Fluffy, you are no longer a beginner.
Your account is 6 months old.
You are transitioning into a mid-game player.
You need to get these beginner idea's out of your mind.
You can't get out of Bronze 1 Arena because you are not putting effort in Arena.
Your team power, player power, or any other magical power you mention have nothing to do with it.
You spend several weeks or months working on Faction teams.
Your Arena team suffered in the process because you didn't put effort into Arena.
Put the effort into Arena.
Your Arena team will do better.
I have been on the receiving end of getting crushed by every type of power you can think of.
I have been on the delivery end of crushing others from every type of power you can think of.
Losing to Power is what Beginners tell themselves to make themselves feel better about their lack of understanding.
You are no longer a beginner Fluffy.
These excuses will no longer work for you because you should have the knowledge by now.
Arena isn't Rocket Science.
You can do this Fluffy.
You have all the people in the forum that can help you excel in Arena.
You are a mid game player, Fluffy.
You are a Seasoned player - A Leader in the eyes of beginners.
Beginners are looking to you Fluffy for inspiration, guidance, & knowledge.
When they look to you, They see you say things like you can't get past Bronze 1.
- They feel demoralized.
- They lose confidence.
- They lose the will to fight on.
- They begin to think negative thoughts.
Fluffy can't pass Bronze 1, How can I do it?
Fluffy been playing 6 months, I have only been playing 7 days.
Fluffy is level 49, I am only level 20.
If you can't do it Fluffy, Who can?
I believe you can do it.
I believe you will go far.
I think you got side tracked with Faction Wars.
We all get side tracked in Raid.
Raid is filled with so many things.
- Faction Wars
- Doom Tower
- Dungeons
- Heroes
We get side tracked by all the wonders.
We lose track of time.
We forget what to focus on.
Their is no shame in being side tracked
Their is no shame in being mesmerized by the beauty & wonders of Raid.
Their is no shame in being unfocused.
It happens to the best of us.
These experiences are what help us rise to a higher level of understanding.