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Is my arena challenge gear?

Is my arena challenge gear?

4 май 2021, 20:1204.05.21

Is my arena challenge gear?

Between  getting  debuffed  by  50s  or  seeing  kaels  nuke  bouncing  off  def  downed  champions  i  am  wondering  if  i   am  undergreared...

running  fu  shan ,  apoth,  kael,  and  dhukk.

turn  order  is  right  i  just  dont  seem  to  have  anywhere  near  the  damage  throughput  i  need  Even  when  i  win  the  speed  battle

4 май 2021, 20:2304.05.21

Hard to answer if you're undergeared without being able to ... well, see your gear :)

Screenshots would help, but if you're unable to do that, listing the primary stats of relevance for each of those would do.

4 май 2021, 20:3804.05.21


4 май 2021, 20:5204.05.21

Here  is  my  kael


4 май 2021, 20:5704.05.21
4 май 2021, 20:58(отредактировано)

your ATK and CD are really, really low. I assume you're using lifesteal since you're using him as a campaign farmer, but for arena lifesteal is quite useless - you'll never really get a second turn.

I know it's not really a fair comparison, but my ATK champs are running over 5.5K ATK and about 200% Crit Damage.

I don't know exactly what teams you're facing, but I expect you'd need over 4.5K ATK and over 100% Crit Damage to reliably get those nukes to kill.

Also, I notice you took quite a few 4* items to level 16. I would very much advise you not to do that in the future, unless your 4* item really had fantastic substats and rolls. Getting items to 16 is expensive, and 4* items are really weak.

4 май 2021, 21:0504.05.21


yes  to  farmer,  and  the  16s  i  largely  during  fusion  events...

I  guess  my  main  qustion  is  what  next...i  pretty  much  have  my  cb  team  set  and  would  like  to  start  working  gear.    Is  it  just  dragon  16  for  now  until  my  eyes  bleed?

4 май 2021, 21:0904.05.21

In terms of progression path, again without knowing where you are exactly, I would say the following order:

1) Get someone capable of farming Brutal 12-3 or Brutal 12-6 reliably

2) Get to at least two-key Brutal Clan Boss

3) Start working on your dungeons as well as farming food

For step 3, I would basically just follow the tournament/event schedule. IE, if there's an event for Ice Golem, I'd farm Ice Golem, if there's a Champ Training event, I'd level food, etc...

4 май 2021, 21:1904.05.21

Try to take him out of lifesteal if you can- by using someone else in cb etc ideally

It might be hard to get savage gear right now, but cruel is pretty good and failing that just whack on offense or anything with good stats.

Try to get crit damage as high as possible while keeping crit rate at 100 ish.

Get masteries, for arena i prefer helmsmasher, some prefer the extra 30 crit mastery (forgotten its name now) but i think helmsmasher is better.

Gear- One thing to look at is the forge, perception gear is surprisingly good! and resilience gear is not too bad either, you could probably kit dhukk (who needs accuracy and defence) using the forge.

4 май 2021, 21:1904.05.21

Farming  12-3  is  no  issue  on  brutal  

Running  kael,  apoth,  doomscreech,  fayne,  and  sicia  for  cb...i  have  3  keyed  brutal  (not  reliably)  and  2  key seems  a  long  way  away..

Again  i  think  it  is  a  gear  issue  probably...so  are  you  suggesting  boss  farming  and  cb  are  actually  happening  at  the  same  time?    I  think  my  core  team  is  solid  enough  at  this  point  that  unless  i  have  a  gamechanger  on  my  bench  for  cb  from  my  current  team  not  sure  i  have  a  need  for  food  atm...







4 май 2021, 21:2304.05.21
4 май 2021, 21:25(отредактировано)

Try to get your arena nuker out of lifesteal gear. Ideally you want your nuker off clan boss etc.

It might be too early game for savage, but cruel is good or failing that, use anything with good stats, try for as much crit damage, attack etc as possible while keeping crit rate near 100%

For gear - dont forget the forge, perception gear is good and resilience gear is ok too.

For someone like dhukk, who needs defence and accuracy you could probably kit him out in decent forge gear, forge is really useful especially mid game.

Oh and masteries make a difference, helmsmasher is my fave tier 6 mastery for arena nukers, although some use the one which gives 30% extra crit damage (cant remember its name sorry)

4 май 2021, 21:2404.05.21

your ATK and CD are really, really low. I assume you're using lifesteal since you're using him as a campaign farmer, but for arena lifesteal is quite useless - you'll never really get a second turn.

I know it's not really a fair comparison, but my ATK champs are running over 5.5K ATK and about 200% Crit Damage.

I don't know exactly what teams you're facing, but I expect you'd need over 4.5K ATK and over 100% Crit Damage to reliably get those nukes to kill.

Also, I notice you took quite a few 4* items to level 16. I would very much advise you not to do that in the future, unless your 4* item really had fantastic substats and rolls. Getting items to 16 is expensive, and 4* items are really weak.

Those  stats  are  a  bit  out  of  balance.

4.5K  ATK  and  100%  CRIT.  DMG

You  need  to  find  a  balance  between  main  stat  and  CRIT.  DMG.  I  suggest  going  onto  Hellhades.com and  checking  out  the  Damage  Efficiency  Tool.

I  also  suggest  finding  a  different,  more  specialized  farmer.  You  could  put  them  in  your  lifesteal  set  (unless  you  are  using  Kael  in  dungeons)  and  specialize  Kael  with  more  Speed,  CRIT.  DMG,  and  Attack,  or  even  a  Savage  set,  though  it  is  unlikely  you  own  that  good  of  pieces.  Try  to  spike  up  your  CRIT.  RATE  and  replace  the  Gauntlets  with  CRIT.  DMG  ones.  Continue  increasing Attack  as  well.

4 май 2021, 21:2604.05.21

Try to get your arena nuker out of lifesteal gear. Ideally you want your nuker off clan boss etc.

It might be too early game for savage, but cruel is good or failing that, use anything with good stats, try for as much crit damage, attack etc as possible while keeping crit rate near 100%

For gear - dont forget the forge, perception gear is good and resilience gear is ok too.

For someone like dhukk, who needs defence and accuracy you could probably kit him out in decent forge gear, forge is really useful especially mid game.

Oh and masteries make a difference, helmsmasher is my fave tier 6 mastery for arena nukers, although some use the one which gives 30% extra crit damage (cant remember its name sorry)

CRIT.  RATE  is  only  needed  at  85%,  because  for  the  Arena  all  you  need  is  the  AOE  slam  to  wipe  the  board.

4 май 2021, 21:2704.05.21

CRIT.  RATE  is  only  needed  at  85%,  because  for  the  Arena  all  you  need  is  the  AOE  slam  to  wipe  the  board.

ahh yeh, i dont use kael had forgotten the crit boost

Just going to give one last shout out for forge gear, it is really good for debuffers etc.

4 май 2021, 21:3004.05.21

Those  stats  are  a  bit  out  of  balance.

4.5K  ATK  and  100%  CRIT.  DMG

You  need  to  find  a  balance  between  main  stat  and  CRIT.  DMG.  I  suggest  going  onto  Hellhades.com and  checking  out  the  Damage  Efficiency  Tool.

I  also  suggest  finding  a  different,  more  specialized  farmer.  You  could  put  them  in  your  lifesteal  set  (unless  you  are  using  Kael  in  dungeons)  and  specialize  Kael  with  more  Speed,  CRIT.  DMG,  and  Attack,  or  even  a  Savage  set,  though  it  is  unlikely  you  own  that  good  of  pieces.  Try  to  spike  up  your  CRIT.  RATE  and  replace  the  Gauntlets  with  CRIT.  DMG  ones.  Continue  increasing Attack  as  well.

Yeah I know, was more of a guess than anything else, since I don't have great comparisons to give.

4 май 2021, 21:3404.05.21

@dizzy - I haven't personally tried him, but Toragi the Frog could be an interesting champ for your CB team. Kael isn't great there, because he has the weak poisons. You may be able to get more damage running Toragi instead.

4 май 2021, 21:3904.05.21
4 май 2021, 21:41(отредактировано)


i gave  him  some  thought..kael  is  by  far  my  best  cb  champ  at  this  point  which  is  why  i  have  been  reluctant  to  replace  him.    Sicia  is  admittedly  an  acc  crutch  for  me  but  she  does  hp  burn  at  least.

For  what  its  worth  i  currently  have  a  hard  time  surviving  brutal  past  round  14

4 май 2021, 22:0204.05.21


i gave  him  some  thought..kael  is  by  far  my  best  cb  champ  at  this  point  which  is  why  i  have  been  reluctant  to  replace  him.    Sicia  is  admittedly  an  acc  crutch  for  me  but  she  does  hp  burn  at  least.

For  what  its  worth  i  currently  have  a  hard  time  surviving  brutal  past  round  14

Toragi has two things going for him - first is the 5% poison, which because of how his passive works, should reliably keep several poisons up. Between him and Fayne you should have a fair number active at all times.

Second, he has an ATK down on his A1 (helps for your survivability) and his A3 is very nice for keeping the rest of your team alive.

He's not ideal - there are far better champs than he - but from what you have, he might work out well.

4 май 2021, 23:2204.05.21

The  truth  is  Kael  is  very  good  in  Lifesteal  gear  for  Dungeon/ Clan  Boss/Campaign

The  problem  is  Lifesteal  is  just  bad  in  Arena  on  a  Speed  nuking  team.

However,  you  own  Fu-Shan.

Fu-shan  can  do  Godlike  Damage.

You  really  don't need  Kael  in  your  Arena  Team.

You  can  just  keep  Kael  doing  PVE  stuff.

What  I  would  do  if  I  was  you  would  be  2  things:

1  -  I  would  properly build  Fu-Shan  has  a  Nuker.

2  -  I  would  give  Fu-Shan  good  set  up.

To  make  Fu-Shan  a  Nuker,  you  want  High  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  High  C.Damage

I  don't know  your  gear situation,  but  it  doesn't matter  because I  like  to  do  samples:

Sample  1  -  1k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  50%  C.Damage

Sample  2  -  2k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  100%  C.Damage  

Sample  3  -  3k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  150%  C.Damage

Sample  4  -  4k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  200%  C.Damage

Sample  5  -  5k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  250%  C.Damage

Sample  6  -  6k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  300%  C.Damage

The  reason  I  am  showing you  these  samples  is  just  to  give  you  an  idea.

Some  people in  this  game  are  stronger  vs.  you.

Some  people in  this  game  are  weaker  vs.  you.

The  goal  is  to  do  best  you  can  with  what  you  have.

Than  slowly  improve  on  what  you  have  over  time.

5 май 2021, 00:1005.05.21

Yes  Fu-Shan  is  a  much  better  nuker  than  Kael.  Sorry,  didnt  look  at  roster  much.

And  for  Clan  Boss,  are  your  champions  built  for  Accuracy  and  Defense  and  Speed?  Or  Crit  Rate,  Crit  Damage,  and  whatever  the  Primary  Stat  is?  Make  sure  they  are  built  the  first  way.

Ideal  Clan  Boss  team  would  be  Toragi,  Apo,  Kael,  Sicia,  and  Fayne.  Vrask  could  also  become  an  alternative  to  Sicia  once  higher  Accuracy  is  reached.

5 май 2021, 00:1705.05.21
Player J

The  truth  is  Kael  is  very  good  in  Lifesteal  gear  for  Dungeon/ Clan  Boss/Campaign

The  problem  is  Lifesteal  is  just  bad  in  Arena  on  a  Speed  nuking  team.

However,  you  own  Fu-Shan.

Fu-shan  can  do  Godlike  Damage.

You  really  don't need  Kael  in  your  Arena  Team.

You  can  just  keep  Kael  doing  PVE  stuff.

What  I  would  do  if  I  was  you  would  be  2  things:

1  -  I  would  properly build  Fu-Shan  has  a  Nuker.

2  -  I  would  give  Fu-Shan  good  set  up.

To  make  Fu-Shan  a  Nuker,  you  want  High  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  High  C.Damage

I  don't know  your  gear situation,  but  it  doesn't matter  because I  like  to  do  samples:

Sample  1  -  1k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  50%  C.Damage

Sample  2  -  2k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  100%  C.Damage  

Sample  3  -  3k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  150%  C.Damage

Sample  4  -  4k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  200%  C.Damage

Sample  5  -  5k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  250%  C.Damage

Sample  6  -  6k  ATK  +  100%  C.Rate  +  300%  C.Damage

The  reason  I  am  showing you  these  samples  is  just  to  give  you  an  idea.

Some  people in  this  game  are  stronger  vs.  you.

Some  people in  this  game  are  weaker  vs.  you.

The  goal  is  to  do  best  you  can  with  what  you  have.

Than  slowly  improve  on  what  you  have  over  time.

Thank  you!

2  questions

does  fu  shan  need  books?

who  should  i  replace  kael  with  in  my  arena  team?

5 май 2021, 14:0205.05.21

Fu-Shan will benefit from books since he's a nuker - usually books are best used on champs that either have an ability whose cooldown benefits greatly from being reduced (for example, Skullcrusher, to get his A2 onto a 3-turn cooldown so it is always up when CB attacks), who are meant to be doing damage, as most of the books are boosting damage on skills, or who benefit greatly from having their chance to land increase (for example, Vizier Ovelis, whose A1 is significantly better when it's at 40% instead of 30%).

As for your second question - Khatun could be a good fit. His aura is weaker than Fu-Shan, so you'd still have Fu-Shan lead, but you would stack Khatun with pure speed gear. Idea would be to have him go first and boost speed, then Apo boost speed again, followed by Dhukk debuff, and then Fu-Shan finisher.