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Update 1.9.0 Crashes on Open

Update 1.9.0 Crashes on Open

16 июль 2019, 15:1016.07.19
iPhone 8, one iOS version from current. Experiencing issue as noted above.   Yl33
16 июль 2019, 15:1116.07.19

Same issue, black screen w/crash since 1.9 installled; iphone XR

- Only works on Wifi, however, my RAID playtime is 90% at work which I do not have access to Wifi.  Spent too much on this game to be so unplayable after the past few patches.  - Each patch just provides more crashes & lags rather, its just getting worse and worse as each new patch is installed...

If issue continue w/o fixes, would be forced to request for a refund since its unplayable now and devs are responseless to any issue being brought up.

16 июль 2019, 15:3416.07.19
Same issue, crashes immediately on opening.  iPhone XS, fully updated.  Thank god I didn't just spend money in hopes of completing an event. ><
16 июль 2019, 15:4916.07.19
Same issue here since yesterday, iPhone XS. Was only short one champ for the foli fusion, sweet.
16 июль 2019, 16:0316.07.19
This is INSANE that this is still a problem. Fix it, Plarium, or you’re losing customers big time, me included. 
16 июль 2019, 16:2916.07.19

Problem here too for iPad mini 5 and iPhone 7. 

Not going to be able to do summoning event now..

Can someone please respond with a fix eta or at least confirmation you are looking at it!
16 июль 2019, 17:3416.07.19
I submitted a ticket to support while connected to WiFi and immediately got a response that said to download an app called Turbo VPN then go into it and turn it on when there is no WiFi available.  I did so and my game now works when not on WiFi; for those who try this method look for the app called turbo vpn, not turbo vpn browser, it has a blue icon.
16 июль 2019, 18:3416.07.19

benbursae77 said:

This is INSANE that this is still a problem. Fix it, Plarium, or you’re losing customers big time, me included. 

Now this is the kind of customer, which I hate. You will NOT be leaving, but you feel that using a form of emotional blackmail will help to speed up the process of the game being fixed ... sorry but it doesn't work and has never worked. If they loss 1 player, they gain more in your place and maybe some of those new players will spend some money on their game.

If you wanted to leave the game because of this problem, you would not be stating it in a public forum. You should just say that you were disappointed and you hope it would be fixed soon.

Anyway with the said and out the way, there was a post from a moderator in another thread asking for some feedback, which was a bit strange as some of the requirements were needed, when they can pull the data from the multiple threads. Iphones > black screen > not internet related etc etc.

So I highly expect Plarium are trying to find the source of the problem and get it fixed. If it takes them a few days, it's not the end of the world. There are other things to play, things to do in your life.


16 июль 2019, 19:1616.07.19
~Thor~ in game name, cannot open game still iPhone XR
16 июль 2019, 21:5516.07.19
It would be very professional if somebody as in game developer would post something regarding this issue
17 июль 2019, 00:1417.07.19

Just wow!

2 days can’t log on.

No I am not downloading other apps to play one app. That’s ridiculous and the game was working just fine before patch 1.9... 

so sad of all the time I invested to just go poof!

17 июль 2019, 01:3917.07.19
Not Monster - ign. Can’t start app without crashing. I’ve spent money and time on this. Please do something. I’d like to continue playing. 
17 июль 2019, 02:0117.07.19
Game crashing after update as well. Every now and then it will open for a min. Tried erasing reinstalling, soft reset, hard reset, just a black screen and kick out every time I try to open it. Very frustrated after all the app purchases and effort. 
17 июль 2019, 07:0017.07.19
Ok maybe this will help someone. Not sure. Sooo same iPhone issue black screen that crashes on load. But!!! Have noticed if I log on while on WiFi everything is fine. In fact I have logged on WiFi at my house kept game running and left house continued to be able to play while on regular data. But once I left game alone to long and had to re sign in black screen issue again. Just food for thought? I’d say issue is with logging in when not on WiFi. Once gets past log in u can run on regular data till it needs to verify your login again. Hope helps someone. 
17 июль 2019, 07:5917.07.19

I’m reposting this from another thread.

“I too, cannot play this game after the latest update. It is a shame, but I just hope that those of us effected by this will be properly compensated for their mistake.”

I’m hopeful. However, what we get is usually not worth the aggravation of not being able to play, or the silent indifference we get from developers.

17 июль 2019, 09:0617.07.19
With so many of us having the same problem it would be nice to at least have a dev give us a reply on a thread saying “hey we are aware and are working on it” at least let us know would seem like basic customer service I mean even riot does that.
17 июль 2019, 21:2717.07.19

Sgt Ronin GIS said:

I’m reposting this from another thread.

“I too, cannot play this game after the latest update. It is a shame, but I just hope that those of us effected by this will be properly compensated for their mistake.”

I’m hopeful. However, what we get is usually not worth the aggravation of not being able to play, or the silent indifference we get from developers.

I just downloaded a new update. The game loads to the Bastion. In the bottom left corner of the screen I’m stuck at 99% for downloading additional files. 

And no offer of compensation from developers whatsoever.

18 июль 2019, 01:5918.07.19
18 июль 2019, 02:00(отредактировано)

Doowie said:

benbursae77 said:

This is INSANE that this is still a problem. Fix it, Plarium, or you’re losing customers big time, me included. 

Now this is the kind of customer, which I hate. You will NOT be leaving, but you feel that using a form of emotional blackmail will help to speed up the process of the game being fixed ... sorry but it doesn't work and has never worked. If they loss 1 player, they gain more in your place and maybe some of those new players will spend some money on their game.

If you wanted to leave the game because of this problem, you would not be stating it in a public forum. You should just say that you were disappointed and you hope it would be fixed soon.

Anyway with the said and out the way, there was a post from a moderator in another thread asking for some feedback, which was a bit strange as some of the requirements were needed, when they can pull the data from the multiple threads. Iphones > black screen > not internet related etc etc.

So I highly expect Plarium are trying to find the source of the problem and get it fixed. If it takes them a few days, it's not the end of the world. There are other things to play, things to do in your life.


dl321a said:

Yea ur an idiot. First, because u feel as tho u have any clue if this person will or won’t quit. Second, u don’t know what they are or are not doing to fix “it”. Which we don’t even know what “it” is because they have given ZERO explanation! Which is an issue by itself. And lastly, u have no clue if this person had spent X amount of money on this game. As someone who has spent money, the lack of response to this issue, along with 3 days of being unable to login, and losing out on sacred crystals and many other items after grinding to get them, yea ur high and mighty know it all self is an idiot. 

18 июль 2019, 03:0718.07.19
Submitted a ticket about this same issue on my iphone 6s, no answer yet, been a few days though...
18 июль 2019, 04:1118.07.19

Hi !

Please install 1.9.1. update from App Store.
