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Daily, weekly, monthly quests not showing up

Daily, weekly, monthly quests not showing up

1 июль 2019, 14:0101.07.19

Daily, weekly, monthly quests not showing up

Issue: my daily/weekly/monthly quests tabs are completely blank and have never had anything in them since I began playing (lvl 40 currently)

Fixes attempted: I've tried logging out/back in, uninstalled/reinstalled, and tried playing the game on a different device. Nothing solves the problem. HOWEVER, if I log out of my current account and start playing on a new account the quests are there and work just fine. 

Tech specs: playing on a pixel 3a, have also tried on a Nexus 5x

I've submitted a bug report on this issue in game multiple times but have gotten no response back, here's hoping the forums gets me better luck. In hindsight I should have probably just stopped playing on my account once I noticed the issue and started a new one, but at this point in a little too vested in the current account to just throw it away. 

2 июль 2019, 04:0902.07.19

Redhat88 said:

Issue: my daily/weekly/monthly quests tabs are completely blank and have never had anything in them since I began playing (lvl 40 currently)

Fixes attempted: I've tried logging out/back in, uninstalled/reinstalled, and tried playing the game on a different device. Nothing solves the problem. HOWEVER, if I log out of my current account and start playing on a new account the quests are there and work just fine. 

Tech specs: playing on a pixel 3a, have also tried on a Nexus 5x

I've submitted a bug report on this issue in game multiple times but have gotten no response back, here's hoping the forums gets me better luck. In hindsight I should have probably just stopped playing on my account once I noticed the issue and started a new one, but at this point in a little too vested in the current account to just throw it away. 


You issue is still persist today too?

2 июль 2019, 15:1102.07.19

Hey there Sezzy,

Yes, unfortunately my issue is still persisting. I've attached a screen shot of what it looks like (all 3 tabs look the same). Is there any other information I could provide you guys with that could help solve this?

3 июль 2019, 16:3403.07.19
*bump* I'm still experiencing the issue and have yet to be contacted by anyone. A response back would be greatly appreciated
3 июль 2019, 18:3403.07.19
I have the exact same issue
4 июль 2019, 04:3804.07.19


Could you try to log out and log in after force close and delete cache if you are usen android?

4 июль 2019, 15:0004.07.19

for me too :'(  new player lvl 20.

Ihave a iphone and a android.

Sorry for my language... ^^
5 июль 2019, 10:1705.07.19
have the same problem ... tried reinstalling.. empty cache ... mulitple devices .. nothing works and support isnt answering
5 июль 2019, 20:1005.07.19

Sezzy said:


Could you try to log out and log in after force close and delete cache if you are usen android?

So I force closed the game, cleared the cache, restarted my phone, opened up the game, and the issue wasn't fixed.

I also tried uninstalling/reinstalling again, as well as logging out, playing with a new profile until I got the ability to complete a daily quest on the new profile, and then logging back into my actual account. The second I logged back in the daily/weekly/monthly quests went back to being bugged and not showing up.

At this point I'm fairly convinced that the issue is server/account side and not on my end of things, but who knows? Do you have any other suggestions Sezzy? Seems like there are more than a few people experiencing this issue. Does Tech support know about the bug?
6 июль 2019, 02:3606.07.19
Hey i do have a same problem, aby advices?
6 июль 2019, 17:4706.07.19
I'm experiencing the exact same issue. No daily/weekly/monthly showing up on a fairly new account. Never had it actually work. Refreshed, reset, cleared, numerous times daily both before and since the 1.8 patch and still not working correctly. At this point, I'd be happy to have my email account link removed from current game and be allowed to create a new game using my current email account.
7 июль 2019, 19:0807.07.19

**Back up to the top we go**

Any further info from the devs that you could provide Sezzy?
7 июль 2019, 21:4007.07.19

Same here. Started about a week ago (June 28th) and all three pages are completely blank. I kept assuming they'd appear at some point but I'm level 27, finished normal campaign, and pretty sure I should have them...

I'm playing on both my Pixel 3 and my iPad2, issue is on both.

Really hoping a Dev can notice this thread.

8 июль 2019, 16:1908.07.19

Many other people are having this issue...Zero replies confirming it's being looked into...

What the heck?
10 июль 2019, 15:0210.07.19
Clearly this is an issue affecting a good amount of people. Can we please at least get a Dev acknowledgment that they are aware and looking into a fix? The fact that this thread has gone on for so long without that is ridiculous and worrying, come on Plarium, you're better than this
10 июль 2019, 18:5610.07.19

same with my account. startet a new one to test it has no problems.

but iam playing for a week or so and dont feel like starting over
10 июль 2019, 19:1010.07.19
I'm in the exact same boat. I've filed a ticket every day since I started, no reply or fix. I feel like we are missing out on way too much while this bug persists
11 июль 2019, 04:3711.07.19
11 июль 2019, 04:38(отредактировано)


It should be fixed in a next update if everything goes planned.

Thank you for your patient.

11 июль 2019, 15:0211.07.19
That's great news to hear Sezzy, do you happen to have any general idea when that update will be? Are we talking the next big update like 1.8 was? Or just the next update in general?
11 июль 2019, 20:5211.07.19

Sezzy said:


It should be fixed in a next update if everything goes planned.

Thank you for your patient.

Thanks, but yeah is there any kind of ETA? This is very frustrating and it's completely on the developers' end. 
11 июль 2019, 23:3411.07.19
Been having the same issue ever since I created my account, didn’t realize this wasn’t normal until some friends showed me I was missing out on the daily quest rewards.  Hope this get fixed soon.