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Fusion event - arena takedown

Fusion event - arena takedown

15 апр. 2021, 10:5815.04.21

Fusion event - arena takedown

So i have been saving all my ress for the last couple of weeks to give me the best possible chance at completing the brongi fusion event, it's only the 2nd such event i have seen since starting Raid. 

I looked at everything I had gathered over the last couple of weeks and figure I was in a fairly good position, that was until I logged in this morning.

Today it’s the turn of the Classic Arena Takedown which I knew was always going to be tricky given the current arena situation but I didn’t imagine they would make it almost impossible for early game players to take part. 

To get those precious 15 epic fragments you need to score 455 points in the event. Now I am in silver 2 which means I get 6 points per win so I would need to win 76 times in the space of 5 days just to get those 15 epic fragments. How many people in silver 2 can win 15 battles a day? As for pople below silver 2 they literally have no chance.

I haven’t worked out how many arena tokens I get per day but I suspect I would have to be winning 75% of all the battles I entered if I were to be using every single arena token in a 24-hour period. That’s almost impossible for early/mid game players outside of an event let alone during one when competition is even tougher. 

With all the will in the world there is no way I will be able to get anywhere close to 455 points. Plarium have set such a ridiculously high bar that the rest of the event is basically finished for me and I suspect
many other players 48 hours after it started. If this is how they’re going to run events they may as well tell newer players not to bother taking part. It's a great way to alienate new players.

15 апр. 2021, 11:1115.04.21
15 апр. 2021, 11:11(отредактировано)

Silver 2 is still possible. It gets better in the bronze ranks. For 455 points you need an average of 180 victories within the duration of the event.  

15 апр. 2021, 11:1515.04.21

76 over 5 days is just over 15 wins per day, not 25 - and you can easily get 30 arena matches per day without buying more for gems. So 50 percent wins is good enough. That may still be difficult, but if you're selective in which fights you start and regularly get free refreshes, it shouldn't be impossible. For players in bronze, it may be another story. 

15 апр. 2021, 11:4415.04.21

76 over 5 days is just over 15 wins per day, not 25 - and you can easily get 30 arena matches per day without buying more for gems. So 50 percent wins is good enough. That may still be difficult, but if you're selective in which fights you start and regularly get free refreshes, it shouldn't be impossible. For players in bronze, it may be another story. 

You're right. My bad maths

30 arena matches if you don't work/sleep/have a life. I'm very selective -15 wins is "almost impossible"

15 апр. 2021, 12:4615.04.21
15 апр. 2021, 12:52(отредактировано)

Interestingly my sons account is around eight 322 player power I am around 600 I need the 450 shards for the fragment. He only needs 200. So the event appears to be based someone on player power is what I can deduct.

Bear in mind that my player power is also overstated due to the stock pile of threes fours and fives I have to be used for food for the training event. It's just bananas.

15 апр. 2021, 13:0815.04.21

@dizzydfamily  afaik those point requirements are tied to your account level and its above lvl 50 that you get the high requirements

15 апр. 2021, 13:1715.04.21


i  figured  it  was  something  like  that...my  son  actually  has  a  better  chance  of  clearing  this  event  than  i  do...what  sucks  is  given  the  current  state  of  arena  as  the  OP  stated  this  will  likely  end  a  mordecai  run  for  a  large  number  of  players...

15 апр. 2021, 13:3315.04.21

I was a little shocked that I was shocked to see that I needed 455 points for the fragments. At some point I'll stop being surprised by Plarium's whacked out thinking

15 апр. 2021, 13:3415.04.21

yeah with the current state of the arena this is quite an insult to a large part of the playerbase

Plarium is pretty much saying: "arena is fine" "here have some more salt"

quite a move from a  company to give the middlefinger to its players

15 апр. 2021, 14:3815.04.21

I'll ask the question here, 

For the Spider Tournament I had to do 2750 now for the Dragon Tournament I have to do 3450, if I lower my power I could go back to 2750? 

15 апр. 2021, 15:4715.04.21

I'll ask the question here, 

For the Spider Tournament I had to do 2750 now for the Dragon Tournament I have to do 3450, if I lower my power I could go back to 2750? 

afaik the points requirements are tied to your account lvl, not power like arena, so lowering your power wouldnt help

whats your account lvl?

15 апр. 2021, 16:5215.04.21

Its not too bad if in gold, i have picked up 120 points today and ive only been fighting to try and stay in gold (i am getting hammered in defence every 5 minutes with an unscary defence as i dont have the roster to be scary) - but i think its pretty rough in silver and not really possible in bronze?

15 апр. 2021, 16:5615.04.21

I'll ask the question here, 

For the Spider Tournament I had to do 2750 now for the Dragon Tournament I have to do 3450, if I lower my power I could go back to 2750? 

Dragon is only 2050?  Spider hasn't even started yet.  Power has no impact on this, FYI.

15 апр. 2021, 17:2915.04.21

Im in bronze 1 and it will be impossible for me to get the fragments, i wont be able to get them at all, the oponents in the arena are way to much for my account, im at 55k on team and currently the oponents are 80k, 90k , 110+k amd most legendarys, makes no sense to me but hey, i guess fussion is over for me. 😭😭😭

15 апр. 2021, 19:1315.04.21

Dragon is only 2050?  Spider hasn't even started yet.  Power has no impact on this, FYI.


I was talking about the spider tournament which has just ended, for the best reward I had to do 2750. Now for the best reward I have to do 3400 

15 апр. 2021, 19:2015.04.21


1. The best reward above is at 2050

2. The pre-fusion spider tournament should be skipped (if you are not f2p you can ignore this)

Beyond the fragments, I generally only go for the extra rewards if:

a) Lego Book 

b) using extra energy makes sense and does not impact getting other fragments

c) time permits (sometimes laziness on my part factors in as well)  

15 апр. 2021, 19:2415.04.21
15 апр. 2021, 21:39(отредактировано)

I feel you. I've been playing for exactly 5 months, saving a ton of ressources for a month, and I thought, "well, I'm level 55, getting into midgame, farming dungeons at 15, maybe it's time for me to try a fusion"... 

Artifact enhancement? Easy. Dragon tournament? Totally doable. But this morning, when I saw the arena event, I realised the fusion was over for me. I won't have Mordecai, and so neither Brogni. Probably won't have Giscard either. 

I feel like I have a decent speed nuke arena team, I've followed the tutorials, the advice here and there, I've done everything I'm supposed to do, but I'm stuck in Bronze II, Bronze III on the lucky days. Like so many players. And there's no way I get 455 points in Bronze 2 or 3.

I was so hyped by this fusion. I was even planning on spending money (on shards) if I needed to. Now it's clear I won't spend a dime on this game anymore. Not before Plarium fixes the arena.

15 апр. 2021, 19:2615.04.21
15 апр. 2021, 19:30(отредактировано)

I think they made a mistake. They should have done the champion chase event first. Get some money before people give up. 

15 апр. 2021, 19:2715.04.21

Dragon is only 2050?  Spider hasn't even started yet.  Power has no impact on this, FYI.

If power doesn't matter, does level do? On my Level 35 account, the threshhold for Dragon is 925 and the arena is 105. The events are the same, though.

15 апр. 2021, 19:2815.04.21

I think they made a mistake. They should have done the champion chase event first. Get some money before people give up. 

yeah, I'm lucky they did that 😂

it proves they still don't get it, regarding the arena, and believe it's perfectly fine.

15 апр. 2021, 20:0415.04.21

I had been hoping it would be around 290 which I think was the top reward in the last one they did in between Yoshi and Brogni.  That would have been work but I would have felt good about doing it if I prioritized.  I'm not feeling great now.  Here I thought the Summon Rush or spider was where I had to be worried but nope!  They decided to go with a hard target in the arena as well.  None of this would have mattered if they had given us enough points available to allow us to fail once for each of these champions.  It is kind of insane to me that they don't think the amount of effort a lot of us put into this is enough if we continued to put that effort in throughout the fusion.  If you don't think about early game players you will not expand the player base which means you won't expand the people who bring in new friends which means you won't get new whales.  It is just horrendous decision making on their part if they were thinking more than "what can we make in the next 3 months".