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I've been plateauing with my 5* Kael, who can't farm Brutal 12.3, and I'm not sure how to fix it

I've been plateauing with my 5* Kael, who can't farm Brutal 12.3, and I'm not sure how to fix it

18 янв. 2021, 22:3918.01.21

I've been plateauing with my 5* Kael, who can't farm Brutal 12.3, and I'm not sure how to fix it


I have a level 50 Kael with the lifesteal epic set provided early in the game, at level 12, and I can't solo further than brutal 4.6. Which sucks.

Being stuck there limits my capacity to farm efficently, and I feel like, at this point, leveling up Kael to 60 would be a waste of time and energy. I only have one other 50 (Apothecary), and it took me forever - so the idea of fooding 5x 5* seems out of reach right now... As a result, I plateau in campaign, in Arena (can't get passed bronze II), in Faction War (stuck at lvl 6 on most of them...), in Clan Boss...

Could you check my Kael and tell me if he's properly geared? 

Should I get another champion at 50 to be able to farm 12.3? Saurus? Shielguard? Coldheart? Soulbound Boyer? Basilisk? Galek? Seer? Seeker? Shaman? Heiress? These are basically my champions currently at 40...


18 янв. 2021, 22:5018.01.21

Here's my gear. I could of course push everything to 16, but it's very costly. Is it worth it? Is it gonna allow me to solo 12.3? If yes, sure I'll do it.

I could also substitute two items for another (2) set, but I have nothing better right now. I feel like my gauntlets, chestplate and boots are perfect. I wish I had an amulet but I don't. As of my ring, it's not the best but it's my only one...








18 янв. 2021, 23:5818.01.21

First of all, you absolutely shouldn't switch to another farmer champion at this stage. 

It's not clear if you haven't managed to get to brutal 12 yet, or that you have got there but he fails at clearing it? And does he fail consistently, or sometimes depending on RNG? Do you have any masteries on him, those also help? 

But as you already mentioned yourself, the obvious answer is getting him to 6*. And yes, that involves a lot of grinding, especially when doing it for the first time. We've all been there. You have some great champions though - if you can add a Warmaiden, then you'd have a great dungeon team of Kael, Apo, Warmaiden, Seeker and Rector Drath, with Coldheart and Soulbond stepping up for some things (and Seer will be useful but that's only far in the future). 

19 янв. 2021, 00:2919.01.21

It's definitly not good to upgrade 2 pieces to lvl 14. There are breakpoints at your gear at lvl 4, 8, 12 and 16. Lvl 14 is just a big waste of silver unless you don't go all the way to lvl 16. But obviously it's to late to save all that silver.

The stats of your artifacts are chosen very well. Critrate gloves, atk chestplate and speed boots, it's a classic setup for a damagedealer. Some artifacts have only 4 stars, there could be an improvement, but unless you find better gear, it will work.

In general, a lvl 60 Kael can definitly do 12.3 and champs like Saurus or Shiledguard are not better in doing that. So upgrading him is the way out of your problems. You can't farm 12.3. NM right now, after upgrading Kael to lvl 60 you can do it. It's much better to get one Lvl 60 char that can farm easily than having a bunch of lvl 50 champs. He will farm enough food to bring the next champ to lvl 60 in a couple of days.

Apothecary, Coldheart and Seeker are good champs to level up next.

19 янв. 2021, 00:5919.01.21

Thank you so much for your quick and clear answers! Well, I guess I'm just gonna patient and level up my Kael to 50 then...

I got one big question. I never use my epic or rare as food (unless they're farmable and I have several). But is it a good idea to use, say, a Saurus (I have one at 40), a Sniper (I have 2 at 40), a Shielgard, an Armiger, or a Sister Militant etc. as food? I love them because they were so useful to me in the very early game, but sacrificing them would save me so much energy right now ; and later, I'll be able to level them up again, won't I? Generally speaking, what do you do with all these cool uncommons? I tend to stak them in my vault, as if they were precious, but it's probably silly, isn't it?...

19 янв. 2021, 01:1019.01.21

First of all, you absolutely shouldn't switch to another farmer champion at this stage. 

It's not clear if you haven't managed to get to brutal 12 yet, or that you have got there but he fails at clearing it? And does he fail consistently, or sometimes depending on RNG? Do you have any masteries on him, those also help? 

But as you already mentioned yourself, the obvious answer is getting him to 6*. And yes, that involves a lot of grinding, especially when doing it for the first time. We've all been there. You have some great champions though - if you can add a Warmaiden, then you'd have a great dungeon team of Kael, Apo, Warmaiden, Seeker and Rector Drath, with Coldheart and Soulbond stepping up for some things (and Seer will be useful but that's only far in the future). 

I have not even cleared 11.2 brutal (with Kael 50, Apothecary 50, Coldheart 40 and .Drath 40)..

I have all the recommended common masteries of Kael : Deadly Precision, Keen Strike, Shield Breaker, Pinpoint Accuracy, Exalt in Death.

Re: my great champions, I know he's super unpopular, but I have a soft spot for... Basilisk. In arena, he's been my 4th champion for a while (with Kael, Apo, & Spirithost) and so helpful. He has a Relentless set, his A1 AoE is very efficient (X3 is a decent multiplicator), his A2 is perfect to stun the most dangerous opponent, and his auto reviving saved the situation so many times... I'm not sure I'll 6* him, but as an early game champion, I think he's way underrated. Much better than Jizoh (which I also have but never was able to use, really).

19 янв. 2021, 01:1219.01.21

It's definitly not good to upgrade 2 pieces to lvl 14. There are breakpoints at your gear at lvl 4, 8, 12 and 16. Lvl 14 is just a big waste of silver unless you don't go all the way to lvl 16. But obviously it's to late to save all that silver.

The stats of your artifacts are chosen very well. Critrate gloves, atk chestplate and speed boots, it's a classic setup for a damagedealer. Some artifacts have only 4 stars, there could be an improvement, but unless you find better gear, it will work.

In general, a lvl 60 Kael can definitly do 12.3 and champs like Saurus or Shiledguard are not better in doing that. So upgrading him is the way out of your problems. You can't farm 12.3. NM right now, after upgrading Kael to lvl 60 you can do it. It's much better to get one Lvl 60 char that can farm easily than having a bunch of lvl 50 champs. He will farm enough food to bring the next champ to lvl 60 in a couple of days.

Apothecary, Coldheart and Seeker are good champs to level up next.

Thanks for the advice! 

My artifacts are at 14 just because I didn't have enough silver, and I thought the little push would be useful - they were not :)

I'm gonna level them up asap. How much silver should I save beforehand?

19 янв. 2021, 08:1219.01.21

Gear looks okay but how are his masteries? Masteries will help a ton.

19 янв. 2021, 08:4119.01.21

Thank you so much for your quick and clear answers! Well, I guess I'm just gonna patient and level up my Kael to 50 then...

I got one big question. I never use my epic or rare as food (unless they're farmable and I have several). But is it a good idea to use, say, a Saurus (I have one at 40), a Sniper (I have 2 at 40), a Shielgard, an Armiger, or a Sister Militant etc. as food? I love them because they were so useful to me in the very early game, but sacrificing them would save me so much energy right now ; and later, I'll be able to level them up again, won't I? Generally speaking, what do you do with all these cool uncommons? I tend to stak them in my vault, as if they were precious, but it's probably silly, isn't it?...

You could, yeah. Armiger is the only uncommon who is likely to be really important for your account, so maybe keep him. The others are potentially usable, like for speed clearing in Saurus' case, but not really needed for anything. And as you say, if you ever want them again, uncommons are easy enough to get from mystery shards or market. 

19 янв. 2021, 14:1919.01.21

As stated, you can't progress in game with 5* champs.

1. 6* kael

2. Buy masteries for kael (800 gems)

3. Farm 9.3 for Warmaiden (keep farming until booked)

3. Farm 12.3 brutal (don't even look at NM)

4. 6* Apothecary

5. Post your roster after these two are 60 and figure out who to 6* next

19 янв. 2021, 17:3619.01.21

As stated, you can't progress in game with 5* champs.

1. 6* kael

2. Buy masteries for kael (800 gems)

3. Farm 9.3 for Warmaiden (keep farming until booked)

3. Farm 12.3 brutal (don't even look at NM)

4. 6* Apothecary

5. Post your roster after these two are 60 and figure out who to 6* next

Thanks! I already got Warmaiden, I'm currently leveling her to 40.

I also just landed Valla, and read she was great to solo Brutal (slowly but surely). I'm gonna invest a little in her I think.

19 янв. 2021, 19:3919.01.21

Thanks! I already got Warmaiden, I'm currently leveling her to 40.

I also just landed Valla, and read she was great to solo Brutal (slowly but surely). I'm gonna invest a little in her I think.

Valla is not a part of steps 1 to 6, please refer back to those and dont get sidetracked by ordinary champs.  

19 янв. 2021, 20:4319.01.21

get your farmer kael to 6 star 60 and fully mastered, running 6 bits of lifesteal not really optimal either eg a set to give you lifesteal ability is only 4 so theres options there for you to remove 2 and place on a 2 set piece of something 

for kael speed set or accuarcy if you need more accuary could help 

i would do apothecary to 6 star 60 next his ability to heal and increase speed will help in so many areas early on - i was still running my apothecary in nightmare clan boss and i still run him on alot of dungeon level 20s at the moment 

couple of tips - do not invest in levelling up pieces of gear that have all flt stat sub stats, if i have resist speed accuracy on gear i sometimes depending on level will sell that too as the flat stats there wont help boost you too much but if you need speed or accuracy then i weigh up who is getting this piece of gear and if worth it.

books dont use lego books on any champ except for legendary champs, epic books on epics only a mistake i made super early in my account another is when you get shards eg sacreds from completing campaign etc try and save them for boosted summoning events where the chance to pull better champ rarities increases 

19 янв. 2021, 20:4619.01.21

good advice scrim EXCEPT... speed and acc are the 2 best substats.  you cannot have too much of either lol

30 янв. 2021, 02:5630.01.21


Well, I've been farming for 10 days and I'm almost done with getting enough food -- so long!

I made enough money to level my gear up to 16 (although I can't put my hand on an amulet and it's driving me crazy), and it indeed changes everything: now I'm able to farm 12-3 (in 1'15", but it works :)).

As soon as I have my Kael at 6*, I'll get myself a couple more 5*. I know Scrim and Trips recommend to 6* my Apothecary first, but I prefer to have 2 others 5* first.

By the way, I got a second Apothecary. Lucky me but... is there a point in having 2? My first is already fully booked, so I won't use him to do so. I thought maybe in Faction Wars ?

30 янв. 2021, 08:3230.01.21

That relentless set will probably work better on Kael than on Basilisk, especially if it improves his attack and speed, and this will be particularly useful if he is your campaign farmer.

30 янв. 2021, 16:4330.01.21


Your struggles are ntirely due to hesitating to 6star, the game is based on using 60s. You even state plateauing with kael only 50.

You realize the solution to 60 kael that you knew all along.

Now you decide to go back to making more 50s, lol.

30 янв. 2021, 19:1130.01.21


Your struggles are ntirely due to hesitating to 6star, the game is based on using 60s. You even state plateauing with kael only 50.

You realize the solution to 60 kael that you knew all along.

Now you decide to go back to making more 50s, lol.

I just want to have fun - it's the purpose of a game isn't it :)?

And levelling up Kael to 60 isn't very fun for me. It's just grinding, and grinding... I feel like with Kael 6* and 3x 5*, I'll be able to progress in Arena, in dungeons, in faction wars... Besides, there's this challenge which require 4x5* to be completed.

It's not a waste, anyway, cause sooner or later, I'll level them up too! It's ok to be slower, as long as I have fun, no?

30 янв. 2021, 19:1430.01.21

That relentless set will probably work better on Kael than on Basilisk, especially if it improves his attack and speed, and this will be particularly useful if he is your campaign farmer.

Well, the thing is the Lifesteal pieces have way better characteritics. They're just perfect. So for now, I'll leave them on my best champion.

30 янв. 2021, 19:2030.01.21

Getting your first champion to 6 stars is very important indeed. However, if you blindly 6 star 2-3 champs you won't have a lot to work with against bad affinity. I think having a few additional 5 stars is very helpful, it definitely was for me. Now I reached a point where I got enough 5 star champs to help me in dungeons and doom tower that I start to feel comfortable with 6 starring the best ones. Also, it's so much more fun to have a few extra champions to work with. Playing this game 100% for efficiency is a chore, I'm fine with only 95% efficiency.

I have two 6 star champions and upgraded 11 to 5 stars and I use most of them regularly. And even if 2-3 of them aren't very useful right now, I still use them in Faction Wars to farm epic/legendary crafting material. Also, having the additional champions saved me from having to regear some of my better champions for doom tower and other areas of the game. I only have two 6 star champions and managed to get to floor 50 in normal difficulty, not too bad imo. I managed to do the first 5 secret rooms too. Impossible without the additional level 50 guys, which means I'll be quicker to fuse that strong epic Archmage Hellmuth. It all has positives and negatives.

31 янв. 2021, 00:0731.01.21

I don't suggest blindly 6starring. But apothecary at 60 you will not regret. 

And yes, play the game how ever you enjoy it. 

But most enjoy it more if they progress a little faster... 6star the right champs (apothecary for example) and you will get closer to level 20 dungeons and better gear.