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Revenant's Path event AFTER 2-4-1 Lego - Shame on you Plarium!

Revenant's Path event AFTER 2-4-1 Lego - Shame on you Plarium!

16 нояб. 2022, 14:2416.11.22

Revenant's Path event AFTER 2-4-1 Lego - Shame on you Plarium!

What an absolutely FILTHY move that was, dropping this event and inc Champ Summons the day after you drop a double Ancient Lego event without giving us a heads up is just dishonest and down right dirty. 

You should all be ashamed of yourselves and if you have any morals or a shred of decency you would compensate the playerbase that pulled shards with a decent amount of Rev Path coins.You should all be ashamed of yourselves and if you have any morals or a shred of decency you would compensate the playerbase that pulled shards with a decent amount of Rev Path coins.

Shame on you!

16 нояб. 2022, 14:3316.11.22

You can always buy more shards in the shop.  

I personally haven't pulled for the extra leggo yet, so this is a great opportunnity.  I know how long I have to decide.  They always tell us when the event will be over.  It's a good idea imo always to wait a bit to decide just to see what else might pop up.

16 нояб. 2022, 14:3616.11.22

You can always buy more shards in the shop.  

I personally haven't pulled for the extra leggo yet, so this is a great opportunnity.  I know how long I have to decide.  They always tell us when the event will be over.  It's a good idea imo always to wait a bit to decide just to see what else might pop up.

What a narrow minded response. With that mentality you would be holding shards foreverHow can you not see this as anything but dishonest and damaging to the player base? 

They allowed us to spunk shards on an event knowing FULL WELL that this was dropping the next day and it would include summons to get coins.

It's wrong no matter how you look at it.

16 нояб. 2022, 14:4616.11.22

Hey Bub, I really don't like being called names.  If you don't have the willpower to hold on to your shards for even 24 hours during a 3 day event to see if some other added benefit opportunity may materialize, then by all means blow your wad the minute the doors open.  If you can't hold your horses, let em run, Bub.  If you think I'm narrow minded, well that's ok, what goes on in your mind is of no interest to me.  You do know, don't you, that when you open the game you're essentially walking into a gambling casino?  Well, I led you too the water.  Let's see if you drink.

16 нояб. 2022, 14:4616.11.22

So dramatic, Jesus. I love it when beggars get creative. Hey moderators, can I throw him some of my Revenant change? 

But hey, this is for the Feast, ok? Don't go spending it all on XP Brews now, you hear.

16 нояб. 2022, 15:0816.11.22

I mean - to be fair, he isn't wrong. This is the sort of move that Plarium pull all the time. But that's just the nature of the industry. Get people to spend their saved resources in suboptimal ways, and then incentivise them to spend to replenish them.

OP - you would be well advised to learn your lesson from this. You knew:

  1. There was an unknown event coming up, by virtue of the fact that it was there in the events tab. 
  2. The event was worded similarly to the previous Hero's Path event, which typically involved merging two "traditional" events into one, and so there was a decent chance one of the two events would be either Summon Rush or Champ Chase.
  3. You had two full days to take advantage of the 2x lego event, and therefore had no reason to use your shards immediately.

With all that information, you definitely should have realised it was a mistake to use your resources early.

16 нояб. 2022, 17:1116.11.22

Why do people now days have such a hard time understanding and coping with the simple fact that every Corporation on this planet only has one goal... everything they do is tied to that goal?  

Here, let me say what I assume you've never been told before: 

A corporation does not love you... they only want your MONEY. 

That corporation only cares if you are enjoying their product as long as you continue providing them with MONEY. 

Every single decision they make, addition, change, event, etc. they implement is to make MORE MONEY. 

If they could figure out a way to legally do it... they would take ALL OF YOUR MONEY. 

 They have behavioral Psychiatrist working for them whose sole purpose is to come up with additional
ways to make you want to give them your MONEY.  

And lastly... if you're one of those people who wear that "FTP Badge of Honor".... they REALLY don't care about what you think, how you feel, what you want, or anything you have to say. In their eyes you are nothing more than a parasite... one of a thousand extras in their movie... background noise… free cannon fodder for the people who give them... you guessed it!!!! MONEY.  

16 нояб. 2022, 17:3316.11.22

I mean - to be fair, he isn't wrong. This is the sort of move that Plarium pull all the time. But that's just the nature of the industry. Get people to spend their saved resources in suboptimal ways, and then incentivise them to spend to replenish them.

OP - you would be well advised to learn your lesson from this. You knew:

  1. There was an unknown event coming up, by virtue of the fact that it was there in the events tab. 
  2. The event was worded similarly to the previous Hero's Path event, which typically involved merging two "traditional" events into one, and so there was a decent chance one of the two events would be either Summon Rush or Champ Chase.
  3. You had two full days to take advantage of the 2x lego event, and therefore had no reason to use your shards immediately.

With all that information, you definitely should have realised it was a mistake to use your resources early.

This is what it is about. It would be nice if they would give a schedule to people and let them decide what is more important to them instead of springing things on us. But then there goes the bottom line. It is a business. After my abysmal pulls lately I think I am just going to hold shards for guaranteeds I want. No more fusions, nothing... 

16 нояб. 2022, 17:4616.11.22

This is what it is about. It would be nice if they would give a schedule to people and let them decide what is more important to them instead of springing things on us. But then there goes the bottom line. It is a business. After my abysmal pulls lately I think I am just going to hold shards for guaranteeds I want. No more fusions, nothing... 

You're a bit too early to be thinking about only saving for guaranteed events. I would highly recommend *not* pulling outside of fusions, but I would also highly recommend *not* skipping those, unless your resources are stretched too thin.

16 нояб. 2022, 17:5016.11.22

You're a bit too early to be thinking about only saving for guaranteed events. I would highly recommend *not* pulling outside of fusions, but I would also highly recommend *not* skipping those, unless your resources are stretched too thin.

Do you honestly think the last few fusions have been worth the time and effort involved in doing them? Not to mention the extra epics are gone now and the totals to reach the tiers keep escalating each and every one. While the rewards get less and less appealing for my point in the game. I guess I am kind of jaded on grinding for days for a lego that will sit in the vault waiting to be buffed someday. 

16 нояб. 2022, 17:5316.11.22

Also if I miss a couple of fusions, there will most certainly be more to follow with better champions. I see all the time where champions that were rated great are being outdone by newer champions. 

16 нояб. 2022, 17:5416.11.22

Well - for starters, let's take time and effort out of the equation. The only thing that matters are resources. If you're time-constrainted, or if you're bored/not feeling like doing the grind, that's a completely separate discussion, and one which you're obviously the best to judge for yourself.

Regarding resources, while it is true that the cost has gone up, you're incorrect in thinking that it is doing so at a rapid pace. The cost of these events hasn't risen significantly over time. Others have kept a running tally of them, and reached that conclusion. I'm going to make one of my own when I have some spare time, just to validate that for myself.

And lastly, as to whether they'd sit in your vault or find use - I daresay that for a newer player like yourself, every one of these fusions would be worth bringing to 60 for faction wars, if for nothing else. And that in and of itself is enough justification.

16 нояб. 2022, 18:1416.11.22
16 нояб. 2022, 18:29(отредактировано)

The simple fact of the matter is, there will always be another 10X, another 2X, another fusion, another guaranteed, another something - what each of us needs to decide is which of those you want and can participate in, and which to pass on. If you care about resources, invest them wisely. Don't blame Plarium for hanging the carrot in front of you, that's their job. The decision weather to bite or not - that's solely on you. 

16 нояб. 2022, 18:1516.11.22

This is what it is about. It would be nice if they would give a schedule to people and let them decide what is more important to them instead of springing things on us. But then there goes the bottom line. It is a business. After my abysmal pulls lately I think I am just going to hold shards for guaranteeds I want. No more fusions, nothing... 

"This is what it is about. It would be nice if they would give a schedule to people and let them decide what is more important to them instead of springing things on us." 


Why would they provide you with a schedule?  

What is their motivation to even bother being nice to you? (I mean I think they are pretty darn "nice" as it is. They make and support a game that you can participate in with ZERO cost to you. There are "free" things given out every day, I've seen at least half a dozen promo codes in the 2 months I've been playing, there have been I believe 3 Legendries handed out just this year, etc.)  

So... ask yourself this... which is more beneficial to Plarium (i.e. what is going to make them MORE MONEY)?  

A) To provide you with a schedule listing every event, when it will be, and what the rewards are so you can cherry pick what you want and save up the FREE resources needed to get it? 

B) To offer an event so you dump all the FREE resources you've saved up then give you an even more enticing event immediately following it? 

Undoubtably they are pretty good at implementing option "B" considering that from reading your original post I can assume that you blew all of your resources on the earlier event and the current event is enticing enough to you that you’re upset about not being able to complete it.  

16 нояб. 2022, 18:3616.11.22

"This is what it is about. It would be nice if they would give a schedule to people and let them decide what is more important to them instead of springing things on us." 


Why would they provide you with a schedule?  

What is their motivation to even bother being nice to you? (I mean I think they are pretty darn "nice" as it is. They make and support a game that you can participate in with ZERO cost to you. There are "free" things given out every day, I've seen at least half a dozen promo codes in the 2 months I've been playing, there have been I believe 3 Legendries handed out just this year, etc.)  

So... ask yourself this... which is more beneficial to Plarium (i.e. what is going to make them MORE MONEY)?  

A) To provide you with a schedule listing every event, when it will be, and what the rewards are so you can cherry pick what you want and save up the FREE resources needed to get it? 

B) To offer an event so you dump all the FREE resources you've saved up then give you an even more enticing event immediately following it? 

Undoubtably they are pretty good at implementing option "B" considering that from reading your original post I can assume that you blew all of your resources on the earlier event and the current event is enticing enough to you that you’re upset about not being able to complete it.  

I believe if you read my comments I basically said it is all about the money. No I am not upset about it. As usual as I have said I can choose to do things or choose not to. Hell I can actually choose to not play at all that's what's so good about it. If you have read any of the discussions lately they have been about this type of thing. If not I guess you have not read them. I am not mad about anything actually just starting to pick and choose what is worth it to me. Hell this game will be here for a while. If you do not get this champion get the next one you want. No time limit on the game. It is not gonna expire. You can do something or not do it. It is pretty simple actually, my choice is to abstain from things I no longer see as useful to me at this point in time. Yes a regular company you usually know the events coming up before they happen. The money grab part of this game but that's what they are in business for.

16 нояб. 2022, 18:3816.11.22

Well - for starters, let's take time and effort out of the equation. The only thing that matters are resources. If you're time-constrainted, or if you're bored/not feeling like doing the grind, that's a completely separate discussion, and one which you're obviously the best to judge for yourself.

Regarding resources, while it is true that the cost has gone up, you're incorrect in thinking that it is doing so at a rapid pace. The cost of these events hasn't risen significantly over time. Others have kept a running tally of them, and reached that conclusion. I'm going to make one of my own when I have some spare time, just to validate that for myself.

And lastly, as to whether they'd sit in your vault or find use - I daresay that for a newer player like yourself, every one of these fusions would be worth bringing to 60 for faction wars, if for nothing else. And that in and of itself is enough justification.

But at my age time and effort has everything to do with it I am old. 

16 нояб. 2022, 18:4116.11.22

It's simple. 

Is it worth the money? Buy it. Is it not worth it? Don't buy it. 

If it's not worth the money, but you still buy it, you're a sucker, and if Plarium doesn't take your money, someone else will. 

16 нояб. 2022, 18:5716.11.22

But at my age time and effort has everything to do with it I am old. 

And that is totally fair. My only point was - whenever I, or others on this forum, offer resource-based recommendations, such as for example, should you pull shards, we are always giving those suggestions purely on the basis of whether it is a good use of resources. We are not taking into context how much time or effort it may take you to accomplish what we're suggesting.

16 нояб. 2022, 18:5916.11.22

It's simple. 

Is it worth the money? Buy it. Is it not worth it? Don't buy it. 

If it's not worth the money, but you still buy it, you're a sucker, and if Plarium doesn't take your money, someone else will. 

I think that is just a bit too simplistic of a model. Yes, caveat emptor, etc etc etc.

But Plarium go out of their way to try to be deceptive. Does it make sense, business-wise? Surely it does. Plarium absolutely have entire teams dedicated to figuring out whether the business model makes sense. Is it dirty af, and should we be criticising them for it? Yes, we should.

16 нояб. 2022, 19:0316.11.22
16 нояб. 2022, 19:13(отредактировано)

And that is totally fair. My only point was - whenever I, or others on this forum, offer resource-based recommendations, such as for example, should you pull shards, we are always giving those suggestions purely on the basis of whether it is a good use of resources. We are not taking into context how much time or effort it may take you to accomplish what we're suggesting.

I truly appreciate all of the advice I have been given from the people on here. Dthorne, you and HarleQuinn have been a great source of information and insight. 

16 нояб. 2022, 19:2716.11.22

I think that is just a bit too simplistic of a model. Yes, caveat emptor, etc etc etc.

But Plarium go out of their way to try to be deceptive. Does it make sense, business-wise? Surely it does. Plarium absolutely have entire teams dedicated to figuring out whether the business model makes sense. Is it dirty af, and should we be criticising them for it? Yes, we should.

I have been a spender on this game. A pretty good one actually. But as time goes on I am seeing the trends and deciding not to be one. If you gave me a schedule and I wanted something I would spend to get it. If you do things like we are seeing consistently now where they are basically doing everything they can to get more out of you, it has basically pushed me back to not spending on the game. Just my view and my opinion. And lets all remember opinions are like @@@holes everyone has one. Good day