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To all cry babies just stop already!

To all cry babies just stop already!

24 сент. 2019, 13:5824.09.19
Hello! Just wanted to clarify - I deleted the posts containing phone numbers belonging to some services because this is in no way related to the game-related discussion this thread is intended for and is regarded as spam. I also did not remove any posts pertaining to someone's point of view on the game aspects, but I did erase or edit the replies that in one way or another contained inappropriate or inflammatory language. This all really shouldn't be about proving who's right and who's wrong, but rather about intelligent expressing of constructive feedback. Thank you for your understanding.
24 сент. 2019, 18:0924.09.19
Cirilla said:

Hello! Just wanted to clarify - I deleted the posts containing phone numbers belonging to some services because this is in no way related to the game-related discussion this thread is intended for and is regarded as spam. I also did not remove any posts pertaining to someone's point of view on the game aspects, but I did erase or edit the replies that in one way or another contained inappropriate or inflammatory language. This all really shouldn't be about proving who's right and who's wrong, but rather about intelligent expressing of constructive feedback. Thank you for your understanding.
In no way related? The OP is talking about odds and spending tens of thousands of dollars. Gambling addiction quite germane to the games odds and addictive monetization strategies.  
24 сент. 2019, 22:0124.09.19

Red Witch said:

Cirilla said:

Hello! Just wanted to clarify - I deleted the posts containing phone numbers belonging to some services because this is in no way related to the game-related discussion this thread is intended for and is regarded as spam. I also did not remove any posts pertaining to someone's point of view on the game aspects, but I did erase or edit the replies that in one way or another contained inappropriate or inflammatory language. This all really shouldn't be about proving who's right and who's wrong, but rather about intelligent expressing of constructive feedback. Thank you for your understanding.
In no way related? The OP is talking about odds and spending tens of thousands of dollars. Gambling addiction quite germane to the games odds and addictive monetization strategies.  

She is right to delete that number. This forum has no place to advertise any content that is not game related and belong to 3rd parties regardless of what it is. 

Just let it go guys, the girl is doing her job. 

You can always pm OP and let him know how you feel about his spending and possible addiction.  

In my view he is just spending his pocket money. 

24 сент. 2019, 22:1324.09.19
Op you are master level troll. lol
24 сент. 2019, 22:5924.09.19
Wow, what a fucking cunt. Either a master level troll or a stupid fuck.
25 сент. 2019, 00:0625.09.19
glizdazla said:

Red Witch said:

Cirilla said:

Hello! Just wanted to clarify - I deleted the posts containing phone numbers belonging to some services because this is in no way related to the game-related discussion this thread is intended for and is regarded as spam. I also did not remove any posts pertaining to someone's point of view on the game aspects, but I did erase or edit the replies that in one way or another contained inappropriate or inflammatory language. This all really shouldn't be about proving who's right and who's wrong, but rather about intelligent expressing of constructive feedback. Thank you for your understanding.
In no way related? The OP is talking about odds and spending tens of thousands of dollars. Gambling addiction quite germane to the games odds and addictive monetization strategies.  

She is right to delete that number. This forum has no place to advertise any content that is not game related and belong to 3rd parties regardless of what it is. 

Just let it go guys, the girl is doing her job. 

You can always pm OP and let him know how you feel about his spending and possible addiction.  

In my view he is just spending his pocket money. 

You might have had a point about deleting the phone number to a addiction hotline because it belongs to a third party if the forums weren’t choked with advertising
25 сент. 2019, 01:1725.09.19

Cirilla said:

 I also did not remove any posts pertaining to someone's point of view

Like most of plarium mods here - You are just a big fat liar.


25 сент. 2019, 02:1225.09.19

badsad said:

Do you know players like me who spend well over $40k real money do not want to see others getting it easy way?

I stopped reading at this.  $40k on an APP makes you lose all credibility for any argument, as you are clearly a complete and utter imbecile.
25 сент. 2019, 02:2325.09.19
25 сент. 2019, 02:32(отредактировано)

badsad said:

my family paved my way for not worrying about money like the most. 

Aka, you're a spoiled little whiny brat who is projecting his own anger onto others. 

News flash for you kid - money can't buy you everything.

And the problem that people have with the event is completely lost on you - you are a spoiled brat who expects their money to give them an edge in everything.  Meanwhile, those of us without rich mommies and daddies have to earn our own, and appreciate games that make you EARN a champion through effort - not through buying a ton of in-game items.

The part of this matter that is completely lost on you is that people are upset NOT because of the effort required, but because of the MONEY required.  Considering many people don't have $40k to go throwing around like you, they would prefer the game to be based on effort and skill, NOT on spending hundreds of dollars on energy, gems, etc., in order to BUY their way to the top.

When you get a little more life experience outside of the clearly sheltered life your parents have given you, you'll find that most people can't stand pay to win games. 

What I fail to understand is how someone like you feels even the remotest bit of any accomplishment in the game when the ONLY reason you have good champions and a competitive edge is because mommy and daddy bought you a competitive edge?  You yourself are nothing, and you have inadvertently admitted that in this thread.  The fact that mom and dad have raised a petulant child with a false sense of entitlement shows extremely poor parenting on their part and both a severe addiction on yours and complete and utter lack of financial responsibility.

You want to keep tossing thousands of dollars around, why don't you go ahead and throw it around to families that need it, children that are homeless, children that are orphaned, or others not as fortunate as you?  I bust my @ss to provide for my family, and you're whining that your money isn't giving you as much of an edge as you want it to?  Your parents have set you up for failure kid...

However, more likely than not, you're just a troll.  People have called you out, and I have not seen one single shred of evidence of any of your claims.  With that kind of money to throw around, you could buy amazing recording equipment, film your gaming, etc.  Meanwhile, you took a small screenshot of high damage, making sure to crop out any evidence of what champions you played with.  I could've easily photoshopped that too, and the ONLY way you're pulling off that much on UNM is through cheesing it.  Is that what you're proud of???
25 сент. 2019, 03:3025.09.19

Just as I expected, like in real world you people always have something to say about my car, my phone, my choice of purchasing. Now my in-game spending... Please stop already! You can not hurt me because I am so used to people acting sour around me due to their insecurities. Please do not digress and attack others in personal way.

Lets stick to the topic, this event is in no way "hard" if you focus. You shall be always have some saved energy when events about to come up, then they give you two weeks+ time to plan your fusion, its totally doable no matter how you see it. Dont tell me you need to sleep for 10 hours everyday then work 9 hours etc etc... stop the cry and get on your sh!t! set your alarm every 4-5 hours to deplete the energy so more can be gain, pull out your phone and goto bathroom for 5 minutes while you work, you gotta do whatever need to be done if you want something. Its ridiculous when you want something and expect people just give it to you for minimal effort.

On the other hand, let say Plarium do intend to make you pull out your wallet and spent $20 or $50 to make the event easier on you, God forbid them! let the thunder smite open their skulls! simply because a comapny trying to gain some revenue??? Get over your thick skull, a legendary is suppose to be the most precious item in this game just as the new FW suppose to be the most difficult content in the game, in no way you want players to gain access to them so readily because then the game will die quickly due to lack of challenge.

I will not reveal any info about my account anymore seeing that more I reveal bitter you get. BTW, the UNM damage is legit damage not whatever "cheesing" stuff you guys refer to. I do not need to prove to you anything, I have no desire to persuade you to believe anything, please just forget that I ever posted something here.

25 сент. 2019, 11:0625.09.19
badsad said:

Just as I expected, like in real world you people always have something to say about my car, my phone, my choice of purchasing. Now my in-game spending... Please stop already! You can not hurt me because I am so used to people acting sour around me due to their insecurities. Please do not digress and attack others in personal way.

Lets stick to the topic, this event is in no way "hard" if you focus. You shall be always have some saved energy when events about to come up, then they give you two weeks+ time to plan your fusion, its totally doable no matter how you see it. Dont tell me you need to sleep for 10 hours everyday then work 9 hours etc etc... stop the cry and get on your sh!t! set your alarm every 4-5 hours to deplete the energy so more can be gain, pull out your phone and goto bathroom for 5 minutes while you work, you gotta do whatever need to be done if you want something. Its ridiculous when you want something and expect people just give it to you for minimal effort.

On the other hand, let say Plarium do intend to make you pull out your wallet and spent $20 or $50 to make the event easier on you, God forbid them! let the thunder smite open their skulls! simply because a comapny trying to gain some revenue??? Get over your thick skull, a legendary is suppose to be the most precious item in this game just as the new FW suppose to be the most difficult content in the game, in no way you want players to gain access to them so readily because then the game will die quickly due to lack of challenge.

I will not reveal any info about my account anymore seeing that more I reveal bitter you get. BTW, the UNM damage is legit damage not whatever "cheesing" stuff you guys refer to. I do not need to prove to you anything, I have no desire to persuade you to believe anything, please just forget that I ever posted something here.

26 сент. 2019, 00:4526.09.19
gejzer901 said:

badsad said:

Just as I expected, like in real world you people always have something to say about my car, my phone, my choice of purchasing. Now my in-game spending... Please stop already! You can not hurt me because I am so used to people acting sour around me due to their insecurities. Please do not digress and attack others in personal way.

Lets stick to the topic, this event is in no way "hard" if you focus. You shall be always have some saved energy when events about to come up, then they give you two weeks+ time to plan your fusion, its totally doable no matter how you see it. Dont tell me you need to sleep for 10 hours everyday then work 9 hours etc etc... stop the cry and get on your sh!t! set your alarm every 4-5 hours to deplete the energy so more can be gain, pull out your phone and goto bathroom for 5 minutes while you work, you gotta do whatever need to be done if you want something. Its ridiculous when you want something and expect people just give it to you for minimal effort.

On the other hand, let say Plarium do intend to make you pull out your wallet and spent $20 or $50 to make the event easier on you, God forbid them! let the thunder smite open their skulls! simply because a comapny trying to gain some revenue??? Get over your thick skull, a legendary is suppose to be the most precious item in this game just as the new FW suppose to be the most difficult content in the game, in no way you want players to gain access to them so readily because then the game will die quickly due to lack of challenge.

I will not reveal any info about my account anymore seeing that more I reveal bitter you get. BTW, the UNM damage is legit damage not whatever "cheesing" stuff you guys refer to. I do not need to prove to you anything, I have no desire to persuade you to believe anything, please just forget that I ever posted something here.

Lmao, this right here.  He made it a bit too obvious he was trolling when he accused others of insulting and attacking him, when his initial post was a direct attack with multiple insults at others.  Sad that some trolls have nothing better to do than things like this.
7 окт. 2019, 16:0607.10.19

Wow, the discussion is really interesting. Although,

1 - I've always thought that Marius and Cirilla are doing a very good job. (Is Marius still around? I have not read a post from him for a while). It is difficult to be a moderator of a big online community/group/team, etc. Especially if you have very passionate people with different opinions.

2 - I am a f2p player, and, as someone said before, you can (eventually) access all features in the game, without paying. And you can complete events if you save enough energy/silver. You will not complete all, so you will have to focus on those that have a really appealing reward.

3 - About money, if you earned it/inherited it, spend it as you like. Maybe you are spending X in a video game and donating 4 times that amount to charity, but people usually will not care how much you spend in charity, and no one will congratulate you for that.

4 - As other people said, Legendaries are supposed to be that: Legends hard to get. When you understand that, you will really appreciate even the epics you have.

Best to all.

7 окт. 2019, 18:3407.10.19
Posts to complain about other people complaining.
7 окт. 2019, 20:0907.10.19

I am just laughing. You think making the game more accessible will devaluate the 40k you spent on it?

Let me break it for you, your account is not worth 40k. What you pay for is the enjoyment playing. It is better to have 1 million people spending 100$ than 10 000 spending 100k, because it brings diversity, challenge and in the end, fun. Someone will say yes but the price of the servers... Well you also make money out of the community like adds on forum and information processing.

In the end do not forget that the legendaries and all the gear are just a line of code that cost nothing to plarium to produce. Following your reasoning they are printing money.

You are bitching about this but you are not even considering you could have spent only 400$ instead and then buy a nice car, a new computer and a pizza to celebrate.

No a leg isn't worth 500$, it does not put food in my fridge because I can't sell mine. It didn't put food in plarium fridge either because I didn't pay for it.

And FYI, the only reason I did not pay for anything in game is because there is no reasonable offer. If they had something like double energy for a year or infinite energy for 1 week, I would probably buy it on the spot... Because I would pay to enjoy more of the game and not to force my luck. 

8 окт. 2019, 18:5308.10.19
His username gives him away ;)
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