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Clan recruitment

Clan recruitment

4 июль 2020, 10:5104.07.20

Clan recruitment

I m looking for a nice clan that is regular and have possibly unlocked hard or brutal level to farm bosses.. if any of you want a member.. then please inform me
23 окт. 2020, 12:3823.10.20
hi, im looking for an active clan over 100 rank that dose nm and unm clan boss im an active player for 2 years with a 2.6m PW(player power)
23 окт. 2020, 12:5523.10.20

Resoram valrie said:

I m looking for a nice clan that is regular and have possibly unlocked hard or brutal level to farm bosses.. if any of you want a member.. then please inform me

Hello Resoram!

LowRider Rescue (RESQ) is recruiting! Nightmare CB is unlocked and we have Discord.

24 окт. 2020, 07:5124.10.20

I have a clan u can join. We have unlock hard soon we will unlock brutal. Clan is called: The Fallen Godz 

26 окт. 2020, 14:3726.10.20

We have tons of openings in our clan - Idiocracy. Only 6 members currently and 3 of us were able to unlock ultra nightmare clan boss. Super chill clan, no one chats really except in our line chat and you can hit whatever/whenever you want. 4 of us are now hitting UNM for top chest (1 at 4 key but just needs to re-gear to get a 2 key, 2 @ 3 key and 1 at 2 key - all unkillable). With another 10ish players we can beat UNM for 2 chests if interested. Feel free to join even if hitting normal.

10 нояб. 2020, 22:3910.11.20

im currently 1keying brutal and need to move onto NM but there arent enough people in the clan i am in currently and i am either looking for more ot join us to to find anouther so i can complete my missions 

11 нояб. 2020, 23:0211.11.20

Hi there. I'm a fairly newbie here. My  lvl is about 32 and moving up, Play DAILY without fail and always looking to grow and get stronger. Not sure how this clan thing works but it appears it's something needed to succeed in this game. I love going to the arena and battle and am fairly successful but sometimes, I figure the #'s wrong and get my butt kicked (ouch) Do not appreciate smart asses with smart ass comments and am always open to try something new.  I tried to find your clan but keep coming up empty. Must be doing something wrong. Can you send me an invite if interested? Thank you!!

11 нояб. 2020, 23:3111.11.20

looking for a clan that can finish UN, and NM daily,, i can 2 key UN and 1 key NM cb. 

16 дек. 2020, 18:1816.12.20

Bonjour,  ont recrute Lvl 30 et plus Provençal Club RTTS faites votre demande + discord a disposition

Hello, have recruited Lvl 30 and more Provençal Club RTTS make your request + discord available 

18 дек. 2020, 02:1418.12.20

Hi there. I'm a fairly newbie here. My  lvl is about 32 and moving up, Play DAILY without fail and always looking to grow and get stronger. Not sure how this clan thing works but it appears it's something needed to succeed in this game. I love going to the arena and battle and am fairly successful but sometimes, I figure the #'s wrong and get my butt kicked (ouch) Do not appreciate smart asses with smart ass comments and am always open to try something new.  I tried to find your clan but keep coming up empty. Must be doing something wrong. Can you send me an invite if interested? Thank you!!

Type: "DeepSea Problems" into the search bar.  DeepSea is written as one word.

28 дек. 2020, 17:4628.12.20

Wet Noodles (WTND) is recruiting! Just started from scratch to create a clan with 100% daily participation. Our goal is to quickly get brutal and nightmare bosses on farm and be ready to tackle any future progression the game comes out with! Join me now! 

11 янв. 2021, 00:3911.01.21

US Navy Retired looking for a casual guild eMail me [email protected] please type header Raid: Shadow legends..no spam pls

11 янв. 2021, 09:3211.01.21

We have opening spot for Clan mates NM daily kill can do too brutal and UNM is unlock for active people daily CBC- clan tag can apply

For BEGINNER WE HAVE SLC-         //// Second clan you can use that one too 

ALL active is welcome! 

18 янв. 2021, 10:3318.01.21


i m looking for a clan who does NM and UNM cb.

my power is 3,3 M and i have 41 lvl 60 hero's.


26 янв. 2021, 21:1826.01.21

LF daily contributers to Brutal CB helping to progress into Nightmare, Discord required and preferably 1 key Hard CB. We leverage Discord to help others by answering questions, offering suggestions and really just helping you to improve your progression. Inactive players pruned to keep CB participation up.

The Magic Gnomes


1 фев. 2021, 08:2301.02.21

I am new to the game. I am lookung for a active guild with discord. Invite me Shimy 2

7 фев. 2021, 15:4807.02.21

We have tons of openings in our clan - Idiocracy. Only 6 members currently and 3 of us were able to unlock ultra nightmare clan boss. Super chill clan, no one chats really except in our line chat and you can hit whatever/whenever you want. 4 of us are now hitting UNM for top chest (1 at 4 key but just needs to re-gear to get a 2 key, 2 @ 3 key and 1 at 2 key - all unkillable). With another 10ish players we can beat UNM for 2 chests if interested. Feel free to join even if hitting normal.

can i join your clan ?  i hit clanboss NM and i want to move up

13 фев. 2021, 01:1213.02.21

INVINCIBLE [JYG]  has  spots  open  for  anyone,  but  prefer players  that  can  3key  or  better  brutal..  we  take  down  easy ,  normal,  and  even  brutal  daily. We  have  lost  some  members  recently and  are  trying  to replace  them  so  we  can  continue progress on  nightmare.  Thanks

6 март 2021, 20:5706.03.21
10 март 2021, 18:26(отредактировано)

Vault legends is RECRUITING!!! New or returning players, f2p or dirty pay to win whales welcome my friend and I worked very hard the other day getting our discord up and running please join our discord if you're interested in applying so that I dont miss you application https://discord.gg/Fm5cSkzaev

8 март 2021, 04:3008.03.21

Brute Force Heavy[BDGF] is looking for new members we down UNM daily with only 17 members we need more to down both UNM and NM, we also have 3 other clans for different stages of the game from beginer tp end game.

clan discord: https://discord.gg/7aneUncy

10 март 2021, 10:5610.03.21

New clan:    Caledonia Faoll        Looking for active players no minimum requirements.  Join today and lets have some fun. Thanks.