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We need a proper solution for Hydra Clash

We need a proper solution for Hydra Clash

12 окт. 2023, 19:4412.10.23

Idk how pai-gow works, but i do really like that idea of capping lower difficulty scores to your highest difficulty.

In principle, anyway. But I can see a problem with it: That would further hurt people who haven;t gotten up to nightmare yet.

Say hypothetically i'm a mid-game player who's put in a bit of time, but not a lot yet, of building decent hydra champs. I can do 20M on normal, 12m on hard, and maybe 5m if i'm lucky on brutal.

That would have my score capped at 45M instead of 61m, assuming the cap is figured *after* the multiplier, if it's before then id be stuck at 15m. that or I'd have to throw away a key to not count for clash, and also miss out on mithrala shards if i haven't reached her yet

Or you could do 3 Normal runs and get 45M on each of them for 135M. Since the Cap is only based on whatever the highest one you complete with points. If you only do the same one that is considered the highest. The teams that do 500-900M on normal. Think I saw a 660M Hard posted in the reddit in a single team. Do 3 of those on Hard only get 1.92B points. Because technically Hard is the highest you did.

There is always ways to game things like that and be like I want the Accessories more than the Artifacts. 

12 окт. 2023, 21:5512.10.23
Daehawk Gaming

Or you could do 3 Normal runs and get 45M on each of them for 135M. Since the Cap is only based on whatever the highest one you complete with points. If you only do the same one that is considered the highest. The teams that do 500-900M on normal. Think I saw a 660M Hard posted in the reddit in a single team. Do 3 of those on Hard only get 1.92B points. Because technically Hard is the highest you did.

There is always ways to game things like that and be like I want the Accessories more than the Artifacts. 

except that only 1 key counts per difficulty for hydra clash

if you do 3 runs on normal for 45m each, you gt 45m points

12 окт. 2023, 22:3912.10.23

except that only 1 key counts per difficulty for hydra clash

if you do 3 runs on normal for 45m each, you gt 45m points

This isn't correct. I had 31M points in the last Clash. My 3 keys were 22.5M Damage Normal, 2M Damage Hard (became 4M points), and then a 5M Normal. 

The only "once per key" is the multipliers. You can run a difficulty as much as you want and stack as much as you want from the difficulty. 

In my Clashes all the clans only have Normal or Hard. 

SS proofs of random people in these clashes. 


This person has 12.85M from 2 Keys. 1 key 9.98M Normal the other 2.87M Normal.


This person has 2.7M points has a 136K Normal, a 913K Normal, and 1.65M Normal.

You get points from every run.

12 окт. 2023, 22:4512.10.23

It's different in matter of degree.

But the cap idea is interesting. Thanks for the feedback.


This seems to be same issue as cadaver.  Billions on normal hydra...not wai imo 😀

12 окт. 2023, 22:4712.10.23

I stand corrected. I mistakenly thought it was only 1 key per difficulty that counted for the score, not just the multiplier

12 окт. 2023, 22:4812.10.23
12 окт. 2023, 22:52(отредактировано)

The reason that people tell you to run 1 NM, 1 Brutal, and 1 Hard isn't because you only get points from a single one once. It is because Hard, Brutal, and NM have a Multiplier bonus from the first key only. You can typically get more points this way.

12 окт. 2023, 22:5812.10.23
13 окт. 2023, 00:00(отредактировано)


This seems to be same issue as cadaver.  Billions on normal hydra...not wai imo 😀

Don't worry. Only 3 Billion, isn't trillions nothing to see here. Think the record for Cadaver is like 2.5 Trillion. 

13 окт. 2023, 00:1713.10.23


This seems to be same issue as cadaver.  Billions on normal hydra...not wai imo 😀

Matter of degree, my friend. Matter of degree and prevalence. 

3.5 on normal with two Yumes and two Trundas is very different than 10 on Hard and Brutal with Brogni, Cadaver and a bunch of epic buff extenders. Even better if you could scrap together a bunch of nice leggo ones. :D

13 окт. 2023, 00:2513.10.23

Matter of degree, my friend. Matter of degree and prevalence. 

3.5 on normal with two Yumes and two Trundas is very different than 10 on Hard and Brutal with Brogni, Cadaver and a bunch of epic buff extenders. Even better if you could scrap together a bunch of nice leggo ones. :D

the ease of which someone with brogni/cadaver and extenders could put up 2 to 4b points on Normal/Hard and 8b+ on Hard+ with reasonable gear and prevalance of that versus the comp in the picture.

Also I think it's a bit more difficult to have a 6* awakened Trunda, 5* awakened Yumeko to go with your dupes of each, but that's just me 😭

13 окт. 2023, 11:1213.10.23

I had got to the stage where i didnt mind hydra, i had auto teams for nightmare, brutal hard and it was ok

Now- i feel obliged to run manual and i dread doing the keys, and when you get pipped into fourth on clash anyway - it just pi*ses me off even more to be honest.

Hate the mode with a passion right now.

14 окт. 2023, 18:1114.10.23
Trevor Wilson

I had got to the stage where i didnt mind hydra, i had auto teams for nightmare, brutal hard and it was ok

Now- i feel obliged to run manual and i dread doing the keys, and when you get pipped into fourth on clash anyway - it just pi*ses me off even more to be honest.

Hate the mode with a passion right now.

All I can say is that I also had auto teams and now have to manual them all, and I don't have the time for that either.

Passing your feedback on, although the Fortus thread might demonstrate things are occasionally glacial. 😂

14 окт. 2023, 21:3914.10.23
14 окт. 2023, 21:41(отредактировано)

I'd certainly hope that fixing an entire game mode would have a higher priority than fixing an arguably already fine lego champ.

That said, I still can't think of any "good" way of fixing this one. The best I can come up with is to reduce the starting Mark of the Hydra count from 18 to something like 8, and adjust the damage requirements for chests on each difficulty accordingly, along with the advanced quests. Essentially, shorten the fight drastically.

15 окт. 2023, 05:1315.10.23

One other solution I've been mulling over - what if, for Hydra specifically, the game implemented some sort of "checkpoint" system. For example, suppose every 10M damage, the game saves the state of the fight - damage, cooldowns, health bars, etc. Then, if you cancel or lose the fight at any point thereafter, rather than offering you the ability to keep the result or restart the fight, it offers you the ability to keep the result or restart *from that point*.

This would go a long way towards addressing those obnoxious moments where you've spent 45 minutes on a Hydra run, and you get some fluke series of events and suddenly someone dies at an unexpected time, and you're forced to either restart or accept an outcome that is substantially lower than your actual ability.

15 окт. 2023, 20:2515.10.23

I'd certainly hope that fixing an entire game mode would have a higher priority than fixing an arguably already fine lego champ.

That said, I still can't think of any "good" way of fixing this one. The best I can come up with is to reduce the starting Mark of the Hydra count from 18 to something like 8, and adjust the damage requirements for chests on each difficulty accordingly, along with the advanced quests. Essentially, shorten the fight drastically.

The 20 count to 8 wouldn't be a good thing. Since there are heads that grant themselves extra turns you can easily right out of the gate have 1 person ate before 2 full sets of rounds and then they would eat a second person before 2 full sets of rounds. Say you don't have someone that can deal with the fear or something else going on in the fights with only weak hits then you will have a 2nd champion ate before you especially since the first one ate is a damage dealer typically. Perhaps if that change was only to NM difficulty and make it an actual NM difficulty for people perhaps. 

Just making the fight even more difficulty isn't the solution. You already have enough people that think the content is trash. Making it even more trash isn't the way. Would just be dead content and those that completely overpower it making it trivial where they kill heads on turn 1 will be the only ones doing it. 

15 окт. 2023, 20:4415.10.23
Daehawk Gaming

The 20 count to 8 wouldn't be a good thing. Since there are heads that grant themselves extra turns you can easily right out of the gate have 1 person ate before 2 full sets of rounds and then they would eat a second person before 2 full sets of rounds. Say you don't have someone that can deal with the fear or something else going on in the fights with only weak hits then you will have a 2nd champion ate before you especially since the first one ate is a damage dealer typically. Perhaps if that change was only to NM difficulty and make it an actual NM difficulty for people perhaps. 

Just making the fight even more difficulty isn't the solution. You already have enough people that think the content is trash. Making it even more trash isn't the way. Would just be dead content and those that completely overpower it making it trivial where they kill heads on turn 1 will be the only ones doing it. 

It's only making it more difficult if you keep the current point requirements as is. Otherwise it's just making it shorter. The scenario you describe already happens in the fight. It just takes a while to reach that stage.

16 окт. 2023, 17:0916.10.23

One other solution I've been mulling over - what if, for Hydra specifically, the game implemented some sort of "checkpoint" system. For example, suppose every 10M damage, the game saves the state of the fight - damage, cooldowns, health bars, etc. Then, if you cancel or lose the fight at any point thereafter, rather than offering you the ability to keep the result or restart the fight, it offers you the ability to keep the result or restart *from that point*.

This would go a long way towards addressing those obnoxious moments where you've spent 45 minutes on a Hydra run, and you get some fluke series of events and suddenly someone dies at an unexpected time, and you're forced to either restart or accept an outcome that is substantially lower than your actual ability.

Yeah, I've submitted checkpoint feedback this week, but will include this suggestion with my doc :D

17 нояб. 2023, 02:1417.11.23

Bumping this after yet another unfortunate dice roll 45 minutes into a fight. Especially with hydra clash rewards being improved, we desperately need a checkpoint system.

17 нояб. 2023, 02:4917.11.23

Bumping this after yet another unfortunate dice roll 45 minutes into a fight. Especially with hydra clash rewards being improved, we desperately need a checkpoint system.

Git gud! 

I got my team hitting turn limit with no reviver.  I think same team I was bragging about when I first one keyed 😆 team dreng running strong

17 нояб. 2023, 03:5617.11.23

Git gud! 

I got my team hitting turn limit with no reviver.  I think same team I was bragging about when I first one keyed 😆 team dreng running strong

Revive isn't the issue. Just an unfortunate series of events with Maulie getting only a 1-turn provoke three times in a row, combined with Suffering being the head that did the eating while its extra-turn move was available.

I don't mind that the fight ended early. What I don't like is the fact that I'm forced to either waste all that time again, or accept that my clan is unlikely to win because of my lower damage output. And, now, with the rewards including primal quartz, I'm sure there are others who would be even more displeased.

17 нояб. 2023, 09:1217.11.23

Git gud! 

I got my team hitting turn limit with no reviver.  I think same team I was bragging about when I first one keyed 😆 team dreng running strong

Maybe better for another thread (revive a Trips thread, maybe?) but I'd be curious to see what you're running these days for hydra teams