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Hydra is trash.

Hydra is trash.

8 янв. 2024, 08:2208.01.24
8 янв. 2024, 08:24(отредактировано)

It's as frustrating further down the damage levels too - I actually enjoy the challenge of hydra and can get prob 500mil plus each week and am consistently one of the two or three highest damagers in our clan. I can probably do a bit better if I regear etc. We clear normal and hard.

However this week is a prime example of the stupidity of clash - in one of our competitor clans two players have  trunda based teams and put up 705 mil and 585 mil in one key each on normal. My clan simply can't beat that - becuase they happen to have pulled one particular champ that breaks it. So I'll have spent probably three hours or so manualling it for possibly no reward other than the normal chests. 

9 янв. 2024, 13:3509.01.24

Youre the second person today i see saying change wont happen, sure seems like this lol 😁


That's not really how I work, but alrighty. Cheers.

9 янв. 2024, 13:3509.01.24

Reducing turn count would help, sure, but it won't solve the problem. Even at 500 turns, you're still looking at 30+ minutes on manual, which nobody wants to do.

The only real solution is fixing the AI, which is never going to happen unfortunately. So the next best solution is to just get rid of Clash entirely :)

AI fix is much more likely to happen over a Clash removal, and by an exponential difference. My two cents there.

9 янв. 2024, 13:4809.01.24

Well, unless the exponent is the same as the chance of it happening, I guess there's no difference then ;)

9 янв. 2024, 15:0109.01.24

iam tanking hydra this week, also ended up taking the clan quest to get 7 champs undigested, needed to get 4 out with my last key on hard, plus wanted 242mill damage to kill him, ended up at 350mill just to get 4 champs out!! point being if ur going to reduce turn limit u also need to reduce timer or reduce that quest, or better still get rid of clash which has turned sumit i quite enjoyed into sumit i hate

9 янв. 2024, 22:0809.01.24

Well, unless the exponent is the same as the chance of it happening, I guess there's no difference then ;)

There's a difference :)

11 янв. 2024, 14:2911.01.24

AI fix is much more likely to happen over a Clash removal, and by an exponential difference. My two cents there.

Surely at this point it is well known how annoying the quest is?

Clash means a key takes 90 minutes now - which makes it totally innapropiate for a quest.

11 янв. 2024, 14:4511.01.24
Trevor Wilson

Surely at this point it is well known how annoying the quest is?

Clash means a key takes 90 minutes now - which makes it totally innapropiate for a quest.

I've certainly conveyed the sentiment from players here, and from the other socials I'm on.

But almost always, if there are to be changes based on that feedback, it feels glacially slow to players. There for sure is a lot of data collection and work that goes into changing anything. Continued feedback from y'all is appreciated though, absolutely.

11 янв. 2024, 16:3611.01.24
11 янв. 2024, 16:37(отредактировано)

Hydra thinks you're tash. How does it feel being call trash? Not so good does it.

11 янв. 2024, 19:2211.01.24
11 янв. 2024, 19:26(отредактировано)

I've certainly conveyed the sentiment from players here, and from the other socials I'm on.

But almost always, if there are to be changes based on that feedback, it feels glacially slow to players. There for sure is a lot of data collection and work that goes into changing anything. Continued feedback from y'all is appreciated though, absolutely.

To be honest i think the whole set up is poor, i was just talking about it on clan chat as i have the quest again, but have been at work all day, got home late and really do not want to manual a key for 90 minutes.

It was correctly pointed out that if everyone just did enough to 1 key each difficulty and qualify for the top chest we would still get the same amount of jewellry due to the way matchmaking works.

The matchmaking, when you think about it makes improving yourself on hydra pointless (once you can get 650 million points). No doubt top clans are manipulating it somehow, i am talking for the average clan like ours.

11 янв. 2024, 22:5811.01.24

The worst chest on any level of Hydra is worth the effort.  I finally have decent normal and hard teams that can get the best chests.   But, I still use manual for 15-20 mins on each for a better score to get the clash chest.  I do that for my clan.  Its only once a week.  And its fun now.  

If, I had to invest an hour each on 3 levels of hdra, I would just go auto and take what I could get.  

11 янв. 2024, 23:1611.01.24

The worst chest on any level of Hydra is worth the effort.  I finally have decent normal and hard teams that can get the best chests.   But, I still use manual for 15-20 mins on each for a better score to get the clash chest.  I do that for my clan.  Its only once a week.  And its fun now.  

If, I had to invest an hour each on 3 levels of hdra, I would just go auto and take what I could get.  

Problem is, taking my Brutal team for example (this team can do NM, but i get better clash pts on brutal with it). This team can go almost all the way to 1500 turns. But on auto, it cant even get 30m, cuz the AI is stupid. So i have to manual and this run takes me 2 and a half hours. I manual for 150m+ (x3) or auto for not even 30m.... Got no choice.

11 янв. 2024, 23:4111.01.24

Problem is, taking my Brutal team for example (this team can do NM, but i get better clash pts on brutal with it). This team can go almost all the way to 1500 turns. But on auto, it cant even get 30m, cuz the AI is stupid. So i have to manual and this run takes me 2 and a half hours. I manual for 150m+ (x3) or auto for not even 30m.... Got no choice.

Manual until you get the best chest on Brutal and stop.   There is no way I would manual for 2 1/2 hours.  My clan would not expect it from me.  

12 янв. 2024, 11:4212.01.24

I just want Mithrala at this point.. dont care much from there on, just doing Normal to help the Clan.