FTSizzle13 янв. 2023, 13:3813.01.2322.08.21228:::sigh::: I still haven't gotten mine. 😔 Does it go into your inbox, or straight to the pool?
Angwil13 янв. 2023, 13:5313.01.2320.06.192181FTSizzle:::sigh::: I still haven't gotten mine. 😔 Does it go into your inbox, or straight to the pool?There's a pop up to let you know. Then the energy appears in your inbox with a 6 day period to collect.
FTSizzle14 янв. 2023, 18:3214.01.2322.08.21228Okay, so I still haven't gotten my eneregry for filling out the survey. Mods, can we look into this?
dthorne04Moderator14 янв. 2023, 23:1114.01.2330.12.206600FTSizzleOkay, so I still haven't gotten my eneregry for filling out the survey. Mods, can we look into this?As far as I can tell this isn't a common issue. =/ Please open a support ticket.
FTSizzle15 янв. 2023, 00:0615.01.2322.08.21228dthorne04Показать все цитатыAs far as I can tell this isn't a common issue. =/ Please open a support ticket. Thanks, Done :(
cvshealthsurvey.page28 сент. 2023, 12:1028.09.2328.09.231Some official surveys are more useful to gather honest opinions. loved to be part of this survey
harleQuinnModerator28 сент. 2023, 12:1228.09.2324.02.198066cvshealthsurvey.pageSome official surveys are more useful to gather honest opinions. loved to be part of this surveyConsidering this survey was closed a long time ago, I assert you and the several other deleted posters above you are ChatBots Thread closed