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Leaked Update 1.14: The lilitu nerf discusion

Leaked Update 1.14: The lilitu nerf discusion

20 март 2020, 16:3020.03.20
20 март 2020, 16:31(отредактировано)
Elvarion said:
I mostly agree. For balancing purposes alone it is a good move and let those who cry, be better prepared next time. Don't invest all your resources on the viability of a single champ folks. Always have a plan B. Don't burn your legendaries like Draco either or you might similarily regret it(see Dracogate). Shamrock might turn out to be viable at some point. Pulled him, am unhappy that I don't have any of the top tier ones, but will keep. Have Athel, based my strategies on her and eventually realized she's no longer viable for top content as much as others. Keeping her for other things and for when the dupes kick in. Pulled for others, fused Rhazin and trying to make it work till I get a few of the better ones.

Per this  then we shouldn't invest at all   !!!  as  any champion can get a nerf 

can you enlight us how we should use our resources then ?  if i have enough books to fully skill an epic or legendary  should i use only 1 book for  each champ  so not burn  all my resources ??   when it comes to mastery   instead of taking 1 to max  or buy with gems what should i do ?

this is totally   un logical advise

You guys are behaving like you won the lottery once and want the money to last you till the end of eternity. Though it is conceivable this could happen under the proper circumstances, it is by no means guaranteed, as is clear in this case. Oh, and a last thing; Duchess will not be nerfed, she's will just not be as OP as she is before 1.14. She is still top tier, especially if you combine her properly, which I've seen in the arena teams many times already even without the balancing kicking in. 
No this is not it ... what happens is  we won the lottery and next week they want to take it back !!

but we know even if we won the lottery   the money will decrease over time as we spend it --- money here is duchess value - 

sure  any champ value will decrease over time as new ones more powerful will  come .. but it is different story   if it lose its value cause it is Nerfed  after officially confirm that it works as intended and there is no  nerf coming , and even after making 10x event and suck all that  money  

20 март 2020, 18:5520.03.20

So many simping for nerfs, disgusting. Well, prepare yourselfs because i see a pattern forming, Queen Eva and Valkyrie will be nerfed next, you'll see.

And to all those pseudointellectuals trying to seem smart with their "but....balance" nonsense i say this:

1. There are champions far more overpowered than this one, why no "balance" screaming for them? Because you use them, that's why.

2. Balance would be buffing all the legendaries and epics that are ridiculously underperforming for their rarity, which is the MAJORITY of them, NOT nerfing the few that don't perform like a one-legged aged hooker with multiple STD's.

21 март 2020, 10:1121.03.20

evilknivel said:

So many simping for nerfs, disgusting. Well, prepare yourselfs because i see a pattern forming, Queen Eva and Valkyrie will be nerfed next, you'll see.

And to all those pseudointellectuals trying to seem smart with their "but....balance" nonsense i say this:

1. There are champions far more overpowered than this one, why no "balance" screaming for them? Because you use them, that's why.

2. Balance would be buffing all the legendaries and epics that are ridiculously underperforming for their rarity, which is the MAJORITY of them, NOT nerfing the few that don't perform like a one-legged aged hooker with multiple STD's.

I completely agree, fix the broken weak ones

Now I do still say rotos/siphi need reworked some....
21 март 2020, 10:2821.03.20

I have dutchess and she is one of my absolutly best champs and favourites.

She is great and a god tier but there are better champs which get no nerf: valk, siphi, rotos, tormin....

So i cant understand why nerf her and not other ones. I have no problem with her nerf, only problem i have is that there are many better options to nerf.
31 март 2020, 14:4831.03.20

Gerkules said:

I have dutchess and she is one of my absolutly best champs and favourites.

She is great and a god tier but there are better champs which get no nerf: valk, siphi, rotos, tormin....

So i cant understand why nerf her and not other ones. I have no problem with her nerf, only problem i have is that there are many better options to nerf.


you might have missed that Tormin was already nerved and that now there's a free 100% counter champion available to as a login reward (dark elhain). Tormin actually required a decent amount of ressources and work to fuse and book.

I wouldn't wonder if valkyrie will get adjusted at some point. She's simply the best counterattack champion and she's much stronger than other non-void legendaries. Speaking of, there are only 3 champs that are able to put counterattack on all allies. I'd like a new fusion for people to get such a champ, even if it's an epic one.

Honestly, judging from Arena Gold IV I can state that every fight with a decently equipped Lilitu is taking much longer and if you don't target her first the fight will never because of the 4 turn CD rezz with veiling anc continuous heal. Her skill set is simply that of 2 ordinary legendaries. She's even better than arbiter in my opinion.

However, we'll see. I'm sure that the developers have stats about arena fights. In the end they will be able to tell if lilitu deserves a nerf or not by statistics.

Kind regards

1 апр. 2020, 13:4501.04.20
evilknivel said:

So many simping for nerfs, disgusting. Well, prepare yourselfs because i see a pattern forming, Queen Eva and Valkyrie will be nerfed next, you'll see.

Do you even play this game?  Queen Eva is a trash champion.  LOL
1 апр. 2020, 13:5001.04.20

Guys and girls,

Look at WOW or other games. Top tier arena and bottom tier, have the same diverse heroes and team combos. Why, because it depends on skill and imagination rather than which shard you opened.

So why are people upset?  2 silly reasons:

1. They have her and she has carried their crappy team and now they might have to use their brains in arena. 

2. They booked her. We all booked many heroes before, get over it. 

Besides, she is still a S-tier god legendary after the nerf, just not SS tier. Plarium is trying to move some SS-tier to S-tier.  

And if anyone ever says Queen Eva (B? C? class hero) might be nerfed as a comparison, I am going to cry. No one, I mean no one, has Queen Eva invested. 

1 апр. 2020, 14:3201.04.20
if they nerf one champion, one that was put in a 10X event ...smh, they should nerf ALL lego champions as well. i believe there other champions with broken attacks that should be nerfed, like rotos which name from Spanish means "Broken" because he is a broken Legendary. Anyway, i don't have one single legendary yet but i do have to face them constantly in Arena with a mix of rares and epics, mostly rares as already have invested a lot of time and energy on them to start with another epic... 
2 апр. 2020, 07:3602.04.20
Raven Fugazity said:

if they nerf one champion, one that was put in a 10X event ...smh, they should nerf ALL lego champions as well. i believe there other champions with broken attacks that should be nerfed, like rotos which name from Spanish means "Broken" because he is a broken Legendary. Anyway, i don't have one single legendary yet but i do have to face them constantly in Arena with a mix of rares and epics, mostly rares as already have invested a lot of time and energy on them to start with another epic... 
Pls, look at my post, I explained her rework.
8 апр. 2020, 01:5008.04.20

There seems to be a new bug, not covered by the patch notes.

Her A1 is supposed to shield the ally with the lowest HP, and that seems to not be happening anymore. This is as of today 4/7's patch.

8 апр. 2020, 03:0008.04.20
Some players don't have any Legendaries. 
8 апр. 2020, 08:2808.04.20
I agree. A1 is NOT working or it is broken. Can we report it somewhere?

colehopkins said:

There seems to be a new bug, not covered by the patch notes.

Her A1 is supposed to shield the ally with the lowest HP, and that seems to not be happening anymore. This is as of today 4/7's patch.

8 апр. 2020, 20:5708.04.20
colehopkins said:

There seems to be a new bug, not covered by the patch notes.

Her A1 is supposed to shield the ally with the lowest HP, and that seems to not be happening anymore. This is as of today 4/7's patch.

It's just a visual bug.
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