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Out of these champions who should I 6 star first?

Out of these champions who should I 6 star first?

19 апр. 2021, 07:4819.04.21

Contrary  to  what  Quintinar  &  Lee.ozz  may  believe  the  advice  I  gave  on  this  thread  was  the best  advice.

The  OP  of  this  thread  wanted  advice,  but  didn't want  to  show  people what  he  was  working  with.

He  wanted  people to  pick  from  5  heroes which  isn't the  best  way  to  get  help.

The  best  way  to  be  helped  is  putting all  the  cards  on  the  table  and  allowing experience players  to  figure  out  the  best  way  forward  with  what  he  is  working  with.

I  could  of  told  the  OP  to  show  his  roster,  but  I  figured  he  wouldn't.

The  OP  seems  stubborn and  values  what  other  online  people  say.

He  chose  5  heroes  because  other  people  undervalue  his  remaining heroes.

In  order  to  get  thru  to  the  OP  of  this  thread,  I  created  an  Elaborate  Ruse.

I  told  the  OP  I  had  a  Whale  Sense  which  was  telling  me  he  had  powerful  hero  on  his  roster.

Obviously,  I  don't have  a  Whale  Sense.

I  was  only  saying  I  have  a  whale  sense  to  plant  a  seed  in  the  OP  mind.

A  seed  of  doubt  which  got  the  OP  to  think  about  showing  his  roster.

Why  did  the  OP  want  to  show  his  roster?

Because  he  thought  he might  have  been  missing something.

The  seed  of  doubt  I  planted  lead  him  to  think  he  missed  something.

As  it  turns  out,  He  was  missing something!

The  OP  missed  Maulie.

Maulie  does  revive,  provoke,  &  turn  meter  fill.

Maulie  is  insane,  right?  We  all  should  know  she  is  insane  carry.

The  people of  this  thread  are  telling the  OP  to  level  Miscreated  Monster.

Have  you  people actually thought  thru  what  will  happen?

What  will  happen  is  M.M  will  get  1  shot  by  the  Dungeon  Bosses.

M.M  does  Ally  Protection  which  is  going  to  get  him  killed.

Than  your  going  to  need  a  hero  to  Revive  him.

If  you  don't 6  star  the  Revive  hero,  The lvl  50   revive  hero  +  M.M  might  both  die.

What  you  want  to  do  is  6  star  the  Revive  hero  first.

Than  6  star  M.Monster  afterward,  right?

Thus,  we  reach  the  reason  I  am  telling the  OP  to  6  star  Maulie.

19 апр. 2021, 08:3219.04.21

Champions should be upgraded if you really need them. everytime you upgrade a champ to 60 your team power will increase. so do not upgrade unless you need to.

19 апр. 2021, 12:1919.04.21

Maulie or MM, MM needs a lot of books, dont know about Maulie

29 апр. 2021, 01:1929.04.21

Okay, I've never heard of a Whale in any game be F2P. I showed my roster because Trips asked me to see it. 

Regardless of any of that. I  appreciate the advice I got from everyone. 

It does make sense to 6 star a revive champion.

So I guess Maulie or Rector should've been the question ,  going by that philosophy. 

MM then would be next, it appears. 

So thanks to all who answered. 

29 апр. 2021, 03:1029.04.21
29 апр. 2021, 03:10(отредактировано)

Think about also mm and maulie both need 9 books, but one needs legendarys, also it takes a lot longer to grind pots to ascend a legendary (unless u happen to have a lot because u havent used them yet!)

they are both useful everywhere, but id personally do mm

edit didnt see u had her ascended to 5 already!