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How much speed for and how to improve a lead champ in Arena GIV???

How much speed for and how to improve a lead champ in Arena GIV???

10 июнь 2021, 04:3910.06.21

Bronze  2 ---->  10-12%  Speed  Aura  +  150  Speed  TM  Booster  +  15%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Silver  1  ----->  19-20%  Speed  Aura  +  200  Speed  TM  Booster  +  15%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Gold  1  ------>  23-24%  Speed  Aura  +  250  Speed  TM  Booster  +  30%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Gold  4  ----->  30-32%   Speed  Aura  +  300  Speed  TM  Booster  +  30%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Platinum 1  -->  30-32%   Speed  Aura  +  350  Speed  TM  Booster  +  45%  Minimum  TM  Fill

These  are  the  Speed  +  Aura  +  TM  Fill  Amounts  I   recommend to  people.

These  amounts  are  based  on  a  Classical  Arena  Speed  Nuking  set  up.

Sample -  Bronze  2  Team:

Leader:  Spirithost  -  10%  Speed  Aura  

1st  move:  Apothecary  -->  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Speed  Buff  30%

2nd  move:  Spirithost  --->  Increase  Attack  Buff  50%

3rd  move:  WarMaiden  -->  AOE  Def  Down  60%

4th  move:  Galek  -------->  AOE  Nuke

Sample  -  Gold  1  Team:

Leader:  Gorgorab -  23%  Speed  Aura  

1st  move:  High  Khatun -->  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Speed  Buff  30%

2nd  move:  Gorgorab  ---->  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Attack  Buff  50%

3rd  move:  Spider -------->  AOE  Def  Down  60%  +  Atk  Down  50%

4th  move:  Skullcrown  --->  AOE  Nuke

Sample -  Platinum 1  Team:

Leader:  Arbiter  -  30%  Speed  Aura  

1st  move:  Siphi  ------>  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Speed  Buff  30%

2nd  move:  Arbiter  --->  TM  Fill  30%  +  Increase  Attack  Buff  50%

3rd  move:  Lydia  ----->  AOE  Def  Down  60%  +  Weaken  25%

4th  move:  Trunda  --->  AOE  Nuke

Even  though  I  believe everything I  said  above  to  be  accurate  their  is  a  HUGE  Caveat.

Starting  from  Gold  1  Tier  Arena,  you  have  to  begin  diversifying  your  Arena  Portfolio.

Your  opening  post  to  this  thread  explains  why  people need  to  do  this!!!

You  been  playing  2  years  4  months  and  your  Arbiter  is  320  SPD.

What  happens  when  you  fight  a  player  with  an  Arbiter  of  330  SPD?

You  will  most  likely  auto  lose  because they  do  your  own  strategy better  vs.  you.

Are  you  going  to  proclaim  them  as  Arena  Gods  for  having  better  luck  at  Speed  Gear  Drops  vs.  you  from  Dragon?  No!

Are  you  going  to  farm  Dragon  the  next  2  years  of  your  life  hoping  for  Speed  gear  to  drop  with  better  rolls?  No!

What  you  should  do  is  Diversify  your  Arena  Offense  Options!

Let  me  give  you  an  example:


Each  set  up  designed to  counter  something different.

It  is  extremely helpful.

10 июнь 2021, 04:4210.06.21

There are 2 kinds of people who ask question that they already know the answer: (a) people want to feel they are better than others by listening to wrong answers, (b) people want to know much more than they could know. Ironically (b) people are minor, (a) people are too crowded. 

Then I ignore this thread.

10 июнь 2021, 07:4810.06.21
10 июнь 2021, 09:19(отредактировано)

Trevor Wilson wrote:

I am 7 months in and dont have arbiter yet (i will have soon though) and my seeker is 301 and i lose the speed race 3/4 of the time. I mostly fight the bots now.

Totally get you with the time required, i use a mouse clicker (after checking here that it is allowed) but it still takes too long to do the basics.Cancel 

Since I've build Foli as a nuker (in fact Sir Nic was my nuker, but had not enough critdmg and did not want to change his artefacts, 'cause he is a fancy carrier in other places) it's a bit better now, though I often wonder how the opponents manage to get their teams that fast. I do not like PvP very much and so my Great Hall is still pretty low and I've done some basic mistakes in setting the arena medals. A reset possibility would be great (e.g. once in a month for a specific amount of gems or at least once-in-a-lifetime). 

The bots or whatever they are are welcome to me. So - if you are playing regularly - you have the possibility to stay in and hopefuly reach a upper arena level and can earn enough medals to improve your GH. If a player is keen on PvP he can ignore the bots and can go for the real accounts or whales. Imho there is no reason to change the arena as long as you are able to keep or rather to level up your arena level as long as you are wiling to play regularly (except Platinum which is exclusively for real players). Of course your team needs to have some kind of a specific quality otherwise you would loose too much games in the passive defense fights.

In fact I've never used a clicker until the current fusion. Sometimes I've bought that monthly card. Mainly I play on mobile phone because I do not want to be fixed in front of my PC. If I would want that I would play other much more komplex and mechanic based PvE games like one of the popular MMORPGs. I tried two different games some years ago and noticed that the time consumption is really immense but they never felt like work because the immersion was really intense.  

10 июнь 2021, 08:0610.06.21

Hello Morana, 

320 Speed Arbiter should keep you in lower Gold IV , it`s not a bad speed after all, however, i hope that you realize the difference between 5* artifacts and 6* artifacts when it comes to speed,i believe if you spend the next 2 months farming ONLY Dragon, you will get definitly an upgrade to your arbiter, as you still have enough room to improve and its easier for someone in your speed to get a speed upgrade than someone that has 360 arbiter for example. 

I hope I could help.

Alpha H


10 июнь 2021, 08:3610.06.21
Player J

Bronze  2 ---->  10-12%  Speed  Aura  +  150  Speed  TM  Booster  +  15%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Silver  1  ----->  19-20%  Speed  Aura  +  200  Speed  TM  Booster  +  15%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Gold  1  ------>  23-24%  Speed  Aura  +  250  Speed  TM  Booster  +  30%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Gold  4  ----->  30-32%   Speed  Aura  +  300  Speed  TM  Booster  +  30%  Minimum  TM  Fill

Platinum 1  -->  30-32%   Speed  Aura  +  350  Speed  TM  Booster  +  45%  Minimum  TM  Fill

These  are  the  Speed  +  Aura  +  TM  Fill  Amounts  I   recommend to  people.

These  amounts  are  based  on  a  Classical  Arena  Speed  Nuking  set  up.

Sample -  Bronze  2  Team:

Leader:  Spirithost  -  10%  Speed  Aura  

1st  move:  Apothecary  -->  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Speed  Buff  30%

2nd  move:  Spirithost  --->  Increase  Attack  Buff  50%

3rd  move:  WarMaiden  -->  AOE  Def  Down  60%

4th  move:  Galek  -------->  AOE  Nuke

Sample  -  Gold  1  Team:

Leader:  Gorgorab -  23%  Speed  Aura  

1st  move:  High  Khatun -->  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Speed  Buff  30%

2nd  move:  Gorgorab  ---->  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Attack  Buff  50%

3rd  move:  Spider -------->  AOE  Def  Down  60%  +  Atk  Down  50%

4th  move:  Skullcrown  --->  AOE  Nuke

Sample -  Platinum 1  Team:

Leader:  Arbiter  -  30%  Speed  Aura  

1st  move:  Siphi  ------>  TM  Fill  15%  +  Increase  Speed  Buff  30%

2nd  move:  Arbiter  --->  TM  Fill  30%  +  Increase  Attack  Buff  50%

3rd  move:  Lydia  ----->  AOE  Def  Down  60%  +  Weaken  25%

4th  move:  Trunda  --->  AOE  Nuke

Even  though  I  believe everything I  said  above  to  be  accurate  their  is  a  HUGE  Caveat.

Starting  from  Gold  1  Tier  Arena,  you  have  to  begin  diversifying  your  Arena  Portfolio.

Your  opening  post  to  this  thread  explains  why  people need  to  do  this!!!

You  been  playing  2  years  4  months  and  your  Arbiter  is  320  SPD.

What  happens  when  you  fight  a  player  with  an  Arbiter  of  330  SPD?

You  will  most  likely  auto  lose  because they  do  your  own  strategy better  vs.  you.

Are  you  going  to  proclaim  them  as  Arena  Gods  for  having  better  luck  at  Speed  Gear  Drops  vs.  you  from  Dragon?  No!

Are  you  going  to  farm  Dragon  the  next  2  years  of  your  life  hoping  for  Speed  gear  to  drop  with  better  rolls?  No!

What  you  should  do  is  Diversify  your  Arena  Offense  Options!

Let  me  give  you  an  example:


Each  set  up  designed to  counter  something different.

It  is  extremely helpful.

Yeah, Player J, that's an answer, isn't it? Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. It's some really helpful advice. In fact I am playing with the same arena team most of the time. Of course I've got some other built champions, but my account is more likely done for a broader game approach (rather unknowingly, I only wanted to play 🙂 ), where almost nothing has come to its end. The only thing where I am kind of endgame is UNM CB, which I do auto in a 3-key. Everything else is mainly done to function half-decent, I cannot run DT in hard mode (in normal mode I did it only once to the endboss, which I successfully finished manually), I've completed only one faction (Sacred Order). 

I think my current champ portfolio is not too bad and there are some other as the mentioned arena champ combinations possible, though I have missed some of the more popular fusions like Tormin, Kreela, Astralon and Brogni. To get better not only in arena I probably cannot ignore farming the dungeons. E. g. I still do not have one viable Wild set. The stats on most of the already farmed FK sets are pretty low or improper. Same for Relentless or other sets from other dungeons than Dragon's Lair. These sets are not essential, I know, but could bring some more benfit to your teams. I only can vary my arena teams if the champs I use are good enough equipped. In Tag Arena I've done it only to SI so far. 

10 июнь 2021, 08:5410.06.21
10 июнь 2021, 08:56(отредактировано)

Hello Morana, 

320 Speed Arbiter should keep you in lower Gold IV , it`s not a bad speed after all, however, i hope that you realize the difference between 5* artifacts and 6* artifacts when it comes to speed,i believe if you spend the next 2 months farming ONLY Dragon, you will get definitly an upgrade to your arbiter, as you still have enough room to improve and its easier for someone in your speed to get a speed upgrade than someone that has 360 arbiter for example. 

I hope I could help.

Alpha H


Yes, of course, everything helps. Because my clan is really quiet and all other players are lower, I do appreciate every answer. 

Yes, I do realise the difference between the different grades of artifacts. Hunting for 6 star legendary artifacts with proper main and sub stats and then upgrading the most proper sub stats would help if the luck was on my side. 😃

So, I have work to do, so much work to do, as Average White Band already sang.😉 Constant farming for e.g. two months sounds pretty hard to me 'cause it's always hard to decide which artifact to throw into the bin and which to keep 'cause there are some other champs to build. My inventory and inbox are always full with dungeon artifacts. 🙈