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Worst garbage of an event, congrats Plarium

Worst garbage of an event, congrats Plarium

21 окт. 2022, 20:2421.10.22

Worst garbage of an event, congrats Plarium


Seriously, what did I expect? The biggest garbage event I've ever seen so far.

Nearly 100M silver wasted on this, and what do I get? 200 gems and 150 energy? 

This is silver I could've used in CVC or just letting it sit on my account so I can show off randomly having +100M silver is better than this absolute garbage of a reward. 

The energy and body heat I expended having to click and type out this forum post was worth more than this garbage rewards.

The rewards you literally get for typing some random promo codes is worth more than this, and it's our big "new" halloween event. 

Absolutely worthless, someone thought this, coded it and people made all this new art, for what? 

I only blame my own dumb self for falling to Plarium and believing they could make something meaningful to reward their players with. I could've watched content creators who probably warned about this but I didn't. I went in blindly trusting this company (for the last time). 

Absolutely abhorrent behavior, unacceptable. Stop pretending like you don't know your own game and the reward system. 

It's trick or treat season after all, and Plarium decided to trick me out of my damn near 100M of silver.

Thanks a lot. What a ridiculous joke. 

21 окт. 2022, 20:3121.10.22

I've opened this so far. Not really interested to open it further....


21 окт. 2022, 20:4021.10.22

I've opened this so far. Not really interested to open it further....


You absolutely shouldn't.

This event is a SCAM. A hoax to make morons like me spend their resources before CVC so Plarium can hit that +0.00001% profit margin.

They treat their players and customers like statistic and work to exploit them in any way, shape or form. 

They literally just made this event 4 days before CVC and made it as worst as possible instead of extending it over to at least 1 day of CVC.

This company deserves nothing else but to be universally derided, mocked and despised. 

21 окт. 2022, 21:2021.10.22

after watching Scratch CC's youtube do the whole thing . Well I have to agree with you  both

But someone somewhere might get lucky , I am just wise enough to know that person will not be  me :D

Hard pass

21 окт. 2022, 21:2121.10.22

Even if you get "lucky" it doesn't seem worth it? The path of light is looking a lot better...

21 окт. 2022, 21:3521.10.22

Well, it's just like you said, OP - what did you expect? You fell for an obvious bait, chin up, learn from it and move on.  What else can you do?

It was known within the community what it was gonna be like beforehand. And it turned out exactly as advertised.

21 окт. 2022, 21:4721.10.22

Lol, did you not look at the possible drops before starting?  Did you not bother to check now and then to see what you were getting as you went along?  Or did you just rack up 40k points and flip all the cards at once?  Useful info here.  Thanks!  I believe now even more than before I made the right decision to wait and see what others got before going all in.

21 окт. 2022, 22:3721.10.22

I don't trust their events. I made it a habit to watch whale CCs try it out before I jump the gun. 

21 окт. 2022, 23:0021.10.22

You didn't need to watch any CC turning card to see what they got.

If you clicked on the information icon (the i in a circle), it shows you exactly what you get if you turn over all cards.

You would be a fool to think that you would get anything extra to that.

And as for the chests, the odds in getting 3 cards of the same rarety are so low that if you managed to get one then that would be a bonus, but not something that you can count on getting.

22 окт. 2022, 00:1622.10.22

I did manage to flip 3 rares and got 30 brews as a bonus... yay?

22 окт. 2022, 08:3022.10.22

Pointless event.

22 окт. 2022, 10:4722.10.22
22 окт. 2022, 10:47(отредактировано)

>If you clicked on the information icon (the i in a circle), it shows you exactly what you get if you turn over all cards. 

Not really. That is how it shown in-game:


Thus, cards with 150 energy, 180 gems, 500k silver, 2x3* and 2x4* chikens, etc. Not that bad actully.

And it is nowhere stated that 150 energy is a total, spreaded on 5 cards...

22 окт. 2022, 11:0822.10.22

Lol, did you not look at the possible drops before starting?  Did you not bother to check now and then to see what you were getting as you went along?  Or did you just rack up 40k points and flip all the cards at once?  Useful info here.  Thanks!  I believe now even more than before I made the right decision to wait and see what others got before going all in.

Is that an excuse for coding, programming, developing art for such an abyssmally bad event?

"I should've checked the rewards"

Wow, okay. You do realize this event came directly from all of our wallets? How about this company actually does something worthwhile with the money we support it with instead of throwing these carrots on a stick to scam even more out of us for some ridiculous 0.000001% profit margins ?


22 окт. 2022, 11:0922.10.22
22 окт. 2022, 11:25(отредактировано)

I tend to think these events are more free stuff so no harm done. However they really went out of their way to make the rewards trash. I have opened 8 or 9 and finally got three of a kind and got.... A rare book lol.

No big deal, it's free if I don't use resources specifically to get the cards, but definitely not worth using resources . If I had expended extra resources just to get cards then I would feel 

22 окт. 2022, 11:2322.10.22

I do enjoy this type of event it does need changed some but I enjoy the random mystery of it kinda exciting but can it be more free to play friendly please 

22 окт. 2022, 12:1222.10.22
22 окт. 2022, 12:14(отредактировано)

Is that an excuse for coding, programming, developing art for such an abyssmally bad event?

"I should've checked the rewards"

Wow, okay. You do realize this event came directly from all of our wallets? How about this company actually does something worthwhile with the money we support it with instead of throwing these carrots on a stick to scam even more out of us for some ridiculous 0.000001% profit margins ?



you shouldn't bother to read the advertising that comes with what you're buying.

you shouldn't know what the deal is before you go all in.

how dare someone dangle shiny things in front of you, tell you what you might win, then leave it up to you to make an informed decision. 

I have news for you!  None of this came out of my wallet, directly or indirectly.. if it came out of yours, you might want to evaluate your decision making process.

22 окт. 2022, 20:5222.10.22

Another lovely detail is how the multi-battle rewards are directly activated instead of going to the inbox. That makes them even more valuable than usual, as I save several annoying clicks in using them. Better yet, if I flip one of these bad boys 1 minute before reset it completely disappears, saving me even more time!

22 окт. 2022, 21:0222.10.22
Urlibu FTP

Another lovely detail is how the multi-battle rewards are directly activated instead of going to the inbox. That makes them even more valuable than usual, as I save several annoying clicks in using them. Better yet, if I flip one of these bad boys 1 minute before reset it completely disappears, saving me even more time!


24 окт. 2022, 00:0724.10.22

My bug wwith this type of event is not even the low rewards. If they have "events" like these with mediocre rewards, nobody is FORCED to do it right.

No, my bug is, what in the name of the holiest spirit does this "event" have ANYTHING to do with RSL? A fricking card game? If i want to play cards, i'll go on Pokerstars, not on RSL.

What's next? a candy crush event?

Whoever the genius who had this idea should be put on vacation for 2 weeks LOL

24 окт. 2022, 00:3324.10.22

My bug wwith this type of event is not even the low rewards. If they have "events" like these with mediocre rewards, nobody is FORCED to do it right.

No, my bug is, what in the name of the holiest spirit does this "event" have ANYTHING to do with RSL? A fricking card game? If i want to play cards, i'll go on Pokerstars, not on RSL.

What's next? a candy crush event?

Whoever the genius who had this idea should be put on vacation for 2 weeks LOL

See the OP... that is why they made this kind of event...😆 

People like to gamble... even when you never win anything... 

24 окт. 2022, 01:1524.10.22

tbh it did not feel so bad , since it was stuff i was doing and got extra ressource ... but it needs a lot of rework and better reward to feel like a good event to want to partake in