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Beginner Arena

Beginner Arena

17 апр. 2021, 02:5717.04.21

its all hyptheticals and things i cant answer. There are for sure issues with the arena, but there are also issues with people thinking they should just be able to breeze through without trying. Lets be fair this game isnt f2p friendly, and i see no way in which it will be in the future. Its not good business sense

The point about the f2p person clearing things, is people don't play their account properly. They spread what little resource they have too thin. They don't focus on a select group of champs or they don't gear them properly. Even if that gear is lesser the wrong gear will kill any champ. Lots of the problems are also a lack of knowledge and its easier to rage than to learn

Here's why people rage.

You look at where the bronze arena mission is placed in the whole progression mission line. And then you go to this place only to be told to do things that are miles near the end of the progression mission. For any new player, that is what people call as a "paywall" of course people's rage. It's like they have just learned to ride a bike with training wheels and then you tell them to race in Tour de France! And then you tell them they did't train hard enough to qualify in Tour de France.

17 апр. 2021, 12:3117.04.21
17 апр. 2021, 12:32(отредактировано)

And i say again, id like to hear how you think it should be fixed. All ive seen is people saying great hall should be taken out of arena, but plarium have flatly said this is never going to happen. I mean its either accept it or stop playing i guess

17 апр. 2021, 12:5317.04.21

And i say again, id like to hear how you think it should be fixed. All ive seen is people saying great hall should be taken out of arena, but plarium have flatly said this is never going to happen. I mean its either accept it or stop playing i guess

To reiterate the answer from the other thread

Well actually, I have posted the problem and how to solve it around 6 months ago.

As I said, the problem is the point system in which it's a zero sum point system, add it with platinum rank where they cap the number of the top most rank, it will give pressure downward. The system will push anyone down whenever possible.

My solution

1. Change the zero sum point system. What does that mean? Currently if I win 10 points, my opponent lost 10 point, hence zero sum, the points available in the system are always constant to the number of players participating on it, that's why, unlike other game, the PvP in this game start you off with 900 points, not 0 

So the number of points available in arena will always be 900 * number of players.

Hence the less player participating (through inactivity or Plarium removing players from the list) it will always make people in the middle of the table to suddenly drop in rank.

So to solve it, when I win 10 points, my opponent should lose only 5, any points I win, my opponent should only lose half of the points I won, hence making more points available for people to grab, hence making player able to climb the ladder while still maintaining competition.

2. Checkpoint. This is a point where someone cannot drop further in the ranks. This is common on other PvP mode on freemium games of this genre. My suggestion for Raid, the checkpoint should be on Silver 1 and Gold 1. Meaning people who have reached that point should not be able to drop further than that checkpoint. Once I get to silver 1 I should not be able to drop back to bronze, people can still attack me and gain points from me, but my points should still be locked at the minimum points needed to stay in silver 1. Thus also helping with my first solution of generating more points for the system

Yeah that's it.

17 апр. 2021, 13:1517.04.21

Interesting, i mean its not going to happen :P the part i like is not dropping from a tier once you have achieved it

17 апр. 2021, 13:5917.04.21

Interesting, i mean its not going to happen :P the part i like is not dropping from a tier once you have achieved it

I know it's not going to happen, because noone cares about the point system.

I know Plarium knows that the point system is the problem, but the point system is why people will feel that they will need to "improve" (read : buy stuffs) and it is enforced by the veteran forumites. Hence I strongly disagree with the "git gud" replies on the arena problem threads, because I honestly think that the "git gud" replies help Plarium to mask their fundamental flaw on their arena system.