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Arbiter missions complete! All info in one big image.

Arbiter missions complete! All info in one big image.

2 фев. 2021, 15:3102.02.21

Zelotah is a good dungeon carry, and no books needed.  Easy to gear.  Wont help speed of dungeon times at all, but can ge you to 100% for d20 and ig20 probably

2 фев. 2021, 15:4502.02.21

Have you been collecting tyrant fragments?  He is your answer to spider20

2 фев. 2021, 15:5902.02.21

Zelotah is a good dungeon carry, and no books needed.  Easy to gear.  Wont help speed of dungeon times at all, but can ge you to 100% for d20 and ig20 probably

I read his kit, could probably help. Thx 

2 фев. 2021, 16:0002.02.21
2 фев. 2021, 16:06(отредактировано)

Have you been collecting tyrant fragments?  He is your answer to spider20

No, i am working on Drexthar. I am playing for two months now. How can i get the fragments for Tyrant? 

2 фев. 2021, 16:2402.02.21

lol, i meant drexthar. that is good you are collecting them.  With monster and tm reduction from alure and armiger and drexthar hp burn you will be looking good for spider

2 фев. 2021, 16:5202.02.21

My Recommendation is to level up Seducer for Dragon.

You don't have any hero who does Block Debuff Buff or Cleasning.

Seducer is the best option for you.

3 фев. 2021, 16:1603.02.21
Player J

My Recommendation is to level up Seducer for Dragon.

You don't have any hero who does Block Debuff Buff or Cleasning.

Seducer is the best option for you.

Thx for the advice - seducer better than Spirithost? In your oppinion? 

4 фев. 2021, 05:0304.02.21
4 фев. 2021, 05:03(отредактировано)

I wouldn't consider Seducer better or worst vs. Spirithost.

I think they both are equally strong.

I think they both do different functions.

Spirithost is often used for her Increase Atk  + Cleansing.

Seducer is often used for his Decrease Atk + Block Debuff Buff.

I own both heroes.

I have both heroes leveled up.

I have both heroes fully booked.

Here is a Screenshot of my Seducer helping me beat Undead Faction Wars Crypt Stage 21.


I also have another picture of Spirithost helping me defeat a team in Gold 4 Arena.

I just can't find it at the moment.

The main reason I was telling you to use Seducer for your Dragon team is because you own Gorgorab.

Gorgorab can do Increase Attack so you don't really need Spirithost for the Increase Attack.

Also - Spirithost Block Debuff Buff is only for 1 turn.

It can fall off sort of fast.

4 фев. 2021, 13:1504.02.21
Player J

I wouldn't consider Seducer better or worst vs. Spirithost.

I think they both are equally strong.

I think they both do different functions.

Spirithost is often used for her Increase Atk  + Cleansing.

Seducer is often used for his Decrease Atk + Block Debuff Buff.

I own both heroes.

I have both heroes leveled up.

I have both heroes fully booked.

Here is a Screenshot of my Seducer helping me beat Undead Faction Wars Crypt Stage 21.


I also have another picture of Spirithost helping me defeat a team in Gold 4 Arena.

I just can't find it at the moment.

The main reason I was telling you to use Seducer for your Dragon team is because you own Gorgorab.

Gorgorab can do Increase Attack so you don't really need Spirithost for the Increase Attack.

Also - Spirithost Block Debuff Buff is only for 1 turn.

It can fall off sort of fast.

Wow,  thank  you  for  the  explanation.  I  will  try   with  seducer. 

4 фев. 2021, 13:1604.02.21


I myself pulled Tayrel and Vrask early on when I started playing and I most say they been a foundation of my team ever since. 

4 фев. 2021, 21:4504.02.21
4 фев. 2021, 21:47(отредактировано)

Here is a picture of my first Dragon 20 team:


I only owned 4 epic heroes at the time.

  • Shaman
  • Jizoh
  • Spider - my spider wasn't leveled up at the time
  • Gorgorab

I owned 0 legendary heroes at the time.

I had to make a team which could beat Dragon with mostly rares.

The drawback of my set up was I had no Crowd Control.

I wasn't lucky when I first started the game.

I didn't get any Legendary - Epic - Rare champion which could do Crowd Control.

For these reasons, I put my Seducer in Provoke gear.

I had my Seducer very tanky in Provoke gear to try and help vs. waves.

As time went on my Dragon team begin to change.

It changed to the below team:


When I look at this time, All I see is the same team as before.

It is the same team as before just upgraded.

We was talking Seducer vs. Spirithost, but take a min to think about what Mausoleum Mage does.

Mausoleum Mage is one champion doing the same thing Seducer + Spirithost are doing.

What is Apothecary doing? Turn Meter Filling

What is Maulie Tankard doing? Turn Meter Filling when she gets attacked + Provokes

Maulie is doing the same thing + Extra.

What is Warmaiden doing? AOE Def Down

What is Spider doing? AOE Def Down + Weaken

Spider is doing the same thing + Extra.

What is Kael doing? Kael was my AOE nuker

What is Royal Guard doing? Royal Guard is my AOE Nuker

Royal Guard just does a bigger nuke vs. Kael due to Max Enemy HP hit.

What is Gorgorab doing? Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack + Reviving

What is Arbiter doing? Don't you see its all the same.

The difference is the quality of the move.

Gorgorab turn meter filling is only 15%.

Arbiter turn meter filling is 30%

Its the same function, but the Legendary has the better quality move vs. epic.

I know what your thinking!

I showed you phase 1 of my Dragon team with 4 Rares + 1 Epic

I showed you phase 2 of my Dragon team with 3 Epics + 2 Legendaries.

I am going to show you phase 3 of my Dragon team.

What is your guess? 

Full Leggo team for phase 3? 

5 Leggos? is that what your thinking? 

Well I am sorry to burst your bubble.


My above team is the team I run with now.

2 Rares + 2 Epics + 1 Legendary

It has actually downgraded in rarity from before.

Can you believe it?

Average Farm time is 1 min 30 seconds.

Amazing - Sometimes, the best way forward is to take a step back.

4 фев. 2021, 22:3504.02.21
Player J

I wouldn't consider Seducer better or worst vs. Spirithost.

I think they both are equally strong.

I think they both do different functions.

Spirithost is often used for her Increase Atk  + Cleansing.

Seducer is often used for his Decrease Atk + Block Debuff Buff.

I own both heroes.

I have both heroes leveled up.

I have both heroes fully booked.

Here is a Screenshot of my Seducer helping me beat Undead Faction Wars Crypt Stage 21.


I also have another picture of Spirithost helping me defeat a team in Gold 4 Arena.

I just can't find it at the moment.

The main reason I was telling you to use Seducer for your Dragon team is because you own Gorgorab.

Gorgorab can do Increase Attack so you don't really need Spirithost for the Increase Attack.

Also - Spirithost Block Debuff Buff is only for 1 turn.

It can fall off sort of fast.

I think Elegaius is more important than Seducer in FW21, the 3 valks are telling me that in wave2 today...lol

4 фев. 2021, 23:5204.02.21
4 фев. 2021, 23:58(отредактировано)


Believe it or not - Everyone on the team plays a key role vs. FW21.

I built the team specificially to counter FW21

I want to show you something Trips.

Not to Bragg, but just so you can see.



The above pictures show you all the champions I own for the Undead Faction.

I own all the Rares.

I own all the Epics.

I own several Legendaries in the faction.

You would think with such a robust group of champion's at my disposal.

I wouldn't need to use a Seducer, but believe it or not.

Seducer was 1 of the key heroes to my success.


All these heroes where hand picked out of all the Undead heroes I own.

I could of picked + leveled up any of them.

This team you see before you is the team I felt gave me best chance of winning.

  • Wave 1 - 2x Martyr 2x Luthia 1x Black Knight
  • Wave 2 - 3x Valkyries 1x Warcaster 1x Errol
  • Wave 3 - Boss

A1 = Ignore Defense

A2 = True Fears + Stuns

Passive = Gain Turn Meter based on Damage taken.

Gorgorab - is key hero to try and get 3 stars.

The Boss ignores defense so he can potientally kill a lot of heroes.

Zelotah - is key heros to do Shields + C.Heals

Zelotah gave me a chance to survive boss Big Hit.

Zelotah gave me a chance to survive the waves.

Frozen Banshee - is key hero to defeat the Boss

I tried using Rotos, but Rotos did to much damage to the Boss.

The Boss gains turn meter with his passive when you do tons of damage.

Frozen Banshee Poison help damage the boss while bypassing the boss turn meter gain.

Elegaius - is key hero to keep the waves leading up to the Boss in check.

Elegaius does cool down reduction which help a lot vs. Counter Attack heroes.

Elegaius can also removes buffs from enemy which is added bonus to dealing with Counter Attacks.

Seducer - is key hero to keep the Boss in check.

Seducer Aura is Health Aura which is perfect vs. a Boss who ignores Defense.

Seducer Attack Down help reduce incoming damage from Boss.

Seducer Block Debuff Buff for 2 turns was huge vs. Boss A2 True Fear/Stun move.

I was able to time the Block Debuff Buff to prevent the Boss A2 from going out of control.


Looking back at the fight:

I have thought about improvements I could have done.

At the time I built Undead Faction, The game didn't have the Epic hero named Anax.

I think if I was to redo the fight again.

I would swap out Frozen Banshee for Anax.

To kill the Boss, you want someone who can do Poison.

Big hits on the Boss with heroes like Rotos will cause the fight to spiral out of control.

I think Poison is the way to go to prevent boss from gaining turn meter.

The Best Poison option for Undead Faction is Bad El Kazar.

I just don't own Bad El Kazar in the Faction.

I thought about using Nethril, but the problem with Nethril is his poison is a coin flip.

I will admit Nethril is better vs. the waves with his Stun.

The issue is I didn't have problem with the waves.

The main problem for me was trying to 3 star the fight.

I was able to clear the waves to get to the Boss.

The problem was killing the boss with all 5 of my heroes alive.

Most of the fights I did - I would kill the boss with only 4 heroes alive.

This would cause me to not get 3 star.

This is why I ended up using Frozen Banshee.

Frozen Banshee poison was more sustainable

I didn't have to worry about coin flips as much.

The new hero Anax might be better though.

Anax Poison isn't a Coin Flip like Nethril.

Anax offers Poison + Def Down + Weaken. 

I think Anax might help the team over all Kill the Boss faster vs. Frozen Banshee.

5 фев. 2021, 01:1005.02.21

My Undead Farm Team Stage 20 isn't ideal, yet.

I will show you the Farm team I am running.


Here is the break down of the Waves in Stage 20

  • Wave 1 - 2x Seer 2x Warmother 1x Warlord
  • Wave 2 - 3x Longbeard 2x Basher
  • Wave 3 - 2x Man Eaters 2x Longbeards 1x Warlord

Against Wave 1 - M.Mage is clutch

You absolutely need a Cleasning Champion!

The Seers move before the Warmothers.

This means any Block Debuff Buff you put up (with Seducer) will get stripped by Seers.

Than the Warmothers will go next to put the Bombs on your team.

If the Bombs explode, Your heros will get 1 shot.

They do crazy damage.

What you need is a hero who can remove the Bombs after they get put up.

Mausoleum Mage is the star hero for Wave 1.

The other Star hero is Rotos.

Rotos is a Damage Dealer who can ignore defense + unkillable.

This is huge because most of the monsters are tanky.

Against Wave 2 - Seducer is like a punching Bag

Elegaius on Auto puts Basher skills on Cooldown.

The Longbeards still do the Rally moves.

I have Seducer with lowest HP + highest DEF.

The Longbeards rally to my Seducer

If my Seducer dies from the Rally, I use Gorgorab to revive him.

Against Wave 3 - Elegaius is clutch

The Man Eaters will put up Block Debuff Buff + Unkillable.

The Warlord will put up Block Debuff Buff + Shields

Elagius can remove all of that nonsense.

Rotos is also very good because he can penetrate the Unkillable buff.

He can just kill them regardless.


As a whole, The set up has 100% win rate.

I have been thinking of improving the set up.

I have been thinking of swapping out Seducer for another one of the new epics.

The Epic hero named Balthus Drauglord.

Balthus Drauglord has Defense Aura for FW.

Balthus Drauglord is a Spirit Hero - Which is perfect punching bag target

Balthus Drauglord is a Defensive hero.

I think Balthus could be a great punching bag.

The problem is he really doesn't do anything.

I mean my Seducer doesn't do anything either. lol

Balthus does AOE Decrease C.Rate - I think its a trash move

Balthus does Single Target Provoke - Its kind of lame move as well

Balthus only benefit to me is right Affinity + FW Defense Aura + Reflect Damage Passive

Maybe, the Reflect Damage passive will help him do some damage.

I have Rotos in the team though so its not like it really matters if he does damage.

I just need him to tank.

Yeah, I wonder what other people think the best Farm Set up is.

I think my Farm team for Stage 20 is not ideal.

It works, but I do think Seducer needs to be swap.

Lets pretend we owned every hero in Undead Faction.

What would be the best 5 heroes to counter the waves I listed?

I think Siphi might be used vs. Gorgorab

I think Rotos would still get used.

I think Elegaius would still get used.

I think Bad El Kazar might be used vs. Mausolem Mage

Who would be the 5th hero? Nekret the Great?

I think it would be Nekret the Great.

I, honestly, don't know to be honest.

It is very interesting to think about though.

5 фев. 2021, 14:4205.02.21

I beat Undead FW20 with:

50 Balthus (unbooked, no masteries)

60 Gorgorab

60 Zelotah

60 Husk

57 Seeker

I am limited in Undead (no legos, no maus mage), I also have:

60 Frozen Banshee

50 Corpse Collector (no books or masteries)

2 Vogoths (at level 1 -- thinking vogoth may be good for 21)

In vault with no gear:

40 Seducer

40 Dark Elhain

40 Dark Athel

4.1 Catacomb Councilor

40 Karam

40 Defiled Sinner

2 янв. 2022, 16:2902.01.22

Necro bump for HQ ;)

But good initial post about working with the champs u have. No legos, some really good epics of course. But one of the quicker runs to arbiter ive seen. without S tier.

And you can see PlayerJ and I were derailing good threads a year ago as well :)

2 янв. 2022, 17:0202.01.22

Necro bump for HQ ;)

But good initial post about working with the champs u have. No legos, some really good epics of course. But one of the quicker runs to arbiter ive seen. without S tier.

And you can see PlayerJ and I were derailing good threads a year ago as well :)

I thought S-tier champs and crazy RNG luck was the only way to get Arbiter? That's what some of the new folks are telling me, and regardless of my own experience, or posts like this, I heard I am a shill if I don't believe them.

2 янв. 2022, 17:0902.01.22

P.S. Someone has to derail threads, get the trolls and lecture me about my speed teams and champ preferences. Who would do this if not for you and Player J?

Actually, thanks for sharing. I love the OP's screens here. Working with what you have until you get Arbiter, Rhazin and can start doing fusions is literally the name of the F2P game. And I feel like I have said it endlessly on here since August, when I started moderating. And while this sentiment really seems to anger a lot of people, they can either start running dungeons every night like I did, or I guess look into some packs to help supplement themselves.