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Classic Arena is a mess.

Classic Arena is a mess.

26 март 2021, 10:1826.03.21

good luck everyone to get the 5fragments of the classic arena event 280pts to do with a shitty arena 

26 март 2021, 18:2726.03.21

I don't know what you have done with my players, but now I can no longer win in Classic arena against people that are 1/2 my power or take out the Clan boss (Normal) with two keys anymore. Is this what I can expect from now on? If so please let me know so that I can find another game to play!

26 март 2021, 18:3726.03.21

good luck everyone to get the 5fragments of the classic arena event 280pts to do with a shitty arena 

Just completed Arena event on alt account, Yoshi is mine!

27 март 2021, 02:1927.03.21

A 3 month old player here... 

The Arena issue; First they don't have enough "level" Bronze, silver, gold plat is very thin with the number of player. They should have Diamond, Mythic then top 300, which would grant more "space" to people to evolve. 

Also, as other game does, having more "point" for a win in bronze / silver (usually 2 for 1; 20 for a win, 10 for a lost) allow the Arena to have "Gold" as a defining point of the game, which is now bronze IV. 

Another way that would help, is if the Defense Arena lost impact was way smaller, something like 1 lost = 1 point lost. I mean when you attack you pick the opponent team base on what your team can achieve. In defense, you get pick, it make no sens to punish people overnight. In the same way they could give better reward for a defense arena win (maybe 15 point)  

That being said, the real problem with Arena is that it's directly link to the Arbiter mission. The "reach silver" make no sens to be achieve before finishing campaing at hard (I am halfway thru the Nightmare mission, and the only reason why it's not finish (1 star) is that I am missing the energy to do it. 

I am at the moment between 50 and 20 point to reach silver, and honestly the only way I feel I can do it, is buying gem and refreshing up until I get "easy win" or "team that I know I can beat". 

But I don't get how am I suppose to beat team with max out Arbiter, or Scyl of the Drakes. Obviously we are not the same power level. 

Like honestly the 285 mission is earn 3 stars on stage 7 of Brimesone Path on Hard difficulty, I can do it in Brutal at the moment, but I can't reach silver in Arena. Fix this. 

28 март 2021, 12:2628.03.21

After being in gold arena 4 for months and never being able to move up within a couple days I am all the way down to silver level. Cant seem to win a fight anymore. Also can't get deceint gear. Cost a fortune to level up the mediocrea gear that I have. I have been playing over 200 days and feel I have gone as far as I can go without spending money. I'm not doing that anymore. Invested a fortune in shards and got nothing but garbage. In the past 42 legandary shards I've used got only one legandary and it was warmother. Straight garbage. Out of close to 200 anchient and void shards I got only 5 champions that ranked 5 on Hellshades and I already had 2 of those. I think it's time to find a new game.

28 март 2021, 13:5428.03.21
28 март 2021, 13:58(отредактировано)


Totaly agree with:

@Sabourinmo: The Arena issue; First they don't have enough "level" Bronze, silver, gold plat is very thin with the number of player. They should have Diamond, Mythic then top 300, which would grant more "space" to people to evolve. 

This is the only way people can do the referee quest without having to face a wall followed by an abyss. 

And to add a selection tab of: TEAM in 3v3, a little pissed off to make the characters one by one  

28 март 2021, 14:2028.03.21
28 март 2021, 14:20(отредактировано)

Months ago i was in gold, yesterday i clawed my way to the middle of silver, refreshing frequently throughout the day- i wake up this morning and i am back in bronze

Because i have lost arena bonuses i am now less effective in pve than i was a month or so ago

So i am endlessly grinding to get weaker, i think i have had enough. I will stick strictly to occasional log ins for a chat with clan mates now, and definitely no money to plarium....sick of it feeling like a full time job to stay out of the newbie zone. 

28 март 2021, 17:2628.03.21

So, Hell Hades had an update to the video where he mentioned the arena issues which gates the progress missions and the great hall.  Apparently, in all their infinite wisdom (sarcasm, obviously), Plarium does set matchups based on player power.  Now, if you want to see why that is an issue, check your player power, pull 10 mystery shards, and then check your player power again.  Is your arena team stronger?  No?  Strange, Plarium's matchmaking system now thinks it is stronger.  So what they are telling us is to stop summoning at all and keep a core 10 characters or so that you use everywhere in the game and feed absolutely everyone else immediately if you want to make progress in the great hall which will help you make progress in PvE.  What a horrendous game design.

I don't even care about winning in the arena.  I care about the great hall (with the necessary upgrades) and completing progress missions because completing missions is the point of every game I've ever played and feeds into basic human nature.  I'd be doing the progress missions even if the end result was 100 gems and not Arbiter.

Anyway, I've barely been managing to stay in Silver 2.  2 of the first 4 characters I 6 starred were specifically for arena (high Khatun for the 6th ascension speed upgrade and warmaiden for an accuracy banner).  I would gladly completely ignore the arena if they just removed it from the progress missions and changed how you upgrade the great hall.  No other game I've ever played seems to have such an issue creating a tier for low level players to compete reasonably.

As for solutions?  Team power should be used instead of player power (although that is a bad solution too but infinitely better).  More importantly, each reset they could give you 1 day beforehand to set your arena defense.  If you don't set it in that 1 day you have nobody on the field and it is an instant loss whenever someone faces you.  You can set it whenever you do go to the arena.  That would solve the issue of those who log into the game occassionally but have slowly dropped in the arena because they don't use their free tokens every day.

28 март 2021, 17:5628.03.21

People offering suggestions are missing one important point.

The whole idea is for people to get frustrated, so that they spend money to try to progress.

Its pretty standard practice for freemium mobile games

28 март 2021, 21:4428.03.21

People offering suggestions are missing one important point.

The whole idea is for people to get frustrated, so that they spend money to try to progress.

Its pretty standard practice for freemium mobile games

Not really.  If you compare this game to Clash of Clans or Genshin Impact, both of those games have content which allows you to fully experience the game without having an advanced account (whether through purchase or through time).  In both those games, money will help you cut down on the time it takes to progress but that is it.  You can still fully eperience the games with a lower level account.  Solely due to the arena gating progress missions and the great hall, having a non-advanced account means you cannot experience this game.  It is a shame because I like the PvE aspects of this game a lot but them not understanding the arena is just ruining the experience.

29 март 2021, 06:2829.03.21



29 март 2021, 06:3229.03.21

Can  sombody  explane  how  to  get  to  silver  lvl ,when  i'm  having  to  face  s      Stufflike  this?

29 март 2021, 06:4329.03.21

It seems the champions do not matter, as long as you have the right composition, right artifacts/acesories, maxed out champs and yes it is good to lower your player power. does moving the gear from all other champs help? does moving the champs to vault help?

29 март 2021, 09:4929.03.21

Can  sombody  explane  how  to  get  to  silver  lvl ,when  i'm  having  to  face  s      Stufflike  this?

In all honesty i love that sort of team since i would fancy my chances of speed nuking them.

But i am 130k power and you are 68k and in bronze 2 so i agree it is a bad mismatch.

29 март 2021, 11:3229.03.21

Can  sombody  explane  how  to  get  to  silver  lvl ,when  i'm  having  to  face  s      Stufflike  this?

1. Fight with champs that are level 60. 75% of your team are not.

2. Don't use champs like Acolyte. Don't waste resources while you level up such bad champs.

3. Use champs that synergize with each other. You don't even have a champ that has an Def debuff for the opposite team. That would help your Elhain a lot in doing more damage.

4. Don't pick fights where you allready know you will not win. Be patient and wait for the refresh if there are only Hegemon + Mountain King teams on your list.

29 март 2021, 13:2629.03.21

1. Fight with champs that are level 60. 75% of your team are not.

2. Don't use champs like Acolyte. Don't waste resources while you level up such bad champs.

3. Use champs that synergize with each other. You don't even have a champ that has an Def debuff for the opposite team. That would help your Elhain a lot in doing more damage.

4. Don't pick fights where you allready know you will not win. Be patient and wait for the refresh if there are only Hegemon + Mountain King teams on your list.


Your team is terrible, it is a bronze 1 team...

29 март 2021, 14:2529.03.21
29 март 2021, 14:27(отредактировано)



Arena is definitely a mess - its like a full time job trying to stay in silver--- but this could do with a little work.

I am new myself, but it seems with arena you either do your best to try to ensure you go first OR you have a team capable of surviving the initial hits and messing up your opponents in riposte.

So if going first - cookie cutter is speed aura, speed booster, debuffer, nuker (two nukers if your speed aura is also the turn booster)

If not going first, high crowd control chars, someone who shields before his turn, someone who ressurects, enough HP and resist not to be messed up before you can reply. 

I am not familiar with those chars so googled them, acolyte doesnt seem to do anything at all, and your leads aura only works in faction crypts.

I totally get the frustration though

30 март 2021, 04:0830.03.21

Thank  you  all  for  the  advice

30 март 2021, 04:1930.03.21

 Valkyrie can be countered by Prince Kymar, or anyone that dispels buffs, Madame/Monster can be countered by Sinesha/Warchief/Rotos, I am trying my best to find someone that counters Krisk/Rotos though

30 март 2021, 15:2930.03.21

HK > Tayrel > Athel > Royal Huntsman

My team is not the issue, the issue is that im facing teams that dont belong in bronze tier. Im no where an end game player, not in pve nor in pvp. But my gaming experience and my team should be enough for me to be able to get into silver and farm some medals there for another GH 4 level.

Classic arena wasnt like this two-three months ago. I could easily get into silver and stay there.

I agree with you.  Since the changes, I can't win one battle.  The other teams are all way above me.  

This has taken all the fun out of the game for me.  I'm close to quitting.  No sense in playing if you can never advance.