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Peeps will start to Quit ?Because of no leggo books ?

Peeps will start to Quit ?Because of no leggo books ?

24 июль 2022, 16:4424.07.22

Peeps will start to Quit ?Because of no leggo books ?


peeps on my clan for the last month now are complain about no books every one on our clan hits unm till hard cb that covers a large spectrum and no one is getting books!! not just on the game on discord i got one today but its the first one i got in weeks !!I remeber every cvc i had at last min of 4 books now im lucky if i got one .So whats going on with the books on the cb? Drope rates like 2% come on raid fix this 

24 июль 2022, 17:3324.07.22

I  have  pulled  13  leggo  books  from  cb  since  july  1.    I  have  pulled  81  since  January 1.    And  these  are  just  cb.   5  days  ago  during  cvc  I  used  10  leggo  books,  the  previous cvc  with  pr  I  used  22.    And  I  still  have  44  atm.    Atm  i  have  used  360  leggo  books  on  leggo  champions  since  I  began  playing.

And  no,  I've  never  bought  any  books.

24 июль 2022, 18:0324.07.22

I  have  pulled  13  leggo  books  from  cb  since  july  1.    I  have  pulled  81  since  January 1.    And  these  are  just  cb.   5  days  ago  during  cvc  I  used  10  leggo  books,  the  previous cvc  with  pr  I  used  22.    And  I  still  have  44  atm.    Atm  i  have  used  360  leggo  books  on  leggo  champions  since  I  began  playing.

And  no,  I've  never  bought  any  books.

well your either a good liar or lucky as hell cuz out of 30 peeps on our team only 4 of us pulled like 1 book in the last 3 weeks and i know somthing is wrong cuz like clock work every cvc i had min 4 books most of the time 8 or more and in the last 3 cvcs lucky to see one or 2 . could be some of your books your earning from events ect we not talking about all books lol just cb !

24 июль 2022, 18:0824.07.22

well your either a good liar or lucky as hell cuz out of 30 peeps on our team only 4 of us pulled like 1 book in the last 3 weeks and i know somthing is wrong cuz like clock work every cvc i had min 4 books most of the time 8 or more and in the last 3 cvcs lucky to see one or 2 . could be some of your books your earning from events ect we not talking about all books lol just cb !

I think you are overly rude calling someone a liar just because he seems to have more luck than you. 

Even if I only pulled 22 leggo books since beginning of April, my overall number of leggo books is 51 this year. Some of my people in our clan have more luch and pull more sacred, void shards and more leggo book than me...even if we are defeating the same number of CBs.

24 июль 2022, 18:4624.07.22
24 июль 2022, 18:53(отредактировано)

well your either a good liar or lucky as hell cuz out of 30 peeps on our team only 4 of us pulled like 1 book in the last 3 weeks and i know somthing is wrong cuz like clock work every cvc i had min 4 books most of the time 8 or more and in the last 3 cvcs lucky to see one or 2 . could be some of your books your earning from events ect we not talking about all books lol just cb !

Here's  for  Mr.  JackA  who  called  me  a  lier.  Please  note  I  did  not  state  a  single  opinion  much  less    a  deroogatory  term.    Every  singl  statment  I  made  was  a  statement  of  fact  with  the  intent  of  providing  actual  data  in  the  game  rather  than,  whatever  it  is  when  one  pontificates  without  data.

The  first  ss  shows  all  of  my  legendaries  with  at  least  one  book.    The  first  numerical  column  shoes  the  number  of  books  I  have  invested  in  each  legendary.    There  is  a  sum  at  the  bottom.    The  second ss  shows  my  current  number  of  available  books. 

There  is  nothing  extrordinary  about  my  pulls.    If  you  ask  nice  I  might  be  willing  to  discuse  with  you  what  you  may  be  doing  wrong.



24 июль 2022, 18:5924.07.22
24 июль 2022, 19:08(отредактировано)

Let's keep it chill.

As for the topic itself: I want to caution anyone who takes small sample sizes to heart when looking for outcomes which happen very infrequently, like they do with legendary books.  Variance is going to be brutal from time to time.

24 июль 2022, 19:2524.07.22

Ya, gamers are really really fond of two words: ALWAYS, and NEVER

Example. The player above NEVER gets any books, it's ALWAYS like that...


24 июль 2022, 19:3624.07.22

The challenge with working with random events like this is that you really need a massive sample size in order to see if something was changed. 

About 7 months ago there were some theories htat the drop rate had changed for Epic Books, and a team of people built a data model from about 5,000 players with over 200,000 entries to try and identify that the drop rate had changed.

This isn't to say that something hasn't changed, just that we'd need more data to identify a trend.

25 июль 2022, 17:1025.07.22

Well my bad but it looks to me he dont have many champs he is booking in other way he wont have so many books with that said he saving books and im not !most all my champs are booked the ones that are not are in the vault so my point only was not how many books do he have we are not getting many books from the cb anymore lol this was the only point and i have proof of that lol @ ALL of u lol

25 июль 2022, 17:1225.07.22
25 июль 2022, 17:16(отредактировано)

The challenge with working with random events like this is that you really need a massive sample size in order to see if something was changed. 

About 7 months ago there were some theories htat the drop rate had changed for Epic Books, and a team of people built a data model from about 5,000 players with over 200,000 entries to try and identify that the drop rate had changed.

This isn't to say that something hasn't changed, just that we'd need more data to identify a trend.

The only data i need is picks peeps send me on discord with blue shards and epic books and i got that data !WE not talk about epic books we talk about yellow books lol

25 июль 2022, 17:2525.07.22

But on a good note im going to stop to gripe here because from no where i got 2 leggo books today one on nm one on unm could be just was a streek of bad luck for the clan now seems to be back on track ) TY all

25 июль 2022, 18:5625.07.22

The only data i need is picks peeps send me on discord with blue shards and epic books and i got that data !WE not talk about epic books we talk about yellow books lol

I know you are talking about legendary books, but I am saying that 7 months ago a similar claim came up around epic books, except that the users compiled data from over 200,000 entries to try and identify whether this was the case.

Good to hear that you finally got some legendary books though.  Just goes to show that RNG will always be RNG

25 июль 2022, 19:0625.07.22
25 июль 2022, 19:10(отредактировано)

Well my bad but it looks to me he dont have many champs he is booking in other way he wont have so many books with that said he saving books and im not !most all my champs are booked the ones that are not are in the vault so my point only was not how many books do he have we are not getting many books from the cb anymore lol this was the only point and i have proof of that lol @ ALL of u lol

Oh,  my  apologies.    When  i  told  you   i  have  360  books  on  champs  you  call  me  a  lier.  When  i  show  you  i  have  360  books  on  champs  you  say  it's  not  many  books.    So  it's  either  unbelievable  or  it's  insignificant?  Ok,  i  think  i  got  it  now.  Thanks  for  your  patience,  i  can  be  slow.

28 июль 2022, 17:1628.07.22

looks like its fixed i got 8 books now sense this post ) TY all

29 июль 2022, 00:4329.07.22

Nothing to fix except confirmation bias.

29 июль 2022, 02:1629.07.22

Nothing to fix except confirmation bias.

The most dangerous game of all......confirmation bias.

29 июль 2022, 02:3829.07.22

Tbh im more worried about those leggo books hitting the right skill over getting them >.>

29 июль 2022, 21:3729.07.22
29 июль 2022, 21:40(отредактировано)

I have to add another perspective. I have two accounts, both now are F2P with the occassional special event purchase, and for the last 7 months of playing consistently everyday finishing the dailys and advanced quests, which includes the requirement to use 2 CB keys. In one account I generally play NM and the other Brutal/NM. I am, I believe, a Mid game player. Also, I play several of the events as much as possible including CVC. 

In this time, from CB I have only received 3 epic books and I vaguely remember receiving 1 legendary book, and I think 2 rare books, again this is since the beginning of the year, which is 7 months.

To say this is frustrating doesn't give it enough weight. However, as the subject of this specific forum suggests there are others who have legitimate complaints about the lack of books being provided for all the time and effort playing this "Gacha" game.

Since the start of covid when I began playing until now, I'm continually reading the frustrations of players, new and old, regarding the apparent lack of concern by the parent company for RSL and it is very noticable. Which begs the question, when will they listen and learn, or does it really just come down the one thing all companies want, money? FWIW

With respect to RSL, I have viewed many of their videos and found them to be typical of a company trying to keep up with growth and the demands from their "users". I must say, there really is a special art at shining people on. I still like the game, but only until becomes more a bother than like human nature, I search for something else to do because of not being heard.

You can only dangle meat in front of lion so long before it decides to eat you. ;-) Then leave.

29 июль 2022, 21:5029.07.22

Your main problem is you're only doing NM. UNM is where the lego books really start coming in. Your chances at UNM is 10.62%, vs 6.32% at NM. also, just to be clear, ONLY the top chest from either of those gives lego books. 

30 июль 2022, 01:2430.07.22

Your main problem is you're only doing NM. UNM is where the lego books really start coming in. Your chances at UNM is 10.62%, vs 6.32% at NM. also, just to be clear, ONLY the top chest from either of those gives lego books. 

I can 3 key NM for best chest.  What is the math to move to UNM now.  I need lego books

30 июль 2022, 01:2830.07.22

I can 3 key NM for best chest.  What is the math to move to UNM now.  I need lego books

Wait till you can top chest UNM with all daily keys :P otherwise make sure to take top NM chest ? Thats my guess , hope forum vets will be able to shine in more on this ;)