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Great Hall should have a reset option.

Great Hall should have a reset option.

8 окт. 2021, 03:4108.10.21

Thanks guys.  I like making a suggestion and not getting any negative feedback.  

I'm more than certain this would go over very well with the player base and sure hope somebody from Plaruim gives it a good attempt.

I   hope  the  rework  the  great  gall  and  also  the  gem  /  energy  costs.  I  wouldnt  mind  paying  to  remove  the  energy  meter .  

its  a head  ache  and  ruins  the  flow  of  the  game  levelling  up  and  needing  so  many  resources .    

8 окт. 2021, 11:5408.10.21
Player J

Your  idea  has  been  asked  before.

I  would  say  it  has  been  asked  maybe  a  hundred  times  over  the  2+  years  I  have  played  this  game.

The  Players  in  the  community have  always  loved  the  idea  of  GH  reset.

All  the  posts  which  have  ever  been  made  about  GH  Reset  have  been  upvoted.

The  road  block  is  with  the  game.

Plarium  simply  doesn't  want  to  do  the  suggestion.

In  the  past,  A  moderator  said  a  reset  button  for  GH  wasn't  needed.

The  moderator  said  any  mistakes  you  make  will  correct  themselves when  you  max  out  your  GH.

I  don't know  if  this  statement was  the  moderator  opinion or  if  it  was  the  offical  response  from  the  managers/developers  as  to  why  they  didnt  want  to  implement  this  idea.

Regardless  of  the  above,  The  statement  given  does  have  merit.

Any  mistakes  you  make  in  GH  will  correct  themselves when  you  max  the  GH.

The  only  problem  is  it  takes  a  long  time  to  max  the  GH.

I  will  give  you  an  upvote  just  like  all  the  other  threads  which  had  same  idea.

Just  don't   put  all  you  hopes  on  this  idea  being  done.

Check  out  the  GH  Guide  I  wrote  in  Guide  section  of  the  forums

It can help  you  avoid  further  mistakes  in  the  mean  time.

The biggest impact is not endgame but earlier.  When players are trying to get missions accomplished.  If mistakes were made early on, getting 2 level 10's in the GH become problematic.  A mistake in this area early on creates problems and timesinks all during missions.

8 окт. 2021, 17:2908.10.21

The biggest impact is not endgame but earlier.  When players are trying to get missions accomplished.  If mistakes were made early on, getting 2 level 10's in the GH become problematic.  A mistake in this area early on creates problems and timesinks all during missions.

You  are  correct  and  your  line  of  reasoning is  why  the  game doesn't want  a  reset  button.

The  game  wants  you  to  make  mistakes.

The  game  wants  the  missions to  be  problematic  time  sinks.

The  game  wants  all  of  the  above things  so  you  become frustrated enough  to  spend  money  buying  Arena  Refill  Tokens  in  the  shop  to  correct  your  mistake.

As  I  said  before,

The  players have  always  wanted  a  Reset  Button.

The  game  has  always  heard  people asking  for  it.

The  game  has  chosen  to  ignore it.