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Anyone use CB unkillable comp w/ Tower and Skullcrusher?

Anyone use CB unkillable comp w/ Tower and Skullcrusher?

8 дек. 2020, 15:1308.12.20
Player J

My Frozne Banshee is putting up 4 Poison + 1 Poison Senstivity on average

My Rhazin is putting up 1 Def Down + 1 Weaken.

Most times - I only have 7 Debuffs on the Clan Boss.

I was thinking of using Doompriest in Toxic set just because I seem to lack Poison.

However, I do have the Debuff Extension on my Frozen Banshee.

My Frozen Banshee sometimes put Poison Sensitivity up for 3 turns.

It does help her pop off on Poison's at times.

I don't know what I should do.

How to extract more damage from the team?

That is the question.

Am I doomed with out Dracomorph or Fayne?


With Banshee, are you doing manual with A1 1st round then applying poison sensitivity so that you get the benefit of CA for applying an extra round of poisons. Not sure if I explained that well.

My fear with toxic set is u would potentially block other debuffs still.

Another thing I haven't done is change skullcrusher to support from defense masteries for lasting gifts. I think the extra CA occasionally will far outweigh any benefits from defense tree for him.  

I still think fury set is interesting as well, no silver currently to test. Not sure I have any good peices of that, I probably sold it all.

11 дек. 2020, 23:2711.12.20
Player J

My Frozne Banshee is putting up 4 Poison + 1 Poison Senstivity on average

My Rhazin is putting up 1 Def Down + 1 Weaken.

Most times - I only have 7 Debuffs on the Clan Boss.

I was thinking of using Doompriest in Toxic set just because I seem to lack Poison.

However, I do have the Debuff Extension on my Frozen Banshee.

My Frozen Banshee sometimes put Poison Sensitivity up for 3 turns.

It does help her pop off on Poison's at times.

I don't know what I should do.

How to extract more damage from the team?

That is the question.

Am I doomed with out Dracomorph or Fayne?



I've done some testing with different combinations of rhazin, ob, fayne and fb.  Interestingly, i can do 30 million with all combinations not using rhazin. The ob fb combination is 2 for 2 at 30+ which surprised me. I think because overall my CR and CD are fairly low I do just as well without dec def and weaken. Sample sizes are fairly small, but I guess the math probably makes sense. The debuffs fill and at times I have 9 poisons + sensitivity. I'm thinking rhazin will be only useful against magic affinity. 

15 март 2021, 13:5415.03.21

Bump, how did you guys get the SC/RT/DP to work against force?

For spirit, obv good.

For magic, I plan to swap in gnarlhorn

For force.... thought Jarl for doompreist was supposed to work but I am guessing I need both RT and GJ to have really high HP compared to SC?

15 март 2021, 21:0315.03.21
15 март 2021, 21:04(отредактировано)

Bump, how did you guys get the SC/RT/DP to work against force?

For spirit, obv good.

For magic, I plan to swap in gnarlhorn

For force.... thought Jarl for doompreist was supposed to work but I am guessing I need both RT and GJ to have really high HP compared to SC?

I  think  you  need  Grizzled  Jarl/Mausoleum  Mage  instead  of  Doompriest.  I  would  also  try  swapping  out  Frozen  Banshee  for  another  dps  to  prevent  her  from  being  targeted.  Example:  Rhazin  and  OB  for  dps.

15 март 2021, 21:0515.03.21
15 март 2021, 21:12(отредактировано)

I  dont  have  Doompriest so  my  unkillable  does  not  work  on  spirit  affinity  or  nightmare  clan  boss.

15 март 2021, 21:1215.03.21

I  currently  use  Tower,  Skullcrusher/Gnarlhorn,  FB,  Grizzled  Jarl, and OB/Vizier  Ovelis.  Gnarlhorn  for  Spirit  Affinity,  and  OB  instead  of  Vizier  when  I  have  no  time  to  manual  Vizier  lol.

15 март 2021, 21:1515.03.21

I  currently  use  Tower,  Skullcrusher/Gnarlhorn,  FB,  Grizzled  Jarl, and OB/Vizier  Ovelis.  Gnarlhorn  for  Spirit  Affinity,  and  OB  instead  of  Vizier  when  I  have  no  time  to  manual  Vizier  lol.

So does it run 50 turns against force with Jarl?  I can't get CB to taget SC, jarl gets hit everytime... I run OB and fayne for DPS against force  

15 март 2021, 21:3115.03.21

Ideas  of  dps:


Narma,  Zavia,  Anax,  Vizier,  Erinyes,  Taurus,   Venus,  Dracomorph,  Rhazin,  Frozen  Banshee,  Occult  Brawler,  Fahrakin  the  Fat,  Fayne,  Aothar,  Martyr,  Belanor.


Errol,  Inquisitor  Shamael,  Astralon,  Septimus

I  dont  think  champions  such  as  Steelskull  and  Aox  are  worth  it  due  to  not  bringing  barely  anything  a  small  chance  to  poison.

15 март 2021, 21:3215.03.21

So does it run 50 turns against force with Jarl?  I can't get CB to taget SC, jarl gets hit everytime... I run OB and fayne for DPS against force  

I  mean,  i  havent  tried  force  but  Abscity  wrote  that  after  a  couple  turns  it  works  fine  and  rotates  to  Skullcrusher.  Maybe  put  Immortal/Regeneration  on  Grizzled  Jarl  so  he'll  have  a  lot  more  HP  thab  Skullcrusher?

15 март 2021, 21:3415.03.21

I'll try  it  right  now.  I'll  be  using  Roshcard,  Vizier,  Jarl,  SC,  and  OB.

15 март 2021, 22:0615.03.21

Ok,  Grizzled  Jarl  is  now  in  Immortal  gear,  and  I  can  confirm  that  is  is  working.  Regen  gear  should  work  too.  He  still  has  to  have  more  HP  than  SC.  SC  cannot  have  Immortal,  he  should  have  life  drinker  mastery  instead.  Immortal  heals  too  much  and  therefore  causes  the  run  to  fail.  So  far  it  is  looking  as  if  it  will  succeed.

15 март 2021, 22:1215.03.21

And  it  is  done!  All  fifty  turns  in  force  affinity  complete!

16 март 2021, 12:5916.03.21
16 март 2021, 13:00(отредактировано)

Update: I wanted to post pictures of what my CB team is doing at the moment.


I can't 2 key, but I am so close.


I keep bouncing around under the 35 Mil Mark.

I get 30 - 31 - 32 - 33  lol


Against: Spirit Affinity

The Team does fine

The Boss hits my Skullcrusher

Against: Force Affinity.

The Team does fine

The Boss hits my Frozen Banshee.

Skullcrusher Ally Protection + Frozen Banshee built Tanky = FB handles all the hits full 50 turns.

My Damage Output stays the same.

FB is in Lifesteal Gear to regain Health.

Against: Magic Affinity.

The Team has problems.

The Boss hits my Anax.

My Anax is built all DPS.

I have to remove Anax from my team to add in Steelskull.

My Steelskull becomes the Stun Target.

Skullcrusher Ally Protection + Steelskull built Tanky = Steelskull handles all the hits full 50 turns.

My Damage Output reduces to 25 to 28 Mil.

Steelskull is in Lifesteal Gear to regain Health.

The Team over all is a Solid 3 Key.

I think I might be able to 2 key if I get my Great Hall built up more.

or I did recently pull Fayne.

I am wondering if she will help me reach the 2 key mark.

I'm not sure, yet.

This is just what I have been doing so far.

16 март 2021, 15:0716.03.21

Thanks @Player J and @Destroyer39

Your suggestions are helpful, I used gnarlhorn against magic.  Worked easily, but pitiful damage output. Dropped from 31 to 21.  I have a jarl a second jarl at 60 for force, will try destroyers suggestion first as it will be easy to just swap in an immortal set.  but the lifesteal on FB may be the way to go for better damage.  

17 март 2021, 19:5217.03.21

Im  thinking  that  youll  need  immortal  on  Tower,  too.  So  far,  a  couple  hits  do  hit  him  on  force,  but  i  am  pretty  sure  it  survives  all  fifty  turns.  I  am  going  to  try  to  get  an  Immortal  set  on  him  though.

17 март 2021, 20:0717.03.21

It  is  a  lot  of  gear  swapping  and  work  but  it  is  worth  it  in  the  end,  I  would  say  personally.  The  new  samurai  looks  good  in  clan  boss  but  would  have  to  be  messed  around  for  the  right  speed.

8 апр. 2021, 18:0808.04.21

Anyone 2-keying with the slow SC/RT/DP comp without a draco or the like?  I've got FB, OB and Fayne currently for DPS and any 2 can do 30+ on void UNM.  I like the comp (except against Magic) because it easy to run against both NM/UNM but the unwanted debuffs from RT and SC, atk down from fayne seem to limit the upside of this comp.  I've pushed my gear a bit to get to 32-33 on void UNM with Fayne/FB so far.  CD in GH might get me another 1 or 2, I have 5k gold medals to spend and all CD at 7/10 currently.

8 апр. 2021, 23:2808.04.21

Trips-  I  have  two-keyed  this  comp  twice  with  FB  and  Vizier.  I  do  have  to  manual  for  the  first  8-14  rounds  to  make  sure  the  poisons  last.  Oh,  and  there  are  no  other  tanks  for  magic  other  than  Bushi  and  Gnarlhorn.  Bushi  would  be  hard  to  tune  since  he  gives  himself  Increase  Speed  (result  of  the  buff  last  year)  but  it  should  work.  The  new  lego,  Nogdar,  also  looks promising but  would  need  tuning  as  well.

Player  J-  The  build  you  webt  with  is  good.  But  if  you  make  the  stun  hit  one  of  your  dps,  you  would  lose  damage.  If  you  have  a  Block  Debuffs  Champion  (on  a  three  turn  cooldown)  then  your  damage  would  improve,  because  you  will  be  able  to  do  more  on  Force.  Same  with  Gnarlhorn  for  Magic.  Just  a  suggestion-  there  may  be  other  matters  much  more  important.  And  your  FB  might  be  built  tanky  anyway  for  Dragon  and  Doom  Tower.

9 апр. 2021, 16:0209.04.21

Using Gnarlhorn against Magic is terrible, it works but damage is pitiful.  I think I will try lifesteal on OB instead. I think against Magic (I have no red DPS currently):


GJ instead of DP



OB in tanky lifesteal gear

9 апр. 2021, 18:0509.04.21


I run Doompriest in my set up.

When my DPS gets stunned, My Doompriest removes the Stun before they have a turn.

I don't lose damage from the Stun.

My Biggest damage loss is vs. Magic Affinity.

I run Steelskull as the Tank.

The problem is my Damage goes from 30-33 Mil to 22-28 Mil

Steelskull A1 Poison is all over the place.

I ran several runs where he was doing 28 mil.

The next set of runs he was doing 22 mil.