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SEIGE  PVP  mode


5 июль 2024, 20:0405.07.24


I feel this will take Raid  into the territory of a true  Strategic  MMO

I played Stronghold Kingdoms Online for many years.  Castle builder with clans a world map and conquor strategy  attack /defend

It was a full time job  = but I love it :)   SEIGE  pvp feels  similar and the time needed to win this mode will be serious (I like  it)

I personally want a video game that demands  my game time....I only want to play 1 video game 40 hrs a week

But feel some CCs who dabble in other video games will come up short here ( too bad)..  Raid  or nothing I say!

I am Deputy in my clan  (Raid  or Die)  . Raid is also the only game I play on my PC, so looking forward to investing the time needed with my clan Leader to bring in the win.

I think this is long term play with needing to repair structures before next  PVP battle etc...  I like  the sounds of it all and really look forward to the next Raid video that will reveal more  on this  game mode  before next weekend

Love this game  and look forward to this  new game mode ;)

5 июль 2024, 20:3605.07.24

Honestly I am thoroughly unimpressed so far. We'll see if the next video does a better job of selling it, but so far it does not seem like the kind of thing which will draw me back to active play. 

5 июль 2024, 21:5605.07.24
5 июль 2024, 21:57(отредактировано)

Honestly I am thoroughly unimpressed so far. We'll see if the next video does a better job of selling it, but so far it does not seem like the kind of thing which will draw me back to active play. 

well the  biggest thing I see to be negative would be that Krakens still gonna  have Kraken teams  posted to defend/attack

so they gonna trample any regular players  in the clan who may be 1-4  mil power accounts if they in a clan with many 15 mil power accounts

as example.  So may not  be fun for low  account players  in bigger clans they may be part of ?

5 июль 2024, 22:4605.07.24
5 июль 2024, 22:47(отредактировано)

I *think*, and this is pretty much pure speculation, that at the most basic parts it's gonna be just another sort of arena, at least for most players:

Set your defenses, and attack the other guys defenses.

Maybe your clan officers tell you to set a specifc kind of defence *here*, or go attack those guys *there*

Like Sin City but each stage/wave is another players champs

At the tactical/strategic level ...I have absolutely no idea. Like all new tricks, it scares and confuses me. 

5 июль 2024, 23:3605.07.24

I am more on Kramas side.

From what I saw in the video, it is the same trick as in Sintranos. We have old content, throw it in a sack and shake it and pour it out again. Nothing new..nothing exciting...just another background for the same activities.

7 июль 2024, 13:0307.07.24

I see CCs  bringing back the Time sink issue of Raid over the Seige content...GoodGrief

So  for me Raid is coming into its OWN at this  point. Its graduating into a true MMO. Have any of you actually played true MMOs at all?  I wonder.  Well I spent  many yrs  playing such games and only ever played 1 MMO at a time  because of the commitment required to be  great at those  games.

Raid is the only game I play (100% commitment) .  40+ hrs  a week = some say hardcore gamer

I love this new Seige content and happy it will separate the casual from the committed  players  = LONG TERM player  base.   That is after all what Raid said it wanted to do Player retention  and this  will deffinitely   keep the serious players  here  and spending  (like  me)

You tell me your casual gamer and  only play video games  20 hrs a week = well accept what you get from that input  or move  on to Candy Crush

You tell me your a CC with 4 alt clans  in Raid and 5 other YouTube channels covering other games and  no longer  have the time to play Raid ?  Well you better make some decisions and  pick one

This is no longer a Casual game  / but can be played casual  .  Just accept  what you will get in return for your time

I LOVE this new  game mode from what I know so far and  hyped that Raid  is becoming a true MMO and not some casual  candy crush game or other want to be Raid clone   on the market

7 июль 2024, 13:1507.07.24
7 июль 2024, 13:17(отредактировано)

I see CCs  bringing back the Time sink issue of Raid over the Seige content...GoodGrief

So  for me Raid is coming into its OWN at this  point. Its graduating into a true MMO. Have any of you actually played true MMOs at all?  I wonder.  Well I spent  many yrs  playing such games and only ever played 1 MMO at a time  because of the commitment required to be  great at those  games.

Raid is the only game I play (100% commitment) .  40+ hrs  a week = some say hardcore gamer

I love this new Seige content and happy it will separate the casual from the committed  players  = LONG TERM player  base.   That is after all what Raid said it wanted to do Player retention  and this  will deffinitely   keep the serious players  here  and spending  (like  me)

You tell me your casual gamer and  only play video games  20 hrs a week = well accept what you get from that input  or move  on to Candy Crush

You tell me your a CC with 4 alt clans  in Raid and 5 other YouTube channels covering other games and  no longer  have the time to play Raid ?  Well you better make some decisions and  pick one

This is no longer a Casual game  / but can be played casual  .  Just accept  what you will get in return for your time

I LOVE this new  game mode from what I know so far and  hyped that Raid  is becoming a true MMO and not some casual  candy crush game or other want to be Raid clone   on the market

Spending 40 hours a week on a video game is nothing to be proud of. 

Content creators all spew the same clickbait garbage.

edit: for a mobile game to think Plarium would have forums that actually work when used with mobile phones after 6 years. What a joke.

7 июль 2024, 13:5307.07.24

Spending 40 hours a week on a video game is nothing to be proud of. 

Content creators all spew the same clickbait garbage.

edit: for a mobile game to think Plarium would have forums that actually work when used with mobile phones after 6 years. What a joke.

I am proud that my only hobby is  video games. I been gaming since Vic 20  (go look that up)

I love gaming ....Yes I was a sports  jock and  did all those sports growing up (even combat sports) .  But when I was home I always played  video games

at my late age I love the  fact I game 40+ hrs a week in video games and yes I brag IRL about  it (no shame here)....It actually connects  me to the younger generation IRL  because they like wow you know tons about video games

I saw my father and  mother   in their last years suffer from Dimentia and other  mind effects/memory loss because they were  home unable to work and had no hobbies  but watch TV

So the fact I keep my mind active  in video games (I believe)  will certainly  help my mind  in later  life

I am not disrespecting you  for your choices to spend  leisure time as you enjoy so do not try to belittle me for loving video games and Raid ;)

7 июль 2024, 14:1107.07.24

I am proud that my only hobby is  video games. I been gaming since Vic 20  (go look that up)

I love gaming ....Yes I was a sports  jock and  did all those sports growing up (even combat sports) .  But when I was home I always played  video games

at my late age I love the  fact I game 40+ hrs a week in video games and yes I brag IRL about  it (no shame here)....It actually connects  me to the younger generation IRL  because they like wow you know tons about video games

I saw my father and  mother   in their last years suffer from Dimentia and other  mind effects/memory loss because they were  home unable to work and had no hobbies  but watch TV

So the fact I keep my mind active  in video games (I believe)  will certainly  help my mind  in later  life

I am not disrespecting you  for your choices to spend  leisure time as you enjoy so do not try to belittle me for loving video games and Raid ;)

Tbf Priest, your previous comment came off as kinda condescending and superior.

You're proud to put in 40+ hours a week into Raid, and I play it that way too. ( I mean, I'm often doing other stuff *while* I grind)

But i don't begrudge anyone who doesn't have the kinda time you & I do to dedicate to Raid.

Several of my clustermates, for instance, love the game just as much as I do, but just don;t have the time to put in thier best effort for things like live arena, which is at really inconvenient times if you live in certain time zones, or hydra. Putting in 3 hours into a single hydra run on manual to maximize points for clash is a HUGE ask, and effectively impossible for someone juggling work, kids, sleep, etc.

All that said, it's still to early to tell, but I think that for *most* players, siege will be essentially a classic arena/cursed city hybrid. Use a key/token here and there when you have a few minutes.

Those of us who are able to dedicate the time, like you, and me, and cc's who play the game professionally for a living will do the planning and coordinating for our clans

7 июль 2024, 14:5207.07.24

Tbf Priest, your previous comment came off as kinda condescending and superior.

You're proud to put in 40+ hours a week into Raid, and I play it that way too. ( I mean, I'm often doing other stuff *while* I grind)

But i don't begrudge anyone who doesn't have the kinda time you & I do to dedicate to Raid.

Several of my clustermates, for instance, love the game just as much as I do, but just don;t have the time to put in thier best effort for things like live arena, which is at really inconvenient times if you live in certain time zones, or hydra. Putting in 3 hours into a single hydra run on manual to maximize points for clash is a HUGE ask, and effectively impossible for someone juggling work, kids, sleep, etc.

All that said, it's still to early to tell, but I think that for *most* players, siege will be essentially a classic arena/cursed city hybrid. Use a key/token here and there when you have a few minutes.

Those of us who are able to dedicate the time, like you, and me, and cc's who play the game professionally for a living will do the planning and coordinating for our clans

yes , I can see you initial statement how I came off

yes I see how I can come off that way and did.   But for me personally I want this game I love to metamorph into a TRUE MMO  (much like some of their advertising says) . That would be right down my ally 

I do feel the game has a  place for casual players and do know them in RL.    For me though I want more substance / more commitment / more rewards for long term play / a diehard group of players who love and dedicate their leisure time to Raid and only Raid

No I do not work or recieve money from Raid for saying that  LOL......It is how I feel about video gaming in gereral and the games I prefer to play.   I have not found a video game to replace Raid....but am on top of the industry in gereral and know whats  hot and whats not in the market place = so yes I am in the conversation

Thats why I have said Raid  is the World of Warcraft of this Genre (spelled correctly this  time English police). 

But Raid  is becoming more of a true  long term MMO and no longer a casual  MMO .  I hope they know the path they are traveling down and accept the consequences ..   personally I endorse this move

7 июль 2024, 22:1107.07.24

With regards to time (and with the disclaimer that I very much enjoy this game, in part because of the friends/clan I have in it): 

this is something I am always a bit worried about - especially during the summer & especially with the constant inflation of time necessary at a "higher" activity level. Hydra, live arena, Sintranos & soon Siege (especially if the rewards are remotely worthwhile) just add up to a big time investment. 

The new mode seems like it's going to require the herding of cats in your respective clans to maximize output which could add a whole new wrinkle as it pertains to time in game. While I'll probably go along with it all because this is very likely the last long term online game I start up, I certainly understand anyone who has a level of uncertainty as it pertains to time in game going forward. 

7 июль 2024, 22:1507.07.24

Forgot to add: clan recruiting is about to be an absolute nightmare

7 июль 2024, 22:1507.07.24

With regards to time (and with the disclaimer that I very much enjoy this game, in part because of the friends/clan I have in it): 

this is something I am always a bit worried about - especially during the summer & especially with the constant inflation of time necessary at a "higher" activity level. Hydra, live arena, Sintranos & soon Siege (especially if the rewards are remotely worthwhile) just add up to a big time investment. 

The new mode seems like it's going to require the herding of cats in your respective clans to maximize output which could add a whole new wrinkle as it pertains to time in game. While I'll probably go along with it all because this is very likely the last long term online game I start up, I certainly understand anyone who has a level of uncertainty as it pertains to time in game going forward. 


7 июль 2024, 22:1807.07.24

With regards to time (and with the disclaimer that I very much enjoy this game, in part because of the friends/clan I have in it): 

this is something I am always a bit worried about - especially during the summer & especially with the constant inflation of time necessary at a "higher" activity level. Hydra, live arena, Sintranos & soon Siege (especially if the rewards are remotely worthwhile) just add up to a big time investment. 

The new mode seems like it's going to require the herding of cats in your respective clans to maximize output which could add a whole new wrinkle as it pertains to time in game. While I'll probably go along with it all because this is very likely the last long term online game I start up, I certainly understand anyone who has a level of uncertainty as it pertains to time in game going forward. 

Work and real live pursuits come before a mobile phone game. That is a hard stop for me.

The criticism I've seen about another big time addition to the game is that 1) There are no time saving measures being added anywhere else 2) People started playing raid because it is a mobile phone gacha game, explicitly because it ISN'T a game that requires a 40 hour commitment a week. 3) People keep telling me the last couple days that if they wanted that kind of time commitment, they'll just go back to Warcraft or X or Y or Z.

I historically have played Raid on the bus or during little gaps in my day between classes. Making a full time job of a video game isn't for me.

Perhaps people like PG are their intended audience with Hydra Clash and Siege, and others are just expected to skip it.

7 июль 2024, 22:1907.07.24

Forgot to add: clan recruiting is about to be an absolute nightmare

How many people do you think the big clans will be searching for within the month?

7 июль 2024, 22:2607.07.24

How many people do you think the big clans will be searching for within the month?

so with the caveat we haven't seen everything: 5-10 people, minimum. or at the very least we can expect some shifts within clusters, moving around people etc.

7 июль 2024, 22:2907.07.24

but again, the real issues I think as always will come for the clans that try to be competitive while existing outside of large clusters. trying to keep a consistent group means they're often having to craft their requirements around keeping the top 20 or so (my rough thorne math) 

threading the needle with Hydra and CvC was rough enough at times, now Siege. gonna be a whole thing out here. :)

7 июль 2024, 22:4307.07.24

Yeah. If I wanted something that required me to organize people together to achieve a common goal, I'd go back to leading raids in WoW. What they need to do is something like this: https://plarium.com/forum/en/raid-shadow-legends/674_game-discussion/1695905_add-autocomplete-to-all-run-capped-content/

Maybe a new thread will give me something new to report, since I've sent that one in a few times already. 😭 😭 

8 июль 2024, 09:1808.07.24

There are thousands of clans who (like mine) just exist for player rewards like clan boss, hydra, I have currently 24 low level in the clan, I don't set targets apart from log on, if they want to do Hydra, CVC that's their choice, if they want to move on when they get better then fine.  I won't be putting any more of my time into this game and my clan won't either.  IMO the clans who won't bother, or clan leaders who won't get their members to participate will far outweigh those who do

8 июль 2024, 13:0508.07.24

It seems pretty simple, you have 30 buidings of multiple types each related to each other in other ways that you can buff with stuff or send stuff for people to buff that buff other things attached to those things and then you get other things that can heal those things instead of buff those things and if certain buildings fall those buff things go away on the attached buff things so you want to keep that thing to not lose those things and then spend 7 hours on Hydra.