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Update Highlights 3.20

Update Highlights 3.20

Hey, everyone!

A new Raid update is coming in hot, and we’re here to give you an early insight with Update Highlights. You can expect awesome new Champions, a permanent extension of the Daily Login Rewards, and some quality of life improvements. Want to know more? Read on!

New Champions















Daily Login Rewards Expansion

This will be the last addition to the Daily Login Rewards. But fear not, it doesn’t mean you’ll no longer get anything! Instead, the final tier will reset and repeat after you’ve claimed the final reward.

You won’t lose access to the previous tiers either. All Daily Login Rewards available until now still remain, the final tier is merely added at the very end - much like we’ve done in the past.


  • More slots for your Champion Collection and Artifact storage! Champion Collection will go up from 200 to 300 slots, Artifact Storage will go from 700 to 1000 slots
  • Clan Boss Battles will always start in manual mode rather than in Auto Battle

12 янв. 2021, 12:5512.01.21
13 янв. 2021, 02:3813.01.21

Dear Plarium,

I have been an avid fan of this game since the beginning and even now. In fact, I started playing this game before the release date in July 29, 2018 through beta version. I have experienced firsthand almost all the changes happened in the game. Disappointments, excitements, and mixed emotions being brought by this game. I deleted the app at some point but ended up downloading it again because I like/love the game. One thing that's hard for me to understand is the silver cost needed to swap artifacts from one champion to the other. I just hope you could make it free or if not make it less so we can progress and enjoy the game more. I salute you guys for constantly improving and evolving the game to make it interesting to play. Wish the team success in the future!! 

Thank you.

I agree. i thought of a great way that this can be fixed with plarium still being able to have us spend silver on it. When we get the item, or whenever it is decided, there can be a fixed amount of time where the player can transfer the artifacts for that limited amount of time. so u like the gear and want to see how other players work with it? well, you have an hour to test it out. from then, it all goes back to normal. but i agree with you

13 янв. 2021, 02:4213.01.21

I had a Chameleon idea also for the #RaidCommunityChampionContest At least I know it was a good idea. Here is a Chameleon who happens to also be a Witch Doctor. His name is Ting Tang Walla Bing Bang. He is a great healer, and uses the veil ability quite often. After all he is a Chameleon. His Affinity is Void. Although, his passive is OP. He is capable of switching his affinity on the start of each turn to his advantage, to deal more damage. Also, the ascended skill of his passive is to switch his affinity on the start of the attacking enemy's turn as well, to take less damage. I tried showcasing this through the different color feathers on his headwear, and the purple void stone around his waist. 


did you get any gifts just for sending it in?

i sent a War Elephant for skinwalkers, but go no response, no gifts, nothing. i know they said top 10 get prizes, but was wondering if anyone who sent something in got something..

13 янв. 2021, 02:5013.01.21


13 янв. 2021, 03:1013.01.21

Good job 

13 янв. 2021, 11:1613.01.21

Good stuff! I know all the player base likes to do is complain all day, every day ... probably because they've been watching too much Stew. But, at any rate, I am impressed with how much content you all are able to push out. Kudos!

I guess if I did have one complaint...you all baby content creators too much. They act like gods among men...like they are doing more than playing a game.

13 янв. 2021, 18:4013.01.21
13 янв. 2021, 21:53(отредактировано)

Ton of new champs but what about book issue (way to hard to get enough of them - why are you putting so much effort into creating all those champions if great majority of players are unable to book most of their champs already?). Also are you planning on fixing Zargala AI on, say, Spider (not using A2 wisely) and Dark Elhain (using A2 on low HP last single enemy instead of A1 and saving A2 for next wave) ? 

14 янв. 2021, 01:2514.01.21

raid's art department is probably the best among mobile fantasy RPGs and I'm sure the new champs will look great (albeit for the reskins). what we really want, though, is BALANCE! fix and fine tune the existing champs and their AI, instead of constantly bombarding us with new ones. 

don't dilute the pool any further, plarium. work with what you already have. your game will thank you.

14 янв. 2021, 11:2514.01.21

Good things first... 

Nice set of changes there. Really appreciate the increased artifact storage & daily login rewards.

Now, on to the sad part...

By releasing Vogoth you guys totally destroyed Bergoth The Malformed (yes, the epic for whom you guys made us work as hard as a lego to fuse). Feels so good to find the efforts wasted for nothing. Am I happy about it? No Absolutely not.

I do understand that having so many champs makes it tough to remember all of them, and even tougher to balance them. But tbh, it's more becuase there is minimal interaction with the playerbase (both pre & post releases), lack of game insight (as there are no actual try hard raid players in the dev team), missing a periodic balance/optimization cycle and not being proactive.

This is the reason why certain champs (like Ma'Shalled) come broken/OP after the fix while some remain vault guardians both before after the fix. 

14 янв. 2021, 12:2114.01.21

I think just the one lizardmen is bogus, and at that its a legendary so odds of getting it are as low as possible. It would have been nice to see two or three of them and they be epics.  

And somthing like a bit more of a chance to score 5 star gear from the clan boss on normal difficulty  chest for us players who are still developing at a more novice level, like myself 

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
14 янв. 2021, 13:2914.01.21


I am here to answer some of the most pressing questions in this thread.

I'd rather see more fixes, instead of new things.

We are adding some fixes to the game in this patch, but this is a highlight, and we simply did not mention them in it. Sorry for the confusion.

Dupe system updates? Are u even working on that?

We are working on it, and this is a task that always on our minds. The Dupe system should release this year. We will keep you posted on the matter in our biweekly reports closer to the feature release.

Wait, only 1 dwarf, and 1 lizard man champ added. Does your art department not like making skin walkers, lizard men and dwarf champions.?

There are more of them coming. Just you wait. We are planning to expand those fractions during this year.

If you still have daily login rewards, this new change will affect you after they end (day 271?).

Yep. This is a literally new level of rewards after day 270.

One thing that's hard for me to understand is the silver cost needed to swap artifacts from one champion to the other. I just hope you could make it free or if not make it less so we can progress and enjoy the game more. I salute you guys for constantly improving and evolving the game to make it interesting to play. Wish the team success in the future!

We don’t plan to change the silver cost needed to swap artifacts, but there is a feature we are working on that. More information on that closer to the feature release.

Cool. Would be awesome to be able to filter gear in categories of rarity and *
I think it would be nice to have two sets of armor/artifacts per champion and be able to swap them depending on where you are fighting.

I will forward these suggestions to the development team.

Thank you for your kind words, glad that you liked the new champions. I will forward praises and suggestions to the art department and AI changes to the development team.

 Have a nice one😉

14 янв. 2021, 16:3214.01.21
14 янв. 2021, 16:44(отредактировано)

Nothing about gameplay, bugs or ideas.  Just my two cents on the new champs (and I'm not speaking of their abilities or value other than purely Lego and Epic status and numbers):

Is it just me or is Plarium releasing too many champs, too often?  And much worse, the new champs don't make sense in respect of balance in the game, or the story.

14 new champs makes it even harder to get the old ones you want and have unsuccessfully tried to obtain.  I opened over 50 void shards on the 2X (10X Tormin) and got one legendary (Soulless I think).  Which is fine.  Not complaining about that.   But with even more additions to an overcrowded field, the odds get worse with new champ releases. almost every month now.

Yes, new champs keep end game peeps involved, blah, blah, blah.  Fine.  Dandy.   Then how about focusing on balancing out the "alliances" and in particular the factions?  

Of the 14 new arrivals, better decisions could have been made.  

Let's look at the factions / alliances (pre-update):


Telerians - 191 champs (+5 w/ update):

Sacred Order - 59 Champs (+1) - 7 Legos/ 17 Epics (+1)

Banner Lords - 50 champs (+2) - 10 Legos/ 13 (+2) Epics

Barbarians - 50 champs (+2) - 8 Legos/ 15 (+2) Epics

High Elves - 32 champs - 10 Legos/ 9 Epics

So just here in the Telerian Alliance (Most champs by far already yet get 5 new ones):  

The High elves have plenty of Legos, but lag in Epics, Rares, and even Uncommon.  They got ZERO new champs.  How does that make sense?

Sacred Order already had the most champions overall and the most epics of any faction and they got one more epic?  Why?!?  If anything they're behind on Legos, but they don't need ANY new champs, period.  

Banner Lords and Barbarians were fine as well. Teleria should have been untouched except maybe the High elves Epic and/or rare.


Meanwhile the same pattern follows in the #2 plentiful alliance - "The Corrupted" (170 champs +2 )

The Corrupted received 2 new champs.   But where?  In Demonspawn or Knight Revenant, the two lowest populations?  No.  The highest one, Undead Hordes went from 55 champs to 57, 14 epics to 16.

Undead Hordes - 55 (+2) champs - 15 Legos / 14 (+2) Epics

Dark Elves - 42 champs - 11 Legos / 12 Epics

Knight Revenant - 38 Champs - 7 Legos / 15 Epics

Demonspawn - 35 Champs - 9 Legos / 12 Epics

This alliance was fine.  If anything Demonspawn could use some rares, second lowest in game w/ only 9.  But the point isn't just that the Corrupted need no love, it is that the love given was to the faction needing it the least.


Gaelen Pact - Only 131 Champs (+6)

Orcs - 40 champs (+2) - 7 (+2) Legos / 11 Epics (+2)

Ogryn Tribes - 35 champs (+1) - 7 Legos / 10 (+1) Epics

Lizardmen - 29 champs (+1) - 6 (+1) Legos / 7 Epics

Skinwalkers - 27 Champs - 6 Legos / 11 Epics

Here Plarium wasn't wroong.  Lizardmen got a much needed Lego.  It's hard to complain here, because the factions that received love, needed it, but the smallest faction in the game (Skinwalkers) received nothing.  They remain at 6 measly Legos and the lowest number of rares at 8.  Orcs really didn't need any epics.


Nyresan Order - 32 (+1) champs.

Dwarves - 32 (+1) Champs - 4 Legos / 6 (+1) Epics

Does Plarium not see the GLARING, GAPING hole here?!?!  

First, why not make any new champ release an opportunity to introduce one of the three remaining hidden factions?  It looks like it'll be some sort of Sylvan Elf or Wood Elf faction, but...

Not every new champ has to be for this new faction, the Gaelen Pact need help too as well as the Dwarves.   So even if you aren't ready for whatever reason to release the new faction, why only one new champ was an Epic dwarf?   4 Legos.  That's it.  now 7 Epics.  More than enough rares.  

The two most needy, Skinwalkers (got nothing) and Dwarves, got 1 epic.  

The four least needy got 7 epics.

Not every faction needs to have equal numbers.  But competitive numbers would be nice.  There has been a TON of new content dumped on us.  Now tons of new champs, most of which weren't needed. And most of which cost more in books.

Again.  New champs and content should be centered around the new factions with some balancing of needy factions like everyone in the Gaellan Pact and Nyresan Order.  I think faction 1 is slated to be some sort of wood elf faction, maybe include human rangers.  

The remaining two, who knows?  

Personally I'd like to see Wolfen of the "Northern Wilderness".  They'd be similar to the werewolf except civilized and refined using weapons and armour akin to Roman Centurions.  

The remaining faction could be one of two options.  Either a more "evil" / "Chaotic" faction like Goblins, Hob-Goblins and Kobolds.  Or A mystical faction like Faery-Folk - Gnomes,  Pegasus, Centaur, Gryphons etc.   

Ogryn Tribes could use some actual Ogres, more muscular and less pot-bellied, and some Trolls.   

Perhaps Orcs could get the Goblins, Hob-Goblins and Kobolds, instead of a separate faction?  Skinwalkers could get Bug bears.    And new bosses could be more dragon type like Hydras, Cockatrices, Chimeras, Basilisks.  

Just my two cents.  I wish I had the time to enter that art concept contest.   Not that I think I'd win, but just to plant some ideas...

19 янв. 2021, 09:3519.01.21

When will you fix Venus? She still does the A3 first instead of the A2

21 янв. 2021, 16:3521.01.21

We would like real time PVP battle's

18 фев. 2021, 15:2618.02.21

When will you fix Venus? She still does the A3 first instead of the A2


We have already passed this to the devs, and they are currently working on the fix. However, I don't have any ETA on that at the moment.