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Classic Arena is a mess.

Classic Arena is a mess.

17 март 2021, 17:3117.03.21

Classic Arena is a mess.

Im five days from Scyl of the Drakes (for reference of where iam gamewise) and I havent been able to push into silver tier for the last weeks. I cant do it because all team im up against are comps with end game champions, I contanstly fighting MM, Sir Nicholas, Valkyrie, Krisk, Madame etc. Im running HK > Tayrel > Nuke > Nuke which should be more than enough for bronze tier. Its beyond exhausting as I cant progress in missions because I need to upgrade two gh bonuses to level four.

17 март 2021, 17:4117.03.21

Your team composition looks good at first sight. What nukers do you use? Lvl 60, ascended and with full masteries? Helmsmasher is very usefull in arena.

I got into Silver with a very similar team. In Bronze I used Apothecary (instead of your HK), Warmaiden (instead of your Tayrel), Athel and Peydma. They brought me into silver without problems. Your team should do it with the right gear and masteries.

17 март 2021, 17:4517.03.21

I  would  perhaps  avoid  the  krisk  teams  and  maybe  the  valks  too  if  you  are  limited  on  aren  tokens.  Sir  nick  is beatable  with  a  speed  team,  dont  be  afraid  of  him.

Get  Tayrel  loaded  up  with  100%  crit  and  then  tonnes  of  defense  and  crit  damage.  Singing  steel  hits  pretty  hard.

if  you are  fast  enough  and  you  have  2  good  nukers  then  that  team  should  be  good  all  the  way  to  gold. 

17 март 2021, 17:4517.03.21

Oh  and  accuracy  for  tayrel  and  HK  of  course.

17 март 2021, 17:4717.03.21

HK > Tayrel > Athel > Royal Huntsman

My team is not the issue, the issue is that im facing teams that dont belong in bronze tier. Im no where an end game player, not in pve nor in pvp. But my gaming experience and my team should be enough for me to be able to get into silver and farm some medals there for another GH 4 level.

Classic arena wasnt like this two-three months ago. I could easily get into silver and stay there.

17 март 2021, 17:5017.03.21

Can you show us screenshots of your team's stats? 

17 март 2021, 18:0517.03.21

Stats  are  one  thing, but i'm  guessing  that  they  should  have  a  fast  enough  HK  for  bronze  if  they  were  previously  in  silver.  The  problem  is  the  arena,  try  what  i  said....  wait  until  reset  and  i  think  you'll  find  yourself  climbing  out  of  bronze.

17 март 2021, 18:0717.03.21

Can you show us screenshots of your team's stats? 

I been using ShareX which been causing me alot of issues so I un-installed it. You dont happen to have any other screenshot programs to recommend?

17 март 2021, 18:1717.03.21

What's wrong with alt + print screen?

17 март 2021, 18:1917.03.21

Can you show us screenshots of your team's stats? 

The problem is not his team...the problem are the multitude of teams in Bronze which consist of 2-3 6* fully ascended leggos and another Epic at 6*.

Those teams do not belong anywhere in bronze fights...

The arena is broken in many ways at the moment. On my main, I am getting fights against teams with double the account power and at least 160% of team power...and guess what? If I win, I get 6-7 points...if I lose, it is 13-14 points....this is just plainly mad...

17 март 2021, 18:2917.03.21

@Aedzy, you can upload directly here after you print screen, or you can use an image hosting site like imgur. 

@Tanreh Legendaries and Epics don't mean anything unless they're properly geared. I understand how intimidating those teams are, but they're just that- intimidating. They'd be in Gold (or even Silver) if their players knew how to compose a proper team with synergy, or if they had good gear. Also points you win/lose depend on that specific opponent's current arena points. If their points are significantly higher than yours, they'd sit at the bottom at the list. You'd get more points if you win against them, and you'd lose less points if you don't. Inversely if they have lower arena points than you, they'd be listed closer to the top of your matchups, and if you lose against them you'd lose more. 

17 март 2021, 19:0517.03.21

Hmm..okay...that rating I didn't took into account. At least from the last 2 tenfolds...the win/lose points ring true with your words.

Shouldn't have pushed into plat this morning when everyone else was sleeping..;)

Thanks for the explanation

17 март 2021, 23:0717.03.21

The problem is not his team...the problem are the multitude of teams in Bronze which consist of 2-3 6* fully ascended leggos and another Epic at 6*.

Those teams do not belong anywhere in bronze fights...

The arena is broken in many ways at the moment. On my main, I am getting fights against teams with double the account power and at least 160% of team power...and guess what? If I win, I get 6-7 points...if I lose, it is 13-14 points....this is just plainly mad...

GEE   REALLY ,, those Team setups are Rampant in BRONZE Tier One,, 

All sitting between 900 and 965 Points 

So without blowing 100 Gems a day to refresh , or Setting a Timer to go off every 15 mins

BRONZE Tier I is a Total FUUUBAAARRRR !!!!!!!!

and NO , I have NOT been playing as long as my account says i have either,, 

Started my Acc in April 2020 to Log into Forums , 

and Did not really start to play 

Fishing Season and Sunshine , So Didnt really start to Seriously Play till Sept 2020

But Seriously ,, 2 or 3 60s Fully accended should NOT be in Bronze Tier I ...

If they are Inactive accounts that have been Beaten Down,


Should NOT be that hard to have Code written that would remove inactives from the rotation



18 март 2021, 00:5718.03.21

I  have  to  agree  with  fluffy!    I  have  been  playing  1  month  and  cant  hold  in  bronze  2  with  my  team  as  my  opponents  match  fluffies  screen  shots.    Matching  needs  some  kind  of  fix  but  from  what  i  have  been  reading  it  will  never  change.    So  my  progress  in   quests  will  never  change.    so  why  so  i  continue  playing  this  game.    Been  spending  since  i  started  and  i  still  cant  get  to  bronze  3?  Lol.    Facing  120k  power  teams  in  bronze  3  seems  inappropriate.    Unless  everyone  is  just  that  strong  and  new  players  have  no  chance  until  3-4  months  into  the  game.

18 март 2021, 05:4418.03.21

All those teams Fluffy Posted are easy wins with a Speed Nuking Team.

The only team which might give you trouble is the C4rn4G3_V3n0m team

The only reason C4rn4G3_V3n0m team might give you trouble is due to Candraphon.

Candraphon is a Meta Arena Champion.

Candraphon is Ranked Number 4 as Best AOE Nuker in Arena.

In Addition, Candraphon can survive a nuke from a Speed Team.

Candraphon can often survive due to his Passive Ability + Force Affinity.

- The Passive Ability places a Veil on Candraphon which allows him to reduce incoming damage.

- The Force Affinity on Candraphon allows him to reduce further damage from the most common Damage Dealing Affinity Type (Magic)

C4rn4G3_V3n0m team should be the only team you avoid fighting for the above reason's.

All the other teams should be easy wins.


The Arena Defense Teams are using the Free Reward Heros + Login Reward Heros.

- Galek/Elhain/Kael/Athel

- Warpriest

- Crusader

- Shaman

- Jizoh

- Dark Elhain

- Dark Athel

It is blatantly obvious they are Beginner teams.

-> It is Inexperienced Arena Players

---> Leveling up the heroes they get from Rewards or Shards

-----> Than throwing all those heroes into an Arena Team

The teams have no synergy.

The teams have no strategy.

The teams have no ryhme or reason for being together.

We have all been where you are.

Don't let fear & self doubt stop you.

Reaching Silver 1 for the Arena Mission's is Easy

The Hardest part is overcoming the Psychological Burden we put on ourselves.

Our mind creates excuses as to why we can't Reach Silver 1.

- I can't reach Silver 1 because I am Free to Play.

- I can't reach SIlver 1 because I have No Legendaries.  

- I can't reach Silver 1 because I have No Epics.

- I can't reach Silver 1 because I am not good at building Arena Teams.

- I can't reach Silver 1 because my Team Power is so much lower vs. the Enemy Team Power.

- I can't reach Silver 1 because the Match Making System pairs me with Tough People.

- I can't reach Silver 1 because the Enemy has more level 60's vs. me.

We try very hard to reach Silver 1, but end up failing

The failure causes Fear & Self Doubt to entire our mind.

The excuses are created out of Fear & Self Doubt.

The Enemy Team has 120k Power vs. Your team with 100k Power

Why do you fear an arbitrary number?

The Enemy Team has 4 Legendarys vs. Your Team with 4 Rares.

Why do you doubt your Rare's ability to win?


Lies created by your mind designed to prevent you from succeeding.





Top of the Food Chain.

They should be afraid of you!




Don't you realize we have peeps out here which can help you become an Arena God!

18 март 2021, 10:4718.03.21

Screenshots like FluffyPudding's seriously don't help in "lower arena is broken" threads. 

Can't really contribute more to Player J's comment, it's already on point. Work on your champs, study champ synergies (both on your team and your opponents'), and maybe don't expect Bronze to be full of level 20 uncommons. 

If anyone is struggling with arena, especially with getting out of Bronze, feel free to ask for advice here on the forum, or even shoot me a PM. 

18 март 2021, 14:0218.03.21

Screenshots like FluffyPudding's seriously don't help in "lower arena is broken" threads. 

Can't really contribute more to Player J's comment, it's already on point. Work on your champs, study champ synergies (both on your team and your opponents'), and maybe don't expect Bronze to be full of level 20 uncommons. 

If anyone is struggling with arena, especially with getting out of Bronze, feel free to ask for advice here on the forum, or even shoot me a PM. 


18 март 2021, 14:3918.03.21

AGREE AEDZY!!! Just to share my experience....Arena is totally blown for us Non-Whales!!! I've been playing for about a year now and have managed to get some decent champions...I even managed to top out at Gold 4 in Arena!!! Was even gonna make a marathon of a Sunday to push for Platinum just for bragging rights LOL....But as soon as that change dropped a month or 2 ago...I've dropped all the way down to Bronze, and I'm lucky if I can maintain Bronze 3 at that!!! Not 100% sure what they changed, but I think it was the Defense mode....I think you now lose ranks if you lose defensive battles, so now EVERYONE puts thier best and brightest on Defense and those of us without Sir Nick or Krisk, etc. can't build a very competetive defense so we're losing on both fronts!!....I'm not sure how they can balance out who we're pitted against at any level, but agree that currently this is WHACK!!! LOL!!!!

18 март 2021, 14:5618.03.21
Was even gonna make a marathon of a Sunday to push for Platinum just for bragging rights LOL....But as soon as that change dropped a month or 2 ago...I've dropped all the way down to Bronze, and I'm lucky if I can maintain Bronze 3 at that!!! 

I hate to break this to you... 

18 март 2021, 15:1318.03.21


The Arena is broken again!

There should not be any regression in the Arena ranking. Once you acheive a certain level, you should never regress to an earlier level, as you have already proven you can beat the teams at that level. If you need to introduce more advance levels, then do so, so that more advanced teams can compete on a level playing field. When a player in Bronze III (team score of 65k) comes up against another team (team score of 120k), because that more powerful team has regressed at the weekly reset, then the newer and less advanced team has no chance of winning and progressing through the Arena. This weekly regression is dumb!

Another problem in Arena is the Team score display. You currently show only the total team power score. In this way, teams can hide a powerful Champion beside 3 weak champions and absolutely roll over less advanced teams. Teams should display individual Champion scores. You can currently hide a Champion with a score of 65k with 3 other champions of 10k and still only display a team score of 105k. But when another team chooses to match this team they get 1 shot by the 65k Ultimate Champion on the more advanced team. The other team with 4 Champions of 25k each doesn't stand a chance.

Another problem in Arena is recording a loss and losing points, if your match is clearly a draw. You should not be penalized for not being able to kill a selected team, and you should not be penalized if the selected team can't kill you either. A Draw should be a Draw with no decision made against either team, and no token lost for the attempt. 

18 март 2021, 15:2718.03.21
Was even gonna make a marathon of a Sunday to push for Platinum just for bragging rights LOL....But as soon as that change dropped a month or 2 ago...I've dropped all the way down to Bronze, and I'm lucky if I can maintain Bronze 3 at that!!! 

I hate to break this to you... 



Please share the stats of this team that was going to push for PLAT