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Second rotation, how are you feeling about cursed city right now?

Second rotation, how are you feeling about cursed city right now?

19 янв. 2024, 22:0919.01.24
Trevor Wilson

To be fair i think the problem is of my own making, i auto sold 5 star out of habit, whereas i think 5 star is worth keeping if it rolls well with the new set.

As for supersonic- I think i prefer speed gear to the supersonic to be honest, and i only really have one speed lead team anywhere nowadays.

the accessories not the armor slots. 20 res, 15% hp, 10% speed. I feel like that is prertty great for supports or speed boosters. Thats if you get 3 decent pieces which at this rate seems a long ways away.

19 янв. 2024, 22:1919.01.24

These new sets are not crazy meta-defining changes like Relentless or Stoneskin. They're nice, yes, and will surely outperform other gear, but not by massive amounts.

Compared to the cost, both in time and resources? They absolutely do not balance out. 

19 янв. 2024, 22:5619.01.24

the accessories not the armor slots. 20 res, 15% hp, 10% speed. I feel like that is prertty great for supports or speed boosters. Thats if you get 3 decent pieces which at this rate seems a long ways away.

Accessories with bonuses are always great yes but will take forever to get due to the many layers of rng

22 янв. 2024, 04:0422.01.24

I was debating with myself as to how honest to be. So, it jst feels like nothing but a big cash grab. You need to spend to try and gert the right champs. I look at the teamss that arre doing this and there are teams with 2 +2 Trundas out there.  So it is content for people that are willing to spend hundreds if not thousands to play it and collecrt the shiny. The latest shard eent is a case in point, to get the 15 shards for the training event it would require some where over 9000 points. To get 9000 points would entail elevating 9 champions to 6 star level and level 60, math is not exact so be nice. But to get them up to that you would need 45  5 star chickens, I don't know about you but I do not have those laying about, or the equivlanet amount of food heroes. And with the City you don't want to get rid fo heros because lord only knows what is going to be needs in this rotation or the next one. 

So, I just play what I can, do what I can, and am now not goin gto spend a single penny more. It just ain't worth it to spend $50 on a bunch of void shards and only get a dupiicate epic that is never used anyway, except again for maybe the City, and then only in a level that allows voids. 

Yea, I am a bit bitter and a bit tired. just a bit fed up.

22 янв. 2024, 09:0322.01.24

I was debating with myself as to how honest to be. So, it jst feels like nothing but a big cash grab. You need to spend to try and gert the right champs. I look at the teamss that arre doing this and there are teams with 2 +2 Trundas out there.  So it is content for people that are willing to spend hundreds if not thousands to play it and collecrt the shiny. The latest shard eent is a case in point, to get the 15 shards for the training event it would require some where over 9000 points. To get 9000 points would entail elevating 9 champions to 6 star level and level 60, math is not exact so be nice. But to get them up to that you would need 45  5 star chickens, I don't know about you but I do not have those laying about, or the equivlanet amount of food heroes. And with the City you don't want to get rid fo heros because lord only knows what is going to be needs in this rotation or the next one. 

So, I just play what I can, do what I can, and am now not goin gto spend a single penny more. It just ain't worth it to spend $50 on a bunch of void shards and only get a dupiicate epic that is never used anyway, except again for maybe the City, and then only in a level that allows voids. 

Yea, I am a bit bitter and a bit tired. just a bit fed up.

I agree that much of what plarium does is to gain extra cash.

As an ftp myself i dont think champ training is that bad however, i picked up all the shards and went on to get the lego book right at the end as well. I usually put 4 or 5 potions into every 4 and 5 star champ i have to take them all to level 26 or so.  Its much more costly to level champs further than that. Then i level my rank 3 champs to rank 4.

Usually that gets me a lot of points, but if i need more i will pull greens and use those shards to make more rank 3 champs and repeat.