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Upcoming Helicath Fusion

Upcoming Helicath Fusion

7 июнь 2022, 23:0107.06.22

@kramaswamy.kr .... They tricked us.  Creating new champs when we have champs in storage.  

Can we get them only from shards?  Can we win them for campaign etc.  

Yeah, there hasn't been fusions including existing rares/epics for a long, long time. As Kram said, you can get them from tournaments/events during the fusion. The epic and rare in this update are going to be the ones we need to get. 


8 июнь 2022, 14:2608.06.22

Is the programm, similar to previous fusions, ready/available somewhere?

Thank you and good luck to everybody!

8 июнь 2022, 15:5008.06.22

The specifics for this one are *super* weird. There's only *one* epic champ and *one* rare champ. You need four of the former and sixteen of the latter.

During 2x Ancient this weekend, you'll almost certainly get a whole bunch of those. That'll essentially mean you don't need to do those corresponding event/tournaments.

Very strange.

If I remember correctly skull  lord  required  16  skullcrown, but those were farmable.

8 июнь 2022, 16:0508.06.22

If I remember correctly skull  lord  required  16  skullcrown, but those were farmable.

Skullsworn, I assume you mean :P

8 июнь 2022, 18:0908.06.22
8 июнь 2022, 18:43(отредактировано)

Yeah,  Skullsworns  into  Drakes.  That  fusion  was  especially  weird,  no  events/tournaments,  just  farming  Skullsworns  from  campaign.

Personally  definitely  going  for  this  fusion,  even  though  I  already  have  2  Roshcards  (:



8 июнь 2022, 21:3308.06.22
8 июнь 2022, 21:35(отредактировано)

Is there a callendar for the events yet? Or are we going to be knee deep in the first event before we can make a plan on how to go about this?

8 июнь 2022, 21:3408.06.22

Skullsworn, I assume you mean :P

Lol,  yes.    Thanks

8 июнь 2022, 21:3608.06.22
8 июнь 2022, 21:37(отредактировано)

Yeah,  Skullsworns  into  Drakes.  That  fusion  was  especially  weird,  no  events/tournaments,  just  farming  Skullsworns  from  campaign.

Personally  definitely  going  for  this  fusion,  even  though  I  already  have  2  Roshcards  (:



Yes  i  love  my  Rosh, but I fear he may be headed to the barn.

8 июнь 2022, 21:4108.06.22

Is there a callendar for the events yet? Or are we going to be knee deep in the first event before we can make a plan on how to go about this?

So, judging by a Discord announcement today we can safely assume when these tourneys will start:

"Thursday, June 9th. Super Raids in the Dragon's Lair.

Monday, June 13th. Super Raids in the Ice Golem's Peak.

Friday, June 17th. Super Raids in the Fire Knight's Castle.

Tuesday, June 21st. Super Raids in the Spider's Den." 

Other than that, going to have to wait for the schedule when the fusion goes live tomorrow.

9 июнь 2022, 02:0809.06.22

If i got all potions and food needed , what are my chance of getting all champs needed for this fusion without winning tourny >? idlike to think 75% .... but idk its my 1st one 

9 июнь 2022, 02:5909.06.22

If i got all potions and food needed , what are my chance of getting all champs needed for this fusion without winning tourny >? idlike to think 75% .... but idk its my 1st one 

You never need to win a tourney. The way it's been lately, you just need to complete all the events and tournaments and earn enough points to reach their respective milestones for the champs.

The part that will be challenging are the Champ Chase and Summon Rush events. If you don't have a whole pile of shards stockpiled, those'll be tough to complete. You can get around having to get the top reward on one of them by winning tournaments, but that's not usually something most people can count on.

9 июнь 2022, 03:0509.06.22

ok , so i would probably need to focus on winning at least 1 tourny in all those 3 weeks >? Since no i dont have shards piled me , lieke 40-50 green , 4 blues and 2 purple :P maybe 1 sacred if i beat fk 13 !

9 июнь 2022, 07:3009.06.22

ok , so i would probably need to focus on winning at least 1 tourny in all those 3 weeks >? Since no i dont have shards piled me , lieke 40-50 green , 4 blues and 2 purple :P maybe 1 sacred if i beat fk 13 !

winning a tournament won't help you. this is a classic fusion, not a fragment fusion so there's no prize for taking the top spot (beyond the standard tournament prizes, but those won't help you with the fusion).

hate to be the beaer of bad news but with your current amount of shards you'll be hard-pressed to complete either the summon rush or the champion chase, let alone both. you might still be able to complete the fusion if there's an epic drop from a non-shard related event but otherwise my advice would be to save your resources for down the road when you have a better chance of completing the fusion. that said, even if you aren't able to fuse helicath you should be able to get a copy of kinagashi pretty easily.

9 июнь 2022, 16:0609.06.22

I see one of the events is up ... but where is the schedule please????

9 июнь 2022, 16:1009.06.22

I dont see any events. 

It says there are 11 turnaments but when I click it it only shows 3 expired ones.

9 июнь 2022, 16:1509.06.22

Haha! it's disappeared now!! At first it was that path thing .. then a dungeon divers .. and now gone. Perhaps they need some more down time!

9 июнь 2022, 16:2009.06.22

So finnaly some answers:

Oracle — Today at 5:42 PM

@everyone Because of the prolonged downtime, we have to reconfigure the schedule of Tournaments and Events slightly. For the time being, the game might incorrectly display ongoing, finished, and upcoming activities. After the configuration process is done, the game will start showing Tournaments and Events properly again.

We also see that many of you are concerned about the new advanced Hydra quest. So here's a small clarification - the game will not assign such a quest to a player who lacks Hydra keys to complete it.  

9 июнь 2022, 16:4009.06.22

So finnaly some answers:

Oracle — Today at 5:42 PM

@everyone Because of the prolonged downtime, we have to reconfigure the schedule of Tournaments and Events slightly. For the time being, the game might incorrectly display ongoing, finished, and upcoming activities. After the configuration process is done, the game will start showing Tournaments and Events properly again.

We also see that many of you are concerned about the new advanced Hydra quest. So here's a small clarification - the game will not assign such a quest to a player who lacks Hydra keys to complete it.  

Well, to be honest, I like to play Hydra on my schedule, not at the time Plarium tells me to play Hydra. It normally takes quite some time to play Hydra and there are stil days, on which I do not plan to spent 1 hours or something on Hydra.

9 июнь 2022, 20:1409.06.22

It looks like there will only be 15 opportunities to snag the rare,  so  it  will be an necesity to snag the epic.  Either that or get lucky and pull either a rare or an epic from a shard.

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