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Need Armiger help

Need Armiger help

11 апр. 2021, 10:4311.04.21

Your Dhukk badly needs more accuracy. I'd prioritize FB over Paragon for books - you shouldn't need Paragon until the high stages of spider anyway, while you need FB to start doing big damage on the CB as soon as possible. 

You could take Bystophus to 60 for more damage indeed. Fellhound as fast farmer doesn't seem like a priority, unless for you personally speeding up farming is high priority, that depends on how much time you have for the game of course. Oathbound, Luria and Doompriest are definitely useful, I'm not convinced about Torture Helmet or Fleshmonger. 

11 апр. 2021, 15:0711.04.21

FB is great for clan boss and good for dragon too. I would not be able to sit on an FB personally i would want her on clan boss.

I am personally a fan of doom.

Dhukk i have- he is good but i hate the way he provokes at the most stupid times possible.

11 апр. 2021, 18:5411.04.21

Thanx for all the help to progress. Appreciate!

Does it make sense to combine FB (60), Gravechill Killer (would leave her at 50?) and Yaga Insaitable (50 or 60?). Apo and RT for heal.  Whats your opinion?

So a plan could be FB and then Bysthophus. During early game its so difficult to keep the focus...

11 апр. 2021, 19:1711.04.21

I´m also always not bothering to use a legi or epic, as booking is so difficult at the moment. Thats why I love this opps to go with an Armiger or other rare one. 

Or do yo think an epic one is always better. 

BTW: FB was it... She´s on her way to 60. Probably in the wrong gear as always 😀

She´s at the moment in a live steal set / offensive set

11 апр. 2021, 21:4111.04.21
11 апр. 2021, 21:42(отредактировано)

I´m also always not bothering to use a legi or epic, as booking is so difficult at the moment. Thats why I love this opps to go with an Armiger or other rare one. 

Or do yo think an epic one is always better. 

BTW: FB was it... She´s on her way to 60. Probably in the wrong gear as always 😀

She´s at the moment in a live steal set / offensive set

If using FB for clan boss then lifesteal or stalwart is a good choice, get her accuracy over 200 and her speed fast enough to not be lapped by clan boss, other than that i would stack defense so she is harder to one shot.

If you wear lifesteal then when warmaster procs it will essentially heal her.

You have a lot of similar champs to me - i am fairly new myself

I run apoth (role turn meter/heal), doompriest (remove stun, attack up and minor heals), FB (poisons), draco (defense down and poison) and jareg (attack down) on cb and i do 25 million a key on nightmare--- 15 million a key on UNM.  Not amazing but decent for midgame.

I prefer to have my healers / attack down / shielders faster than my debuffers.

Epics are not automatically better than rares. Some legendaries are worse than rares. Use one of the online guides if unsure about a champ.

11 апр. 2021, 22:2511.04.21

Thanx for all the help to progress. Appreciate!

Does it make sense to combine FB (60), Gravechill Killer (would leave her at 50?) and Yaga Insaitable (50 or 60?). Apo and RT for heal.  Whats your opinion?

So a plan could be FB and then Bysthophus. During early game its so difficult to keep the focus...

GCK is pretty meh, but as long as you don't have a better single-target decrease def option for the CB, she might work, adding a bit of extra poison too. Definitely no Yaga, get someone who will put decrease attack instead. I guess Dhukk might work, until you get somebody more dedicated who has that debuff on their A1. Apo is fine, but I think indeed better Doompriest than RT. 

12 апр. 2021, 06:2212.04.21
12 апр. 2021, 07:31(отредактировано)

This is helping me a lot to develop and understand my roster. Awesome! Still need to try and fail 😀 but it will help. I´m pretty happy with FK, but now need to go on with the other Dungeons. 

CB: Ok, no Yaga (What can I do with him?) Too much poison without de- and buff won´t work. I think I go with my actual team and might try Doompriest to remove the stuns and use her heal. Hmm, Bysthophus is offering decrease defense on A3, and his ACC Aura would also help my poor FB. Luria on A1 which makes her probably more valuable and anyway versatile

Nether Spider: This beast is annoying me. Tried a lot of things as I´m "easily" able to pass the waves, but do you see any options to beat that damn thing? Actually I really like to farm the tower. Passing her would be awesome! 

Spider Team: Any suggestions?

Dragon 13: Using here RT, Dhukk, Kael, Apo, Coldheart which is save, but no chance to beat savely 14 or even 15. Do you see here any possibities with my roster to progress?


12 апр. 2021, 08:3512.04.21

Coldheart is fab if built properly

I poison dragon 20 to death - but i have zavia so its the waves that take time for me, i just blast it with poison once past the waves and its dead in seconds.

You could try apoth, dhukk, coldheart and fb - but in all honesty i dont know how well it works without zavia to blow poisons up

Another option is moving in relinquary tender for cleanse and res if needed instead of kael...sorry i have had zavia+ FB for mass poison since the start which almost trivialised dragon for me compared to other dungeons so i am not great suggesting other teams on dragon, but a reviver is always nice and cleanse on dragon doesnt hurt either!

What i can advise though is i just noticed you have achak....i rate him as top tier for spider.....thinking about it he might be a good option for dragon too though i dont use him for dragon- he has a block debuffs / strenghten in one move which i think is on a 4 turn cooldown when booked.

12 апр. 2021, 09:0312.04.21

Go with FB on Dragon, lose Coldheart who isn't doing much anyway. Dhukk and Kael to take out the waves, FB to take out the dragon. 

For Spider, Achak could indeed be very good. 

As for the Nether Spider, yeah, she's tough. You'll want a lot of cleanse - so RT and Doompriest. 

13 апр. 2021, 19:5513.04.21

Hi  together,  

coming  back  with  another question.

FB  is  now  on  60 .   Her  gear  is  mainly  on  speed  and  ACC.  Why  is  the  damage so  low.  Thought  the  5% poison  damage  is  based  on  HP  of  the  dragon?!

Btw:  Vogoth  is  in  the  lead  because  of  his  ACC  Aura



13 апр. 2021, 20:4613.04.21

Uh, FB isn't on the team in that screenshot? :P Don't think you still need Warmaiden with Dhukk there, by the way. 

If FB's damage is disappointing, is she booked? She does need books to reduce the cooldown on her A3 and make sure her A1 always places poisons. Her accuracy and speed seem good enough, indeed. 

13 апр. 2021, 21:5513.04.21

Agree on FB needing books, thats the beauty of her being rare though, books arent so bad, but surprised she isnt doing much damage for you on dragon.

Specs look ok - i love perception gear myself.

14 апр. 2021, 06:2814.04.21

Ah, sorry wrong screenshot. Overall she does at the moment only arround 90k damage....

She has a couple of books but misses the cooldown of her A3. I´m going for it... However, its not so easy as you say to gain that blue books. 🙂

14 апр. 2021, 07:3214.04.21
14 апр. 2021, 07:37(отредактировано)

Ah, sorry wrong screenshot. Overall she does at the moment only arround 90k damage....

She has a couple of books but misses the cooldown of her A3. I´m going for it... However, its not so easy as you say to gain that blue books. 🙂

I know you are focussed on dungeons, but fb was a big step up for my CB team until i got draco.

CB rewards once you can get the brutal top chest start being decent and are even better once you can get the nightmare chest or unm chests...  if your clan is clearing the chest you are hitting then you get two

Im one of our weaker members and still missing some key elements of a good clan boss team, but even picking up two ultimate and two celestial chests a day is a lot of shards etc and a good chance at the better books, its the one area of the game that is not incredibly stingy to the player in my mind

Dont get me wrong dungeon progression is the most important but cb rewards are worth the effort, definitely she is worth booking and i would love to know how you get on with her on cb

What tier 6 mastery did you give her?

14 апр. 2021, 08:3914.04.21
14 апр. 2021, 08:40(отредактировано)

Hey Tevor, 

thanks for your thoughs. Because of CB I was choosing FB (working on the books) as the next 60. She has almost no masteries at the moment, but thats on my plan. Masteries are consuming a lot of energy and as I still need a couple of other 60s, I don´t have time and resources. However, Im not unhappy. 

FK14, Dragon 13-14, Golem 13 and Spider 10 (need her at 13, but have no glue how to do this with my team) Having them at this level gives me some access to the 6 star items. 

I fighting CB at normal (2 items) and heavy (~4,2k damage per run). Thought I CB would raise togehter with my dungeon efforts optimizing Champs.

14 апр. 2021, 09:2514.04.21
14 апр. 2021, 09:28(отредактировано)

I know masteries take ages and are a pain, totally with you- but they are pretty vital

Warmaster / giantslayer (depending on whether the a1 is multi hit) in particular will dramatically improve CB damage....and if in lifesteal your champs get essentially a free almost full heal when it procs.

I get it though, too many things to do, and not enough energy etc :)

15 апр. 2021, 13:4115.04.21

Hope its ok to reuse this thread with my quesions.

But I have another 60 upgrade ready and wonder if I should go with:

- Achak (does he work without another HP Burn debuffer) 

- Luria

- Bysthophus

- Quargan

- Sepulcher Sentinel 

- Oatbound (probably more Arena)

- Sikara

- Tallia 

- Soulbound Bowyer

- Rune Keeper

Goals would be increasing CB und beating Spider now from 9 and later 13

15 апр. 2021, 14:2915.04.21
15 апр. 2021, 14:31(отредактировано)

Sepulcher sentinel would be my choice. attack down and defence down AND a chance to completely block damage...all in one champ.

Top notch CB champ.

15 апр. 2021, 18:5415.04.21
15 апр. 2021, 18:54(отредактировано)

Right, recognized this. 

However, she´s pretty similar to my Dhukk. Don´t you think it makes more sense to invest into a more different champ. Also I don´t have books for her. Maybe I should look more into another rare... So difficult. Don´t wanna waste and gems.... 

15 апр. 2021, 19:0315.04.21

They both have attack down, but whereas dhukk has defence down, sepulchur has defence up for allies along with block debuffs and block damage....i would love sepulcher (i run jareg)

..i would class them as different cb roles but take your point

If using dhukk on cb he has to be manualled as he provokes...unless its been fixed?

But a fair point and i know its hard to choose