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Last time i put money in Your game

Last time i put money in Your game

3 июнь 2019, 21:1503.06.19

I've gotten one legendary, in which I'm not impressed with, but am holding onto if he ever becomes useful.

I'm still Consistantly Gold IV rank, I can clear all the keeps at 15, I've got dragon to 13, Fire knight to 11, Ice golem at 13, minotaur 14, (Working on spider, just pulled a bellower not long ago, hopefully this helps alot)

I can consistently do 5 million damage on hard mode Clan Boss (and much more on lowers).

All with my strongest unit being Kael, a starter unit, and a handful of useful epics I've been lucky to get.

Some legendaries are broken beyond imagining, which makes them feel awesome when you get them, but they really aren't needed.
3 июнь 2019, 22:5303.06.19
3 июнь 2019, 23:00(отредактировано)

Demmorith said:

KiwiMcSheep said:


I wouldn't write champions off so quickly, some have more refined purposes or they are as apparent as others, but they are generally all good, some just need some extra thought around them.

Grats btw


Well normally I'd agree with you, but Black Knight is flawed to the core, his abilities are really low for a legendary rarity. Have a look at most of the legendaries, they got so much text with what they do it's amazing, taunt, AoE, lifesteal, shield, dmg buffs, 3+ hits etc. 
First the normal attack of the Black Knight is just an attack, just that, with provoke, i can get that on 5+ rares, with the same normal abillity.

Second his buffs, this is okayish, some rares even got higher values, but I'll give credit to the fact that is only on 3 cooldown.

The third ability is another low ability that makes no sense, it's AoE, and deals more dmg as the champion has lower HP, but let's take arena for example, by the time my hero is under 50% half of the enemy team is already dead, so I'm missing alot of DPS, and don't think the dmg is huge, it's not, I've tested with him at 10% hp and it deals the same dmg as my Kael's first ability (they're both lvl50 and geared the same).

Lastly passive, this is the best part, not only it needs a HUGE amount of damage for him to take so it triggers (30% HP in one hit) but it can trigger early on, example from 100% to 70%, it makes him UNABLE TO DIE for 1 turn, it's already too much hp for him to benefit from this, his turn comes, he does something, the buff expires, cd 2 rounds, in two rounds next in arena he dies. So you get 0 benefit.... 

And this is just one of many flawed legendaries. The only one i've tested, so yeah, I'd say he's pretty bad, cause I have it, and I've tried everything, it doesn't work. 


I believe it to be each to their own perspective.

Black Knight is a hp based champion(22k) where his secondary stat is def(1.1k) with decent base spd of 100

The 1st move, 

a guaranteed provoke on crit, this is amazing, let's talk arena for this one, placing a provoke on a champion like tower, santa, gorg, seeker, Lysandra etc, can be extremely useful. 

2nd move

This one places a 2 turn continuous heal and def buff, on a 3 turn cooldown(can be reduced to a 2 turn cd), this is actually again good as it provides your team with a basic heal if its a team based of HP or DEF, this move is quite substantial. Def champions will take more damage and do more damage with heals to back them up.  

personally, I would like to see how this helps with the clan boss running reflex on him and because I wouldn't use his 3rd move till the end, talents to reduce cooldowns and extend buff duration, there's a possibility he could be great at stacking heals for the rest of the team also consider the def buff will mean your team last for longer which means more damage from your damage dealers.  

3rd move

Attacks all and damage is based on this champions HP, I like this move, in combo with his passive. Heres why, forgive me I have to explain how I would build him to complete the picture.

First off I have only try to boost his HP(to about 70k), spd(200), crit rate(80%+) and crit dmg(200%+). then maybe some sub-stats for def here an there.

My goal would be to run in on an HP and DEF based team where I would apply his 2nd move first or if necessary use his provoke (depending on the team I'm attacking), and because most teams go for damage, I would count on him either been substantially damaged or near death with the unkillable buff, then though the 15% heal would apply, I would then use his last move to lay waste to the team, with high crit rate and damage the damage output will be quite substantial and should level a lot of the champions, remember I would run him on an HP or Def based team.

on a side note, my arena team always triggers that passive.....would love to give you a more live example but I'm not so lucky.

Regarding comparing skills and effects individually to rares, I could do that even with the whats consider the best legendaries, its the package in a whole which makes this legendary good.

You're talking to the player that made Tomb lord wipe gold 4 arena teams, but by his ratings is the worst champion, which I obviously disagree with.

many thanks

4 июнь 2019, 06:1704.06.19
4 июнь 2019, 06:31(отредактировано)

kalo said:

I understand the whole point of rarity and all, but oftentimes it feels so f*ed-up. Recently, I opened 4 sacred shards, about 10 voids and 50+ ancients - I only got a couple good epics. While my clan mate opened one sacred and one void and got Lyssandra and Sir Nicolas.

Am I happy for my clan mate? Yes. Am I jealous? Yeah. Do I feel like I'm wasting time in this game? Most certainly. With all the hard work we put into this game, we ultimately let the RNG decide whether it's gonna be rewarded with some decent champ or simply flushed down the drain.

It's like, you go to work every morning, at the end of the month you get your paycheck randomly for 2K to 10K, in a random currency. Oh wait no, it's not your paycheck - yours is next month, most likely, 6% chance.

My only hope is fusion, which is "just around the corner" and I got like 200 useless champs to fuse. I'm pretty sure with my luck, once fusion is out, I'll be missing that 201-st champ to complete it.

Truuee bro ! 100% we ll be sad  cuz  we have 200 heroes  for  fusion and we will miss one to complete it. :|

25 июнь 2019, 04:5425.06.19
25 июнь 2019, 04:55(отредактировано)

KiwiMcSheep said:


I believe it to be each to their own perspective.

Black Knight is a hp based champion(22k) where his secondary stat is def(1.1k) with decent base spd of 100

The 1st move, 

a guaranteed provoke on crit, this is amazing, let's talk arena for this one, placing a provoke on a champion like tower, santa, gorg, seeker, Lysandra etc, can be extremely useful. 

2nd move

This one places a 2 turn continuous heal and def buff, on a 3 turn cooldown(can be reduced to a 2 turn cd), this is actually again good as it provides your team with a basic heal if its a team based of HP or DEF, this move is quite substantial. Def champions will take more damage and do more damage with heals to back them up.  

personally, I would like to see how this helps with the clan boss running reflex on him and because I wouldn't use his 3rd move till the end, talents to reduce cooldowns and extend buff duration, there's a possibility he could be great at stacking heals for the rest of the team also consider the def buff will mean your team last for longer which means more damage from your damage dealers.  

3rd move

Attacks all and damage is based on this champions HP, I like this move, in combo with his passive. Heres why, forgive me I have to explain how I would build him to complete the picture.

First off I have only try to boost his HP(to about 70k), spd(200), crit rate(80%+) and crit dmg(200%+). then maybe some sub-stats for def here an there.

My goal would be to run in on an HP and DEF based team where I would apply his 2nd move first or if necessary use his provoke (depending on the team I'm attacking), and because most teams go for damage, I would count on him either been substantially damaged or near death with the unkillable buff, then though the 15% heal would apply, I would then use his last move to lay waste to the team, with high crit rate and damage the damage output will be quite substantial and should level a lot of the champions, remember I would run him on an HP or Def based team.

As a black knight owner I would disagree with almost all of what was said. Allow me to explain. This is a post I made in another thread, but never got a reply. I hope this is seen as constructive, I just really think that Black knight is not as well balanced as the game devs may think. 

I appreciate this sentiment and I highly agree that not every champ should do tons of damage, and perhaps black knight would be better decked out in 6* legend gear (some champs are more stat reliant); However I would like to say that he is also severely underperforming as a tank. Because there is no reason to target him. His defense buff is only 30% and he only gives one continuous heal which doesn't generate enough threat for people to target him, and as you say he doesn't deal enough damage to constitute a threat, nor does he have anything but a single target provoke (on crit which is generally something you want on attackers).   


Both in Dungeons and arena he simply does a tiny bit of healing and a tiny bit of damage until he is the final person left. in which situation his passive doesnt matter because he cant 1v1 much less 2-3-4 and even if he gets taken down to 1hp his third skill doesn't deal 1 damage for every hp lost it's some weird proportion that means it deals very little damage even with tons of Max  hp. I would love to see him either given some scaling or buffs to make him more of a damage threat, or like an aoe provoke and block damage for one turn, or an aoe provoke/reflect damage for one turn. or make him a better support to increase his threat level. But sadly at the moment you are correct that he is a defensive character, but he has absolutely nothing to make people want to attack him, and unfortunately  a defensive character that can't either force you or make you want to attack him is pointless.

5 июль 2019, 14:5005.07.19

Oblate said:

Guys, honestly get over it. A guy in my clan is level 53 and has no legendary, but still runs a team of epics with over 100k power in the arena and sits in Gold Tier IV. Does 7 million damage to Clan Boss per hit.

The beauty of this game is that the Devs are protecting the rarity of Legendaries. Take Heroes of Dragon Age, for example. That game had great graphics and was almost identical to this game. But it died a few months after launching because, soon enough, people were fielding full teams of Legendary champions. It forced the Devs to implement huge amounts of power creep, and to continually release newer and better champions which negated all the old champions and tech.

What this game is doing is smart. Keep Legendaries very rare. The way it should be. And still give Rares and Epics appeal and great utility.

As The Incredibles said: "Once everyone is incredible, no one is".

I agree - it's important to protect the rarity of Legendary Heroes. Once you tilt the scales the other way the game becomes diluted and quite frankly probably less exciting.  There are plenty of excellent Epic and Rare characters that do more than a satisfactory job in specific areas of the game if you devote the resources to them. Heck there is a totally farmable Arena team posted in Reddit. Warmaiden, Spirit Host, any of your starting heroes and Berserker.  One thing I would like to point out though is duplicates of the rarer heroes are a drag.  I have only one Legendary (Cupidus) myself and getting another Cupidus would really suck, I REALLY hope that doesn't happen (if I get lucky enough to get a 2nd Legendary LOL). However I feel the same about Epics.  Yes they can be used as Tomes but that just feels kind of lame. The excitement of a new skill level isn't as much as that of a shiny brand Epic Hero.

Maybe the odds of a Legendary should increase every so slightly as you use more sacred shards as it can get frustrating if after 15 shards you don't get any Legendaries. But those odds should reset to normal once you get that legendary and then start increasing ever so slightly again a bit after you start using more shards again, if that makes sense.
5 июль 2019, 15:0005.07.19
Level 53 no legi. This Suxxxxxxx in Arena!!!!!
8 июль 2019, 17:3508.07.19

I'm not sure why you guys say legendaries are rare. I come across many players in bronze having 1-2 or even 3 legendaries. In BRONZE lol. The issue isn't the rarity. If they were actually rare and NOT buy-able, that would be the correct answer. But they aren't rare and are buyable. And look, you can spend $30-50 to get a shard (I don't know why anyone would) and even get a legendary. But ooops you got a bad legendary. Maybe next time. I couldn't imagine how that would make me feel, which is why I won't ever buy a shard. It's designed to make you appeal to your emotions and pull out your wallet. They exploit human tendances, emotions, lusts, etc. Just learn what they are and crucify those lusts and save your money for better days.