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Working with your Suggestions in Discord

Working with your Suggestions in Discord

8 янв. 2021, 20:4408.01.21

IS this Game a SCAM???

 I have questioned My game play as well spent $ 750 dollars in last month you know how many legends i have  0000000000000000000000000 Not one !!!!  I buy the crystals at a chance  even at 10 times the chance and get the lower even the rare never the legend .I look and see top players with all LEGENDS and wonder how many millions  of dollars they had to spend .  i look at utibe at players and try to follow there results buy burning lower cystals first still no good .The game is so focused on Taking your money with no results  I even did quest to get ancient crystals  didnt get a legendary .I begging to wonder if the game is a scam scam scam !!! 

8 янв. 2021, 21:0308.01.21
When u spend 70$ for 15 purple crystals but yet all of them are just rares upsets me makes me not want to play due to the unfairness to it i never get anything but the lowest denominator for all crystals you would think after 50+ crystals you would get a legendary

Same here I have questioned My game play as well spent $ 750 dollars in last month you know how many legends i have  0000000000000000000000000 Not one !!!!  I buy the crystals at a chance  even at 10 times the chance and get the lower even the rare never the legend .I look and see top players with all LEGENDS and wonder how many millions  of dollars they had to spend .  i look at utibe at players and try to follow there results buy burning lower cystals first still no good .The game is so focused on Taking your money with no results  I even did quest to get ancient crystals  didnt get a legendary .I begging to wonder if the game is a scam scam scam !!! 

9 янв. 2021, 12:4909.01.21

Please consider switching out the Arena Battles with the Doom Tower in the Daily Rewards. I so lose heart playing the game when I have to watch myself lose over and over just to get my daily reward. I either have to face losing constantly (because I can't buy all the expensive gear!) or spend a pile of gems in the hopes something I can fight comes up (such a waste of gems).  So please, change the Arena Battles to something that all players can succeed at and not just the ones who can spend a fortune on gear.

9 янв. 2021, 14:5109.01.21
9 янв. 2021, 15:34(отредактировано)

Please consider switching out the Arena Battles with the Doom Tower in the Daily Rewards. I so lose heart playing the game when I have to watch myself lose over and over just to get my daily reward. I either have to face losing constantly (because I can't buy all the expensive gear!) or spend a pile of gems in the hopes something I can fight comes up (such a waste of gems).  So please, change the Arena Battles to something that all players can succeed at and not just the ones who can spend a fortune on gear.

expensive gear does not guarantee good gear. you can buy a pack, but then the breast shield, gloves or the shoes are not what you would like. 

14 янв. 2021, 20:4014.01.21

I'm aware no one at Plarium will read this or care, but for a free mobile game, the prices are absolutely ridiculous for packs, shards, tomes, everything. I know, y'all are money hungry and all that, but come on. And I've even spent a good chunk on this game myself. But where is the incentive to keep people spending money on this game? I finally give in and buy a 6 star legendary artifact set and got base hp on the boots, chestplate and gauntlets. Come on now, if I'm willing to spend almost 40 bucks on an artifact set, Plarium can't even be troubled with at least making sure you don't get base stats on a paid for artifact set?? Then I come to the forums and see everyone complaining about the same things and yet Plarium isn't listening. And now because I've spent money on the game, they won't offer me the cheaper packs anymore. Every day, the only packs I'm offered are all over 60 bucks! So what I'm seeing is Plarium thinks you shouldn't have anything worth while in this game unless you're willing to spend an entire paycheck on it. I love playing this game, been here since the beginning. But I'm ready to quit because I can't afford to buy anything to help my champions out, tomes are nearly impossible to get, the chances of getting decent champs from shards are next to nothing, green shards are useless, the chances on leveling up artifacts is infuriating. I spent 2 mil coins taking a single RARE chestplate from lvl 11 to lvl 12! I can't progress any further into the game because it's impossible to do without spending an arm and a leg. My husband plays as well and because he doesn't spend money on the game, he gets all these much, much cheaper offers than I do. The packs are almost identical in what you get from them yet the ones he's offered are all from 15 to 20 bucks and mine are all over 60! This game is a wonderful concept and I enjoy it when I do play, but this is going too far. Make the game cheaper to play and you will keep more of us around. Your greed will destroy your games. They're just that...games. And we all are very aware how much money Plarium makes. No game, especially a free mobile game, should cost so much to enjoy properly. 

14 янв. 2021, 20:4414.01.21

I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't delete my account and the game because this all seems a little scam-ish to me now. Plaruim takes your money and gives you jack in return for it. 

16 янв. 2021, 00:0516.01.21

What am I  Missing I have purchased shards in store this last month spent $800 in the store to get a legendary Champion  or even a epic would be nice to help me past the nether spider in doom tower I have manged to get lost of rares to lvl 60  but there not fairing well is epic and or legendary require to get pat floor 30 ?  How do i see so many legendary players in game what am i doing wrong to aquire my first 1 Legendary Champion I have stoped spending any money in game becuase of this . so today is a 2 timnes chance i figured ok ill try again and still get nothing but rares using 25 pack they sold all were rare im feeling scammed and thinking about just moving on . 

16 янв. 2021, 01:1116.01.21

where do i post my concerns every time i post here admin deletes the post ?????? I used no bad lang or anything ?

16 янв. 2021, 11:1116.01.21
16 янв. 2021, 11:17(отредактировано)

There is a error in the game with the XP part. I had XP for 1 day. With the logon reward, I got XP for 3 days, but it was thrown away as garbage. It also did not arrive in your inbox. after my previous XP for 1 day I ran out of XP. So the 3 day XP reward was not applied either .

you also cannot leave the reward in the day login. Because if you close the day login, it will also be thrown away. With the other login rewards such as the shards are added in the portal .

in the quest I also saw a reward such as XP for 1 day, but it also included 500 xp. This 500 XP is also thrown away as garbage .

if the XP is already full, the rest will be thrown away as garbage.

18 янв. 2021, 14:3118.01.21


I ran into an issue where I get stuck in Fire Knight Castle multi-battle when using Alure with reduce turn meter on an enemy that has unkillable on. 

I then added Luria in the team for her a3 skill that remove buffs. But if the enemy has unkillable and block buffs at the same time then Luria will only use her a1 and the fight goes forever.

Please change the AI for Luria to atack using her a3 on auto even if the enemy already has block buffs.


19 янв. 2021, 15:1119.01.21

The summoning Portal is filled with partly fragmented champions.  What am i to do with a 45% Drokgul, or a 75% Kreela, Elegaius, etc.  

Please give us a chance to get more fragments in game play, this can be universal fragments, Legendary or Epic variety, that can be used to build these champs in the portal.  Perhaps give us a chance to trade for them in the bazaar (but please make it bronze freindly.  

19 янв. 2021, 15:1519.01.21

Please do something with the Tag Team Arena! I am mid-tier player in gold Classic Arena but just can't seem to get out of bronze tag team arena!  Watever you did a few months ago to allow people a way out of bronze classic, please do the same for tag team.  

19 янв. 2021, 16:5219.01.21

so this annoyng "infinite loop "in fire knight when add gets unkillable buff and his turn meter is always nulled so it cant make move and so buff stays on and my team just hits and hits and only way is to go manual and try to use moves that wont zero the adds turnmeter its reallly annoyng ,and even worse u have to forfeit battle to get out of this loop when it happens in multibattle , since u cant go manual on multibattle.

24 янв. 2021, 20:4724.01.21
24 янв. 2021, 20:53(отредактировано)


Since I don't use Discord, I really don't know where else I can take this, so I'll give it a shot here. I have Alure maxed and in a Lego Relentless set. It's amazing, except for 1 very aggravating flaw. Immortal mobs make it impossble to do Auto runs in higher level dungeons. 

Alures A1 hits 3 times and decreases to the enemies turn meter by 25% for each crit. The Immortal buff wont fall of (example: Crimson helm mobs in dragons 14) the mob until they can take a turn. So the team will sit there and hit that mob, doing nothing exept turn bar manipulation until I take it off auto and manually stop Alure from using her A1, which is almost impossble when your'e dealing with higher level mobs as Her cool downs make it impossble to stop using her A1 more than 2x in a row. So, If I don't get the mobs turn bar up before her Psychic Whip comes up again, I have to start all over, because she drops the turn bar 75% every time. This last time I spent 45 minutes trying to get the turn bar to fill and everytime I got it to 98% -99% , her A1 would come up and I would have to start all over again, so I just exited the dungeon, wasting energy that casts real money. PLEASE look into this issue. 

This is not the only place in the game this happens. Also had the same issue in Fire knights Dungeon with mobs inb the 1st pack that use the immortal buff and somewhere I can't remember.

How do we remedy this? Easy. Make it impossible to manipulate turn bars while the immortal buff is up or at least decrease the effectiveness of all turn bar manipulating attacks by 50% while the Immoratl buff is up. 

25 янв. 2021, 20:2625.01.21
25 янв. 2021, 20:32(отредактировано)

If the prices were a lot lower, I think more will be bought. Children cannot afford these prices. The prices are ridiculously high. If the prices were a lot lower, a lot more people would buy. And these people will then buy more often. 

Not only is this my opinion, but on Discord people think the same as me. 

I don't understand that there are people who spend hundreds of euros on it. you can already buy a completely new game on steam for 30 euros. 

25 янв. 2021, 20:5325.01.21

I am sick of the summon boost event tournaments. some rich 8 year old kid can spend hundreds of dollars on mommy and daddy's card and be first, with absolute no skill. while i'm sat here working and grinding my back side off so i can get duplicates too?  the balance of real money and actual skilful progression needs to be looked at. sick of seeing no skilled players be good because they have a deep pocket. the game limits skilfull players progressing if they don't have a penny in their pocket. The amount of dailky energy should be increased to give people a fighting chance rather than a little bit here and there. Also i've received so many duplicates for my money. what 2 dark athels and another one coming in the daily progression? had 3 kaels, 2 elhains? yes i understand they can be deadly but it's boring and so disheartening. make the champion summons tournament so you can only gain points from farmed shards and earnt shards rather than determine it on how much money i have 

25 янв. 2021, 20:5525.01.21

If the prices were a lot lower, I think more will be bought. Children cannot afford these prices. The prices are ridiculously high. If the prices were a lot lower, a lot more people would buy. And these people will then buy more often. 

Not only is this my opinion, but on Discord people think the same as me. 

I don't understand that there are people who spend hundreds of euros on it. you can already buy a completely new game on steam for 30 euros. 

it's not even their money it's their moms and dads which shows no skill whatsoever and completely ruins the game:)

25 янв. 2021, 21:2525.01.21

I enjoyed this game for all of 10 days, or less, but like all games of this nature (pay to play) the game has issues. You, the game creators, want to be different and attract more people, start with the below issues. 

1. Shards.

The Ancient Shard and the Void Shard have the same exact chance for rares and epics yet the Void Shards are extremely harder to get and even made to seem like you're getting something special as a reward for working really hard at something (like completing the entire campaign mode... seriously?). Your shard system should look something like this:

Mystery Shard - 80% Common, 20% Uncommon.

Ancient Shard - 55% Uncommon, 45% Rare

Void Shard - 75% Rare, 25% Epic

Sacred Shard - 65% Epic, 35% Legendary

Then when someone earns a shard for hard work they actually get something equivalent to their work they performed or the amount of cash they spend.

2. Training books. 

Common to Rare characters requires 6 - 24 rare books, each, to max out there spells. Right now there is only a few ways to get books, purchase with real money, or play for 6 months and collect books in monthly quests and monthly daily login. This is crazy if someone wants to try and experience different characters and their potentials. With the limitations of spell books someone would have to have knowledge of all 200+ characters and choose 6 main characters and never play any other character for 9+ months. That limits people's game play experience (which is only the characters and not anything else in your game) and people will get annoyed and leave. It's even harder if you find an epic or legendary character you want to play with.....

3. Gear. 

How can you enjoy different characters if you are, again, limited. Yes, you can easily get gear but it's not so easy to level gear or to change out gear. For example, it cost 50k to remove an uncommon ring from a character. That's ridiculous. You want people to explore other characters with different gear and find their characters of choice. Not limit them to only a specific few characters. If your game charges someone up to 300k - 750k in silver to remove full sets of gear, on top of the millions of silver someone will spend in leveling up gear, then you limit someone's game play and experience and people will eventually leave. Example, I spent 750k silver, or more, to upgrade one item to level 16. I should not be forced to pay another $100k to remove that item to try it out on another character. 

4. PVP.

Everytime I refresh the list of opponents to fight 70-100% of the list are opponents that cannot be won against. They are 10k+ higher in team power. On top of the lack of fair matching, when I go to fight someone with 9k less team power, or more, than myself I somehow still get my ass whooped in a few moves. I don't think your team power is accurate. That should never be an issue. Everything from gear, to level, to spells, to ascension, to stats need to be accounted for. Your algorithm seems to be off. 

5. Last but not least, pop ups. 

When I load the game.... for the love of God please stop with the 10 pop ups selling your shit. If someone is going to spend money on your game then they will go to your shop, and you will always have hundreds of kids who pay to play. You don't need 10 advertisements popping up every time we log in. It's so damn annoying and thus people will leave, as will I most likely. 

Most intelligent gamers who want to play for enjoyment, and not a repetitive annoyance, will not continue to play with the above issues still an issue. I've only been playing 10 days and I'm already bored with the repetitive nature of this game and the lack of character exploration due to so many limitations.

Please fix. Good luck. 


New player experience is terrible.  Especially PVP.  Devs, make a new account and try to get to silver.  See how you like the feeling.

27 янв. 2021, 11:5227.01.21


Please do something with them, I had a tag arena battle with 100+ turns, because Sikara of Barbarians was a cheated (hacked) champion with healing every turn. Kajur20 (with a face of Galek) is the owner of this cheat. Give you more examples? Will you do anything?

27 янв. 2021, 12:3227.01.21
27 янв. 2021, 18:10(отредактировано)

Many people also complain about too limited energy, why don't you do anything about it. Have the same problem, can do nothing. Waiting to new energy, gaming for a few minutes and then nothing can be done.  (level 53) only 123 energy, it's a joke.👎

Cant do nothing, cant do tournaments, ore events. 👎

I going stop with this game, its boring in this way,
lack of energy will ruin the game. 

Cant progres in this way

Working for good artifacts, but the most sucks. Or silver for grading up the artifacts, but many times failed , all energy wasted, and silver gone for nothing.  😭

and gems wasted on arena, because the balance is not right. Too high ranks of the opponent's chamions .

I get quite pissed off about it sometimes.
I regularly think to be quit, but the game itself is fun. 

The energy may simply be unlimited. Because even then it is not easy to get good pieces of gear and to upgrade. Then you still have to win in the arena. Or achieve campane. and so on .


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