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1 июль 2020, 01:2701.07.20


WHY did you change the match-making??  I NEVER get put against teams I can beat anymore!  CHANGE IT BACK
1 июль 2020, 01:3701.07.20

I vote it 5 stars. 

I would like to see who would be against it, of course there are.
1 июль 2020, 21:2901.07.20

I'm turning into a broken record talking about how broken arena is and how that's the only thing stopping Plarium from getting any more money out of me.

But alas, I will keep saying it and responding to arena posts in the hopes that the CM's that monitor this forum go back to the dev team and say "look guys, we have a problem and it's only getting worse".

And it is getting worse. I'm stuck in Bronze 4 and have a feeling that even though I am improving my team as I can, I will soon be stuck in Bronze 3 because the opponents are getting harder every day.

I get a little better, matchmaking gives me teams that are a lot better. Not a very rewarding experience.

2 июль 2020, 01:0002.07.20
Rauthma said:

I'm turning into a broken record talking about how broken arena is and how that's the only thing stopping Plarium from getting any more money out of me.

But alas, I will keep saying it and responding to arena posts in the hopes that the CM's that monitor this forum go back to the dev team and say "look guys, we have a problem and it's only getting worse".

And it is getting worse. I'm stuck in Bronze 4 and have a feeling that even though I am improving my team as I can, I will soon be stuck in Bronze 3 because the opponents are getting harder every day.

I get a little better, matchmaking gives me teams that are a lot better. Not a very rewarding experience.

Doing an experiment right now and just intentionally putting myself in Bronze 1, kinda surprised that fully ugraded fully ascended teams of legendaries are so common even in Bronze 1
2 июль 2020, 07:1002.07.20
I have been playing for 2 months.  I am finally getting close to bronze 4.  That happened only because I got a few good pulls out of shards and my defense is strong enough that most dont even try to attack.  I encounter the best champs in the game every day down at this level.  Even RNG matchmaking shouldn't be this bad.  I dont want to start a conspiracy but it seems like some of the whales get parked in bronze to feed on the newbies. 
2 июль 2020, 07:2902.07.20

ClosedPoly said:

I have been playing for 2 months.  I am finally getting close to bronze 4.  That happened only because I got a few good pulls out of shards and my defense is strong enough that most dont even try to attack.  I encounter the best champs in the game every day down at this level.  Even RNG matchmaking shouldn't be this bad.  I dont want to start a conspiracy but it seems like some of the whales get parked in bronze to feed on the newbies. 

Not really a conspiracy, with how the arena is set up, it's easy for abandoned accounts to sink to bronze tier. 

Whales that are bored, people who have reached their goals, people who find other games, their abandoned account will sink in the tier overtime

Right now, I am conducting an experiment, I deliberately sink my account to Bronze 1, and I want to see how long will my account will stay there if I don't get any points from offensive battles.

3 июль 2020, 01:4903.07.20

My new account starting from Bronze 1 and it's still bronze 1 after 100s battles, I did it for a test, I realize that the more I refresh the list, the more harder enemies come, although my points are kept the same from 950-980. 

I believe it is not because of quitting strong players because I did see tons of easy opponents when I first played Arena in Bronze 1, tons, they are everywhere, players with common & uncommon champs. However when I keep playing in Bronze 1, those easy opponents are gradually replaced by veteran players who have epic and legendary champs. 

Let look into this issue, I played several days, have no epic & legendary champs, now have to fight players with epic & legendary champs, in BRONZE 1. And another issue is players with weak setups, where are they ? 

3 июль 2020, 02:4203.07.20

Today is even worse than yesterday.

Tick Tock....
3 июль 2020, 04:0403.07.20

As people know, bronze is littered with high level players with teams full of fully upgraded fully ascended legendaries.

My own personal experience is that starting from Bronze 3, finding a comparable match is starting to get really hard, and once you get some good points, people with higher level heroes will knock me down back.

My own personal arena team is now capable to hold their own in Bronze 4, if I play normally they should hover around 1230 arena point.

So I want to know as of right now, what is it like in Bronze 1. So I intentionally destroyed my arena points to 900 putting my team in Bronze 1.

What I found is that although not as bad as bronze 3 and 4, there are teams of fully upgraded  fully asxended heroes, even worse those teams were built with cohesion, meaning they are not just powerful heroes, but their skill also actually compliment each other.

But what's weird is, although these kind of teams are many in Bronze 1, for the last 24 hours, there's actually no one attacking my defense, FYI, my team is not really that good, and teams like I described above would've easily beat me or at least would try to challenge me, thusc confirmingthe suspicion that these teams are from abandoned accounts.

So I am now going to move to Bronze 2 to see if it's the same as bronze 1 in condition
3 июль 2020, 04:0503.07.20
3 июль 2020, 04:08(отредактировано)

New player here , My team is 1 x 48 and 3 x 40 all assended. All rare.No way min maxed at all.

I'm current bronze 1 but almost made it to bronze 3.Why am I fighting Epic 60s and Legendary 60s min/maxed to the extreme . One shotting my whole  team, I don't even get a chance lol. I refresh the rota multiple times  and find a single level 1 , yes just 1 in Bronze 3. How did the player get there with 500 XP , beating the death squads I face ? 

This is every single match I play and to be honest I've given up on it. The campaign is awesome and well balanced IMO.

Absolutely no way I'm putting money into this mess of a game.The prices are extortionate anyway.
3 июль 2020, 04:2303.07.20
3 июль 2020, 04:26(отредактировано)

sean70london said:

New player here , My team is 1 x 48 and 3 x 40 all assended. All rare.No way min maxed at all.

I'm current bronze 1 but almost made it to bronze 3.Why am I fighting Epic 60s and Legendary 60s min/maxed to the extreme . One shotting my whole  team, I don't even get a chance lol. I refresh the rota multiple times  and find a single level 1 , yes just 1 in Bronze 3. How did the player get there with 500 XP , beating the death squads I face ? 

This is every single match I play and to be honest I've given up on it. The campaign is awesome and well balanced IMO.

Absolutely no way I'm putting money into this mess of a game.The prices are extortionate anyway.

I was 4x lvl 50 when I tried Bronze 3 not fully ascended thoughI

Ihave to fully level my Athel to lvl 60 to push through Bronze 4, I also need to start picking the champions and their skills and how those skills "work" together, 

and to hold my position in Bronze 4 i need to fill all of Athel's masteries; I also need to fully level and ascended my Jizoh to level 60

Starting from Bronze 3, Arena is definitely not something early game account could do, and from my experiment dropping down to bronze 1, I am afraid Bronze 1 and 2 would also be as hard in the near future
3 июль 2020, 04:3003.07.20
Tag arena is a joke as well, you have more chance going up by not fighting than actually fighting. Without the Bazaar open what is the actual use of it. I have a high account and that all it is the big boys. You had 12 levels of the arena why didnt you split them all evebnly in the.
3 июль 2020, 05:1503.07.20

Stuck in Bronze 4. More and more teams with multiple max legendary champs.

It would be nice if Plarium would at least give us more than "we're looking into it".
3 июль 2020, 07:2803.07.20

Rauthma said:

It would be nice if Plarium would at least give us more than "we're looking into it".

To do that they would need to have a plan.

This sentence is standard PR BS. Give people illusion that we care, while we do nothing about the subject.

bronze is filled with strong teams due to:

1) game is long time on the market now and average strength of accounts goes higher on a daily basis ...

2) some people who could easily be in gold are not there on purpose

  a) arena is not content for them so they do 5 battles on auto for daily and close it for the day. it is enough for those guys to win 1 and lose 4 out of those to eventually be ranked in bronze.

  b) i bet that some people are intentionally in bronze just to create artificial paywall for new players:  

    - if plarium is bad they deserve punishment, if they buy out store rankings (with so many 1* reviews all over the place they are still 4*+ just because they pay for 5* rates)

    - next thing to do here would be to intentionally make the game as bad as you can for any newcomer - in hope that they just leave after being fooled by inadequate star ranking in store of your choice

    - no newcomers, whales leaving out of boredom ... game dies (or they actually start listening to community)

There is no way to automatically drop someone from arena if he/she is there willingly so there is no solution to this mess - unless they change minds of all those people to get them to stay in appropriate arena tier (by new content and fair pricing for example ... - I know I am dreaming here)

The only thing they could do would be to put more weight on team power when deciding list of 10 to present to player.... then single maxed epic / legendary with power of say 40k would be pitted against team of 4x lv40 ... and would decimate them by farting in their general direction

3 июль 2020, 07:5403.07.20
3 июль 2020, 08:24(отредактировано)

ksthecr0w said:

so there is no solution to this mess - 

I have a proposal of a solution, and it's not even a new kind of thing, because this is what other similar games have used in their game


A checkpoint where players cannot go down again once they reach that checkpoint.

For instance if we add the checkpoint at silver 1 then anyone who have reach silver 1 can no longer drop to bronze. And for this idea, the checkpoint should be put on silver 1 and gold 1

This serves 2 purpose for Plarium, 1st to solve our current problem of abandoned accounts going down, with this checkpoint Plarium can limit how far an account can drop hence preventing a gold tier account to drop into Bronze and destroy the whole matchmaking system, 2nd purpose is to entice players to cough up a little bit of money to reach such a checkpoint, making the players to have guaranteed power bonus once they get to such checkpoint (I would suggest adding the power bonus on Silver and Gold)


This is now inevitable, since there's just so many of them have seeped so much into Bronze.

My proposal is, once Plarium add the checkpoint as I suggest above, then put anyone who already have a silver medal to be put on silver 1 (if they're under silver 1), anyone who have gold medal to be put on gold 1 (if they're under gold 1) and so on.

This way, THERE IS NO NEED TO REMOVE ANY ACCOUNT, just putting them on their respective positions

This is the easiest solution I can think of that I think it just need minimum effort from Plarium and have no need to remove anyone from anything, active or inactive.

Edit: I have made a separate thread with additional ideas for this proposal

3 июль 2020, 11:2403.07.20
I don't believe that they're dead accounts...my battle log tells me otherwise. This isn't just an issue in bronze, it's an issue in silver & also an issue in Gold tiers. I was sitting in Gold 4 for months, longer than it has taken me to spiral down to Silver 2, where I've now ended up in, now. I'm annoyed, because I was in G4 & fell down to G2 just before I needed to be in G3 to collect my arbiter mission. For over a month now, this has gone on...I'm in part 4 of the arbiter missions & there's nothing I can do to change it...I bought 2 packs of ancient shards to spend all my remaining gems & got a whole load of faecal champions, but, enough ranting as you know, it upsets the community managers 🤭...poor things, doing such a thankless job keeping us in the dark, eh 🙄. Nevermind, today, is my last day & I'm deleting my game... totally, done. One thing, I will say about Plarium, when they compensate, they compensate well, but gosh, nothing is worth this kind of dragging on with wisps here & there & in actual fact, no one really knows what's going on in arena, because Plarium hasn't been honest about it. "We know", "we're checking it"...over a month of hell, & no changes. Hope, things change for everyone's sake, but I'm just done with this game 🙂... nothing is worth this hassle, especially, non replies, replies 🙂. Good luck, everyone 🙂.
3 июль 2020, 11:5003.07.20

Unknown_Ranger said:

I don't believe that they're dead accounts...my battle log tells me otherwise. This isn't just an issue in bronze, it's an issue in silver & also an issue in Gold tiers. I was sitting in Gold 4 for months, longer than it has taken me to spiral down to Silver 2, where I've now ended up in, now. I'm annoyed, because I was in G4 & fell down to G2 just before I needed to be in G3 to collect my arbiter mission. For over a month now, this has gone on...I'm in part 4 of the arbiter missions & there's nothing I can do to change it...I bought 2 packs of ancient shards to spend all my remaining gems & got a whole load of faecal champions, but, enough ranting as you know, it upsets the community managers 🤭...poor things, doing such a thankless job keeping us in the dark, eh 🙄. Nevermind, today, is my last day & I'm deleting my game... totally, done. One thing, I will say about Plarium, when they compensate, they compensate well, but gosh, nothing is worth this kind of dragging on with wisps here & there & in actual fact, no one really knows what's going on in arena, because Plarium hasn't been honest about it. "We know", "we're checking it"...over a month of hell, & no changes. Hope, things change for everyone's sake, but I'm just done with this game 🙂... nothing is worth this hassle, especially, non replies, replies 🙂. Good luck, everyone 🙂.

I haven't got to silver, but I think Bronze 3 and above have a different problem than Bronze 1-2

I have tested Bronze 1 and used a defense team that would deter new players but will entice high level players, and although bronze 1 is littered with such accounts, for 24 hours my defense log stays empty.

Bronze 3 and up have an inflation problem, as there's no actual barrier for ACTIVE high level players to go down tiers, I honestly think bronze 3 and up is just a giant pile of active players

People do sandbag themselves down the tier, to upgrade their Grand Hall using appropriate medals, yeah I know silver can be used to upgrade bronze level Grand Hall upgrade, but by playing Bronze they have a more guaranteed win hence more effective use of their LIMITED arena coins, there are even YouTubers who advocates this method.

All in all I think my proposal about checkpoint would alleviate this problem by preventing capable accounts to drop their rankings for easy wins

3 июль 2020, 15:2303.07.20

Checkpoint would be a start, but matchmaking is still going to screw people over and cause a lot of frustration. 

So you break into Silver 1, but now every opponent on your list is fully ascended/geared 60's, many of them the best arena endary champs available. You may have hit Silver 1, but good luck ever winning a battle until you have an end-game team. 

The same problem would present itself, just at a slightly higher level. When players get stuck and there is a sense of hopelessness instead of progression, it creates problems.

The Checkpoint is a good idea, but on top of that they should change the ratio of points for win/loss so more players can ascend up the ranks. Let the gear/leggo inflation sit in Gold 4 where it belongs. That is end-game bracket, where one would expect to need a really good team and offensive knowledge/experience to rack up wins and shoot for platinum. This way people can complete missions and work on their GH and actually feel like they are making progress. 

Right now arena is just an exercise in futility. You won't get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time, even if you drop a good chunk of change on their microtransactions. 

Alleviating the current level of frustration with arena should be priority #1. 

3 июль 2020, 15:4903.07.20

Rauthma said:

Checkpoint would be a start, but matchmaking is still going to screw people over and cause a lot of frustration. 

So you break into Silver 1, but now every opponent on your list is fully ascended/geared 60's, many of them the best arena endary champs available. You may have hit Silver 1, but good luck ever winning a battle until you have an end-game team. 

The same problem would present itself, just at a slightly higher level. When players get stuck and there is a sense of hopelessness instead of progression, it creates problems.

The Checkpoint is a good idea, but on top of that they should change the ratio of points for win/loss so more players can ascend up the ranks. Let the gear/leggo inflation sit in Gold 4 where it belongs. That is end-game bracket, where one would expect to need a really good team and offensive knowledge/experience to rack up wins and shoot for platinum. This way people can complete missions and work on their GH and actually feel like they are making progress. 

Right now arena is just an exercise in futility. You won't get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time, even if you drop a good chunk of change on their microtransactions. 

Alleviating the current level of frustration with arena should be priority #1. 

I have proposed that idea as well on other threads that the win/lose points should be changed so winning would gain players more points than losing.

And the checkpoint idea would move people to appropriate check points, while I do say in my #2 point the ones that would be moved are the abandoned accounts, upon further thinking, I think it should apply to all accounts, if you have a silver medal and you're bellow silver 1 you should be moved to silver 1, if you have a good medal and you're bellow gold 1 you should be moved to gold 1.

Of course having the current system for so long, I could actually see silver capable teams being held on bronze and gold capable teams are held on silver, all because of the difficulty inflation over time, causing these teams to be placed on the "wrong" position.

If coupled with the win/lose points change, I think the mess would be untangled even faster because then the points would push underperforming teams to their appropriate ranks

The thing is, it has to be fixed immediately, because I honestly can see that the longer the fix is held up the bigger and messier the situation will be... So Plarium, start fixing please?

4 июль 2020, 04:5604.07.20
Unknown_Ranger said:

I don't believe that they're dead accounts...my battle log tells me otherwise. This isn't just an issue in bronze, it's an issue in silver & also an issue in Gold tiers. I was sitting in Gold 4 for months, longer than it has taken me to spiral down to Silver 2, where I've now ended up in, now. I'm annoyed, because I was in G4 & fell down to G2 just before I needed to be in G3 to collect my arbiter mission. For over a month now, this has gone on...I'm in part 4 of the arbiter missions & there's nothing I can do to change it...I bought 2 packs of ancient shards to spend all my remaining gems & got a whole load of faecal champions, but, enough ranting as you know, it upsets the community managers 🤭...poor things, doing such a thankless job keeping us in the dark, eh 🙄. Nevermind, today, is my last day & I'm deleting my game... totally, done. One thing, I will say about Plarium, when they compensate, they compensate well, but gosh, nothing is worth this kind of dragging on with wisps here & there & in actual fact, no one really knows what's going on in arena, because Plarium hasn't been honest about it. "We know", "we're checking it"...over a month of hell, & no changes. Hope, things change for everyone's sake, but I'm just done with this game 🙂... nothing is worth this hassle, especially, non replies, replies 🙂. Good luck, everyone 🙂.
      Now if that is not ironic, i am close on that mission 4/4,230/286 --> reach the gold 2 wow i was in gold 4 (before all this arena mess) now i am slide down and up and down and up in silver 2 . I personal open so many topics about the arena, but nothing was done, everything was ignored "we looking in to .." ect, then they try to blame my champs not good what i need ect. All this was BS. The fact is --> they dont care how much we yapping here , they dont care how many players they loosing , they always get new dum dums to play. So i dont know what to say anymore except this -----> fix the arena,please! (i even said -->please)
4 июль 2020, 15:0504.07.20
Not only is progress through the arena broken but they have included arena progress into ordinary game sequence  progression.Stupid  as fk to get a bottleneck that not even buying packs will get you past. Plarium will not be getting my money anymore .