn Plarium Points. Again, we’ll add a comprehensive guide to the info tab to describe the nitty-gritty details when the Plarium Program goes live!

Quality of Life Adjustments

There are two minor but rather convenient QoL upgrades to look forward to as well. First, you’ll be able to shuffle your team directly on the Tag Team Arena Battle Selection screen. Needless to say, that will be a lot faster than having to manually swap each Champion out.

Secondly, you’ll get to end an ongoing Multi-Battle right in the middle of it. There will be two options to do so: 

  • End Current Battle, which just stops the battle immediately.
  • Stop Multi-Battle, which will let your Champions finish the battle but stop the current Multi-Battle sequence after that.





3 янв. 2023, 15:2903.01.23
4 янв. 2023, 08:4504.01.23

Being able to stop multi-battle mid-way is a nice feature, but hardly QoL. There are so many other more useful QoL changes that could be made.

1. have a seach field to search for champs by name

2. leave the champ sort table to the selection I choose instead of defaulting back to "Rank" view.

3. Remove artifact ascension as a pre-requisit for completing the Advanced Quests Tab. I am not a fan of this new feature. I spend enough energy as it is and now we have another useless resource to collect and spend. Participation in new game feature should be VOLUNTARY...not MANIDTORY.   

4. Be like all the other game vendors and dont charge us at all, much less FULL $$$ for your failed gear/enchnat upgrade attemptss. Fix your RNG. Its astronomically outrageous to pay 500K silver alone on failed upgrade attemps when leveling gear  from 12 - 16. 

5. Dont charge us 200k to crack open a Sacred Shard only to get the same crappy champ we'd get from Ancient and Void shards @ 20K. Increase the odds in our favor for a Legendary Champ (which should be given from a Sacred Shard since they are sooooooo hard to get and way to damn expensive to throw away on a crap champ) FIX YOUR RNG!!!!

Plarium's virtual ecomomy is definetly in a recession. Your inflation is sky high. Can you say "Bankruptcy"? 

You are extreamly tight-fisted with dispensing the resources, yet you demand twice the investment of our time and effort for meager reward. I agree with jsilintbob. The push for cash is so blatently obvious. Not all of us are instant-gratification hounds seeking that fix from a gambling high. I will quit playing this F2P game b/f I ever spend 1 penny of my RL $$$$. 

I think we both know there is no real "rng" big spender accounts have bigger chances while small accounts sikeeee.

4 янв. 2023, 09:0004.01.23

The Buff for Teela is nice. The Plarium points thing sounds like P2W, I hope I am wrong.

What you really need to focus on, is the time sink in this game. Not everybody is able to spend 8hours a day in Raid. Just play other games and look how they are doing it. For example, you could add a skip button in clan boss fights, so we don't have to watch the whole fight 4x per day. For dungeons, just let us choose with a slider bar, how many runs we want to perform (1-10) and then show us 1(!) run only. 

4 янв. 2023, 19:1204.01.23

This update doesn't excite me. Plarium, poll your player base and have them rank their most important QoL updates, and prioritize those. The only update you released recently which I find great is the Doom tower auto-battles. Raid is becoming too much of a time sink, so anything to save time would be great. 

As for QoL udpates....I've been playing this game for ~8 months now, and when people ask me I tell them to stay far away from Raid because it still needs serious QoL enhancements. Here are some examples:  increase energy cap;   increase cap on clan boss keys;   remove silver cost for changing gear;    have 2x/3x/etc. multipliers for all fights (1 fight = 2x/3x/4x rewards);   make the boss dungeons like Spider and remove the minion waves (it unnecessarily bloats the run time);    ways/items to reduce RNG for shard pulls and gear upgrades (or option to buy a champ directly like League of Legends and Eternal Evolution);   free ability to change individual masteries instead of resetting the whole tree;   overlapping events that actually benefit the player, coupled with an event calendar;   the ability to refund the books & masteries you've spent on a champ so you can test other champs in your roster out;  shops that allow you to buy as much of an item as you want if you have the resources;   monthly champ fusion system in which players can pick the champ they want to fuse and can burn any resource they like to achieve it (still takes resources so no loss to Plarium)....the list goes on. 

Other games already have features like this, it is way past time time to step it up Plarium. 

4 янв. 2023, 20:1704.01.23

Another ABSOLUTE GARBAGE UPDATE. COMPLETELY usless QoL. Of all the QoL that you could be doing

1) like ability to turn off some or all of the animations. like Summoning shards talk about a long waste of time and  annoyance . battle ( rector drach comes to mind. her animations make battles take 3 times as long.) 

2)Be like EVERY other GAME on the planet and keep the ZERO cost to remove gear so we can actually be able to try things out.

3) REMOVE the FING bs of making artifact assention a advanced quest as i refuse to ever take part in that garbage of artifact enhancment garbage RNG waste of time. 

and there are so many other and better QoL then ending a battle. what a not even half ass but virtuly NO ass thought to just throw someting in and make seem like you care or are even trying.. only thing you have been trying is to figure out how to Milk your players and almost FORCE people to spend money to do almost anything. at this point i hope you have killed your cash cow and Raid just crawls in a hole and DIEs . You really have taken a somewhat fun game and completly KILLED IT driving it into the ground. 

You do know you can 'speed up' some of the animations like shard pulls by clicking on the screen while it's running?

4 янв. 2023, 20:2704.01.23

What I would like to see is a trade-in system for dupes.  Oh, the faction guardian thing has a little value but only to a point..but when you have 3 Seers (in 4 mo of playing) but SOOOO many others that you are lacking, it really takes something away.  Either a system similar to the Soul Stones (though that needs buffed- we don't get squat on trade-in value) where you can get say a void shard for trading in one or two void champs.  That- or a message board where you can offer your dupe champ in exchange for another champ(s).  That alone would make soooo many players happy.

4 янв. 2023, 22:1704.01.23
Wizard of Wor

What I would like to see is a trade-in system for dupes.  Oh, the faction guardian thing has a little value but only to a point..but when you have 3 Seers (in 4 mo of playing) but SOOOO many others that you are lacking, it really takes something away.  Either a system similar to the Soul Stones (though that needs buffed- we don't get squat on trade-in value) where you can get say a void shard for trading in one or two void champs.  That- or a message board where you can offer your dupe champ in exchange for another champ(s).  That alone would make soooo many players happy.

Nope, exactly not....

You would be even more overrun with bots and gold-/champfarmers...

There would be no trading but selling...

Trading champs is not a good idea in my eyes...

4 янв. 2023, 22:1804.01.23

Stop Multi-Battle, which will let your Champions finish the battle but stop the current Multi-Battle sequence after that.

This is actually a REALLY nice update. I am still pretty new to the game but this is a really helpful and thoughtful QOL update. Thanks!


Another nice update would be if you could sort heroes by name. This will make it easier to find duplicate heroes. Scrolling through a few hundred heroes to look for duplicates all at different levels is getting difficult as my hero roster expands. This would make it really nice to figure out who is safe to feed and who needs to stay.

Abbiamo chiesto in passato qualcosa di simile, ma siamo ancora quà... Speriamo. Aggiungo una barra di scroll veloce per scorrere velocemente gli eroi in fase di scelta per il farming

4 янв. 2023, 22:2104.01.23
Wizard of Wor

What I would like to see is a trade-in system for dupes.  Oh, the faction guardian thing has a little value but only to a point..but when you have 3 Seers (in 4 mo of playing) but SOOOO many others that you are lacking, it really takes something away.  Either a system similar to the Soul Stones (though that needs buffed- we don't get squat on trade-in value) where you can get say a void shard for trading in one or two void champs.  That- or a message board where you can offer your dupe champ in exchange for another champ(s).  That alone would make soooo many players happy.


4 янв. 2023, 22:2604.01.23

I haven't been able to sign in since the new update. Stuck on loading assets. Been trying for hours. Probably missed out on some rewards because of 

5 янв. 2023, 11:5105.01.23
5 янв. 2023, 22:42(отредактировано)

"I don't have any problems with the rng either (I think those who cry
the most about this are the typical babies who if they don't have the
full roster cry all day, I think there's enough variety of champions for
all areas of the game, whoever says they don't have it for a specific
area is a liar), and if they also did buffs to more followed champions
and more numbers would be much better. "

You are entitled to believe that ppl are upset about not getting Legendaries. There are CRAP Legnedaries as well. If Plarium has the nerve to charge 200K to crack open a Sacred Shard then they should put THEIR $$$ where THEIR mouth is and make THEIR reward worthy of my time, my efort and my energy usage. THEY need to up the odds b/c 0.6% chances to pull a Legendary from the highest, most difficult shard to obtain is just pitiful. If I'm gonna pay that kinda coinage, I want it to be worth my while, given the hell and hastle I had to go thru to get it. The reward for all our effort and our coinage is NOT, NOT, NOT properly or even adequately rewarded.

As for buffing the 3 Legnedaries...how may players across all the platforms actually have them? How relevant is it to the playing commumity that those 3 Legendaries be buffed. These are the questions Plarium should be asking themselves b/f they claim a QoL update. 


5 янв. 2023, 13:2005.01.23

Not nearly enough Champion reworks; but, thanks for the ones you have done at least.

Luckily there are no more New Champions (for now). This game doesn't need another single - new - Champion for years! Every Champion released dilutes the chance of pulling the existing ones; so, anticipation is lower, as there's more rubbish to pull in the way of the Champs you really want. In 6-yrs across 2 accounts I've still never seen a Maneater or more than half of all the Champs the Content Creators and RSL Community say you need for one team or another.

What we really want...

1: Give us back our monthly Sacred Shard and Book.

2: As you keep adding to the number of daily activities that need energy, provide us with more of it and increase the energy cap.

3: Address the ludicrous silver cost of gear & the disgusting practise of charging us to move around already hard-earned and paid-for gear

4: Add 3x 5x & 10x Spd Options for Clan Boss/Hydra, etc. runs (not just x1 or x2)

5: Leave the Champion FIlter where we last used it; i.e. by Faction, Last Used, stop defaulting to "by Rank".

6: Stop charging £20+ for a 6% chance - Sacred Shard - of a (possibly cr@p &/or duplicate) Legendary! That's well over £300 (2-weeks pay for some) for a Random Champ that according to statistics, you still might not get even after paying all that money. At that price I want to pick the specific Champion I'm buying. D@mn, at £20 I want to choose my Champ/DLC, as I would with any computer game.

Lastly; as Sacred Shards constitute gambling (a very expensive lottery-ticket/casino chip), how is this game available to kids as just a game and not clearly advertised as gambling and subject to the appropriate regulations and legislation?

Sacred Shards are misrepresented. You get Green Shards > you definitely get Green or better Champs. You get Blue Shards > you definitely get Blue or better Champs. You get Purple Shards you definitely get Purple Champs. You get Golden Shards > you... Oh hang-on, not only, do you not 'definitely' get a Golden Champ, you only get a 6% chance of one; which is not a value bet by anyone's definition. So, for all the difficulty &/or expense of getting a Sacred Shard, you still then have a 94% chance of getting anything other than what you are hoping for!!! Let us not forget that even if you are in the "lucky" 6%, there's every chance that even then the Champ you get is useless &/or a duplicate.

5 янв. 2023, 22:3205.01.23
5 янв. 2023, 22:36(отредактировано)

Shadowfang "Lastly; as Sacred Shards constitute gambling (a very expensive
lottery-ticket/casino chip), how is this game available to kids as just a
game and not clearly advertised as gambling and subject to the
appropriate regulations and legislation?

Sacred Shards are misrepresented. You get Green Shards > you
definitely get Green or better Champs. You get Blue Shards > you
definitely get Blue or better Champs. You get Purple Shards you
definitely get Purple Champs. You get Golden Shards > you... Oh
hang-on, not only, do you not 'definitely' get a Golden Champ, you only
get a 6% chance of one; which is not a value bet by anyone's definition.
So, for all the difficulty &/or expense of getting a Sacred Shard,
you still then have a 94% chance of getting anything other than what you
are hoping for!!! Let us not forget that even if you are in the "lucky"
6%, there's every chance that even then the Champ you get is useless
&/or a duplicate. "

MY POINT EXACTLY!!! Plariums reward for Sacred Shard should be cominserate to the offer and the asking price. 0.6% chance to pull a Legendary Champ is a joke and an insult to our time, effort, energy usage and coin hemorrhage. Don't even get me started on the "QUALITY" of the Legendary Champ you pull. 

8 март 2023, 19:1808.03.23

We want our Kael in a fusion, please. Not summonable!