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319 blue shards, 27 epics and 0 Legendaries

319 blue shards, 27 epics and 0 Legendaries

18 апр. 2021, 09:3218.04.21

Yeah a counter would be nice, but the system wrks a way in which a counter makes no sense or wouldnt work.

Plarium showed that they really plan what Champions u´ll get and after how many shards u get them with the Countress Lix Event.

Theres an algorythm which gives u a championrewardlist for using shards.

So the game allready knows which champions you will get with the next x shards, like in the event.

It´s just sad, that the boost quote is just a fiction to motivate players to spend money into the game. Maybe that was my poblem why I got no legendary ^^

Actually I have listed my shard pulls (legendary and epics) for the last 8 months. I am playing on my main (Dolphin) and some FTP accounts. I can give the numbers on probability to draw a leggo or epic so the analysis is based on the number of shards I have pulled.

Ancient x1  9.26 % epic, 0.85% legendary

Ancient x2  18.03 % epic, 1.02 % legendary

Void x1 8.73 % epic 0.94% legendary

Void x2 18.86% epic 0.66% legendary

Sacred x1 91.6% epic 8.4% legendary

Sacred x2 85% epic 15% legendary

Judging by the numbers and considering the inaccuracy because of the sometimes low based number of shards (*cough* sacred *cough*) I'd say that their numbers given with the probabilites are actually quite fitting.

At least I see a definite higher prob getting higher-tiered champs on x 2 events.

The boost quote is fine...I am just wondering why there is no mercy counter if it is already available and they can show it like demonstrated with the Lix-150 event

18 апр. 2021, 09:3418.04.21

again bad casino ? i play 2  years i have 3  legos  2  from login days whit 2  account

18 апр. 2021, 11:0818.04.21

Accusing people of lying is pretty scummy, lets not eh?

To the OP it is possible, but  unlikely under true RNG  to get your results, so it would suggest it is not really RNG and i have no idea why mercy system didnt kick in.

My own experiences were similar, i pulled between two accounts 63 blues, and got 1 epic (2 if you count jizoh) ..again unlikely but possible under true RNG

However the fact that i pulled 5 skinks between those 63 shards strongly suggests it is not really random (again anything is possible but it is very unlikely)

Generating true rng is actually hard for software, i think all of us have seen patterns when we pull ten at a time and see multiples of the same champ.

18 апр. 2021, 11:1518.04.21

Yeah a counter would be nice, but the system wrks a way in which a counter makes no sense or wouldnt work.

Plarium showed that they really plan what Champions u´ll get and after how many shards u get them with the Countress Lix Event.

Theres an algorythm which gives u a championrewardlist for using shards.

So the game allready knows which champions you will get with the next x shards, like in the event.

It´s just sad, that the boost quote is just a fiction to motivate players to spend money into the game. Maybe that was my poblem why I got no legendary ^^

I am pretty sure they monitor the spending habits and playing habits of every player and everything is calculated to maximize the likliehood that you will spend more money based on algorithms

Certainly the offers always reflect what i am doing in game.... 6 starring someone? once i run out of energy i get spammed with overpriced offers for energy and chickens

Actually pull someone decent?...i get spammed with offers for overpriced books for that champ.

So i would not be surprised if they do the same on shards...ive pulled exactly 2 legos in hundreds and hundreds of shards.

The first was in the first week of playing, the second was a really good one, and was at the point where i was about to quit, i had gone from playing 2 or 3 hours daily to just doing my cb keys...then bam a good lego to pull me in

The above might have been coincedence, but given that everything else is monitored i would not be surprised

18 апр. 2021, 11:1518.04.21

I think alghoritms is done that way to not favor player, it is casino like game after all

18 апр. 2021, 11:2418.04.21

Must say I've seen nothing to prove that there is any multiplier at play in events or even the mercy system. I've got as many good pulls outside events than in.

Duplicates are a big problem though on one hand - I've had numerous boltsmiths and other generally awful dwarves as examples -  but have had (I think) 5 or 6 apothecaries now, 4 galeks, 4 kaels as examples. That's great as they're some of the more useful ones but they still end up often being books. 

At least in this event I finally got a preserver to let me finish my Rhazin fusion 😀

There are just too many really poor (or so niche they're pretty useless) pulls at all levels to be honest, even legendaries. But that's the way this game is setup.

Flooding the pool with champs you just cannot use in any way is deliberate of course to reduce your chances and maximise money people might spend

The game has one objective, to get as much cash out of you as possible

Oh and while statistically its irrelevant, i got both my legos outside of events too.

18 апр. 2021, 11:4918.04.21

One thing that always amazes me is there no forumites ever organized a shard pull spreadsheet to actually monitor the true value of the chances.

So without the hard evidence of the contrary, I would have to argue that noone actually have ever challenges Plarium's claim on the chances.

Seriously, on my times on other gacha games, some people in the forum would usually make such an open spreadsheet on google docs or something to track the real value of the chances.

And no 300 pulls is not a sufficient amount.

18 апр. 2021, 12:1718.04.21

just pulled 20 shards with 0 epics, shit happens

18 апр. 2021, 12:2318.04.21
Player J

It  is  almost  impossible for  you  to  open  319  Ancients  with  out  a  Leggo.

Only  3  outcomes  here:

1  -  You  are  lying  thru  your  teeth  and  didn't open  319  Ancients.

2  -  You  did  get  Leggo,  but  it  was  a  Dupe  or  a  Leggo you  was  unhappy  about  which  caused  you  to  lie  in  your  Forum  Title.

3  -  You  are  experiencing an  unknown  bug  at  which  point  you  should  contact  Support  so  they can reimburse you.

The Game  has  a  Shard  Mercy  System.

It  changes  the  rates  to  100%  at  a  certain  point.

In  other  words,  you  are  guaranteed a  Leggo  once  you  reach  a  certain shard  pull  amount.

The  amount  is  220  Ancient  Shards.

If  you  are  Lucky,  You  get  Leggo  in  1  Shard.

If  you  are  Unlucky,  You  get  Leggo  in  220  Shard.

You  cant  go  beyond  that  amount  with  out  a  Leggo.

-  The  Leggo  can  be  Dupe.

-  The  Leggo  can  be  Leggo  you  dont  want.

-  The  Leggo  can  be  Bad  Leggo

But  a  Leggo  has  to  be  given.

I am calling Bulllllshat  on the OP for this thread. I agree with you Player J the numbers do not add  up

TROLL ALERT and I am not drinking this KoolAid

Sorry OP, I just do not believe you based  on the mercy system which kicks  in after 200 ancients

18 апр. 2021, 13:5218.04.21

my two cents. 

The system does not work. Some people get more and some less and some do not get anything at all.

at the end of the day we are all customers and plarium is a company. 

the different categories of heroes - legendary, epic, rare - this system is meant to create value , every customer wants the product created but if they give it to every customer, the product loses value. 

plarium will create new champions and find ways to make the players work for the champions with no guarantee that they will get it. that is the whole point. 

I spent a lot of time hoping I would get a particular champ but then i realised that you can win the game even if you do not have a particular champ

as long as you are in that frame of mind where you want to collect all the nice champs, you will always be dissatisfied.

you need to shift focus to getting better artifacts , maxing out the champs and finishing all quests / missions / challenges 

18 апр. 2021, 13:5418.04.21

One thing that always amazes me is there no forumites ever organized a shard pull spreadsheet to actually monitor the true value of the chances.

So without the hard evidence of the contrary, I would have to argue that noone actually have ever challenges Plarium's claim on the chances.

Seriously, on my times on other gacha games, some people in the forum would usually make such an open spreadsheet on google docs or something to track the real value of the chances.

And no 300 pulls is not a sufficient amount.

The spreadsheet is a good idea, in my case it would be too similar to the job i already do and it already feels like a job grinding

Oh- i can assure people that adding a mercy counter and dupe system would take less than a day for a developer- they dont exist because the company dont want them to.

18 апр. 2021, 14:3718.04.21

I am pretty sure they monitor the spending habits and playing habits of every player and everything is calculated to maximize the likliehood that you will spend more money based on algorithms

Certainly the offers always reflect what i am doing in game.... 6 starring someone? once i run out of energy i get spammed with overpriced offers for energy and chickens

Actually pull someone decent?...i get spammed with offers for overpriced books for that champ.

So i would not be surprised if they do the same on shards...ive pulled exactly 2 legos in hundreds and hundreds of shards.

The first was in the first week of playing, the second was a really good one, and was at the point where i was about to quit, i had gone from playing 2 or 3 hours daily to just doing my cb keys...then bam a good lego to pull me in

The above might have been coincedence, but given that everything else is monitored i would not be surprised

i  watched  hell  hades  pull  100  ancients  yesterday.    

2  of  the  epics  he  pulled  were  for  the  current  fusion...

the  skeptic  in  me  agress  that  the  rng  Is  account  based...i  mean  think  about  it...watching  content  creators  pull  good  toons=everyone  else  wanting  to  spend  money  to  get  similar  results...

18 апр. 2021, 15:1518.04.21

I agree with you, that the mercy system is garbage...it should be at half the number of shards pulled. 

Getting a leggo between 200 and 220 does not prove a system like this existence so it is strong evidence. 

That stil leaves the question....Why no counter?

And having some code within a program does not mean this code is actually used....just saying... I know that this is kind of conspiracy...but to my own numbers, I also pulled once until 237 before getting a leggo....so there might be an error in my records...there stil remains the doubt of it...

The  game  might  add  a  Counter.

The  game  might  not  add  a  Counter.

I  don't know -  I'm  not  the  game  developer.

However,  weather  the  game  adds  a  counter  or  not,  players  have  created  their  own.

A  Youtubers named  Chosen  has  created  a  Counter  which  people can  use. 

Chosen  put  the  Counter  on  an  Excel  Spreadsheet.

Anyone  can  view  &  download  it  to  keep  track  of  there  own  Mercy  Counter.

This  is  how  people know  the  Mercy  System  is  active.

18 апр. 2021, 17:5618.04.21

Thx for that hint :) Yeah, some epics were nice like the Stag Knight, most werent. But that wasnt my point, I was just frustrated that the result was closer on the original quote(8%, 0,5%) than the promised boosted quote. Anyway, didnt invest money for the shards so it´s just frustrating but not a drama.

Have you contacted support?

Seriously, "319 ancients without a legendary" is not unlucky, it's impossible. If you contact support and their logs confirm it, they will give you a legendary or some other serious compensation.

18 апр. 2021, 20:2318.04.21

Have you contacted support?

Seriously, "319 ancients without a legendary" is not unlucky, it's impossible. If you contact support and their logs confirm it, they will give you a legendary or some other serious compensation.

I contacted Support in a similiar case. They responded that their system has been tested and is proven. 

After asking about their records about which number I am at at the moment they responded that they do not share shard information and that it is my own task to keep track of the numbers. 

After telling them again that I did exactly that and that on my records I am above 220...there was no response anymore. A few days later I got a feedback request about how satisfied I was with the support...

20 апр. 2021, 07:2320.04.21

I contacted Support in a similiar case. They responded that their system has been tested and is proven. 

After asking about their records about which number I am at at the moment they responded that they do not share shard information and that it is my own task to keep track of the numbers. 

After telling them again that I did exactly that and that on my records I am above 220...there was no response anymore. A few days later I got a feedback request about how satisfied I was with the support...

lol :)

20 апр. 2021, 07:3420.04.21

I am pretty sure they monitor the spending habits and playing habits of every player and everything is calculated to maximize the likliehood that you will spend more money based on algorithms

Certainly the offers always reflect what i am doing in game.... 6 starring someone? once i run out of energy i get spammed with overpriced offers for energy and chickens

Actually pull someone decent?...i get spammed with offers for overpriced books for that champ.

So i would not be surprised if they do the same on shards...ive pulled exactly 2 legos in hundreds and hundreds of shards.

The first was in the first week of playing, the second was a really good one, and was at the point where i was about to quit, i had gone from playing 2 or 3 hours daily to just doing my cb keys...then bam a good lego to pull me in

The above might have been coincedence, but given that everything else is monitored i would not be surprised

Really intersting :) I had such an experience too-paused playing for a half year and than came back and o wonder got every refresh 1-3 crazy easy enemies in arena, like just 1 lvl 1 hero. even in gold.

After a month of not spending money again like last year with the battlepass this effect not just vanished, every night from sunday on monday i fall 2-4 arenalvls cuz i suddenly have over 20 defensebattles, most lost against overpowered enemyteams, while the rest of the week i get 0-5 defensebattles mostly won ones

Its like an algorythm wants to tell me: You dont wanna pay again? Wait, now I´ll really F**K you!

20 апр. 2021, 07:3520.04.21

Actually I have listed my shard pulls (legendary and epics) for the last 8 months. I am playing on my main (Dolphin) and some FTP accounts. I can give the numbers on probability to draw a leggo or epic so the analysis is based on the number of shards I have pulled.

Ancient x1  9.26 % epic, 0.85% legendary

Ancient x2  18.03 % epic, 1.02 % legendary

Void x1 8.73 % epic 0.94% legendary

Void x2 18.86% epic 0.66% legendary

Sacred x1 91.6% epic 8.4% legendary

Sacred x2 85% epic 15% legendary

Judging by the numbers and considering the inaccuracy because of the sometimes low based number of shards (*cough* sacred *cough*) I'd say that their numbers given with the probabilites are actually quite fitting.

At least I see a definite higher prob getting higher-tiered champs on x 2 events.

The boost quote is fine...I am just wondering why there is no mercy counter if it is already available and they can show it like demonstrated with the Lix-150 event

My numbers were splitted on more than one account to. Netherless my results were quite worse...

20 апр. 2021, 07:4520.04.21
20 апр. 2021, 07:51(отредактировано)

My numbers were splitted on more than one account to. Netherless my results were quite worse...

So if your numbers were splitted on more than one account, we solved the problem. Neither you (about your shard pulls) nore Plarium (about the mercy system) is lying. Of course the mercy system doesn't know that you use different accounts and doesn't count your individial shard pulls, but the account pulls.

OracleCommunity Manager
20 апр. 2021, 07:5020.04.21
20 апр. 2021, 07:51(отредактировано)

Hi, CrazyMaria! I have to confirm that the Mercy system should have worked in your case, because, as Player J mentioned, chances of getting a Lego start increasing rapidly after 200th Ancient Shard and so at 220th Shard those chances reach 100%. If you are sure that you have pulled 319 to no avail, this is a clear indication of a bug, which I strongly advise to report to the official support team: https://mobile-support.plarium.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000007492