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We need a proper solution for Hydra Clash

We need a proper solution for Hydra Clash

10 окт. 2023, 16:4910.10.23

We need a proper solution for Hydra Clash

In it's current state, it provides the perfect storm for killing motivation to participate. You're encouraged - nay, *required* to run on manual, lest you fail to reach your maximum potential points. This generally requires an absurd amount of time - on Hard especially, I'm often sitting on my phone for over an hour *per key*. This requirement is essentially enforced by social pressure - you get nothing from Clash if you don't at least finish in the top 3, which means anyone in your clan that *does* want to win is held back by everyone else who doesn't care.

It's similar to the problem with CvC, but at least there you can justify the time investment by simply running autobattles while working/etc. With Hydra Clash you don't even have that out.

And to make matters worse, every time you invest all that time and effort and fail to get one of the top 3 rewards, your motivation to bother next time is diminished. And for every person whose motiviation goes down, the likelihood that you win goes down even further. Repeat, repeat, repeat, and you're left with a bunch of demotivated players. And this is in a clan that doesn't even really care that much about Clash. I shudder to think of what a truly motivated clan faces.

I don't know what the solution is. The pie-in-the-sky wish is obviously for autocomplete, or at very least, for autobattles to work at least reasonably well and consistently. Barring that, though? I dunno. Maybe just get rid of it entirely until they can get their AI to work properly?

10 окт. 2023, 17:0610.10.23

Yep - totally agree - participation goes down every week even if our clan is in the top three as most can't hit the 35m required.  If it's for end gamers then take the use Hydra key out of quests

10 окт. 2023, 18:0710.10.23

Krama, I'll pass your thoughts on directly. Thanks for the feedback. <3

10 окт. 2023, 18:4510.10.23

Pulled 950 mil clash points last clash for my clan to not even place. Doing bare minimum to get top chests and ending the runs as soon as I have the damage required for them now.

That was spending over 60 min per key and 90 min on my normal key. Not to mention restarts.

Yep couldn't agree more. Hydra clash is a good at demoralizing. 

10 окт. 2023, 19:0010.10.23
10 окт. 2023, 19:01(отредактировано)

" you get nothing from Clash if you don't at least finish in the top 3 "

Also getting top 3 and the clan still gets nothing. My clan we are in first place in our Clash currently. The highest person atm is me with 22.5M 1 key. We have won and been in top 3 many times but no one in our clan gets 35M. 

We have actually pushed other clans that have people that have over 35M out of the top 3 due to we have more people participating and we have a lot of people that are in the mid-20M's. This Clash atm the clan in 3rd place currently they have 1 person at 36M after their 3 keys. No other clan has anyone above 35M atm with 13Hr left. I am trying to get a 2nd and 3rd team together to see if I can squeeze out the 12.5M I am missing to get a Clash chest. I probably won't get it. 

Our clan only has Normal and Hard unlocked. We kill Normal 100% but don't have like any damage on Hard so no easy x3 or x4 points from Brutal and Nightmare. Where I can just go and do 1-2 rounds of damage and get close to a 1m and then gain 4M points from it lol. 

There isn't a lot of motivation to strive for Top 3 for the lower clans either. After the first few times and then we get absolutely nothing even when getting Top 3 it is just meh to a lot of the clan mates in the clan I am in. 

I reset the key probably for 3 hours till I got a good respawn of the heads to be able to get that 22.5M. I hate the current heads. 

10 окт. 2023, 19:5110.10.23
10 окт. 2023, 20:03(отредактировано)

To the OP, I completely agree, I don't care.

edit: I reread that and did not mean to be sarcastic. I completely agree with wha you wrote. As you said some care about clash, some do not.  I'm among those that do not.

edit: when they get a proper solution, perhaps I'll start to care.

10 окт. 2023, 20:2310.10.23

I think that anything that detracts from the strength of the game, which is that it can be played AFK for the most part, is a bad idea. Permanent super raids is nice, but it doesn't change anything because I'm already firing and forgetting that stuff, it's not like I'm watching the dungeon runs and saving any time. PvP has always been terrible for wasting my time with the refreshes, but if live arena took it to a whole new level, the hydra clash is pretty much a space program. I'm not even particularly good at it, but a brutal run still takes an hour and a half, and that's assuming I don't restart because a head ate the wrong champ at the wrong time. I don't even want to spend that much time on Raid, and certainly not doing one single thing in it. Then there's the very real possibility that I won't actually get anything for that effort, despite being the only one in my clan able/willing to get 650M+ damage for the top chest, and ain't that just the cherry on top.

Don't try to compete for my time against real games, or pretty much anything else I could be doing really, it's not a battle you'll win. If you intend to try anyway, at least make it worth my while.

11 окт. 2023, 05:4611.10.23

Yeah, I've suggested several times now they lower the minimum score needed to get a chest.

Several early-mid-game guys in my clan bust their butts to help contribute, but get jack because they can't reach 35M

11 окт. 2023, 13:1611.10.23

To be clear, MooredRat / Ratted / Deehawk you guys are talking about a separate problem, and one which I don't think Plarium has any real intention of addressing, as they've already more or less stated that they want there to be a barrier at the lower end, probably to prevent people from being able to easily get high-end gear by just joining a clan and idling.

This week, we did end up winning 1st place, with 2B points, 700M of which came from me. That just goes to show how much of a problem this is. Most of my clan simply does not do Hydra, let alone do enough to matter for Clash. I'm at the point where I'm actually hoping that I see the top three clans are in the 3B+ level, so that I don't need to bother actually pushing to get my max points.

11 окт. 2023, 14:5211.10.23
11 окт. 2023, 22:22(отредактировано)

This game is about busting your butt to get better.  I dont like the idea of participation rewards.  Everyone can get chests from Normal or Hard Hydra when they have advanced far enough.  We need to face the reality that early to mid game players may not be ready for Hydra.  

EDIT:  Spelling.  

11 окт. 2023, 16:1211.10.23

Krama, I'll pass your thoughts on directly. Thanks for the feedback. <3

As he points out, doing a hydra run on manual can easily take well over an hour per key.

I'd like to also suggest that it would be nice if you could pause a hydra battle, -and do other stuff in game- and resume the battle when you're ready.

So for instance, I might work on hydra for 20 minutes, pause it, refresh arena and do a fight or two there, click that guy who leveled in sparring pit, go do some irl stuff, come back in a few hours, bang out a demon lord key, and then put another 15 minutes into manualling that hydra fight, etc.

Please pass that along as well, thank you.

11 окт. 2023, 16:3811.10.23

As he points out, doing a hydra run on manual can easily take well over an hour per key.

I'd like to also suggest that it would be nice if you could pause a hydra battle, -and do other stuff in game- and resume the battle when you're ready.

So for instance, I might work on hydra for 20 minutes, pause it, refresh arena and do a fight or two there, click that guy who leveled in sparring pit, go do some irl stuff, come back in a few hours, bang out a demon lord key, and then put another 15 minutes into manualling that hydra fight, etc.

Please pass that along as well, thank you.

I am in on this, though guessing 100% not worth their dev effort.  My last NM run was 6 hours real time with multiple hour long breaks.  Frigging work getting in way of raid....

I've long ago suggested being able to batch submit multibattles to run in bg for a different kind of double dipping.  IMagine being able to run 50 sand devils while doing hydra! They could even make this an unlockable feature after completing all daily tasks to incentivize increased engagement.... unfortuantely 100% not gonna happen.  I would strongly consider paying a monthly fee for this.

11 окт. 2023, 19:1711.10.23
11 окт. 2023, 19:30(отредактировано)

To be clear, MooredRat / Ratted / Deehawk you guys are talking about a separate problem, and one which I don't think Plarium has any real intention of addressing, as they've already more or less stated that they want there to be a barrier at the lower end, probably to prevent people from being able to easily get high-end gear by just joining a clan and idling.

This week, we did end up winning 1st place, with 2B points, 700M of which came from me. That just goes to show how much of a problem this is. Most of my clan simply does not do Hydra, let alone do enough to matter for Clash. I'm at the point where I'm actually hoping that I see the top three clans are in the 3B+ level, so that I don't need to bother actually pushing to get my max points.

It is kinda the same problem though. You say that you have clan mates that don't participate or work hard enough to be able to get the rewards to the level that you get them at. What if they don't have the gear or champions or stats and they are actually spending just as much if not more than you just to get what points they have. You stated that you sometimes have to spend an hour per key. I probably put in about 12+ hours working on hydra just to get to 31M since time was running out so just took the result. That is far over your 1 hr per key. You don't like putting in all that effort that you do into hydra and then not hit your top 3 to get a chest. Hell I put in about 3 hours and didn't even take the result of the key earlier today because it wasn't good enough still. Bad triggers, bad eats, bad RNG, bad head spawns, etc always some reason that I wasn't satisfied with the run. 

Your issue is that you are putting in 3 hours of work and time, but because your clan mates aren't doing the same you aren't hitting top 3 so you want something done about it. Auto-battles and AI are updates more than just Clash related. To get people "motivated" to do Clash there has to be the incentive to do so. Something that they can actually achieve that will make them do it. 

My clan placed 1st as well just like your clan. No one in my clan got any rewards for it though, I was the highest in my clan with 31M we were at 152M. In the entire Hydra Clash that my clan was in there was 1 person that was above 35M. His clan ended up 4th at 95M. Top 3 clans we were all over 100M. 

What do you want? It to be extended beyond top 3 that every clan if you get enough points gets something? That is "participation rewards" as someone else pointed out.  

"easily get high-end gear by just joining a clan and idling" Where did anything any of our 3 posts say that you can get something by just joining and idling. There are 4 chest levels in Hydra and there are 4 difficulty levels in Hydra. The chests should be representations of the difficulty levels. At the moment the chests points wise are: 

  1. Lowest Chest (35M+): 1 Key Hard (since 1 key Hard is with Multipler is 40M points  
  2. Next to lowest Chest (140M+): 1Key NM  (Max chest in NM is 36.6M *4 = 146.4M points)
  3. Next to highest Chest (350M+): Completely destroy NM  
  4. Highest Chest (650M+): "NM is a joke, where's mah Ultra-ultra-ultra-nightmare mode"

The only "requirements" for Hydra Clash is 10 players above 45 and 50 Clan Stars in 7 days.  If Hydra is meant to be something only for End Game players why is it released and available at level 45? If it is something meant only for lvl 100's as the words of some of you above in the post make it sound like that is your understanding of what Plarium wants for the feature. 

Perhaps that is why some of your clan mates don't participate in it. It has been content available to them since lvl 45 and everytime they have tried to go into it that it is just toxic gameplay that isn't fun at all to do. It is time consuming and a waste. Why would they bother trying to work on that content when it is content that is horribly designed? 

They do need to work on the auto-ability feature though for setups is one thing that people want since there are lots of things like Clan Boss where the auto-"syncs" after turn 3-6 you can then set it to auto and it will just go. Which makes it to where you can't do quick battle for it. My UNM NM team is like this for CB. I can Quick Battle 1key UNM, but for NM I have to do manual and then it can auto from turn 3 and beyond since I need to delay 1 ability 2 turns. Which they could then just add a thing that says "Delay" and then you can put a number in it. Then it won't use that ability till X number of turns that character has. 

11 окт. 2023, 19:2011.10.23

I am in on this, though guessing 100% not worth their dev effort.  My last NM run was 6 hours real time with multiple hour long breaks.  Frigging work getting in way of raid....

I've long ago suggested being able to batch submit multibattles to run in bg for a different kind of double dipping.  IMagine being able to run 50 sand devils while doing hydra! They could even make this an unlockable feature after completing all daily tasks to incentivize increased engagement.... unfortuantely 100% not gonna happen.  I would strongly consider paying a monthly fee for this.

"able to batch submit multibattles to run in bg for a different kind of double dipping.  IMagine being able to run 50 sand devils while doing hydra" this is what I thought Multi-battle was initially when I started playing. That it was just a quick X number of battles complete instantly based on an auto AI that you don't see any of the fight. Since features like this is what that button in other games normally is. Not "oh we will restart the fight automatically for you and let it run on Auto for hours while you do these 200 matches" 

They have the technology in game to do exactly what you suggest though it wouldn't run at the same time. It would just be "Quick Multi-Battle" you set it to Quick battle then do Multi-Battle and it does that many matches and shows you the results. 

11 окт. 2023, 22:3311.10.23
11 окт. 2023, 23:55(отредактировано)
Daehawk Gaming

It is kinda the same problem though. You say that you have clan mates that don't participate or work hard enough to be able to get the rewards to the level that you get them at. What if they don't have the gear or champions or stats and they are actually spending just as much if not more than you just to get what points they have. You stated that you sometimes have to spend an hour per key. I probably put in about 12+ hours working on hydra just to get to 31M since time was running out so just took the result. That is far over your 1 hr per key. You don't like putting in all that effort that you do into hydra and then not hit your top 3 to get a chest. Hell I put in about 3 hours and didn't even take the result of the key earlier today because it wasn't good enough still. Bad triggers, bad eats, bad RNG, bad head spawns, etc always some reason that I wasn't satisfied with the run. 

Your issue is that you are putting in 3 hours of work and time, but because your clan mates aren't doing the same you aren't hitting top 3 so you want something done about it. Auto-battles and AI are updates more than just Clash related. To get people "motivated" to do Clash there has to be the incentive to do so. Something that they can actually achieve that will make them do it. 

My clan placed 1st as well just like your clan. No one in my clan got any rewards for it though, I was the highest in my clan with 31M we were at 152M. In the entire Hydra Clash that my clan was in there was 1 person that was above 35M. His clan ended up 4th at 95M. Top 3 clans we were all over 100M. 

What do you want? It to be extended beyond top 3 that every clan if you get enough points gets something? That is "participation rewards" as someone else pointed out.  

"easily get high-end gear by just joining a clan and idling" Where did anything any of our 3 posts say that you can get something by just joining and idling. There are 4 chest levels in Hydra and there are 4 difficulty levels in Hydra. The chests should be representations of the difficulty levels. At the moment the chests points wise are: 

  1. Lowest Chest (35M+): 1 Key Hard (since 1 key Hard is with Multipler is 40M points  
  2. Next to lowest Chest (140M+): 1Key NM  (Max chest in NM is 36.6M *4 = 146.4M points)
  3. Next to highest Chest (350M+): Completely destroy NM  
  4. Highest Chest (650M+): "NM is a joke, where's mah Ultra-ultra-ultra-nightmare mode"

The only "requirements" for Hydra Clash is 10 players above 45 and 50 Clan Stars in 7 days.  If Hydra is meant to be something only for End Game players why is it released and available at level 45? If it is something meant only for lvl 100's as the words of some of you above in the post make it sound like that is your understanding of what Plarium wants for the feature. 

Perhaps that is why some of your clan mates don't participate in it. It has been content available to them since lvl 45 and everytime they have tried to go into it that it is just toxic gameplay that isn't fun at all to do. It is time consuming and a waste. Why would they bother trying to work on that content when it is content that is horribly designed? 

They do need to work on the auto-ability feature though for setups is one thing that people want since there are lots of things like Clan Boss where the auto-"syncs" after turn 3-6 you can then set it to auto and it will just go. Which makes it to where you can't do quick battle for it. My UNM NM team is like this for CB. I can Quick Battle 1key UNM, but for NM I have to do manual and then it can auto from turn 3 and beyond since I need to delay 1 ability 2 turns. Which they could then just add a thing that says "Delay" and then you can put a number in it. Then it won't use that ability till X number of turns that character has. 

Plarium makes it available at L45 so that some will pay to progress.  This is a business, that we are allowed to play for free if we choose.  But, we cant expect to have the same benefits as those who pay.  

The hours we play enable us to progress.  That is our reward.  

EDIT:  Spelling.  

12 окт. 2023, 08:1812.10.23

Hydra is the most abysmal waste of time in the game and not even any fun for the majority

12 окт. 2023, 16:4612.10.23

How is running 2x trunda on normal/hard not the same as the cadaver team?

My new solution (and can leave cadaver nerfed or not as I don't care 1 way or the other) is to hard cap clash points for normal (200M) and hard (400M).  Leave multipliers as is.

I also think a pai-gow type rule would be interesting where you can't score more points on a lower difficulty than a higher one.  So if I do 100M nm for 400M points.  The maximum I could get for brutal or lower would be capped at that, and so on... 🤔 

12 окт. 2023, 17:0412.10.23

No one part of this game should take over 30 minutes to complete. Having to run something for hours is just rediculous. 

12 окт. 2023, 18:0512.10.23

How is running 2x trunda on normal/hard not the same as the cadaver team?

My new solution (and can leave cadaver nerfed or not as I don't care 1 way or the other) is to hard cap clash points for normal (200M) and hard (400M).  Leave multipliers as is.

I also think a pai-gow type rule would be interesting where you can't score more points on a lower difficulty than a higher one.  So if I do 100M nm for 400M points.  The maximum I could get for brutal or lower would be capped at that, and so on... 🤔 

Idk how pai-gow works, but i do really like that idea of capping lower difficulty scores to your highest difficulty.

In principle, anyway. But I can see a problem with it: That would further hurt people who haven;t gotten up to nightmare yet.

Say hypothetically i'm a mid-game player who's put in a bit of time, but not a lot yet, of building decent hydra champs. I can do 20M on normal, 12m on hard, and maybe 5m if i'm lucky on brutal.

That would have my score capped at 45M instead of 61m, assuming the cap is figured *after* the multiplier, if it's before then id be stuck at 15m. that or I'd have to throw away a key to not count for clash, and also miss out on mithrala shards if i haven't reached her yet

12 окт. 2023, 18:5212.10.23

As he points out, doing a hydra run on manual can easily take well over an hour per key.

I'd like to also suggest that it would be nice if you could pause a hydra battle, -and do other stuff in game- and resume the battle when you're ready.

So for instance, I might work on hydra for 20 minutes, pause it, refresh arena and do a fight or two there, click that guy who leveled in sparring pit, go do some irl stuff, come back in a few hours, bang out a demon lord key, and then put another 15 minutes into manualling that hydra fight, etc.

Please pass that along as well, thank you.

Love this idea

12 окт. 2023, 18:5312.10.23

How is running 2x trunda on normal/hard not the same as the cadaver team?

My new solution (and can leave cadaver nerfed or not as I don't care 1 way or the other) is to hard cap clash points for normal (200M) and hard (400M).  Leave multipliers as is.

I also think a pai-gow type rule would be interesting where you can't score more points on a lower difficulty than a higher one.  So if I do 100M nm for 400M points.  The maximum I could get for brutal or lower would be capped at that, and so on... 🤔 

It's different in matter of degree.

But the cap idea is interesting. Thanks for the feedback.