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Arena - Silver IV - Arbiter Teams

Arena - Silver IV - Arbiter Teams

12 май 2021, 07:2112.05.21

The numbers are so tight all the way down the tiers it seems 

Untill a week ago i was in gold - i slipped this week as i had to work before reset and slipped under the threshold in the minutes to reset.

My apoth is faster than mooses seeker (its 290), my debuffer (draco) is similar speed to his stag and my nuker faster than his foli- but if i fought mooses team i would get cut in due to his 30% boost against my 15% as i am not perfectly tuned

Such small margins despite a big tier gap...

OracleCommunity Manager
12 май 2021, 08:5212.05.21

Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder that we are preparing some update which will change matchmaking in Bronze and Silver to make progression in those Tiers easier.

I can't provide you with a certain date right now, but more information will appear soon.

Regarding all the Arbiter teams you might encounter in Silver - there is usually some reason for them to be there - they are likely to be poorly optimized either in terms of gear or team setup. Thus, they don't make full use of their Arbiters.

Thank you for drawing our attention to it! We are in the progress of improving the Arena

12 май 2021, 10:1112.05.21

Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder that we are preparing some update which will change matchmaking in Bronze and Silver to make progression in those Tiers easier.

I can't provide you with a certain date right now, but more information will appear soon.

Regarding all the Arbiter teams you might encounter in Silver - there is usually some reason for them to be there - they are likely to be poorly optimized either in terms of gear or team setup. Thus, they don't make full use of their Arbiters.

Thank you for drawing our attention to it! We are in the progress of improving the Arena

This responsse get REALLY OLD FAST!

You do understand that the arena is the least fun portion of the game for most people and especially new people.

All these people who say get gud! those teams suck and I would wipe the floor with all 1 star champs ( I am going to extremes to make a point )just do not have to play against these teams, Speed wins in the arena 90% of the time in the lower teirs so haveing Arbiter is huge.

I hope the Arena update happens sooner as in this week or early next week or your words from the Arena update will be empty as it said mid month which by the way is this week.

12 май 2021, 10:3212.05.21
12 май 2021, 10:36(отредактировано)

Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder that we are preparing some update which will change matchmaking in Bronze and Silver to make progression in those Tiers easier.

I can't provide you with a certain date right now, but more information will appear soon.

Regarding all the Arbiter teams you might encounter in Silver - there is usually some reason for them to be there - they are likely to be poorly optimized either in terms of gear or team setup. Thus, they don't make full use of their Arbiters.

Thank you for drawing our attention to it! We are in the progress of improving the Arena

No offence but 'changing matchmaking' completely misses the point  of the issues.

There are many teams that have been grinding for years and the number of highly optimised teams grows every month. Yet the number of tiers remains the same and the deflationary systems such as removing excess points at reset remains.

That means each month the lower tiers get more and more full of optimised teams that have been grinding a long time. In the last 8 weeks my speed lead has gone from 260 speed to 290 yet i win the speed race less often in the same tier due to the goalposts to compete constantly moving (no i am not perfectly tuned cutting in is an issue)

While the number of tiers remains the same and deflationary measures exist 'tweaking matchmaking' simply changes who gets a raw deal.

12 май 2021, 10:5312.05.21

Guys bad news for you- Plarium is intrested in big spenders  and in making players to spend as much as possible.

Every complaining message here start with I am low spending ..... those persons have problems in Arena, in fusions , in.... Raid.

Some guy was asking for posibility to unbook heroes ( getting back books spent on them an use them on others ) but why to have this chance when you can pay 20USD for 1 Legendary and 2 epic skill books. And considering how many Legendary bokks you need for every new Lego heroes you might understand you that unbooking will never happen :)

Speed set- you dont need to farm it. You can buy 6* set with only 30USD. And if you buy 5-6 for sure you will get decent speed on some heroe.

So unfortunattely for - that Arena wall is just pushing people to spent and that is what Plarium like most .

That are people that are leaving ---- those low level spenders ot F2P players have no value for Raid creators

12 май 2021, 11:4012.05.21

Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder that we are preparing some update which will change matchmaking in Bronze and Silver to make progression in those Tiers easier.

I can't provide you with a certain date right now, but more information will appear soon.

Regarding all the Arbiter teams you might encounter in Silver - there is usually some reason for them to be there - they are likely to be poorly optimized either in terms of gear or team setup. Thus, they don't make full use of their Arbiters.

Thank you for drawing our attention to it! We are in the progress of improving the Arena

Seriously, just stop. Your proposed fixes will fix nothing. It's at best a band-aid. You'll still punish people for playing the game in a way that you've arbitrarily decided is the wrong way, and lying/misleading people about it doesn't change that fact. The arena will still be the same ridiculously boring who-goes-first meta, with the exception of a few champions that may be able to counter it (Tormin et al) and possibly in the very late-game when people may have enough champions to build multiple dedicated arena teams. The arena will still 100% screw over new players who are forced to directly compete against others who have had years to build their accounts up, including those who have already managed to get the Arbiter which is itself a huge boost to the speed meta. And the kicker is that the arena isn't even PvP in any meaningful way, so what you're competing against is just an ever-escalating PvE-like environment. People thought you were using bots to pad the arena, though that was denied, which is a shame since it may actually be one of the few ideas that would actually improve the situation. Not necessarily by adding easy bot teams, but by adding varied ones that will mix up the meta and inject points to help people advance. But I'm really starting to suspect that improvement is not your goal.

Your arena and the vision to go with it is fundamentally broken in every gameplay aspect. I think you know this, and the problem is that you just don't care. That's why you cling to this inane idea of using player power to matchmake; not because it's even remotely good for any kind of ladder system (just ask literally any other game dev), but because it gives some people the illusion of it working (I know I fell for it until I figured out how it worked). That's why you insist on making the arena tier bonus and great hall such an important aspect of every other part of the game. Not because it needs to be, but because you know that if you didn't, no one would actually bother torturing themselves by participating in the arena. Why do you want people to? I don't know, it certainly isn't because you're concerned about making it fun, but maybe you need your whales to have people to feel superior to, and having this PvE system masquerading as PvP is the easiest.

So yeah, just stop. I'd respect you more if I was spared the copy/paste PR BS. If you insist on being patronizing and treating me like an idiot, don't be too surprised if return the favor.

12 май 2021, 18:0612.05.21

Once  again  we  find  ourselves on  Raid  Forum  with  people  whining  about  Arena.

Booo  Hooo!

Do  you  think  your  little  crocodile tears  will  stop  Charlie  from  tearing  apart  your  Arena  Team?  


If  you  people would  spend  less  time  complaining and  more  time  improving,  You  would  win.

If  the  enemy is  faster  vs.  you,  Don't fight  them  in  a  Speed  Race  Battle.

Change  your  strategy  -  Resistance Teams,  Defense Teams,  &  Health Teams  exist  for  a  reason.

Do  you  think  everyone wins  the  speed  race  all  the  time?  


12 май 2021, 18:1712.05.21
Player J

Once  again  we  find  ourselves on  Raid  Forum  with  people  whining  about  Arena.

Booo  Hooo!

Do  you  think  your  little  crocodile tears  will  stop  Charlie  from  tearing  apart  your  Arena  Team?  


If  you  people would  spend  less  time  complaining and  more  time  improving,  You  would  win.

If  the  enemy is  faster  vs.  you,  Don't fight  them  in  a  Speed  Race  Battle.

Change  your  strategy  -  Resistance Teams,  Defense Teams,  &  Health Teams  exist  for  a  reason.

Do  you  think  everyone wins  the  speed  race  all  the  time?  


And if you spent less time feeling smugly superior for reasons that I'd frankly be more embarassed than proud of to admit if I were you, and more actually reading and understanding what is said, perhaps you would have something meaningful to contribute to the discussion.

12 май 2021, 19:5212.05.21

Hey, guys! Just a quick reminder that we are preparing some update which will change matchmaking in Bronze and Silver to make progression in those Tiers easier.

I can't provide you with a certain date right now, but more information will appear soon.

Regarding all the Arbiter teams you might encounter in Silver - there is usually some reason for them to be there - they are likely to be poorly optimized either in terms of gear or team setup. Thus, they don't make full use of their Arbiters.

Thank you for drawing our attention to it! We are in the progress of improving the Arena

So you are saying that people that was able to reach gold IV, and stay in gold at least enough time to farm the required +3k badges for the great hall 10 mission to get Arbiter (even before having her), are not good enough optimizing gear or team setup, so they fall to silver IV after getting her? Really?

You should think it again and then maybe you can realize that these teams shouldn't belong there.

12 май 2021, 20:4612.05.21

And if you spent less time feeling smugly superior for reasons that I'd frankly be more embarassed than proud of to admit if I were you, and more actually reading and understanding what is said, perhaps you would have something meaningful to contribute to the discussion.

Negative  -  I'm  not  being smugly  superior.

I'm  treating  you  the  way  you  asked  to  be  treated.

You  and  the  people on  this  forum  are  crying  about  arena  like  little children.

You  go  running  to  Mommy  Plarium  because  Arbiter  teams  picked  on  you.

Oracle  comes  here  like  a  naturing  mother  to  make  you  feel  better.

Oracle  tells  you  everything is  going  to  be  ok.

There,  there  little  one  we  are  going  to  make  things  better  for  you.

Than  you  response  to  Oracle  by  saying you  don't  like  being patronized or  treated  like  idiot.

Well  I  have  always  liked  my  Father's  Approach  to  things.

Stop  making  excuses for  yourself and  get  your  ass  in  gear.

You  should  win  regardless -  Weather  the  game  fixes  arena  or  not.

You  are  not  trying  hard  enough.

12 май 2021, 21:2912.05.21

I see you've decided not to take the whole "reading and understanding" part of my message to heart. Let me give you a hand...

I'm actually doing quite well in the arena, or at least I would consider S4/G1 to be quite well for being 3 months in and not spending money except one instance of the daily gems at the start. Maybe you don't, I don't really care, I'm perfectly fine with it. None of my objections to the arena have been that I feel I should be doing better. If anything, I've said I'm perfectly fine with if I did worse, and perhaps I should be doing worse. Had you actually read anything that I've said instead of constructing your straw men, you'd know that.

Second, if anything, I'm arguing against my best short-term interest. If Plarium did what I'm asking them to do, I would most likely be doing much worse in the arena than I am right now. Part of the reason I'm doing well is because I'm exploiting the nonsense matchmaking system, the very same that I'm saying should be changed, and in such a way that I wouldn't be able to exploit it. This should be in Plariums interest as well, assuming of course that their state goal for the arena isn't an outright lie (which it probably is, but that's another matter). Had you actually understood anything that I've said, you'd know that too. Then again, perhaps the concept of wanting something to be improved even if it's not to your direct benefit is completely alien to you.

Third, I'm saying that the arena as it is, is not sustainable. There's no competitive environment to be had when time is such a fundamentally important resource. Short of a time machine, there's no way anyone can just make up for several years worth of advantage. Money is a replacement somewhat, but even that won't be enough eventually. I don't know how bad it is right now, but I do know it will only get worse. Player growth required for the arena to function as they envision it isn't possible, even if player retention isn't as abysmal as it seems at a glance. There will come a point when all your can-do and peppy attitude won't make a damn bit of difference, because regardless of what you think, you can't will yourself to resources that you don't have, and player skill is such a minor factor that it's not even worth considering. Had you actually understood any of that, well, you would at least have been able to present some sort of argument instead of preaching from the git gud gospel, with apparently no concept of what that actually means in a game that isn't skill-based and how increasingly difficult it becomes.

13 май 2021, 00:1113.05.21

They should just bring back the Bots!  Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot they never existed according to Plarium...

But in all seriousness, I actually thought they made the bots more difficult in G4 towards the end before extinction and were actually trying to find "appropriate" bronze, silver, gold level punching bags.  I hope they come back just to make one area a little less time intensive.

13 май 2021, 03:4613.05.21

I see you've decided not to take the whole "reading and understanding" part of my message to heart. Let me give you a hand...

I'm actually doing quite well in the arena, or at least I would consider S4/G1 to be quite well for being 3 months in and not spending money except one instance of the daily gems at the start. Maybe you don't, I don't really care, I'm perfectly fine with it. None of my objections to the arena have been that I feel I should be doing better. If anything, I've said I'm perfectly fine with if I did worse, and perhaps I should be doing worse. Had you actually read anything that I've said instead of constructing your straw men, you'd know that.

Second, if anything, I'm arguing against my best short-term interest. If Plarium did what I'm asking them to do, I would most likely be doing much worse in the arena than I am right now. Part of the reason I'm doing well is because I'm exploiting the nonsense matchmaking system, the very same that I'm saying should be changed, and in such a way that I wouldn't be able to exploit it. This should be in Plariums interest as well, assuming of course that their state goal for the arena isn't an outright lie (which it probably is, but that's another matter). Had you actually understood anything that I've said, you'd know that too. Then again, perhaps the concept of wanting something to be improved even if it's not to your direct benefit is completely alien to you.

Third, I'm saying that the arena as it is, is not sustainable. There's no competitive environment to be had when time is such a fundamentally important resource. Short of a time machine, there's no way anyone can just make up for several years worth of advantage. Money is a replacement somewhat, but even that won't be enough eventually. I don't know how bad it is right now, but I do know it will only get worse. Player growth required for the arena to function as they envision it isn't possible, even if player retention isn't as abysmal as it seems at a glance. There will come a point when all your can-do and peppy attitude won't make a damn bit of difference, because regardless of what you think, you can't will yourself to resources that you don't have, and player skill is such a minor factor that it's not even worth considering. Had you actually understood any of that, well, you would at least have been able to present some sort of argument instead of preaching from the git gud gospel, with apparently no concept of what that actually means in a game that isn't skill-based and how increasingly difficult it becomes.

Don't you  worry  my  fellow  Forum  Poster!

Your  going  to  get  your  chance  soon  enough!

Your  going  to  have  the  opportunity to  join  the  "Git  Gud"  Choir.

Your  going  to  have  the  chance  to  Preach  the  Gospel  to  all  the  Arena  Veteran  Sinners.

The  game  has  released  the  Ramantu  Missions.

Veteran  Players  around  the  world  are  going  for  Ramantu.

Ramantu  has  a  mission  which  requires  players  to  reach  Gold  1  in  Tag  Arena.

Unlike  Classical  Arena,  Tag  Arena  has  a  Max  Limit.

Gold  1  can  only  have  3,125  Players  in  it  at  any  given  week.

In  a  game  filled  with  millions  of  players,  It  is  going  to  be  fun.

Thousands  and  thousands  of  veteran  players  are  going  to  enjoy  this  mission.

13 май 2021, 06:4013.05.21

For Player J superiority- man you make a big confusion between wallet and game skill.

For all people that think as you do please make a small test: start a new account ( not buy one with 4-6 legos, with good epic as Madamme Serris and others from different sources ) , spend maximum 30-50 USD/month and try with all your skill to do the Arbiter missions .

And when you ( if u will :) )- veterans and extremelly skiled players- came here and moke players that complain about stupidity of Arena system.

Regarding Ramantu missions - I said in some post before - they can do some competition for whales only.

Can be some missions with who is spending more to get the champions - that will be extremelly fun to watch for me :)

13 май 2021, 08:4713.05.21

They should just bring back the Bots!  Oh wait, nevermind, I forgot they never existed according to Plarium...

But in all seriousness, I actually thought they made the bots more difficult in G4 towards the end before extinction and were actually trying to find "appropriate" bronze, silver, gold level punching bags.  I hope they come back just to make one area a little less time intensive.

Oh yes the bots that never existed 😂

Being serious i dont think they will be back even in silver or bronze. The whole purpose of leaderboards or tiers or whatever mechanism a game uses is to encourage the user to spend their cash so they need to have users struggling once they have invested time and energy in the game. Timing when the player hits a paywall is probably carefully calculated.

They want those who are ftp to maybe drop a little cash to try and get past the sticking point and they want those living in their parents basement because they already spent their rent money on the game to feel good about 'triumphing through skill' and maybe spending even more.

If 99% of the player base quits in frustration at some point?- it doesnt matter as they are probably the players who didnt plan to spend.

Quite frankly im surprised they made it easy for a while, as they now have veterans who managed to build up their halls etc while being ftp.

13 май 2021, 23:2713.05.21

Unfortunately, Plarium really don't care. It is clearly evident in their player retention numbers that they just released a month ago. They want you to suffer and struggle so that you spend your way out of the hole or leave. If you spend, you will move on to a different pinch point in the game and be forced with the same decision again: to spend or not to spend. If you leave, you are one less whining/griping person on their servers and forums. If this wasn't true, they would be embarrassed about losing so many players and wouldn't have reported the losses, they also would have made a move to try and fix things. But they haven't and won't...

Plarium: Spend Money or uninstall the game. We don't care.

13 май 2021, 23:4013.05.21
13 май 2021, 23:45(отредактировано)

I'm starting to think they have done the opposite of the free bots or what ever it was they claim didn't exist. The amount of complaining and months ago seeing the people who were G4 with bronze level teams, you would think you would be seeing these people and getting free wins off them.

Last week I struggled to maintain G1, this week I've gone down to S3 and now can't even beat teams here. I'm seeing teams with higher team power than I saw in gold last week, losing speed battles, and getting cut in on.

You would think dropping two tiers would make it so you see easier fights, I'm getting harder fights now. Teams are no different, still seeing at least 4/10 if not more teams each refresh with arbiter. Team comps that are very strong

I think plarium is just fucking the player base over and inflating the teams you will face. There is no other answer I can think of at this time. With a player base this large there will always be more people clueless than those that do the bare minimum of reading and optimizing. I do not believe that all the sudden every single team is speed tuned almost perfect and pushing speeds of over 280 in the low end of silver.

Edit: and at least for me points per win have changed drastically. I'm getting 7-8 points per win while my defense is losing 10-13 points per loss to teams 100-200 ladder points above me? GG 

14 май 2021, 08:3214.05.21

I'm starting to think they have done the opposite of the free bots or what ever it was they claim didn't exist. The amount of complaining and months ago seeing the people who were G4 with bronze level teams, you would think you would be seeing these people and getting free wins off them.

Last week I struggled to maintain G1, this week I've gone down to S3 and now can't even beat teams here. I'm seeing teams with higher team power than I saw in gold last week, losing speed battles, and getting cut in on.

You would think dropping two tiers would make it so you see easier fights, I'm getting harder fights now. Teams are no different, still seeing at least 4/10 if not more teams each refresh with arbiter. Team comps that are very strong

I think plarium is just fucking the player base over and inflating the teams you will face. There is no other answer I can think of at this time. With a player base this large there will always be more people clueless than those that do the bare minimum of reading and optimizing. I do not believe that all the sudden every single team is speed tuned almost perfect and pushing speeds of over 280 in the low end of silver.

Edit: and at least for me points per win have changed drastically. I'm getting 7-8 points per win while my defense is losing 10-13 points per loss to teams 100-200 ladder points above me? GG 

Well the proposed 'fix' is to double down on the idea of matchmaking based on account power/level which shows how far removed from reality the devs are - it goes completely against the idea of progression in rpg's for the same content to get harder as you power up.

I havent done anything at all in the game except clan boss keys this week (ive started my weight training again with the spare time)- but after reading your post i looked at my arena, it looks like i have dropped to s3 too (last week i was g1).

All speed teams in my line up, but apart from the siphi/arbiter leads i saw a few gorb / seeker teams and had a go, i have a  290 speed lead and lost the race 5 times on the trot 😂.  I do have a couple of million player power so maybe that is why and to be fair as i only have HK / Apoh for turn meter i am not perfectly tuned - there is a small gap to cut in, but in each case my 290 lead was beaten for speed.

I dont know if its artificially inflated or not, but ...290 speed took me considerable mind numbingly boring dragon runs and spider runs to get on my lead champ and i too am surprised it is 'not enough for lower tiers'.

This company doesnt even hide or try to disguise the pay to win aspects however or even try to pretend that skill is a factor, its pay cash and grind.

So perhaps they are trying to ramp up the frustration levels deliberately to try to squeeze more out of people, that is certainly the intention with cvc to create peer pressure among top clans to spend more cash.

14 май 2021, 09:1414.05.21

For Player J superiority- man you make a big confusion between wallet and game skill.

For all people that think as you do please make a small test: start a new account ( not buy one with 4-6 legos, with good epic as Madamme Serris and others from different sources ) , spend maximum 30-50 USD/month and try with all your skill to do the Arbiter missions .

And when you ( if u will :) )- veterans and extremelly skiled players- came here and moke players that complain about stupidity of Arena system.

Regarding Ramantu missions - I said in some post before - they can do some competition for whales only.

Can be some missions with who is spending more to get the champions - that will be extremelly fun to watch for me :)

Making  new  accounts to  show  lazy  people  how  to  reach  higher  Arena  Tiers  doesn't work.

The  lazy  player  will  always  find  an  excuse  to  why  he  can't advance.

Lets  say  I  was  to  start  a  new  account  and  spend  0  dollars.

Lets  say  I  open  1  void  shard  and  pull  Madam  Serris  on  this  new  acccount.

Than  what?  

The  whole  account  would  be  dismissed  as  Pay  to  Win  account  or  Lucky  account

This  is  what  would  happen  -  It  is  what  always  happens.

14 май 2021, 09:3114.05.21

Usually you will stuck with arena (and around lvl 14 of dungons) as most of players