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Arbiter Mission progress have to be change.

Arbiter Mission progress have to be change.

4 янв. 2024, 23:4504.01.24

Arbiter Mission progress have to be change.

Hi everyone and Hi Raid Shadow Legends Support

So in Raid Shadow legends maybe there is player who don't care about Arbiter mission and reward, but for me it's like the principal quest in a game, and rewards it's like a proof of your advance.


This mission in particular has to change, I've started RSL in Xmas 2021, so 3 years now, I ve made some break like others players, but I play a lot when I play, last year, RSL says on Twitter something like 2023 will be a PVP year.... and I was stuck on this mission since a While but it give me hope, Today we are in 2024 and .... i'm still stuck in Bronze Team arena, cause Team arena is : 


And yeah this is Bronze level.... And i'm still stuck on this mission, and after 3 years to play, i'm level 97 so, I think I ve the level to advance or pass this mission or I don't know

Look, this mission was designed for the begining of the game, the next mission after this one, we can read : 

"Win 3 star in nightmare mission campaign"  I've cleaned the campaign all mode without try harding, but I'm stuck on this team arena mission since like 2 years for no reasons 

Now I'm Asking support , to do something for me if you can, like making me pass the mission, even if I don't get the reward of this one, don't care, or make change for Arena team.

cause if I don't Pass it, event with 1000gems for reloading and get coins, I've tried, we can't get Silver 1 in team arena, and I will just stop the game, but it will be forever cause a game where i don't advance is just frustrating , and it's not why I play on a video Games

Thx in advance, and thx for reading

Papy Jeky

Mod note: moved from Bug Reports to Game Discussion

5 янв. 2024, 10:1005.01.24

No gaslighters yet? 😂

Im totally with you on this one, tag team arena missions are a bad design, and its mathematically provable.

5 янв. 2024, 10:1705.01.24

Id like to add, changing those missions to win X amount of battles in TTA would be a game changer for literally everyone, atleast people would see light at the end of the tunnel.

Say "Win 1000 tag team arena battles" in the higher missions, lower might be maybe 500 or something i dont know.

This would be atleast throwing a little bone to most people in my opinion, as fact is everyone cant get it done cause they simply dont fit into brackets and its pointless to start doubting in maths. 

5 янв. 2024, 11:1205.01.24

Yes, if you have problems (rightfully) with Silver 1...wait until you have to climb to Gold 1...

It is mathematically not possible for all players due to the restricted size of the upper tiers.

It is just bad design for the player...or a clever try to get you to spend money to be able to climb....your decision.

5 янв. 2024, 13:4805.01.24

The problem is in that RSL has become too big to support the same number of original players sitting in S4 and above than originally designed. 

Solution: We have grouped "heats" in every other tournament and a global leaderboard as well. I suggest doing the same for 3 on 3.

- Coag

5 янв. 2024, 15:1205.01.24

Some good suggestions here, I'll pass along your feedback.

5 янв. 2024, 18:0705.01.24

Your wasting you time. They will never change it.

6 янв. 2024, 20:1006.01.24

Also being playing 3 years ish, i cant really imagine they will change the mission (is it reach silver 1 in tag?)

I am happy to help you reach silver if you want help however, are you getting knocked down hard in defence or are you struggling to win fights on offence?

7 янв. 2024, 11:4307.01.24

TBH, tag arena mechanics are suspect, I win battle after battle on off, but never win any def battles. Seem to lose just enough to keep me in silver 2 week after week.I feel it's a come to make you spend as with limited champions and no block damage champs, my def will always be week. Saying that it doesn't make a lot of sense to lose every def battle, when I am winning off battles. I done the sensible thing and went fine, you can keep Romantu and stopped bothering. If the tag games are not fixed they sure seem like they are. It may just be the same as arena, once you in gold it's fairly easy to stay in it. I wonder if all these gold players who keep crowing how easy it is, would get on in silver, where you only face level 100 players, must be lower tier player in silver 2 but you only get matched with the top ones. I suspect all these it's easy players would be the first to come on and cry if they were placed in any of the silver tiers. A plethora of champs, equipment that can be purchased that gives even a new player a solid advantage over players who have been playing for years.

7 янв. 2024, 12:0307.01.24
7 янв. 2024, 12:04(отредактировано)

To add to this, when I drop to silver 1, the whole week I don't see any def battles, I seem to be matched up many times a day in silver 2, but in silver 1 not a single match up, so of course the next week I go go back up to silver 2. So as I said deeply suspicious. Seems to be saying Oh look you only need to spend, spend, spend to move to silver 3. I suppose with some this works, me I like to check my def and off battles, when I don't see any it just seems kind of odd.

7 янв. 2024, 12:5407.01.24

TBH, tag arena mechanics are suspect, I win battle after battle on off, but never win any def battles. Seem to lose just enough to keep me in silver 2 week after week.I feel it's a come to make you spend as with limited champions and no block damage champs, my def will always be week. Saying that it doesn't make a lot of sense to lose every def battle, when I am winning off battles. I done the sensible thing and went fine, you can keep Romantu and stopped bothering. If the tag games are not fixed they sure seem like they are. It may just be the same as arena, once you in gold it's fairly easy to stay in it. I wonder if all these gold players who keep crowing how easy it is, would get on in silver, where you only face level 100 players, must be lower tier player in silver 2 but you only get matched with the top ones. I suspect all these it's easy players would be the first to come on and cry if they were placed in any of the silver tiers. A plethora of champs, equipment that can be purchased that gives even a new player a solid advantage over players who have been playing for years.

it makes perfect sense that you lose most defensive battles. in tag, just as in classic arena, the advantage lies overwhelmingly with the offensive player. when you're on offense, you can tailor your teams to counter your opponent, you're able to control your champions manually while the defensive teams use the less-than-stellar ai, and most importantly, you're free to choose who you want to fight against in the first place. that means the teams you face on offense are the ones you're confident about beating, while your opponents on defense are all people who are confident of their ability to beat you. barring poor judgement or extremely bad luck, whoever's on offense is almost certainly going to be taking the win.

in regard to your other point, i can assure you that remaining in gold is quite the challenging ordeal and while i wouldn't consider myself the type to "crow how easy it it" as you say, i do suspect that i, along with the bulk of gold players, would get on in silver far more easily than i do in my current tier. it's true that i don't know the exact level your opponents are at but, well, here's my last two refreshes:




do please upload your own screenshots if you still feel that silver 2 has the higher level of opponent. i would be fascinated to see them.

7 янв. 2024, 13:3907.01.24
7 янв. 2024, 13:41(отредактировано)

TBH, tag arena mechanics are suspect, I win battle after battle on off, but never win any def battles. Seem to lose just enough to keep me in silver 2 week after week.I feel it's a come to make you spend as with limited champions and no block damage champs, my def will always be week. Saying that it doesn't make a lot of sense to lose every def battle, when I am winning off battles. I done the sensible thing and went fine, you can keep Romantu and stopped bothering. If the tag games are not fixed they sure seem like they are. It may just be the same as arena, once you in gold it's fairly easy to stay in it. I wonder if all these gold players who keep crowing how easy it is, would get on in silver, where you only face level 100 players, must be lower tier player in silver 2 but you only get matched with the top ones. I suspect all these it's easy players would be the first to come on and cry if they were placed in any of the silver tiers. A plethora of champs, equipment that can be purchased that gives even a new player a solid advantage over players who have been playing for years.

I totally understand how frustrating tag can be, i dont like the mode either because it takes too long.

I am not convinced it is easier in gold, i am either G3 or G4 each week depending on how much time i have spare to play the matches (sometimes i just deliberately lose a bunch of fights as i dont have time to do them)

But the lineup in gold 3&4 is generally full of whales with all the nightmare champs in there, as an FTP myself it can be challenging.

As for losing in defence that is to be expected, although a quick check of my log for tag shows i have been hit 3 times in 24 hours and have won 4 individual fights and lost 9, so perhaps we get hit less in gold? i dont know.

Classic shows i have been hit 4 times in 24 hours (g5) and have won 3 and lost 1, so it is a similar hit rate.

8 янв. 2024, 07:1008.01.24

As of right now, I regret (actually, i don't LOL) to say that i don't care anymore:



8 янв. 2024, 09:2808.01.24

As of right now, I regret (actually, i don't LOL) to say that i don't care anymore:



gratz :)

8 янв. 2024, 12:0308.01.24

Ive been playing consistently for a year and some months...managed to get to silver 1 last year and ive been consistently staying in that bracket..:eve; 76 as of today//completely free to play. It took me some time but the key I found was to make at least 2 teams your strongest teams with a solid strat if they fail to nuke...

I see tag arena has the same types of teams

Go first heavy nukers...basically Arbiter teams...these are teams that intend to be really fast and nuke extremely hard....they are weak against very tanky teams because its AI piloting them so if you have very tank UDK team with Pythion etc they will loose because Arbiter AI is garbage because it wastes the revive ability as a turn boost. Those teams also arent very tanky

Go second teams...very tanky and annoying...they  run UDKs, provokes, etc...Pythions....disgusting...these teams are designed to win by attrition..

lastly they are hybrid weak teams that are either weaker versions of the other 2 that usually are free win team

so knowing this i factor this in who i choose to fight against etc. As of now I have 2 really good teams and the last team is the worst and rarely wins. 

try to build a very fast team with your speed lead Arbiter at least over 300 and a secondary TM conrol speedster like Deacon and run them in the same team so you dont get cut off...choose mactchups where you are sure you will outspeed their lead...eg..Genbo, Gogorab leads etc...have at least 1 or 2 nukers you know can kill most of the enemy team..my rule of thumb is never match Arbiters against Arbiters as there is a chance your opponent will outspeed you so you will loose using your strongest team...

Second have a team that is your second fastest speed lead with a similar Aura to Arbiter...Prince Kymar etc...this team should be just as fast but you know will be slower against Arbiter teams...make sure the team has a solid full team reviver with plenty of defence and a super Nuker like Trunda or Hephraak that your sure can one shot teams and if they go second can take out the tanky champs on your enemys team..

last team can be whatever...i also fail to have good champs for a 3rd team so I run a Scyl team that matches with Arbiters and usually looses...try different strategies here

try to target players at your level or weaker, then players at similar power or lower, then check opponents teams if they are stronger and try to understand the way their team works...

eg. you see a team with 

Arbiter, Madam Serris, Lyssandra, Trunda....the whole aim of this team is to nuke with Trunda...

Arbiter(boosts attack and tm) goes first, Lyssandra(speed tm meter boost to prevent getting cut)  goes next, Serris (debuffs)then Trunda....if you take a gamble and think you can outspeed your enemies team, then good for you but assume your opponent pours money into this game and is at 400+ speed lol... avoid teams  like this.

a good matchup would be a Pythion, UDK team or something that can survive the hits of opponents... 

try to get at least 2/3 wins every battle....try to refresh and choose teams you know you will beat.

8 янв. 2024, 21:0108.01.24

HI, the issue is, tag takes long for pretty much no rewards. Then it take a week to go up or down a level, or in my case to stay the same, then hey a whole week done what do I get more gold bars to spend on?  The whole thing is tedious (if the arena games are your thing great.) it's pretty much the only daily task I go skip, skip, skip for each of the 5 battles. Either up the reward system if the player base is important, or remove it from the missions. The guy above who got to gold 1, expressed it perfecly that's that trash over and done with. The battles take an age to do and just aren't worth the time expended. On average I get little time on the game a day wasting it on tag arena just isn't worth it. Sorry all to keep banging on about this, but it's my bugbear, tag arena is awful, because of time expended for no real rewards. 

8 янв. 2024, 21:1708.01.24

HI, the issue is, tag takes long for pretty much no rewards. Then it take a week to go up or down a level, or in my case to stay the same, then hey a whole week done what do I get more gold bars to spend on?  The whole thing is tedious (if the arena games are your thing great.) it's pretty much the only daily task I go skip, skip, skip for each of the 5 battles. Either up the reward system if the player base is important, or remove it from the missions. The guy above who got to gold 1, expressed it perfecly that's that trash over and done with. The battles take an age to do and just aren't worth the time expended. On average I get little time on the game a day wasting it on tag arena just isn't worth it. Sorry all to keep banging on about this, but it's my bugbear, tag arena is awful, because of time expended for no real rewards. 

There are good rewards in tag bazaar- there are sacred shards, energy etc and my favourite- rank and rarity charms for the forge

It does take a very long time to get anything though- in G4 tag i get 156 gold bars if i win every single match, and a sacred shard is 30,000 bars

So just over 192 matches to buy one, and the matches can take forever...

13 янв. 2024, 18:3213.01.24

I wasn't expecting so many answers 😁

The goal of the Post was not to find some help for team or champs, obviously I thanks people who take times to explain they succed this kind of missions and GG, really.

The Goal of the post was to SOS a dev or someone to just remove this quest or replace it by something like : " win X matchs" cause even if I paid some shard, i have no luck, and for who's don't trust me : imagine a level 97 who never pull Seeker ... it's my case, I saw Trunda name on someone's answer, it's same for me, except in the library, never saw it in shard, my best champ actually is Ninja cause it was free... 😭

Actually, if there was something in game like : " pay 100$ and pass the quest or pass the step of Hard Doom tower "  I tell you every one, I will pay, cause in Hard doom tower, there is a step, I can't pass for no reasons 

and my box is not so trash, I think there is just some content who where designed at the begining of the game and devs don't look it anymore, and it's just frustrating for players who wants do it.

13 янв. 2024, 18:4113.01.24


13 янв. 2024, 18:5913.01.24



13 янв. 2024, 20:0913.01.24


But the goal of a principal quest in a game, is to be passed by all players when they advance in the game 😂