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Upcoming Fusion: Morrigaine (With Calendar)

Upcoming Fusion: Morrigaine (With Calendar)

22 окт. 2022, 13:0022.10.22
Trevor Wilson

I am with matrim, the champ is 'ok' but I have plenty of better champs without books. Not every fusion can be amazing however or the power creep would be even 

I agree... but if DT is correct or the champ is useful against nehkret (maybe a quick buff 😆) ... idk.  I've been saving for guaranteed sacred so long that even the classic fusion will be easy.... depends if cvc burns me out... at least I didn't get suckered by the cards...

22 окт. 2022, 14:1922.10.22
22 окт. 2022, 14:41(отредактировано)

I agree... but if DT is correct or the champ is useful against nehkret (maybe a quick buff 😆) ... idk.  I've been saving for guaranteed sacred so long that even the classic fusion will be easy.... depends if cvc burns me out... at least I didn't get suckered by the cards...

Meh. CvC is CvC. You invest a lot more resources into them than you get back, a lot more. After 1.5 years of CvCs, I have moved far past emptying the account for them. And in Stoneskin + Nekhret meta, the CvC accessories just don't do anything really.

Almost everyone thought Yoshi was an absolute skip, but I'm super happy to have him. Never once had a problem with the high resist, slow team meta. Arena champs and counters are valuable in Fusion form. :)

22 окт. 2022, 14:4622.10.22

Meh. CvC is CvC. You invest a lot more resources into them than you get back, a lot more. After 1.5 years of CvCs, I have moved far past emptying the account for them. And in Stoneskin + Nekhret meta, the CvC accessories just don't do anything really.

Almost everyone thought Yoshi was an absolute skip, but I'm super happy to have him. Never once had a problem with the high resist, slow team meta. Arena champs and counters are valuable in Fusion form. :)

I can do 200k in tag and 100k in forge for cvc.  Other stuff is 100k just doing dungeons and chickens and some upgrades... my library is fairly full if needed.... my portal is fuller :)

22 окт. 2022, 15:0422.10.22

I can do 200k in tag and 100k in forge for cvc.  Other stuff is 100k just doing dungeons and chickens and some upgrades... my library is fairly full if needed.... my portal is fuller :)

I mean, I totally agree you can make tons with F2P resources, especially in tag. I don't like going over the 15 gem tag pack though, if I can help it. And I stop for sure at the 40 gem pack. I feel like that limits me to about 90k in Tag, no? I wonder if I should be trying to get even more there.

I try and use CvC as my time to farm silver and forge and upgrade my gear as well, but I comfortably top out at like 275k before it starts way overly impacting my time. A lot of the F2P stuff to hit 250-350k every CvC takes being there, rather than buying a few gem packs and just autoing 1,000 spiders.

Nice on your books. I'm ALWAYS running on empty on books. I get plenty, sure, but I'm always booking something still.

22 окт. 2022, 16:2422.10.22

I'd get her If i didn't have champs that already do it better then her and hits harder 

22 окт. 2022, 21:3022.10.22

I honest to God am a little mournful in my heart-of-heart that I probably have no chance to get this fusion. 

I haven't managed to get any fusions yet, and I'd so love to be able to have a really great champion like this. This champ matter-of-fact is everything I'm aiming to get to add to my roster.

 She's got the Speed Increase Leadership* passive. Along with the turn meter boosts and the debuffs she has to offer tops it off for me. I think she's great and I personally could really use a champ like this. I do have Raglin, and goodness do I love my Raglin. Honestly, morrigaine is perfect for my teams.

23 окт. 2022, 04:1023.10.22

Remove buffs versus stealing buffs are two very different things. Taking a full buff suite off a champ is a very different strat than using a champ as a buff stripper. And something I am sorely in need of with Nekhret everywhere, on every team, always.

I'm not looking to use her as a "speed tuned" A1 Dec Speed champ in what I saw as a fairly easily solved dungeon in Iron Twins. Insted, Dec Speed is just a debuff I am getting in lieu of an A1 that does nothing. I don't even use a Dec Speed chmp in Iron Twins, it's not even necessary, that's how solveable the dungeon was, at least with late game gear and such.

19-20% speed aura is what a number of great legendaries have. Ukko, Duchess. Very good to see a Speed Aura over an Accuracy in FW or DT or something.

She's a very solid TM booster, that has a solid CC control option while enabling you to debuff important enemies in Arena so you can kill them rather than losing to them. Comparing every single ability to the main ability of another champ isn't the way to go here, in my opinion.

I think the thing I'd be looking for if I was looking for anything extra is a "can't resist" on her buff steal or her True Fear, but since I can regularly build 300 speed, 600+ accuracy champs in Immunity at this point, that isn't really a big deal anymore either.

Basically, I'm saying don't sleep on what she does, Rose. I don't think this champ is anywhere near a skip. :)

I probably should clarify that I don't think that all of my suggestions need to be implemented, but rather one of them.  Just something that makes her stand out a bit more rather than what feels to me like an average kit.  Like, all I'm saying is give us 1 great skill in there somewhere

Duchess having a 19% speed aura is fine because she excels at other areas.  Same for Ukko, whereby the 19% speed aura isn't his primary draw, but rather the remove 2 buffs with each hit skill.  I agree that I'd rather global auras than DT or Arena ones though.

The turn meter control is on a 4 turn cooldown, while someone like Deacon does 15% increase/decrease on a 2 turn cooldown, and brings AoE decrease defense plus a leech.  He also has a 19% speed aura to boot, and is an epic.  I think the 4 turn cooldown also makes it harder to use her for CB speed tunes

The heal reduction protected debuff just isn't making any sense to me.  The fact that it goes on the lowest HP enemy means it'll never trigger for Nether Spider if the spiderlings are out, and each time she has a turn it'll just keep being applied to the same target, yet fail at the same time because of the existing one that cannot be extended or reduced.  I really am interested in ideas of where this might be useful.  

This feels like the whole point of this champion, much like Nekhret has the buffs at the start of the round.  The idea here being able to throw a protected debuff out each turn.  You could almost remove this skill from her kit and she would function the same, as it looks like the better skills are the TM and CC ones.

I do agree that she could be beneficial to combat Nekhret's in Arena though.  I am genuinely interested in reconsidering doing this one.  I skipped the last fusion so I have more than enough resources to invest.  If it was a fragment champion then it would also make the case for me, as fragment champions can sit in my portal and be useful for future chases, but it sounds like this is a fusion one

23 окт. 2022, 06:3323.10.22

I probably should clarify that I don't think that all of my suggestions need to be implemented, but rather one of them.  Just something that makes her stand out a bit more rather than what feels to me like an average kit.  Like, all I'm saying is give us 1 great skill in there somewhere

Duchess having a 19% speed aura is fine because she excels at other areas.  Same for Ukko, whereby the 19% speed aura isn't his primary draw, but rather the remove 2 buffs with each hit skill.  I agree that I'd rather global auras than DT or Arena ones though.

The turn meter control is on a 4 turn cooldown, while someone like Deacon does 15% increase/decrease on a 2 turn cooldown, and brings AoE decrease defense plus a leech.  He also has a 19% speed aura to boot, and is an epic.  I think the 4 turn cooldown also makes it harder to use her for CB speed tunes

The heal reduction protected debuff just isn't making any sense to me.  The fact that it goes on the lowest HP enemy means it'll never trigger for Nether Spider if the spiderlings are out, and each time she has a turn it'll just keep being applied to the same target, yet fail at the same time because of the existing one that cannot be extended or reduced.  I really am interested in ideas of where this might be useful.  

This feels like the whole point of this champion, much like Nekhret has the buffs at the start of the round.  The idea here being able to throw a protected debuff out each turn.  You could almost remove this skill from her kit and she would function the same, as it looks like the better skills are the TM and CC ones.

I do agree that she could be beneficial to combat Nekhret's in Arena though.  I am genuinely interested in reconsidering doing this one.  I skipped the last fusion so I have more than enough resources to invest.  If it was a fragment champion then it would also make the case for me, as fragment champions can sit in my portal and be useful for future chases, but it sounds like this is a fusion one

I find that abilities like that Heal Reduction Debuff can often be important for future content, future champ matchups, etc... Things like Increase Accuracy champs show up before crazy high Resistance metas where buff strips are very important to even be able to do damage. Decrease Accuracy shows up before bosses where it could be a necessary addition. I would strongly suspect this will be the case here.

Overall though, it feels to me that are judging this one only comparing her to champs that do the very best at the same thing. (It doesn't matter if they're epics, tbh... Deacon is still one of the best champs in the game at TM boosting/control, Salad is the best at dropping True Fears everywhere...). She isn't a "garbage Lyssandra" like I am reading everywhere, she is a different Lyssandra. She isn't a garbage Ma'Shalled, she is different

I can easily see her solving a major problem for me, tag lineups with 2-3 Nekhrets, one in every team. I can also see her as helping me come over the top on enemy Siphi protections and smash that Rotos just sitting there waiting to kill me.

There is a new combination of abilities here, and all of them are good abilties. For me personally, an upgrade on the TM boosters I have. Here's the thing, Lyssandra is great, but if there's a Siphi or Nehkret or Duchess cut in, she just sits there and does nothing while I fruitlessly try and DPS through 10 buffs. I would love to be able to remove some of those to give my DPS a chance to do something, to actually do damage, and even better, prevent Siphi from keeping them alive with her heals, or prevent Cardiel from revive on deathing a Candy or Hephraak. :)

23 окт. 2022, 11:1923.10.22

But it's not really about how good she is but about is she worth completing the fusion for, some good abilities sure but not everyone can build '300 speed, 600+ accuracy champs in Immunity'   🙂  (though no doubt wish we could) if it's resistable it makes the A2 less appealing especially as so many now have Lydia who has the resistance aura

More (imo) a nice to have but not worth the fusion effort

23 окт. 2022, 11:3423.10.22

But it's not really about how good she is but about is she worth completing the fusion for, some good abilities sure but not everyone can build '300 speed, 600+ accuracy champs in Immunity'   🙂  (though no doubt wish we could) if it's resistable it makes the A2 less appealing especially as so many now have Lydia who has the resistance aura

More (imo) a nice to have but not worth the fusion effort

I couldn't build that either for the largest majority of my time playing Raid. But I was sure happy I had Maulie even when I finally could start hitting numbers like 275/575 last year. :)

I just think since you can't go back and fuse champs later, but gear farming is a forever constant, than fusing is worth almost always. Everyone can eventually hit those numbers with enough FK runs, over a long enough time, even being F2P. My last year of only FK shows that! :D

That said, I didn't give skipping Lothanaril a second thought. So everyone's mileage may vary of course on what they personally find worth fusing. I still see a decent amount of complaints from people who skipped Yoshi, who was a predominantly hated on Arena specialist when his kit was released. 

23 окт. 2022, 13:4623.10.22

Why Maulie so much?  I have 2 but rarely use her what am I missing out on?

23 окт. 2022, 15:0123.10.22

Just an awesome Hege counter, he attacks, she cuts with your whole team and you wreck . Maulie, and ofc Immunity gear she's wearing, has been the reason I've been able to just ignore Hege and Tormin teams forever.

She does great in Doom Tower as well. I use her in my Hydra teams too, as a way to lockdown decay, get some TM boosts and occasionally a cheeky revive.

23 окт. 2022, 15:0423.10.22

Why Maulie so much?  I have 2 but rarely use her what am I missing out on?

she packs a lot of utility into a single champion. she brings reliable AoE crowd control on a short cooldown, gives your team a reviver, and provides a consistent tm boost through her passive.

she reminds me a lot of an improved version of scyll. they have fairly similar kits, but i'd say maulie's abilities are generally the more useful ones (save that scyll has a much better a1).

24 окт. 2022, 01:0124.10.22

Also, especially importantly - for Hydra and DTH, but even for arena - she has a 50% chance for a 2-turn provoke. That is *huge*.

And her passive is just unbelievably good for Hydra.

24 окт. 2022, 06:5724.10.22

Thanks everyone for the Maulie info - I never realised I had a little gem (or 2) in the vault 🙂

25 окт. 2022, 10:5225.10.22

Morrigaine has some serious base speed, I'll say that much...


25 окт. 2022, 10:5925.10.22

Morrigaine has some serious base speed, I'll say that much...


I believe she's beaten out by 3 champs: Blind Seer/Cybele at 115 and Siphi at 114. O_O

27 окт. 2022, 09:4427.10.22
27 окт. 2022, 11:28(отредактировано)

So the epics in this fusion are apparently going to be Mystic Priest Orn, which has the following skillset:

A1 - Spore Stick

Attack 1 enemy 2 times, each hit has a 30% chance (booked to 40%) of placing a 5% poison debuff for 2 turns

A2 - Erupting Growths - 4 Turn CD (booked to 3)

Attack 1 enemy 2 times, each hit has a 75% chance (booked to 100%) of instantly activating one 5% poison debuff on the target

A3 - The Colony Expands - 4 turn CD (booked to 3)

Attack all enemies, has a 75% chance (booked to 100%) of placing two 5% poison debuffs, and a 25% poison sensitivity debuff for 2 turns.  Heals this champion by 5% of their Max HP for each Poison Debuff placed by this skill

Passive - Mycelium

Whenever a Poison debuff is activated on an enemy, increases this Champions HP and DEF by %.  Stacks up to 25%.  Resets each round

This champion looked like an amazing one on paper, and was essentially another Urogrim in that he brought poisons and self heal to the battle, essentially making him capable of solo farming content.

But then there appears to now be a nerf inbound, making his new kit look like:

A1 - Spore Stick

Attack 1 enemy 2 times, each hit has a 15% chance (booked to 25%) of placing a 5% poison debuff for 2 turns

A2 - Erupting Growths - 4 Turn CD (booked to 3)

Attack 1 enemy 2 times, each hit has a 75% chance (booked to 100%) of instantly activating one 5% poison debuff on the target

A3 - The Colony Expands - 4 turn CD (booked to 3)

Attack all enemies, has a 50% chance (booked to 75%) of placing two 5% poison debuffs, and a 25% poison sensitivity debuff for 2 turns.  Heals this champion by 5% of their Max HP for each Poison Debuff placed by this skill 

Passive - Mycelium

Whenever a Poison debuff is activated on an enemy, increases this Champions HP and DEF by %.  Stacks up to 25%.  Resets each round 

I'll be honest in that I actually do think that a nerf was needed, and it was great that it was done before anyone actually got him, but it just baffles me how this got through so far in the release to begin with!  Plarium really need to start hiring QA people that actually play the game.. 

In any event, I still think the champion could solo some content, but it would just take longer.  Might still be worthwhile picking one up for those not doing the fusion

27 окт. 2022, 09:5227.10.22
27 окт. 2022, 09:53(отредактировано)

Demytha was an epic i picked up instead of completing the lego fusion and she has been incredibly useful.

Even with the nerf i will pick that epic up just in case.

27 окт. 2022, 10:3227.10.22

There's also the fact that the epic belongs to the new faction, and most people will be starved for champions to do FW. Might be worth it for that reason alone, even if it's just an epic in the general "good" area.