i find running a clan/cluster very difficult esp with communications with the individual clan members, who don't complete their share of their daily clan quests, and some members won't even bother to login to the memberslist, and most don't use discord, So it makes trying to contact the players in my clan/s extremely difficult, We need some kind of direct messaging system (Clan leader being able to direct message the player) to be able to do a better job of it! and having to hit enter before one starts a line of chat is extremely annoying... With the many changes I have seen since last Sept, they have been interesting but continue to frustrate my long time standing members several have quit. We need a better incentive to get/train new members into doing their share of clan based quests and the ninety minute timer quest takes to long... should be set for 60 minutes... Other ideas... a trading post, casino, smithy, and auction house would all be welcome enterprises for the bastion as well. as far as the champs go i've only got a few since starting but i find the cost of losing in the arena too great, to even bother with ive been as high as bronze III but nowadays im Bronze 1 right acrossed the board. (15) accounts on 2 machines ive forgotten more passwords then i care to think about... and i can only seem to set up 1 account to 1 email thats frustrating i think i have about 20 email accounts now i keep forgeting the passwords/account names there too currently just have to rebuild half my accounts due to some software glitch that caused me to reload the game as it wasnt updating properly (Note I have one account at the moment thats giving me the news from last December...lol) I do love all the new areas and i died in the doom tower the moment i tried it stage 1, I havent been back since, maybe create an easy level for the lower level players. as far as the campaign map goes id rename normal to easy, then hard to normal, and brutal to hard, and nightmare to brutal, this would leave room for two more harder levels to be added... I think fusions in my case are a waste of time as i can never get enough fragments and you guys stole all the ones I had with the new fusions update these should be made tradable at a fragment exchangers so you could at least trade what you have for the newer ones (i gave up on buying them as it seems like a ripoff you get a bunch and poof they all disappear) fragments should be made to be used in any fusion regardless of what they where made for! For the retaining of members we need a cuttoff switch on the clan boss so that when higher members start doing a fixed amount of damage that they could only hit the next level clan boss as i find members doing 10 times the amount of damage needed on the easy clan boss wasting keys on the lower level boss instead of hitting the next level up a clan leader's cutoff switch per member would help if player power = xx amount he/she is too high in player power to attack the lower level. A multibattle with ladder capability steps up the ladder on campaign/dungeon stages until one loses a battle and halts would also be nice..., The opponents arena team needs a marker tag on teams you've fought and lost that way your not accidently hitting the same team over and over again. and possibly a multibattle for the arena as well with stepper that runs for x amount of battles... i havent bothered with tag arena for months as it too takes a lot of time and concentration real life just takes too much of my time so i cant waste it all on that area esp with a large cluster to look after. I like the tier system in cvc and the fact that several of my clans now have a trophy... good going there! the clan members list could use a member insept date and a individual stat set for each member that would allow the clan leader to see how many stars each member earned in total and for the last week. A rollover identifier name tag on each champs name in the arena selection area and the tavern champ and vault area would be useful i often select the wrong one and have to go back and do it again, A up/down slider bar for the side of the champ selector area as scrolling takes forever and a goto bottom of the list button for the champion selector and vault areas would also be helpful, a better recommended armor for each champ possibly with a low high and endgame armor display for each champ would be helpful as we all need to know what to get next for each champ build (I find the armor suggestions way to basic to be of much use) and possibly a champion masteries suggestion area as im always having to leave the game to go try and find a good source for them elsewhere... Video access I see these exist outside of the game and a video link to each you tube build video could be provided for the content creators with a top ten video drop down list of video links in the champion area accessed via rollover etc. so when i rollover krisk a list of the top ten video links would popup and i could watch each before building and equiping them. a buildable clan emblem with a selection of backgrounds, shieldhapes, scroll varieties, shapes/colors, stripeing, clan tag and animal motifs available to a clan leader to select from that way there wouldnt be any nwsf images popping up, i find the lack there of variety very dissapointing...esp with the emblems all being currently the exact same. an incentive to get say 21 stars per week in the members quests area and another for say 80 plus a month... to help keep the members active in the clan. (*I would have put all this on your discord site but i cant post there no cell phone) so i cant get validated to post. the auction house would have a minimum bid level on a champ. the casino would be for silver and or gems, the smithy would to be set for taking a 3 star armor to say a 4 star level for a 2000 gem/10 million silver amount or some such the trading post where one could buy/sell from a trader npc various game items/glyphs on a two or three for one basis so 2x or 3x two star glyphs could get you 1 x 3star gylphs etc. anyway i think thats enough for now... hope you find a way to implement it all...
your truly Mystique... Cluster Leader of EliteMartialForces (14 clans)