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New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

30 март 2021, 17:0030.03.21

New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

If you have played for less then 6 months playing time , Your Shafted in Arena

The Current mess means Players with lvl 60 legos Fully Accended with good gear 

will beat you everytime

Untill you get into Dungeons that drop ONLY 4-5 star pieces you wont win

against most players because they have already played long enough to have Heros,

in 5 star gear twith atleast some pieces +16 if not all +16 

They have 5 Star Speed Boots Probably +16 already

and if they have Scyl tthe Drake , THE FREE 6 MONTH FREE LEGO on thier team   

you can almost Garuntee you will Lose

So If you Do Not have 3 to 6 months in your Best option is to Flub it

Go in , Look see if you think you might win and take those Wins , 

For the Rest , you need 5 fights a day for the BONUSES  , 

Or 12 Fights in Classic for 3 stars for Guild

So your going to Lose , and Lose Badly , no matter what all the ** PROS ** Say

all thier condecending remarks basically add up to ** GET GUD NOOB **

So do yourself a Favor and dont worry about Arena, your not going to win anyway

Take the Wins you can 

as for the Rest ... >> Hit Fight ,,,, >> Hit ESC ,  take the Loss , Collect the Free Energy


Your not going to Win against Teams like this in Bronzer Tier I any time soon anyway

Bronze Tier I is full of these , over and over everyday




30 март 2021, 17:0430.03.21

Actually, it's probably easier when you're new. Just don't open more shards than you have to, focus on the core team only, and you'll be fine. It's when you start working on getting stronger overall that it gets difficult.

30 март 2021, 17:0830.03.21

Of course, you are not going to win with that Attitude.

The more you tell yourself you will lose.

The more you will lock yourself into defeat.

The Arena battle hasn't even started, yet and you trying to Surrender.

Get your Head in the game!

30 март 2021, 17:0930.03.21

These are the threads that destroy the arena is broken arguement.  All easy wins....

30 март 2021, 17:2230.03.21

These are the threads that destroy the arena is broken arguement.  All easy wins....

Good Job ,, knew you would be in with your ** GET GUD NOOB ** comment

30 март 2021, 17:2530.03.21

Post your Roster

Post your Arena Team Stats

30 март 2021, 17:2530.03.21
Max Pain

Good Job ,, knew you would be in with your ** GET GUD NOOB ** comment

Actually, Stop being a complete moron is what I was saying.   You are a miles away from "get good" if those teams are what you are crying about.  

30 март 2021, 17:4930.03.21
30 март 2021, 17:50(отредактировано)

"The Current mess means Players with lvl 60 legos Fully Accended with good gear " 

In your collection of pictures I see 8 legendaries and only 4 of them are fully ascended and over lv50 ahaha are you serious man ?

Are you actually serious ? This is why I can't take these people seriously

30 март 2021, 17:5130.03.21

These are the threads that destroy the arena is broken arguement.  All easy wins....

I agree. All of that teams are poorly build. The only reason why they can get some points at all is, that they use lvl 60 champs and it's hard for a newbie with only lvl 40 champs to beat that. There is no other way than getting a lvl 60 damagedealer by yourself. But if you do so, you will get easy victories from that poorly built teams, that belong exactly where they are, into Bronze 1.

A well built team with High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden (all lvl 50) and Starterchamp (lvl 60) will win most battles you showed us here. 

If you really think Scyl is necessary to win in arena, you are completely wrong. I will get her in a couple of days from log-in rewards, I don't have a Scyl yet. I'm a more or less f2p (spent exactly 3.49 €) and I'm still in Gold. It's possible - you just need to know what you are doing. Arena and Doom Tower are really hard parts of the game, you have to use your brain and build proper teams. My team that brought me into gold has only one legendary champ (Ghostborn) 2 epics (Sinesha and Deacon Armstrong, his def debuff is even redundant to Ghostborn, but I just need a second spd buffer) and a rare (Apothecary). I allready made Deacon lvl 60, ascended and booked before I pulled Ghostborn from a shard, otherwise I would use another champ. Still room for improvement, I don't need 2 def debuffs.

Don't say that it's impossible to go into gold as f2p. Don't say it's impossible without having 4 legendaries. Don't say you can't win without a Scyl. I watch out for teams that use Scyl, they are my prey in Arena. Sinesha, as a force affinity champ and acting last in my team, having an atk buff from Ghostborn while the opponents have a def debuff, makes dog food out of Scyl.

30 март 2021, 20:2230.03.21

teams that used to cruise in the gold tiers, getting wins against bots and building their great hall, climbing dungeons, etc, are now in the low bronze tiers.

the majority of players who used to cruise in gold 4 for many months are now down in the silver tiers.

and people think it's reasonable for new players to compete? zero perspective.

even if they can dedicate weeks of effort and get lucky enough to build up their champions to match their arena opponent, is it really worth the 1-2 minute battle to get a bronze medal?

30 март 2021, 20:5030.03.21



Free to play series, he will show you how he does  it on his free to play account. Watch it and get back to us

30 март 2021, 23:2230.03.21

You  should  have  to  be  experienced  to  progress  agaibst  other  players.  Many  players  just  lack  the  comprehension  and  will  to  do  work  with  gear,  ranking,  leveling,  and  ascending.  Most  just  dont  understand  the  process  of  the  game.  Though  they  say  they  are  perfectly  fine,  few  will  admit  to  being  bad  at  the  game.  The  only  reason  people  reached  Gold  before  is  because  the  teams  were  extremely  easy.  I  want  a  challenge  because  that  inproves  the  game  and  makes  it  more  enjoyable.

30 март 2021, 23:2330.03.21

You  shouldnt  be  able  to  instabtly  progress  in  the  arena  as  soon  as  you  start.  You  need  to  give  some  effort,  your  facing  against  people  who  are  better  than  you.  You  need  to  switch  that  the  other  way  around.

31 март 2021, 06:1231.03.21

All the people basically saying 'Get good'....we are talking about the first steps in Arena here, the *Newbie section* of Bronze 1 and 2 !

Naturally the people are not good here !

Placing them against people with fully built 4*60* is not making any sense. You can repeat your remarks about 'Get good' as you want...but basically it is like placing a sports team from Junior High against some National league team...

You will not teach people to play ....you will demotivate them immensely.

31 март 2021, 06:4331.03.21

All the people basically saying 'Get good'....we are talking about the first steps in Arena here, the *Newbie section* of Bronze 1 and 2 !

Naturally the people are not good here !

Placing them against people with fully built 4*60* is not making any sense. You can repeat your remarks about 'Get good' as you want...but basically it is like placing a sports team from Junior High against some National league team...

You will not teach people to play ....you will demotivate them immensely.

Stop being delusional.

I have an alt with whom I achieved silver in A WEEK. IN A WEEK, f2p. 

These people don't know how to build their teams, they don't even look it up online. They just expect perma easy wins for participating.

What fully built 4* 60* champs? Just look at the screenshots OP provided. These teams are all wins on auto

31 март 2021, 07:4331.03.21

(Sorry English is not my primary langage)

But AirMaxx, you know the game, you're not a New player. You know what to do and what not to do. So easy for you to go Silver in some day. But think like a newbee

I'm a new player (without your knowledge), i have played the game like a newbee during 30 days, playing 1-2hr/day. Following quest, mission to learn the game. And when I arrive at 'GO TO BRONZE 3' (I'm think that it's still in my learning curve and it's quest lvl 1.5 yes 1.5 not 5.1 but 1). All my opponent have an account lvl +10 and team with power * 2.

Not a problem, i was thinking, i'm not strong enough, i'll go back 10 days later. And you know what, the situation was worst

Why ? Simple, I read today here that the matchmaking is based on  PLAYER POWER. I have play all part of the game, Faction war, open shard, collection Champs with artefacts and yes my power is high. 

And now ? Must I delete 80% of my account to continue quest and have opponent at my level ? and stop playing the other half of the game.

No, probably, I'll be bored soon like a lot of new players 

I'm not demanding to have easy to go to GOLD 4. No ! just playing with newbee in BRONZE.

My 2 cents

31 март 2021, 07:4931.03.21

(Sorry English is not my primary langage)

But AirMaxx, you know the game, you're not a New player. You know what to do and what not to do. So easy for you to go Silver in some day. But think like a newbee

I'm a new player (without your knowledge), i have played the game like a newbee during 30 days, playing 1-2hr/day. Following quest, mission to learn the game. And when I arrive at 'GO TO BRONZE 3' (I'm think that it's still in my learning curve and it's quest lvl 1.5 yes 1.5 not 5.1 but 1). All my opponent have an account lvl +10 and team with power * 2.

Not a problem, i was thinking, i'm not strong enough, i'll go back 10 days later. And you know what, the situation was worst

Why ? Simple, I read today here that the matchmaking is based on  PLAYER POWER. I have play all part of the game, Faction war, open shard, collection Champs with artefacts and yes my power is high. 

And now ? Must I delete 80% of my account to continue quest and have opponent at my level ? and stop playing the other half of the game.

No, probably, I'll be bored soon like a lot of new players 

I'm not demanding to have easy to go to GOLD 4. No ! just playing with newbee in BRONZE.

My 2 cents

First of all,

I have access to the same knowledge sources as you do (youtube, various content creatores and websites dedicated to helping new players) and on my alt I have the access to the same amount of resources as the rest, since I have not spent a dime on it yet here are the results 


This is just after 1 month, on an account which I barely play on. Using proper team and wiping these on auto. 

If you took your time to do some research and focus on arena you could do the exact same, it's not hard at all.

Focusing on FW early is a mistake in itself, you won't be able to progress far and glyphs barely do anything early game - you can farm those up to stage 6 with 1 champ alone and the difference between level 2 and level 3 / 4 glyphs is barely worth ANYTHING.

Spreading your resources thin to focus on FW is a massive mistake on your part, and you should've known better - you're paying the price now for investing in champs you'll be replacing every month.  

31 март 2021, 07:5831.03.21

Non of those teams look frightening to anyone who has played more than a few weeks but can we not confuse that with the real problems some are having with matchmaking (if for instance they have built up faction wars teams and inflated their player power)

People should not be punished for playing part of the game, also in the case of the op- he might not even have any level 60's yet so yes that would look intimidating

I started an ftp newb account yesterday to see how it is for brand new players, i am 3.5 hours in and at bronze 2 but yes i am starting to see level 60's in the line up now and i have kept my player power to the minimum- and had to actively farm warmaiden and speed gear for her to go first (for defence down) to get any further onwards....3.5 hours into the game.

Perhaps the curve for absoloute brand new players is a bit rough (although i do accept the argument that it should take a few weeks to progress in arena is a valid one) - but it is a completely different topic to matchmaking issues based on player power.

Personally i would factor in great hall development when matchmaking since it is the best indicator of a players experience in arena.

31 март 2021, 08:0031.03.21

Stop being delusional.

I have an alt with whom I achieved silver in A WEEK. IN A WEEK, f2p. 

These people don't know how to build their teams, they don't even look it up online. They just expect perma easy wins for participating.

What fully built 4* 60* champs? Just look at the screenshots OP provided. These teams are all wins on auto

wins should be easy. it's bronze 1. that's where teams of 1*-3* champs should be. PVP isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's required for great hall and arbiter progression.

you expect every new and low power player to immediately commit to learning top level arena strats just to get a couple of bronze medals?

obviously players should eventually learn more about the game as their accounts progress, but top level teams flooding the bronze tiers is a flaw in the game.

31 март 2021, 08:0331.03.21

wins should be easy. it's bronze 1. that's where teams of 1*-3* champs should be. PVP isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's required for great hall and arbiter progression.

you expect every new and low power player to immediately commit to learning top level arena strats just to get a couple of bronze medals?

obviously players should eventually learn more about the game as their accounts progress, but top level teams flooding the bronze tiers is a flaw in the game.

What? 1*-3* champs? Are you kidding me? Takes 1 day to get past 1*-3* champs lol! And PVE isn't everyone's cup of tea but it's required for progressing in Arena after farming good sets and to acquire Arbiter. What's your point?

Stop crying, you're not entitled to Arbiter, who is FOR THE MOST PART a PVP champ if you don't like PvP lol. You have to put in effort as the game dictates.

Top level arena strats such as using a def down champ, speed buffer, and a nuker? Woow that's such a gigabrain top level arena strat I wonder how new players can grasp such complicated tactics.

These are all standards set by players and the game itself, you're not the one to tell "what should and shouldn't be in bronze". 

31 март 2021, 08:0431.03.21

wins should be easy. it's bronze 1. that's where teams of 1*-3* champs should be. PVP isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's required for great hall and arbiter progression.

you expect every new and low power player to immediately commit to learning top level arena strats just to get a couple of bronze medals?

obviously players should eventually learn more about the game as their accounts progress, but top level teams flooding the bronze tiers is a flaw in the game.

The problem is that it is compulsary content.

That is why seperating pve and pvp (which is the case in every mmo i have ever played) is the answer, but i suspect it has been made compulsary in this case to ensure people actually participate.