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Arena matching changes

Arena matching changes

20 май 2020, 13:4320.05.20

Since we are talking arena matching here, do you know what funny is, new players thinks they should easily climb higher arena ranks. When they can't, they blame arena matching.

20 май 2020, 20:5220.05.20

I just replied to a very simular post to this one so i´ll just copy paste my reply from that post in here.

The reason arena is harder is partially due to champion fusions such as tormin and rotos who caused major imbalance in arena. The reason it causes imbalance and affects even players at lower ratings is because players such as myself who previously played in platinum prior to the release of Rotos stopped giving a fk about platinum all together due to how extremely specific the mandatory champions are.

What happens at that point is that im taking my platinum geared champions into gold 4 where i can win without effort and simply farm medals which leads to the people who were previosuly in gold 4 to be pushed down to say gold 3 where the cycle keeps pushing downwards.

More players reaching endgame and endgame gear and such also causes this effect but the main problem is game balancing or more lack there of which causes alot of players who would otherwise be competitive to stop trying simply because they dont have that one or two champions that are now mandatory.

Of course this is accomplished by taking my arena defence out and putting it back in after a day or two and repeat as to avoid getting close or into platinum meaning my arena defence consists of either a 1 champ free win defence or a previous platinum arena defence depending on if i want to lower or raise my rating ( dont want to be pushed into G3 by accident ) 

20 май 2020, 21:3720.05.20

JoinME said:

Since we are talking arena matching here, do you know what funny is, new players thinks they should easily climb higher arena ranks. When they can't, they blame arena matching.

You're right! But I mean good balance in the game. Balance between missions and player capabilities.

21 май 2020, 00:5921.05.20
21 май 2020, 01:00(отредактировано)

Quick Recap:

I have found a worthy opponent in arena finally!

My beautiful win record in Arena has been broken!

This guy has the most insane team ever. 

I can't beat him.

I have battled him several times.

I can't win at all!

My opponent has the Sickest Krisk ever.

I have never seen a Shield so Big in my Entire Life.

It is actually hard to believe that this is allowed to exist.

I believe my opponent has his Krisk wearing a Shield set which goes on at the start.

My opponent Hegemon goes first to lock out my skills due to his passive.

My opponent Krisk goes second to put on a Shield from his passive.

The Shield they have is a Double Shield from the Shield Set + Krisk Shield Passive.

Than my Abriter goes third, but what can I really do?

This is insane.

I have no hero in my Rooster which can remove enemy buffs.

I have no hero in my Rooster which can remove enemy debuffs + put block buffs on my team.

I think in order for me to win I need a Skytouch Shaman & Madam Serris.

21 май 2020, 13:3021.05.20

THe Problem with the arena is, that legendary heroes are way too strong. In other games you have a good mix of 3 to 5 star champions in the arena. When i see something like the "Mountain King" in Copper 4 with 80+ Hitpoints, then there is something obviously going wrong. I was never able since i started the game to reach silver 1. it is just impossible and mostly it is because all people have 1 legendary in their team, that has insane skills. Buffing 3 Buffs at the same time, having 80k+ hp, freezing all champions for 2 rouns etc etc. normally it is more a matter of speed and equiptment in other games. But here i go first and can't take down a single legend champion, because he is so superior to all that i've got.  I took a look into platinium arena, where the best players all fight with a mix of 10-12 legendary champions.

I think it is okay, when basic attributes get better with the rarity (more def+att+hp etc.) it is also cool that lower rarities got "half" buffs and debuffs. this allows the game to have a much greater amount of variety in cases of balancing between champions. But to be honest this game fails hard in doing so. When most blue champs got  a single15-25% buffs or debuff all 4 rounds and legendary champions got  3 of the best ones in one skill, with a cooldown of 3 turns, then there is obviously something going wrong. if there is only 2 epics used in the arena in the top 200 of players, then the balancing is kinda shitty and gives people with high pay investions an unfair adventage. 

I am already used to this from other plarium games, where money gives you power over others, i just wouldn't have thought, that they would do it here as well. I want to beat a game like this with strategy and not money.

If all you need to do ist paying 10.000 $/€ for 10 golden Heroes that you equip with 6* runes and they will beat all content in the game, then there is something going massively wrong. 

I left Summoners war, because it was too comic like and the prices were insane for packages, but compared to this, atleast the balancing between those hundrets of monsters was incredible good. Even a lot of 3 and 4 Star Monsters had such a value, that they were used by high end players a lot. If i look at this game, i barely find a single blue champion, that is really good, from like 80 champs that i found so far, there were only 4 that i kept, because they would give me some advantage in dungeons or the arena. 

This also exactly what you can see in the arena, most people only level their monsters to 4 maybe 5 stars without awakening them, so they use 1 skill they want them to use and then they can die. Seems like they all know, that it is not worth to invest a lot of time and ressources into lower rarities. This makes me a bit sad. I like this game, it has many stuff i prefer over summoenrs war. 

Better graphics, talenttree, less monsters ( not every monster in all elements) makes them more individual, those smaller buffs and debuffs -> giving more opportunies to balance things out, packages are a bit cheaper and you get events for more stuff like 2x packages or higher chances for summons, random fusions etc.

You can see that there is a lot of work flowing into this game, but the devs will ruin this, if people find out, that they can't compete by playing and working hard in the game against those legendary farmers with big bank accounts. Summoners war found out, that doing more stuff for free players and rewarding people, as well as good balancing, brings them more players and more people to invest. Raid will lose new players faster if they can't even reach silver 1 because they get raped by legendary champs... Just a good ment hint, if you are too greedy with this game, you will lose players, people will pay for your game so or so, but more people = more money. If you think that you get more money by forcing the people to pay, you will have a small amount of regular players, that cash equality each month, but they will not bring as much money, as it would, if you had thousands of happy players investing here and there. 

The balancing is obviously based on economic greed and kicks the developers own ass, because in the end, they get less money, because less players get stuck to the game. Somehow ironic.           
21 май 2020, 18:3521.05.20

I agree with everyone on this thread. Last week I was able to fluctuate within Gold 3 for the first time. Since then, I've been continually matched against devastating teams and I'm barely clinging to Silver 2!!

Plus, the Team Power ratings are fake in Arena. I think they lie about them. My team is at 133K, but I get demolished by teams as low as 38k. 70-90k teams regularly clean sweep me. Team Power is utterly worthless and a scam. 

Arena is a complete waste of time. Fake team powers, impossible algorithms. It's turning me off from the entire game.
22 май 2020, 00:4422.05.20
Plarium definitely have a bit of work in Arena. I decided to start a second account for fun, around level 30 currently and in B2. Being matched with some players with over 100k and I am repping a measly 22k, rank 4 champs haha. I am finding on my main it has become a bit better over the last week or so, the power levels are higher than mine but still reasonably fair match ups. 
22 май 2020, 07:4822.05.20

Maldonado said:

thats because you dont understand how power works. power doesnt mean anything really but rather its an easy way to detect what stats the team has invested into. say a team with 300-400k power i know is fully invested into resistance but therefor likely lacking in other stats and since i run very high accuracy on my debuffers im not in the least concerned with full resistance teams and therefor i can bring my 170-200k power team against their 300-400k power team and expect a very easy victory with no casualties.

Power is missleading if you dont understand how it works. resistance gives very high power where as speed gives virtually none. it does NOT reflect a champions strenght at all.

26 май 2020, 11:5626.05.20
Same problem. 4 weeks ago i was much weeker, playing in silver1 and bronze4. Now i'm much stronger, suddenly it's harder on bronze4 and silver1??? WTF??? 
26 май 2020, 13:5426.05.20
Garbage. I have completely nose dived in my rankings. I can’t even compete and I have a well balanced lineup. I have modified and no change. 
28 май 2020, 17:0828.05.20

JoinME said:

Since we are talking arena matching here, do you know what funny is, new players thinks they should easily climb higher arena ranks. When they can't, they blame arena matching.

As a new player, I don't think that I should have an easy climb in the rankings, but if a 1st Tier arena challenge requires me to make Bronze III to progress and every refresh in Bronze II is full of 6* whales - THAT is a problem. Arena matching is the biggest problem, followed by character balance. 

I don't want a free pass up the ranks, but I don't think it's asking for much to at least have a few opponents that I stand a chance against in the lower ranks, especially when a TIER 1 challenge requires a measly Bronze III. Why are all of these whales even popping up in that bracket? It's ridiculously broken.
28 май 2020, 18:0828.05.20

Rauthma said:

As a new player, I don't think that I should have an easy climb in the rankings, but if a 1st Tier arena challenge requires me to make Bronze III to progress and every refresh in Bronze II is full of 6* whales - THAT is a problem. Arena matching is the biggest problem, followed by character balance. 

I don't want a free pass up the ranks, but I don't think it's asking for much to at least have a few opponents that I stand a chance against in the lower ranks, especially when a TIER 1 challenge requires a measly Bronze III. Why are all of these whales even popping up in that bracket? It's ridiculously broken.

The way the system works, inactive accounts that fight less than 20 battles in a week will drop down one tier every week. The last couple of weeks, there seem to be an unusually large number of high-level inactive accounts dropping down into silver and now even into bronze. In principle, after a full month of full inactivity, the accounts should disappear from arena completely. But if they do still occasionally play, they could remain in arena longer while still continuing to drop down a tier every week. 

I finally saw GreenKnight confirming that they're looking at it now, though not sure if they'll make any changes soon. Hopefully the problem will lessen automatically when the inactive accounts disappear from arena in the next week or two. 
29 май 2020, 01:2429.05.20

I totally agree. Something has changed in the last couple of weeks.

My team was previously able to hold its own for a full week in the lower 3rd of Gold 4. I was fine with that - I had no aspirations to achieve Platinum...

However, after the latest reset, when I was demoted to Gold 3 (per usual), my team cannot climb out of Gold 3 and is falling fast. 

I've never really paid attention to Team Power, since my team could sometimes take teams with higher power than me. But now, I'm seeing teams with 200K+ power, which is very unusual. 

Seems like the match-making algorithm has changed. Teams at the top of the list, which should be easier to beat, are not easy at all!

If this is the new normal, OK - but Plarium should say whether they made a change and how that change impacts the game so we can manage expectations.

31 май 2020, 01:1031.05.20

Y'all are complaining about gold tier, do you know how horrible it is in bronze tier.....im a new player with 33k power and i have to deal with players that are 80-100k power......i was finally able to make it back b3, after struggling to get there, trying to get the mission to reach silver 1 complete, just to wake up today and see im back at B1........like WTF why is arena so completely unbalanced that new players are basically locked out of an aspect of the game just  because much stronger players get to play the elevator game.

17 июль 2020, 01:4717.07.20

Well, you'd be definitely better off in Bronze-4:

I've also been seena +180k, but you must take my word for it since I didn't take any screenshots...

Arena matching system for definitely broken...

Player J said:

The Joke is on you Kragart for calling me a Troll with no Proof!

And now your going to feel foolish when I show everyone all the Screenshots to Disprove you!

Every day for the last week all I see are these weak defense teams.

I know what I have seen in my Arena list for the last week!

Again and Again and Again all weak defense teams.

Arena is total trash.

What do you think?

Do you think the Zar_Blaze player can beat me?

She is got 3 Leggos - Lyssandra - Valkyrie - Venus are top tier.

She is a spending player has the Raid pass.

HA HA - not even close to beating me.

My win rating is getting higher!

Can't get a single decent fight in Arena at all. 

What a total waste!

20 авг. 2020, 17:4820.08.20

This problem isn't just in the Gold levels. I'm finding that it's almost impossible to stay in Silver lately. These changes are designed to slow down F2P players, that's the only thing that makes sense.

27 авг. 2020, 19:4227.08.20
27 авг. 2020, 19:50(отредактировано)

Lol I thought I'm like the only one raging 'bout this. Well let's put it this way: 

Before: No big deal staying in Gold IV, sometimes close to Plat I. Matchups were often like 

- 2 easy prey, 

- 5 - 6 equally

- 1 - 3 almost impossible to kill.

Now it's pretty easy:

- 1 - 2 equal

- 8 - 9 almost impossible to kill.

And believe me, I often tried up to 5 - 6 different setups on one enemy, just to find out if it's just bad luck - or things gone wrong. Combined with the fact, that Plarium still protects cheating, especially of clans kinda close to some russian Dracocrybaby - great job guys, well done!

I enjoyed PvP a lot, even as "minnow" player (not pure F2P). But this is just hilarious. Now I just do my 5 daily matches hit and run style and don't even care about fighting at all. 'Cause... Plarium cheats me anyway out of anything fair. So why bother at all?

mojodragon42 said:

This problem isn't just in the Gold levels. I'm finding that it's almost impossible to stay in Silver lately.

Well, totally agree! And yeah, 180 - 200k Teams in Silver III - of course that has never been different... And who doesn't outspead an 420+ Apo in SilverIV these days? 

29 апр. 2021, 19:2529.04.21

It is obvious that Arena is broken. Does not seam like anyone really cares. 

30 апр. 2021, 01:2230.04.21

"It is obvious that Arena is broken. "  

From some perspectives that is certainly true.  

"Does not seem like anyone really cares. "

It would be a mistake to just assume this. Plarium has a wealth of metrics and a wealth of knowledge how each change affects the profits. Never assume that the "RNG" is actually random by the dictionary definition of the word. Always remember that a statement like 1% drop rate can have multiple interpretations. 

They have made it quite clear that the current arena matching is as they want it to be, for now. Too bad for newer and weaker players trying to get past the arena mission.