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To all cry babies just stop already!

To all cry babies just stop already!

20 сент. 2019, 20:5920.09.19

To all cry babies just stop already!

So we get an event to fuse a legendary, to me its fairly doable to most if they try.  Yet so many(including some nay-saying youtubers) cry and complain about it.

WTF do you guys really want? its a legendary for cry out loud!  You want Plarium to just hand it to you from doing your daily 10 auto runs?  Now let me explain to you what  a legendary mean in this game.  Legendary comes from Sacred shards, which is the most expensive item in-game it values around $25-30(price has come down a little), please note getting a sacred shard is not equal to getting a legendary, no no, not even close! it states only 6% chance of getting legendary and what that mean is out of 100 shards u might get 6 legendary or one legendary every 17 sacred shards.  To put this in $$ perspective, its roughly $500 for a legendary.

Do you know players like me who spend well over $40k real money do not want to see others getting it easy way?  It's just gonna totally demoralize us and de-value our assets(legendary).  with all the $$ I have spent I have 62 legendary total, many copies ofcause. let say today Plarium decided to let others have 62 legendary for $10k, I doubt you are willing to pay for it, but my point is I would be so fking  pissed!  Why would they let you have something for so much cheaper while I  have to pay so much more?

The event we have now is super doable, if you throw in $20 its gonna be even easier.  I am already pissed off they are making this legendary fusion event available to everyone who doesn't even support(pay) the game, even more furious reading/watching all these crying post/video about how hard it is.  Get over your fking head! its a legendary, worth about $500, the day anyone can obtain it easily its the day all whales like us walking thus the game dies.  you plankton will only be getting little bit something here and there cause Plarium need you to feed us whales,  we feed Plarium dont ever forget that and this is why you aint gonna get anything easy. 

20 сент. 2019, 21:3220.09.19

lol, should of spent the 40k on anger management course, and good for you, thanks for supporting the game and helping pay for the upkeep of this game, i can do this event without spending much if any cash but i think you are missing the point, it is a ftp game and people have a right to moan and complain and vent when its quite obvious most people are going to have to spend real money.

As you have already so elequently put, legendaries are meant to be exactly what they sound like, hard to get and best of the best and from a monetary value they will be great value in this event..... but people have a right to complain, as you do, and have :)

20 сент. 2019, 21:5820.09.19
20 сент. 2019, 22:01(отредактировано)
I am not crying but rather waiting patiently to see how Plarium pulls the trigger to trick everyone on one of the required fusion champions just like what they did at the previous Foli fusion event.....BTW Popcorn is getting ready lol
21 сент. 2019, 23:4521.09.19
23 сент. 2019, 14:02(отредактировано)

Sry mate but i cant take anybody srs who has gambling problems and puts fourtythousand dollars into a mobile game.

Let me repeat: 40.000$ ... thats what most ppl earn in a year. 

You know, for example 'assassins creed odyssee gold edition' cost around 60$ in a christmas special, half the normal price when it was released and it gave me satisfying 200hrs of gameplay.

Not gonna mention the 20€ i spent on diablo2 which gave me 5years of enjoyement with my clan mates around 20yrs ago.

40.000$ - geez man, let that sink into you for a moment. Do you really think youre better than others or are entitled to anything just cuz u spent 40k on a f2p mobile game? (Yes,.f2p means its free!)

badsad said:

Do you know players like me who spend well over $40k real money 

22 сент. 2019, 02:5722.09.19
I am sorry if you felt spending $40,000 is alot, maybe to most people yes, but unfortunately  my family paved my way for not worrying about money like the most.  Not to a degree like I can throw away $10k every months but more than enough to spare after needed expenses, and all those incomes are passive too, I do not need to sweat or blood to make money.  Maybe that's why I feel like spending $40k is really not that big of a deal, I know very few spend that much on something like mobile games, but I do know a few Raiders who spent over $70k+, I will top that for sure if they dont fkd up the game like giving everyone easy access to legendary.
22 сент. 2019, 09:3322.09.19
22 сент. 2019, 09:37(отредактировано)

These "crybabies" like you say are just ppl that dont have mum and dad's money and are just asking to make it more accessable to have fun in game.

U can buy alot with money but stop this selfish ego to claim everything because u are stupid to pay 40k+ for a game and let other ppl that dont have that money just have some fun ok?

Spend youre money if u feel good about it but put youre selfish ego in a box.

If u buy a 70k car then its yours but this is a GAME FOR EVERYONE so dont ask for exlusivity on any content.
22 сент. 2019, 10:5322.09.19
22 сент. 2019, 10:54(отредактировано)

badsad said:

I am sorry if you felt spending $40,000 is alot, maybe to most people yes, but unfortunately  my family paved my way for not worrying about money like the most.  Not to a degree like I can throw away $10k every months but more than enough to spare after needed expenses, and all those incomes are passive too, I do not need to sweat or blood to make money.  Maybe that's why I feel like spending $40k is really not that big of a deal, I know very few spend that much on something like mobile games, but I do know a few Raiders who spent over $70k+, I will top that for sure if they dont fkd up the game like giving everyone easy access to legendary.

I take it that with 62 legs, many duplicates, you basically food most of them. Consider making youtube videos about your account and your progress overall becasue you and some of you alike are living in entire different universe, and by the sheer amount of resources you have spent I would class you somewhere in the top 1-30 players in the game. It would be great to see how you get on with faction wars (im stucked at 15) if there are any pvp challenges before you. I would be intrested to watch your progress with fusion in no time. 


Let us experience your fortune and show us your glory, so we can see how the top dogs are playing. ;-) 

It would be awesome just to see your gear for comparison. 

How much dmg can you do using 1 key on UN? 

Take care. 

22 сент. 2019, 11:1822.09.19
badsad said:

I am sorry if you felt spending $40,000 is alot, maybe to most people yes, but unfortunately  my family paved my way for not worrying about money like the most.  Not to a degree like I can throw away $10k every months but more than enough to spare after needed expenses, and all those incomes are passive too, I do not need to sweat or blood to make money.  Maybe that's why I feel like spending $40k is really not that big of a deal, I know very few spend that much on something like mobile games, but I do know a few Raiders who spent over $70k+, I will top that for sure if they dont fkd up the game like giving everyone easy access to legendary.
After spent so much money you must be have super strong champion. How much damage you can deal to Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss ? can you beat Spider lv 20 ? perhaps you can share your experienced with us.  
22 сент. 2019, 11:4822.09.19
badsad said:

I am sorry if you felt spending $40,000 is alot, maybe to most people yes, but unfortunately  my family paved my way for not worrying about money like the most.  Not to a degree like I can throw away $10k every months but more than enough to spare after needed expenses, and all those incomes are passive too, I do not need to sweat or blood to make money.  Maybe that's why I feel like spending $40k is really not that big of a deal, I know very few spend that much on something like mobile games, but I do know a few Raiders who spent over $70k+, I will top that for sure if they dont fkd up the game like giving everyone easy access to legendary.
Children in Africa are struggling with hunger constantly.  You might feel happier if you donate some $$$ to those poor kids :-)
22 сент. 2019, 11:5422.09.19
23 сент. 2019, 13:27(отредактировано)

Honestly, I am loving this!  First you are spending 40k on the pixels (guess, I am ok with my spending then:)) only to boost your ego. And now  you are complaining that someone else can get same images as you. I think you should write to Plarium VIP clients manager and demand that legendary models must not be used for epics or rares. Don't you feel cheated when peasants have similarly looking champs to yours?  Nonsense, eh? 

 (I hope you do realize that these things only matter untill you close that app. Once you open a new one, all your pretty pictures worth nothing. )


22 сент. 2019, 15:1722.09.19

Elviraz said:

After spent so much money you must be have super strong champion. How much damage you can deal to Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss ? can you beat Spider lv 20 ? perhaps you can share your experienced with us.  

Ya, I  do have very strong teams all across the board, mostly legos with maxed out everything, I dont grind much just feed them with brews and infinite supply of rare and epics.  Why are you mentioning spider 20? its doable even for f2p players, I think Plarium add faction war just for players like me to have something to do.  Even tho I beat all stage 21 on all factions 3 stars. I do think FW is very hard, not only you need 5x maxed out 60s you need very specific function champions to be able to beat the boss or even trash for that matter, in some cases not even my lego roster can provide.  On top of that I need to max lvl up so many different artifact pieces to make viable runs.

I didn't put in lots of effort  for UNM yet because I have more than enough keys to get max chests on NM and Unm, besides I want to share loots with clan-mates.  this is my typical 1 key damage on UNM


22 сент. 2019, 18:2722.09.19
Man 40k that’s insane. I have no problem spending real money if I feel the value you for what I’m getting for what I spend is worth it. Sadly the $30 for 1 sacred shard with a 6% chance is complete trash. It’s a FTP game yes but the progression in the game is extremely slow unless you pay. I’d like to buy more packages but value for what you get isn’t worth it. You must have deep deep pockets to drop that kinda cash. Sadly most of us don’t. So the creators at plarium need to address the cost of packages or this game with shut down within a years time 
22 сент. 2019, 20:2322.09.19
badsad said:

Elviraz said:

After spent so much money you must be have super strong champion. How much damage you can deal to Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss ? can you beat Spider lv 20 ? perhaps you can share your experienced with us.  

Ya, I  do have very strong teams all across the board, mostly legos with maxed out everything, I dont grind much just feed them with brews and infinite supply of rare and epics.  Why are you mentioning spider 20? its doable even for f2p players, I think Plarium add faction war just for players like me to have something to do.  Even tho I beat all stage 21 on all factions 3 stars. I do think FW is very hard, not only you need 5x maxed out 60s you need very specific function champions to be able to beat the boss or even trash for that matter, in some cases not even my lego roster can provide.  On top of that I need to max lvl up so many different artifact pieces to make viable runs.

I didn't put in lots of effort  for UNM yet because I have more than enough keys to get max chests on NM and Unm, besides I want to share loots with clan-mates.  this is my typical 1 key damage on UNM


Prove it.  Show your faction wars map and 2 teams lining up to battle wave 21 please.
22 сент. 2019, 23:2322.09.19

badsad said:

Elviraz said:

After spent so much money you must be have super strong champion. How much damage you can deal to Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss ? can you beat Spider lv 20 ? perhaps you can share your experienced with us.  

Ya, I  do have very strong teams all across the board, mostly legos with maxed out everything, I dont grind much just feed them with brews and infinite supply of rare and epics.  Why are you mentioning spider 20? its doable even for f2p players, I think Plarium add faction war just for players like me to have something to do.  Even tho I beat all stage 21 on all factions 3 stars. I do think FW is very hard, not only you need 5x maxed out 60s you need very specific function champions to be able to beat the boss or even trash for that matter, in some cases not even my lego roster can provide.  On top of that I need to max lvl up so many different artifact pieces to make viable runs.

I didn't put in lots of effort  for UNM yet because I have more than enough keys to get max chests on NM and Unm, besides I want to share loots with clan-mates.  this is my typical 1 key damage on UNM


90 million damage. Wow that was crazy. What is your team for clanboss ? 

23 сент. 2019, 02:4523.09.19

That much damage is only possible with cheese strats (rotations of unkillable/block damage from champs like Sir Nic, Maneater, Roshcard, etc) but apparently those abilities are going to be nerfed for CB at some point. Don't have much information to go on that.

As for the original post, you were kinda leaning towards a point, because this forum is a prime example of endless whinging about how the game doesn't hand everything out on a silver platter. While it's virtually impossible to compete in end game content for free, this game is entirely accessible for free. There is no locked content you can only get access to with money, the only thing money allows you to do is play more, summon champs faster, and gear them up faster. Some of the events are only achievable to F2P users with careful planning and saving up for long periods of time in anticipation for big fusion events such as these, but if they were accessible to the average joe who doesn't plan accordingly and bide their time, they would be piss easy; everyone would have the rewards which inadvertently makes them worthless.

This game doesn't exist to entertain you, it's there to make money. If the game doesn't encourage people to spend on it in order to attain certain goals, it will simply cease to exist. I have spent money on it because it entertains me and I want to be competitive towards the end game content, nothing ridiculous like 40k becasue I want to still have some sense of achievement from the work and time involved instead of just buying everything, but I don't expect to just get free legendaries.
23 сент. 2019, 08:2723.09.19
23 сент. 2019, 08:28(отредактировано)

Lmao, with the title of this thread I actually expected the original poster to say something of some substance and value, instead he's just crying about the normal people crying about events they can't/don't want to spend hundreds of £/$ on to complete, purely because $40k is nothing to him.

Don't get me wrong - if you have that money to throw away; more power to you. But take off the tin foil hat.

Money can't buy everything, it definitely can't purchase common sense or intellect.

23 сент. 2019, 14:2423.09.19
23 сент. 2019, 14:25(отредактировано)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Looks like this thread turned out to be a trigger for a pretty heated discussion. I've read every comment and had to delete or edit some of them, as they were not exactly the embodiment of mutual respect that we strive for in our community. I do realize that vehemence is very much understandable when it comes to defending your position/opinion, but please, let's always keep in mind that stating our arguments in a civil manner will go a much longer way than trying to throw shade at somebody for having a different point of view. 

As for the ongoing fusion, we did not intend for it to be easy. A Legendary is a Legendary, after all. There are various rewards that you can get, too, on the way to crafting this lady-champion. Storing resources and managing them wisely is a key to success in this one. A lot of players have already come up with some smart strategies on the ways to complete the events and tournaments related to this Fusion. Please visit our Discord server to find out more about them by sharing your ideas and learning about other players': https://discordapp.com/invite/mYKC5J6

23 сент. 2019, 22:2723.09.19
Cirilla said:

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Looks like this thread turned out to be a trigger for a pretty heated discussion. I've read every comment and had to delete or edit some of them, as they were not exactly the embodiment of mutual respect that we strive for in our community. I do realize that vehemence is very much understandable when it comes to defending your position/opinion, but please, let's always keep in mind that stating our arguments in a civil manner will go a much longer way than trying to throw shade at somebody for having a different point of view. 

As for the ongoing fusion, we did not intend for it to be easy. A Legendary is a Legendary, after all. There are various rewards that you can get, too, on the way to crafting this lady-champion. Storing resources and managing them wisely is a key to success in this one. A lot of players have already come up with some smart strategies on the ways to complete the events and tournaments related to this Fusion. Please visit our Discord server to find out more about them by sharing your ideas and learning about other players': https://discordapp.com/invite/mYKC5J6

You deleted my reply with the phone number to a problem gambling hotline? That’s kinda telling. 
23 сент. 2019, 23:1423.09.19

Cirilla said:

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Looks like this thread turned out to be a trigger for a pretty heated discussion. I've read every comment and had to delete or edit some of them, as they were not exactly the embodiment of mutual respect that we strive for in our community. I do realize that vehemence is very much understandable when it comes to defending your position/opinion, but please, let's always keep in mind that stating our arguments in a civil manner will go a much longer way than trying to throw shade at somebody for having a different point of view. 

As for the ongoing fusion, we did not intend for it to be easy. A Legendary is a Legendary, after all. There are various rewards that you can get, too, on the way to crafting this lady-champion. Storing resources and managing them wisely is a key to success in this one. A lot of players have already come up with some smart strategies on the ways to complete the events and tournaments related to this Fusion. Please visit our Discord server to find out more about them by sharing your ideas and learning about other players': https://discordapp.com/invite/mYKC5J6

Thank you for deleting other people's post, thoughts and opinions.

It's good to know that we can always count on you in this matter.

24 сент. 2019, 09:5224.09.19

Cirilla said:

 I've read every comment and had to delete or edit some of them, as they were not exactly the embodiment of mutual respect that we strive for in our community.

badsad said:

All you tiny piece of sh!t can stop crying now.

See above, embodiment of mutual respect we strive for in this community
24 сент. 2019, 12:2024.09.19

HOLLY Mollyy

40 k real money? you mean dolars? WOW... do you realy think this game is worthy?  is more then i can get on 2 yers (if i don't eat, dring  and fuck)

CIRRILA, MARIUS, (and this new moderator form Australia, i was forget his name :) ) go defend this player for any cost! and give him medal...

i'm also a "cry baby", not because legendery fusion is hard, is just not possibile for me. 

- arena medals burrid my chance, is totaly random winning/losing (today i lost vs. player with power 24k and one champion, what is 30%of my power)

- point for artifact from dragon... hmmm out of my range...

utc... but i got epic from summoinig :) and she is nice, and probly get one form fussion...

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