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Corpulent Cadaver & Hydra Clash Discussion

Corpulent Cadaver & Hydra Clash Discussion

15 сент. 2023, 09:0215.09.23

Corpulent Cadaver & Hydra Clash Discussion

Hey folks, most of you know how Cadaver is affecting Hydra Clash, for good or ill. Why don't you help your friendly neighborhood mod out with feedback and go vote in the poll over on Reddit.

How Should Corpulent be changed, if at all?  

15 сент. 2023, 09:0915.09.23

Feel free to expound or share your thoughts here too, and I'll pass them on. <3

15 сент. 2023, 10:5115.09.23

How do we set up a corpulent cadaver unkillable team? :)

15 сент. 2023, 13:1115.09.23

Not a redditor, so I'll just post here - answer 3 is the easy choice.

15 сент. 2023, 13:5615.09.23

Not a redditor, so I'll just post here - answer 3 is the easy choice.

I refuse to believe you're not a #4 kind of guy.  Actually that's probably Trips.  😅 

15 сент. 2023, 15:3615.09.23

Who's corpulent cadaver, and how do I exploit him?

what's Reddit, and why would I care?

15 сент. 2023, 16:2815.09.23

For me, it's #3.

If people want to make comps in CB that just take an exorbitnant amount of turns to see the number go brrr, have fun. I have no interest in bothering them.

Clash on the other hand...😔

15 сент. 2023, 21:1115.09.23

Tbh, this isn't really a hard choice leave him as is. The hydra clash and the only place to get mythical fragments was only instogated because once you got Mithrala, basically everyone stops doing Hydra. On the whole it's very time hungry for those of us with little time. To those who can spend many hours a week on a single aspect of the game let them keep their fun and games.

15 сент. 2023, 21:3215.09.23

Tbh, this isn't really a hard choice leave him as is. The hydra clash and the only place to get mythical fragments was only instogated because once you got Mithrala, basically everyone stops doing Hydra. On the whole it's very time hungry for those of us with little time. To those who can spend many hours a week on a single aspect of the game let them keep their fun and games.

Yes because everyone's idea of fun is exploiting a rare champion to ruin 90 or so other peoples fun. The only people that want no change to this absolute garbage are those that are using it to ruin hydra clash for everyone else and cant field a proper team.

Hydra clash is terrible for many reasons but atm people cheesing a billion damage is the top offender of this steaming pile.

15 сент. 2023, 21:4015.09.23

Yes because everyone's idea of fun is exploiting a rare champion to ruin 90 or so other peoples fun. The only people that want no change to this absolute garbage are those that are using it to ruin hydra clash for everyone else and cant field a proper team.

Hydra clash is terrible for many reasons but atm people cheesing a billion damage is the top offender of this steaming pile.

Well, it is very hard to ruin Hydra Clash for me...as I do not like it at all.

It is a time-consuming activity and leads to Clans splitting as many of the activities...

In my opinion it is also not cheesing the damage...it is an oversight of Plarium again. the champion is in the game for many years...Infinity games are in the game for many years...now they bring some new game event (not even new content) and all of a sudden the champion should be blamed if this new event is lackluster and can be solved with a certain combination?

I spent some times week to build a Cadaver combo for CB...and use it in Hydra as well so it is kind of inferior to many of the 1 billion damage teams....but now the whole effort should be in vain because of a lacking game event? 

Nah, leave it as it is...or change the event so everybody participating gets some rewards...from 1st to 5th place...

15 сент. 2023, 21:4415.09.23
15 сент. 2023, 21:44(отредактировано)

Yeah, I heap absolutely zero of the blame for the state of affairs in Clash on players using it, and I think it's silly to do so.

I'm one such person using it but I'd also like to see the way Hydra works in terms of taking damage (damage cap pls) and/or scoring adjusted.

16 сент. 2023, 15:3716.09.23

I refuse to believe you're not a #4 kind of guy.  Actually that's probably Trips.  😅 

I'm using same teams as a year plus ago... no cheese (yet) for me!

I vote #6

I don't give a shit just make an effing decision...

Then I know what to do and can procrastinate on something else for 2023/2024...

16 сент. 2023, 19:2916.09.23
16 сент. 2023, 19:30(отредактировано)

Predicate the extra damage on a critical hit is what I'd do. It forces people to put some defensive stats they would have into crit rate, not to mention right now, the shield damage ignores everything that makes hydra difficult as you still get millions of damage off weak hits, and the respawn buff

17 сент. 2023, 09:5917.09.23

I have just built a cadaver team 🤣

17 сент. 2023, 14:5517.09.23

^^ Just to be clear i still think its cheese and makes a mockery of every other hydra team even though i decided if you cant beat them join them.

I would limit points on normal to 300 million and points on hard to 600 million.

17 сент. 2023, 18:0317.09.23

First of all ...REDDIT is the most TOXIC  platform for any game

so no not going to go  anywhere near a Reddit forum.. I dont need that negativity in my life

Thankfully I found a clan not filled with negativity

Raid  or Die       :))

17 сент. 2023, 22:0317.09.23
Trevor Wilson

^^ Just to be clear i still think its cheese and makes a mockery of every other hydra team even though i decided if you cant beat them join them.

I would limit points on normal to 300 million and points on hard to 600 million.

Agree. And up the multiples for brutal and NM significantly.  5x and 10x.

17 сент. 2023, 23:2117.09.23

I'm using same teams as a year plus ago... no cheese (yet) for me!

I vote #6

I don't give a shit just make an effing decision...

Then I know what to do and can procrastinate on something else for 2023/2024...

Are you even concerned? The only thing it changes it the wording of what you say you're procrastinating on, you'll still be procrastinating either way. lol

17 сент. 2023, 23:2117.09.23
Trevor Wilson

^^ Just to be clear i still think its cheese and makes a mockery of every other hydra team even though i decided if you cant beat them join them.

I would limit points on normal to 300 million and points on hard to 600 million.

I've certainly heard a bunch of much worse ideas. Thanks for the feedback!

17 сент. 2023, 23:2617.09.23

Well, it is very hard to ruin Hydra Clash for me...as I do not like it at all.

It is a time-consuming activity and leads to Clans splitting as many of the activities...

In my opinion it is also not cheesing the damage...it is an oversight of Plarium again. the champion is in the game for many years...Infinity games are in the game for many years...now they bring some new game event (not even new content) and all of a sudden the champion should be blamed if this new event is lackluster and can be solved with a certain combination?

I spent some times week to build a Cadaver combo for CB...and use it in Hydra as well so it is kind of inferior to many of the 1 billion damage teams....but now the whole effort should be in vain because of a lacking game event? 

Nah, leave it as it is...or change the event so everybody participating gets some rewards...from 1st to 5th place...

Changing the event so everyone gets rewards is good feedback that people who have already built Cadaver teams might like, thanks for the feedback!

18 сент. 2023, 01:2018.09.23
18 сент. 2023, 01:28(отредактировано)

If anything is going to be "nerfed" then it should have always been Corpulent Cadaver. There are many routes that you could take in order to cap the damage it can do. It is just a rare champion. Some examples below.

  1. Make it not apply to bosses (this would basically kill the champion though in all aspects. Not recommended.)
  2. Limit the damage based on the champion's max HP. 
  • It is an HP-Based Champion that grants a shield equal to 20% of it's max HP. Then it will attack and do damage based on 30% of the value of the shield. A 100k HP Corpulent will make a 20k HP shield. Base Damage then off the 20k Shield would be 6,000 damage. Add a line that says like "The damage cannot exceed X% of this champion's Max HP." (Kinda like how yall nerfed my boy Emic Trunkheart a few days before release. RIP Emic. And he is a legendary...) 
  • This would keep the unit useful in ways but it would also limit how much they could do. Say it was set as "cannot exceed 30% of this champion's Max HP." That would mean a 100k HP Cadaver could do a max of 30k damage. And Cadaver's shield would have to be at 100k HP. 
  • This would still encourage gearing the champion and making builds with it. 30k hits are still pretty hard hitting. Then add in say 200% Crit damage you'd be hitting for amazing damage for a rare champion. Not a game breaking number. 
  • This would still require you to have Shield Increase units to buff Cadavers shield further, but doesn't fundamentally change how the unit was originally created.

  1. Un-nerf Emic Trunkheart, but make it to where Emic and Bogni cannot both increase shields. Kinda of like how there are all those champions with "If there are multiple champions on the team with this skill only one will activate" but for the shield growth component of Emic and Bogni. They are both Legendaries. Emic only increases his own and a single ally and was nerfed. Bogni increases everyones. 

Hydra Clash has a lot more problems than just Cadaver though. The clan I am in only 1 person gets a chest when we place. The clan can kill Normal, but not Hard. Only has Normal and Hard unlocked. Clans with Brutal and Nightmare unlocked would have an easier time getting to the current 35M. We have placed 1st multiple times in the Clash but no one gets anything but 1 person who does 41mil and the rest are in the 5mil-20mil's. This discourages participation I've seen over the weeks where less and less are participating since they aren't getting anything. 

  • There are 4 difficulties in Hydra. 
  • There are 4 types of Chests in the Hydra Clash. Currently they are 650M, 350M, 140M, and 35M. 
  • Normal Hydra requires 6.66M for Final Chest, Hard Hydra requires 20.4M for Final Chest. Brutal requires 29.4M for Final Chest. Nightmare requires 36.6M for Final Chest. 
  • Clash points give 1x Normal, 2x Hard (First Key) , 3x Brutal (First Key) , and 4x for Nightmare (First Key) .
  • 4 Chests 4 Difficulties. They should go together. Since chests are Personal Score based and not Clan score based it should be points around what the final chests are, maybe slightly higher. 
  • Example: Normal requires 6.66M for final chest. You get 1x Points. If the 1st chest was 10mil then you would need to be able to 1 chest Normal and then do 2mil in Hard.
  • Example: Hard requires 20.4mil. x2 That and you get 40.8mil. Move it to 60mil and that means the person would have to be able to 1Key Hard and then get another 20mil points from either reclearing Hard or getting 7mil in Brutal or 20mil in Normal.
  • You could always also just double the multiplier and then multiply that by final Chest cost. So first chest would be 6.66M * 2 = 13.33M. Second chest would be 20.4M * 4 = 81.6M. Third chest would be 29.4M * 6 = 176.4M. Forth chest would be 36.6M * 8 = 292.8M. 
  • Another way to math it to make the top prizes even harder would be to in addition to the multiplied by double the multiplier you also add all the previous scores into it. So first chest would still be 13.33M but 2nd chest would now be 95M. Third chest would be 271.4M. Forth chest would be 564.2M. (Can leave it at 650M though imo since the top top should be a long strive.)
  • Placers getting the lowest chest would still take 3-5 weeks to get a Primal Shard if their clan is in first. (4-7 weeks if place second or third). 

There just needs to be more incentive to get the entire clan involved even new players. Otherwise it will discourage participation.