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Spider 18-20

Spider 18-20

8 нояб. 2020, 22:4408.11.20

If you die from poisons a lot, get your Reliquary Tender to *6/60, she will cleanse everything for you and heal you nicely too.

She is among the top Rares in the game. As I said, try to make Mountain King your tank for stage 19. He is weak affinity, so he will be focused on by the spiderlings.

Mountain king is not weak affinity in stage 19, he is red and stage 19 is red.

I'm struggling with stage 19, not 20. Stage 19 is red, so blue is weak affinity, apothecary and big un are weak affinity. Not Mountain King.

Reliquary tender, could be better than a Mausoleum mage with 251 speed full booked and full mastered which has block debuff also? i don't know...

8 нояб. 2020, 22:5908.11.20

Mountain king is not weak affinity in stage 19, he is red and stage 19 is red.

I'm struggling with stage 19, not 20. Stage 19 is red, so blue is weak affinity, apothecary and big un are weak affinity. Not Mountain King.

Reliquary tender, could be better than a Mausoleum mage with 251 speed full booked and full mastered which has block debuff also? i don't know...

I am sorry, it is very late here. I am thinking a wrong stage again. Grizzled Jarl. Not Mountain King. *facepalms and sighs*

Reliquary Tender is a Void. No week affinity. Easy to book. Revives too. Maybe use both her and Mausoleum Mage?

How far from Scyl of the Drakes are you? She will make Spider much easier for you even unbooked. Mine certainly did. She heals and revives.

Also, maybe consider getting an Armiger. Strong affinity at stage 19, neutral at stage 20. As an Uncommon, he is easy to "book" with dupes, very cheap to fully ascend, as he only needs the basic potions. And yes, people use him even at stage 20.

You basically need to reduce the turn meter so much the Spider does not take many turns, if any.

Work on your Tag Arena. Yes, it will take time, but even if you stay in Bronze I, you will get your Drexthar Bloodtwin eventually, in like 4 months unless you have already started on his fragments. He will make your life so much easier. He tanked Spider all the way up to stage 20 for me.

Unless you plan to drop the game in the near future, plan long term.

9 нояб. 2020, 02:1909.11.20

weak ? lol

From my view you do not have enough champs to do Stage 19, that is why I wrote some but then I clean them and wrote: "Your MK is sooo strong". 

You may need a reviver or someone help your champs live long to fight longer battle at stage 19. 1st time I beat Spider 19 was 16 minutes, and no worry, Spider 19 is the hardest Spider stage, 1st time I clear stage 20 is just 4 minutes.

9 нояб. 2020, 09:4509.11.20

weak ? lol

From my view you do not have enough champs to do Stage 19, that is why I wrote some but then I clean them and wrote: "Your MK is sooo strong". 

You may need a reviver or someone help your champs live long to fight longer battle at stage 19. 1st time I beat Spider 19 was 16 minutes, and no worry, Spider 19 is the hardest Spider stage, 1st time I clear stage 20 is just 4 minutes.

lol, to be honest i didn't understand yet if you are ironic when wrote "your mountain king is strong"

if you mean that i'm the player that focuses on atk champions instead useful champions for progression, well, it's not my bad if i have not summoned useful champions enough.

I tried to make the most of what I got, my Mausoleum mage and my apo are decently builded, and i builded stag knight and vergis as soon as i got them, and Sinesha too. But apart from these champions, i have nothing to support a dungeon team. I see people with godly epics. My only really good epics was stag knight, sinesha and mausoleum mage, about around 30 that i found since i started the game.

Well ok, someone tell me Reliquary Tender, but i'm very skeptical about the fact that reliquary tender can change my results on spider 19.

The critical problem here is the spiderlings. I have no crowd control on them.

So i had an idea: Yannica builded with a stun set maybe can control spiderlings? She has a 2 times aoe hit on first skill, an aoe hit on 3rd skill and a single hit on 2nd that grants 100% an extra turn, and she his stronger affinity so i can build she super fast and with damage neglecting tanky stats for the moment.

She also can be useful in arena and for trash wave on other dungeons, what u think?

9 нояб. 2020, 11:0509.11.20
9 нояб. 2020, 11:05(отредактировано)

You could try and be successful if lady luck is with you. 


just wait till you have enough power to make it. 

People could tell you: I think this champ or that champ could do that. And you're thinking you could kill him in several hits, 5-10 hits ? I told you something else, 16 mins ~ 100s hits. Maybe your champs are very strong, you only need several hits ? 

9 нояб. 2020, 11:5409.11.20

You could try and be successful if lady luck is with you. 


just wait till you have enough power to make it. 

People could tell you: I think this champ or that champ could do that. And you're thinking you could kill him in several hits, 5-10 hits ? I told you something else, 16 mins ~ 100s hits. Maybe your champs are very strong, you only need several hits ? 

what do you mean for "just wait till you have enough power to make it"? u mean better equip? so should i farm dragon an ice peak golem to enhance my swift/accuracy/lifesteal set?

My coldhearth hit for 1/4 spider's life, so in 4 hit i'm able to defeat him in theory, but if i can't kill those spiderlings, every 2 coldheart's hit spider heals himself one time, so i need 8 hits from 3rd coldheart skill.

I barely can reach the third hit, then apothecary dies.

Frustrating, is the exact term.

I'm also tempted to open all shards which i'm keeping for 2x event to pull a godly champion with aoe crowd control skill, but I know that the probability is  around to zero with 11 ancient and 7 void shards, and it will be a stupid loss of shards

10 нояб. 2020, 17:0310.11.20
10 нояб. 2020, 17:22(отредактировано)

Finally i did this stage 19.

I built my yannica with a stun set, and she worked as i tought. She is fantastic here, constant aoe attack  

that allow me to control spiderlings. She puts a lot of leech too.

Inspiring by this, i had an ingenious idea for stage 20

Stage 20 is green, so red is weak affinity.

Then i builded my sinesha with a retailation set, and with all of those leech on spiderlings, whenever counterattack proc she gets a massive heal. So is basically a counterattack set + lifesteal set in one, using Yannica.

I builded my team with only 1 red champion, Sinesha, to be sure that spiderlings go on her.

The team is: Yannica(L), Apothecary, Stag Knight, Coldhearth, Sinesha.

When the run start, this seems work. Stag Knight puts aoe def break, Yannica puts aoe leech, spiderlings go on sinesha and after 3-4 hits she counterattacks and suddenly her life is full. This has been going on for some time, and when i start to believe in success, the unexpected happens.

At certain point of the run, often after a spider attack, spiderlings go suddenly on Coldhearth, without any reason, and the run fails.

So, the spiderlings AI does not work attacking the weakest affinity? I've been careful using a red champion, to be sure that spiderlings go on him and not on others champions.

Why this happen? It's a really shame, the idea is fantastic and works good until this happens.

Where i'm wrong?

Before someone can answers me that probably Coldhearth has less hp than others, Sinesha has 29k HP and Coldhearth 33k, so this is really without reason.

This Arbiter is making me suffer a lot!

11 нояб. 2020, 20:3811.11.20

Finally i did the stage 20 in auto.


This is the screen of the second victory. The fact is that the success rate could be really low i guess.

There are two things that lead to failure: on one i have no control, on other yes. Some times happens that mausoleum mage has his def buff and coldhearth doesn't. When this happens, spiderlings go on coldhearth who dies in few hits. I have an idea because this happens, and it's that MM is faster than CH. I tried make CH faster, but MM's masteries let him to boost his turn meter, so he becomes effectively faster than CH. This is totally random, and I just have to hope it doesn't happen. Other times, MM simply dies.

This is my MM:


I just think he doesn't have enough Resistance. In fact, i have no res banner on him, because i farmed for 2 days but obviously i didn't drop it. With this resistance he can resist 1 poison on 3 on average. With a 5*  res banner at +16 i can reach 290-300 res. It's worth farming stage 16 hoping to drop a undead hordes resistance banner or it's better focusing on his def/hp?

11 нояб. 2020, 21:2311.11.20

Well done! If you can get Arbiter with this win rate, she may help to stabilize your runs reviving MM and coldheart if they die.

11 нояб. 2020, 23:2711.11.20

Well done! If you can get Arbiter with this win rate, she may help to stabilize your runs reviving MM and coldheart if they die.

the win rate is so low, around 1/10 maybe i don't know... i miss 8 win, i cannot waste 1000 energy to do this folly, better wait for a resistance banner and try to eliminate one of those problems, helping mm to not die from poisons. Good luck on me, waiting for a specific equip could require soo long waiting

11 нояб. 2020, 23:5411.11.20

How far from Scyl of the Drakes are you?

12 нояб. 2020, 08:0312.11.20

How far from Scyl of the Drakes are you?

i thought on her, but i'm at 134th day of login, she drop at 180th

12 нояб. 2020, 09:0512.11.20

i found a resistance banner, and with 300 resistance is definitely another world.

MM resists 4 poisons on 5 (thanks decrease accuracy from big'un), and he suffers much less, ensuring the success of the run. 3/3 wins for now, is not a fast team but for arbiter is enough.

Finally i'm going to Arbiter

16 нояб. 2020, 21:1916.11.20

congrats well done its definately easy peasy after tick off that mission sorry been away for a fishing grand final and totally forgot to reply to your post apologies 

enjoy your arbie shes great champ i need build more food for her to get her to 60 then ill push my mortu from speed lead to going 2nd and get arbies aura

farming dragon 20 for better speed gear is sooooo fun nearly as good as mino for scrolls lol 

16 нояб. 2020, 23:0816.11.20

Thanks mate.

I fullbooked her and took the masteries to level 4.

Also I gave her my best speed set (which was on apothecary) and put her on every team.

For the dungeons she fit pretty well, but in dragon I didn't notice any big differences I must admit. I was able to farm 20 dragon before and with the same time.

The dungeons where I noticed the most difference are fire knight and golem, where I no longer have to worry if someone dies because she can ress multiple times and immediately gains a turn to heal.

But where she really shines is obviously the arena. I used to use battlesage for speed aura and atk buff and apothecary for boost turn meter. She now has a better speed leader, the same atk buff and a better turn meter buff, and all in one slot instead of two, allowing me to put in another champion.

In defense I was able to put mausoleum mage to sustain the team, in attack stag knight for break def and then 2 powerful nukers to finish the opposing team. In the arena it was definitely an important step forward.

Thanks for the congratulations, and grats to you too!