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Live Arena Preview and New Champ

Live Arena Preview and New Champ

3 апр. 2023, 13:2603.04.23

The champ seems to be strong, but his buff strip is single target only. Not much difference to Astralith in regards of killing champs with stoneskin. The only constellation where the new champ is better would be a situation where the stoneskin champ is not the fastest on the enemy team, and a bomb from Astralith would be reoved by Mithrala/Pythion before it can explode. In other words, he is counter to stoneskin UDK.

There's a key differene to the two. Astralith's bomb can get through Stoneskin, yes, but it does nothing against block debuffs.

Once this guy starts entering the meta, I fully expect the pendulum to start swinging back towards speed/CC being the new thing.

4 апр. 2023, 20:1204.04.23

I played Live Arena  times yesterday.  won the first one. lost 3 won the last one.  Just as last one wrapped up system wnet down for maintenance.   It is still trying to process the last battle 30+ hours later.

6 апр. 2023, 01:4506.04.23

My account is at lvl 54 and I don't have live arena yet, and in the Great Hall area Bonuses are hidden. am I missing something? 

6 апр. 2023, 16:5606.04.23

My account is at lvl 54 and I don't have live arena yet, and in the Great Hall area Bonuses are hidden. am I missing something? 

Live arena is only a beta test right now. Only the most active arena players, according to a certain recent time span, where invited to take part. 

I don't have live arena yet, too. You missed nothing.

7 апр. 2023, 14:1907.04.23

Is it normal that I don't have access to the live Arena? its says Hidden and I also can't access Area Bonus as well. it says hidden 

7 апр. 2023, 15:1807.04.23

i agree, the lego looks good... but i think, after a week of beta testing, if they keep the milestones for him as they are, 99% of the players will never get him.... when i see the leaderboard after a week in the beta, the best player, a whale/kraken, with 42+ mio player power is at sth above 1500 points ... so it would take him probably about 2 months to get to 4000, aka the last milestone .... but considering the very competitive nature of this area, the selective matchmaking etc. i don't think any "normal" player will get there anytime soon, especially when you start losing points for a loss, starting in the silver tier ....

8 апр. 2023, 18:4708.04.23

@moderators ... is there a dedicated thread/way where players that are currently in the beta for live arena can give feedback or suggestions report bugs to the developers? because isn't that the purpose of a beta, especially when they prolong it for yet another week?

or is it just post sth here and know that it never gets to/bothers the makers of this game, just like anything else ...

8 апр. 2023, 19:5608.04.23

@moderators ... is there a dedicated thread/way where players that are currently in the beta for live arena can give feedback or suggestions report bugs to the developers? because isn't that the purpose of a beta, especially when they prolong it for yet another week?

or is it just post sth here and know that it never gets to/bothers the makers of this game, just like anything else ...

I see you found the other thread I posted in. :)

Feedback is routinely pulled from the forum and sent along. 

9 апр. 2023, 03:0309.04.23

I dont like this champion, in fact, i already hate him 2 months in advance, since the only place i will likely ever see him is on opposing teams LOL

13 нояб. 2023, 16:1013.11.23

I'm actualy 79, with items and champs wich seem's to be near to mid game.

The live arena is absolutely onside and not fun. You know only after only one rotation of champ select who will win for players who aren't 95+... The fact is, we have to play it every day or just never play it ... and win 1 battle on 10 per day cause this only guy start the game and the 9 others guys have juste more years of advencements in the game ... wow such good feature ... this is clearly end game feature but ... me and some clan members just never fight with people of our rating ... 

I mean, some times i win vs some 100 player but it's just cause they are so dumb and make huge mistakes. mostly i d'ont even play matches cause i don't have the stuff to play vas teams with 400 speed or 100k+ hp and 5k+ def with full stone skin.. 

I0 find this game mod ... special to don't say anything to hard.

The point is there's no goal to call support fort this cause this isn't they're job.