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Champion Pass - buyable champs sets a terrible precedent

Champion Pass - buyable champs sets a terrible precedent

10 нояб. 2023, 03:5510.11.23

Been gaming since the 70's on computers.  Been a member of gaming comunities since the 70's...  I know one thing for sure...  Whatever cheating is "allowed" will be all the game is in a decade or two.  I've seen it over and over.  Cheats just take over gaming communities.  

That's my only concern with spending money on any game in realtime.  It always leads to RMT and eventually everyone just cheats to play... Whatever the cheat is.   It just takes over the game and takes the game away from the developers and remakes the game in the cheats' image.  

Just saying...  The real issue with money and gaming is it drives RMT which drives cheating, which takes the game away from the developer and also takes the value of ALL the gaming companies game item sales.  

Why pay for Multi-Battles?   Why would anyone do that and why would anyone attempt to sell Multi-battles as a thing of value?  When multi-battles are a detriment compared to the free and better alternative.  

10 нояб. 2023, 06:5510.11.23
10 нояб. 2023, 07:06(отредактировано)

The Champion Pass is potentially a great idea, presuming the price is reasonable. If they price it low enough a lot of people will subscribe to the pass just to collect the champion; priced too high and players will simply question whether the champ is worth getting, and only a minority may end up buying the pass.

10 нояб. 2023, 08:2610.11.23

OK, so basically the complaint is that if you spend you can get a guaranteed champion - so what?  In what way does that impact on you or any ftp player?  doctor_blur has spent money on the game, no doubt has all the champions us ftp would love just one of, so what does it matter if they spend more and get this one?

There wouldn't be a game without the spenders, and they aren't spending to win, it's a progression game, spenders reach the end goals quicker - why they want to do that I don't know, but that's their choice, ftp get there as well but it takes a lot longer.  

The 'hits' as ftp can be great also, I've been playing some 3 years and my void puls have been few and far between, pretty poor when I have got a void lego but i pulled warlord the other day and the buzz from that was great

10 нояб. 2023, 09:0810.11.23

Been gaming since the 70's on computers.  Been a member of gaming comunities since the 70's...  I know one thing for sure...  Whatever cheating is "allowed" will be all the game is in a decade or two.  I've seen it over and over.  Cheats just take over gaming communities.  

That's my only concern with spending money on any game in realtime.  It always leads to RMT and eventually everyone just cheats to play... Whatever the cheat is.   It just takes over the game and takes the game away from the developers and remakes the game in the cheats' image.  

Just saying...  The real issue with money and gaming is it drives RMT which drives cheating, which takes the game away from the developer and also takes the value of ALL the gaming companies game item sales.  

Why pay for Multi-Battles?   Why would anyone do that and why would anyone attempt to sell Multi-battles as a thing of value?  When multi-battles are a detriment compared to the free and better alternative.  

then you realize the end is approaching. I've seen this more than once.

10 нояб. 2023, 09:4010.11.23

$85 for a legendary and all the rewards with it instantly......Yep I bought  it ;)

10 нояб. 2023, 09:5010.11.23

"They aren't spending to win, it's a progression game, spenders reach the end goals quicker - why they want to do that I don't know, but that's their choice, ftp get there as well but it takes a lot longer."

Anyone else played a ton of games like this?  Have you found the above statement to be perpeturted by the games developers from the get go but never seen any truth to it in any end game, ever.  I you have found it to be true, please, point that gaming model out to me because, I've never seen it.  

It reminds me of the "Monty Python" Dead Parrot sketch.


10 нояб. 2023, 10:4210.11.23
10 нояб. 2023, 10:48(отредактировано)

I cant find any rating information from HH or Ayumi to help me determine the value of Xena.  I havent seen the community discuss her skill set as we usually do with any new champ.  What am I missing?

The amount of DEF ignored increases progressively.  Damage is based on Attack.  The more buffs on the enemy the more DEF is ignored and the more damage is done.  Which type battle types will this champ have the most value?

EDIT:  Added comments about DEF and Attack.  

10 нояб. 2023, 11:0610.11.23
10 нояб. 2023, 11:09(отредактировано)

Pricing seems reasonable - £40 for a new leggo? Will be happy to buy her for Christmas. :)

No idea why anyone FTP is complaining - you get free stuff and a sacred just for playing - for free. 

Sad, really, how many people think nothing of paying $60 for the latest Call of Duty, which they'll play for less than a month in total, but gripe about paying anything for Raid even though when they play it everyday for years. :)

EDIT: Btw, she looks really cool - they've done a great job with her. :)

10 нояб. 2023, 11:4310.11.23

Pricing seems reasonable - £40 for a new leggo? Will be happy to buy her for Christmas. :)

No idea why anyone FTP is complaining - you get free stuff and a sacred just for playing - for free. 

Sad, really, how many people think nothing of paying $60 for the latest Call of Duty, which they'll play for less than a month in total, but gripe about paying anything for Raid even though when they play it everyday for years. :)

EDIT: Btw, she looks really cool - they've done a great job with her. :)

Hmm, you are employed by Plarium?

10 нояб. 2023, 11:5610.11.23

Most business treat their customers better/different than non customers (that's us f2p).  To expect anything different is beyond rational. The fact that nothing in the game is gated (paywalled) demonstrates how f2p friendly the game WAS (currently still is imo).  The shift will continue in the perks for pay area both directly and indirectly.  Attracting new freeloaders is no longer any part of the strategy.  New spenders > old timer f2p never gonna spend.

I get what you're saying, but here's my take: It's like in games such as Counter-Strike or Fortnite, where the rules are clear – you only spend cash on cool looks, not on getting ahead in the game. Everyone's on the same position, and it's all about how good you are. That's how it should be. If you're smart with your in-game resources in Raid, you'd naturally get ahead faster than someone who isn't as careful. I think all countries should lay down the law like this for all games out there. This way, throwing money at a game to get ahead – would be off the table.

I know, I know – in a place where everyone's used to paying their way in Raid (and I've done my share, too), this might sound like a dream. But deep down, nobody can honestly say that the way things are set up now is fair. A game should be about fun, not who spends the most cash.

10 нояб. 2023, 12:1110.11.23

Hmm, you are employed by Plarium?

No, why, are you employed by one of Plarium's rivals?

10 нояб. 2023, 12:2610.11.23

Hmm, you are employed by Plarium?

Cut it out, Matrim. Other people having a different opinion than you is more than allowed.

10 нояб. 2023, 12:4610.11.23

Well this seems like a pretty damn good champion for Arena for those that pile on the buffs. 

10 нояб. 2023, 12:5410.11.23

"They aren't spending to win, it's a progression game, spenders reach the end goals quicker - why they want to do that I don't know, but that's their choice, ftp get there as well but it takes a lot longer."

Anyone else played a ton of games like this?  Have you found the above statement to be perpeturted by the games developers from the get go but never seen any truth to it in any end game, ever.  I you have found it to be true, please, point that gaming model out to me because, I've never seen it.  

It reminds me of the "Monty Python" Dead Parrot sketch.


OK genius, explain how someone else spending money impacts on you or your gameplay?

Well, apart from the fact if there weren't spenders there would be no game

10 нояб. 2023, 13:0410.11.23

Incidentally, I have worked in the corporate world enough to see that between this and the other event to get a champion the company is trying to make their 4th quarter earnings goals. Nothing wrong with that... it is just what they are doing. All companies, if they are coming up a little short will run promotions towards the end of their 4th quarter to make their year end, quarter end, and month end numbers. 

10 нояб. 2023, 13:1910.11.23
10 нояб. 2023, 13:28(отредактировано)

Well this seems like a pretty damn good champion for Arena for those that pile on the buffs. 

I'm looking forward to trying her out for waves, especially some of the more annoying DT levels; also Hydra as a secondary DPS. Just a shame her A2 and A3 don't apply to debuffs as well as buffs otherwise she'd be mental. :)

10 нояб. 2023, 13:2310.11.23

I have a *minor* objection about only being able to get her by paying, or getting extremely lucky in a limited time window to pull her from a prism shard summon pool, and then never having a chance again if you missed it.

Same goes for Ninja and Ronda, except you only had to be playing for them.

I'm all for games selling cosmetic stuff, something I think plarium honestly should be doing a lot more of, or convenience stuff that just saves grinding time. I do not like stuff that affects gameplay that can only be gotten by spending cash. This game is a lot less pvp focused than most, so it isn't as much of a big deal here

10 нояб. 2023, 13:3410.11.23

OK genius, explain how someone else spending money impacts on you or your gameplay? 

The game is built around competition that is evolvinng.  

Hi!  I'm a microbiologist and guess what a big part o my job is?  Understanding communities and competitions at the individual and community level, especially when all resoures are equal but useability of resouorces is differentiated.  

To answer the question: 

As I see the current competitive model.  Serious P2P players are about two years in advancement ahead of nonpaying customers and nonserious P2P players.  

Yes, F2P can get almost everything P2P can but the game evolves, everything gets better, harder, etc.  the game like life isn't stagnent, it's either progressing or regressing.  P2P are able to stay at the leading edge of game mechanics and game winnning strategies.  F2P can't maintain the same leading edge, they simply do not have the ability to take advantage of the now like P2P.  

The impact is simple.  F2P players have to work harder to do the same thing and "force" P2P to spend or fall behind.  

How does this impact you?  F2P can't compete where it matters most.  The now and the tomorrow.

10 нояб. 2023, 13:3610.11.23

Odd my huge reply eplaining all this was deleted as i posted it.  I'm not typing all that again.  

Anywho...  Your loss.

10 нояб. 2023, 13:4310.11.23

Just to add on to my original point - the problem is not this specific champ. Looking over her kit, she seems okay, nothing game-changing.

The problem is the precedent it sets. Forge pass is on a roughly 2-month cycle, I think? So, are we to expect that every two months there'll be a new champ that people can buy, but not consistently get through any other means? How long before that starts changing the meta, for the worse?

You already saw it happen with forge pass, where the bolster set was briefly meta-defining. But, as FTP, I completed it, and managed to piece together a decent set with the parts they made available tome.

If, on the other hand, I'd have had to spend money to get the pieces, then, during that time, I'd have been materially disadvantaged compared to those who spent money.

A big part of the draw of this game, to me at least, is essentially "beating the system", so to speak. Finding creative ways to win despite others having access to more resources by virtue of spending money. Take that out of the equation, and the game becomes much less interesting.